N. M. Makarov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Technical Design Report of the Spin Physics Detector at NICA 2024 The SPD Collaboration
V. Abazov
V. Abramov
L. Afanasyev
R. Akhunzyanov
A. Akindinov
I. Alekseev
A. Aleshko
V. Alexakhin
G. D. Alexeev
+ PDF Chat Left-to-right and right-to-left switching of a unidirectional reflection 2017 Jesús de Nazareth Ramírez-Hernández
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ ${ \mathcal P }{ \mathcal T }$-symmetric transport in non-${ \mathcal P }{ \mathcal T }$-symmetric bi-layer optical arrays 2016 Jesús de Nazareth Ramírez-Hernández
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
D.N. Christodoulides
+ PDF Chat Iterative method for generating correlated binary sequences 2014 O. V. Usatenko
S.S. Melnik
S. S. Apostolov
N. M. Makarov
A. A. Krokhin
+ PDF Chat Reflection resonances in surface-disordered waveguides: strong higher-order effects of the disorder 2014 Jörg Doppler
J. A. Méndez‐Bermúdez
Johannes Feist
Otto Dietz
Dmitry O. Krimer
N. M. Makarov
F. M. Izrailev
Stefan Rotter
+ PDF Chat Resonant enhancement of Anderson localization: Analytical approach 2013 I. F. Herrera-González
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Non-conventional Anderson localization in a matched quarter stack with metamaterials 2013 E. Jonathan Torres-Herrera
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Enhanced transmission of terahertz radiation through a periodically modulated slab of layered superconductor 2013 D. V. Kadygrob
N. M. Makarov
F. Pérez-Rodrı́guez
T. M. Slipchenko
V. A. Yampol’skiı̆
+ PDF Chat Surface scattering and band gaps in rough waveguides and nanowires 2012 Otto Dietz
H.‐J. Stöckmann
Ulrich Kuhl
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
Jörg Doppler
Florian Libisch
Stefan Rotter
+ Surface Scattering and Band Gaps in Rough Nanowires and Waveguides 2012 Otto Dietz
H.-J. Stöckmann
Ulrich Kuhl
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
Jörg Doppler
Florian Libisch
Stefan Rotter
+ PDF Chat Non-conventional Anderson localization in bilayered structures 2012 E. Jonathan Torres-Herrera
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Anomalous localization in low-dimensional systems with correlated disorder 2011 F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Discrimination between two mechanisms of surface scattering in a single-mode waveguide 2011 M. Rendón
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization in metamaterials with compositional disorder 2011 E. Jonathan Torres-Herrera
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Ballistic, diffusive, and localized transport in surface-disordered systems: Two-mode waveguide 2011 M. Rendón
N. M. Makarov
F. M. Izrailev
+ PDF Chat Anomalous transmission in waveguides with correlated disorder in surface profiles 2011 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Microwave realization of quasi-one-dimensional systems with correlated disorder 2011 Otto Dietz
Ulrich Kuhl
H.‐J. Stöckmann
N. M. Makarov
F. M. Izrailev
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization in bi-layer array with compositional disorder: Conventional photonic crystals versus metamaterials 2010 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
E. Jonathan Torres-Herrera
+ PDF Chat One dimensional Kronig-Penney model with positional disorder: Theory versus experiment 2009 G. A. Luna‐Acosta
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
Ulrich Kuhl
H.‐J. Stöckmann
+ PDF Chat Localization in Correlated Bilayer Structures: From Photonic Crystals to Metamaterials and Semiconductor Superlattices 2009 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ Selective transport in systems with correlated disorder 2008 N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat The Signum function method for the generation of correlated dichotomic chains 2008 S. S. Apostolov
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
Z. A. Mayzelis
S. S. Melnyk
O. V. Usatenko
+ PDF Chat Generation of correlated binary sequences from white noise 2007 F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
N. M. Makarov
O. V. Usatenko
+ Square-gradient mechanism of surface scattering in quasi-1D rough waveguides 2006 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
M. Rendón
+ PDF Chat Memory function versus binary correlator in additive Markov chains 2006 F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
N. M. Makarov
S. S. Melnyk
O. V. Usatenko
V. A. Yampol’skiı̆
+ PDF Chat Manifestation of the roughness-square-gradient scattering in surface-corrugated waveguides 2006 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
M. Rendón
+ Square-gradient mechanism of surface scattering in quasi-1D rough waveguides 2006 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
M. Rendón
+ PDF Chat Anomalous transport in low-dimensional systems with correlated disorder 2005 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Gradient and amplitude scattering in surface-corrugated waveguides 2005 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
M. Rendón
+ PDF Chat Rough surface scattering in many‐mode conducting channels: gradient versus amplitude scattering 2005 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
M. Rendón
+ PDF Chat Scattering by one-dimensional smooth potentials: between WKB and Born approximation 2005 Konstantin Y. Bliokh
V. Freilikher
N. M. Makarov
+ The Twilight Zone in the Over-barrier Scattering: between Perturbation Theory and Quasiclassics 2005 N. M. Makarov
Konstantin Y. Bliokh
V. Freilikher
+ PDF Chat Selective transport and mobility edges in quasi-one-dimensional systems with a stratified correlated disorder 2004 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Controlled transparency of many‐mode waveguides with rough surface 2003 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Onset of delocalization in quasi-one-dimensional waveguides with correlated surface disorder 2003 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ Controlled transparency of many-mode waveguides with rough surface 2003 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ Localization of waves in a single-mode waveguide with statistically identical rough boundaries 2002 N. M. Makarov
Yu. V. Tarasov
+ PDF Chat Electron localization in narrow surface-corrugated conducting channels: Manifestation of competing scattering mechanisms 2001 N. M. Makarov
Yu. V. Tarasov
+ PDF Chat Selective transparency of single-mode waveguides with surface scattering 2001 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative results for the spectrum of surface-disordered waveguides 1998 N. M. Makarov
A. V. Moroz
+ PDF Chat Conductance of a single-mode electron waveguide with statistically identical rough boundaries 1998 N. M. Makarov
Yu. V. Tarasov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Localization and the Mobility Edge in One-Dimensional Potentials with Correlated Disorder 1999 F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
+ PDF Chat Experimental observation of the mobility edge in a waveguide with correlated disorder 2000 Ulrich Kuhl
F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
H.-J. Stöckmann
+ PDF Chat Selective transparency of single-mode waveguides with surface scattering 2001 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Mobility edge in aperiodic Kronig-Penney potentials with correlated disorder: Perturbative approach 2001 F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
Sergio E. Ulloa
+ PDF Chat Reflection and transmission of waves in surface-disordered waveguides 1999 José A. Sánchez‐Gil
V. Freilikher
A. A. Maradudin
I. V. Yurkevich
+ PDF Chat Anomalous transport in low-dimensional systems with correlated disorder 2005 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Onset of delocalization in quasi-one-dimensional waveguides with correlated surface disorder 2003 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Conductance of a single-mode electron waveguide with statistically identical rough boundaries 1998 N. M. Makarov
Yu. V. Tarasov
+ PDF Chat Enhancement of Localization in One-Dimensional Random Potentials with Long-Range Correlations 2008 Ulrich Kuhl
F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
+ PDF Chat Experimental Evidence of Delocalized States in Random Dimer Superlattices 1999 V. Bellani
E. Díez
R. Hey
L. Toni
Luciano Tarricone
G. B. Parravicini
F. Domı́nguez-Adame
R. Alcalá
+ PDF Chat Localization in Correlated Bilayer Structures: From Photonic Crystals to Metamaterials and Semiconductor Superlattices 2009 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Selective transport and mobility edges in quasi-one-dimensional systems with a stratified correlated disorder 2004 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Anomalous properties of the Kronig–Penney model with compositional and structural disorder 2008 J.C. Hernández Herrejón
F. M. Izrailev
L. Tessieri
+ PDF Chat One dimensional Kronig-Penney model with positional disorder: Theory versus experiment 2009 G. A. Luna‐Acosta
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
Ulrich Kuhl
H.‐J. Stöckmann
+ PDF Chat Electron localization in narrow surface-corrugated conducting channels: Manifestation of competing scattering mechanisms 2001 N. M. Makarov
Yu. V. Tarasov
+ PDF Chat Density-matrix spectra for integrable models 1999 Ingo Peschel
Matthias Kaulke
Örs Legeza
+ PDF Chat Intensity Distribution of Modes in Surface Corrugated Waveguides 1998 Antonio García‐Martín
José Antonio Garrido Torres
J. J. Sáenz
M. Nieto‐Vesperinas
+ PDF Chat Classical representation of the one-dimensional Anderson model 1998 F. M. Izrailev
Stefano Ruffo
L. Tessieri
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization in bi-layer array with compositional disorder: Conventional photonic crystals versus metamaterials 2010 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
E. Jonathan Torres-Herrera
+ PDF Chat Gradient and amplitude scattering in surface-corrugated waveguides 2005 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
M. Rendón
+ An Introduction to Invariant Imbedding 1976 Richard Bellman
G. Milton Wing
Sueo Ueno
+ PDF Chat Microwave realization of quasi-one-dimensional systems with correlated disorder 2011 Otto Dietz
Ulrich Kuhl
H.‐J. Stöckmann
N. M. Makarov
F. M. Izrailev
+ PDF Chat Periodic chaotic billiards: Quantum-classical correspondence in energy space 2001 G. A. Luna‐Acosta
J. A. Méndez‐Bermúdez
F. M. Izrailev
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization of classical waves in weakly scattering metamaterials 2010 A. A. Asatryan
S. A. Gredeskul
L. C. Botten
Michael Byrne
V. Freilikher
Ilya V. Shadrivov
Ross C. McPhedran
Yuri S. Kivshar
+ PDF Chat Transition from diffusive to localized regimes in surface corrugated optical waveguides 1997 Antonio García‐Martín
José Antonio Garrido Torres
J. J. Sáenz
M. Nieto‐Vesperinas
+ PDF Chat Suppression of Anderson localization of light and Brewster anomalies in disordered superlattices containing a dispersive metamaterial 2010 D. Mogilevtsev
F. A. Pinheiro
Raimundo R. dos Santos
S. B. Cavalcanti
L. E. Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Manifestation of the roughness-square-gradient scattering in surface-corrugated waveguides 2006 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
M. Rendón
+ PDF Chat Generation of Short and Long Range Temporal Correlated Noises 1999 A. Romero
J. M. Sancho
+ Frequency dependence of localization length of an electromagnetic wave in a one-dimensional system 2003 A. P. Vinogradov
A. M. Merzlikin
+ PDF Chat Dynamical origin of memory and renewal 2006 Rasit Cakir
Paolo Grigolini
Arkadii Krokhin
+ PDF Chat Light scattering from an amplifying medium bounded by a randomly rough surface: A numerical study 2001 Ingve Simonsen
Tamara A. Leskova
Alexei A. Maradudin
+ PDF Chat Generation of correlated binary sequences from white noise 2007 F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
N. M. Makarov
O. V. Usatenko
+ PDF Chat The Signum function method for the generation of correlated dichotomic chains 2008 S. S. Apostolov
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
Z. A. Mayzelis
S. S. Melnyk
O. V. Usatenko
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization in metamaterials with compositional disorder 2011 E. Jonathan Torres-Herrera
F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
+ PDF Chat Method for generating long-range correlations for large systems 1996 Hernán A. Makse
Shlomo Havlin
Moshe Schwartz
H. Eugene Stanley
+ PDF Chat Memory functions of the additive Markov chains: applications to complex dynamic systems 2005 S. S. Melnyk
O. V. Usatenko
V. A. Yampol’skiı̆
+ PDF Chat Rough surface scattering in many‐mode conducting channels: gradient versus amplitude scattering 2005 F. M. Izrailev
N. M. Makarov
M. Rendón
+ PDF Chat Anomalous localization in low-dimensional systems with correlated disorder 2011 F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
N. M. Makarov
+ Asymptotic methods in the theory of non-linear oscillations 1963 N. DeClaris
+ PDF Chat Transport properties of 1D tight-binding disordered models: the Hamiltonian map approach 2004 V. Dossetti-Romero
F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
+ PDF Chat Effects of polarization on the transmission and localization of classical waves in weakly scattering metamaterials 2010 A. A. Asatryan
L. C. Botten
Michael Byrne
V. Freilikher
S. A. Gredeskul
Ilya V. Shadrivov
Ross C. McPhedran
Yuri S. Kivshar
+ PDF Chat Amplitude and gradient scattering in waveguides with corrugated surfaces 2003 F. M. Izrailev
G. A. Luna‐Acosta
J. A. Méndez‐Bermúdez
M. Rendón
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization as a parametric instability of the linear kicked oscillator 2000 L. Tessieri
F. M. Izrailev
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-induced tunneling in one-dimensional disordered potentials 2008 E. Díez
F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
Alberto Rodríguez
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theory of quantum transport 1997 C. W. J. Beenakker
+ PDF Chat Ballistic, diffusive, and localized transport in surface-disordered systems: Two-mode waveguide 2011 M. Rendón
N. M. Makarov
F. M. Izrailev
+ PDF Chat Competition between two kinds of correlations in literary texts 2005 S. S. Melnyk
O. V. Usatenko
V. A. Yampol’skiı̆
V. A. Golick
+ PDF Chat Lévy Flights in Quantum Transport in Quasiballistic Wires 1998 M. L. Leadbeater
Vladimir I. Fal’ko
Colin J. Lambert
+ PDF Chat Memory function versus binary correlator in additive Markov chains 2006 F. M. Izrailev
Arkadii Krokhin
N. M. Makarov
S. S. Melnyk
O. V. Usatenko
V. A. Yampol’skiı̆
+ PDF Chat Scaling properties of the localization length in one-dimensional paired correlated binary alloys of finite size 1996 F. M. Izrailev
Tsampikos Kottos
G. P. Tsironis