Rafael Wisniewski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov Densities For Markov Processes: An Application To Quantum Systems With Non-Demolition Measurements 2024 Özkan Karabacak
Horia D. Cornean
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov Densities for Markov Processes: An Application to Quantum Systems with Non-Demolition Measurements 2024 Özkan Karabacak
Horia D. Cornean
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Secure PAC Bayesian Regression via Real Shamir Secret Sharing 2023 Jaron Skovsted Gundersen
Bulut Kuşkonmaz
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PAC-Bayesian bounds for learning LTI-ss systems with input from empirical loss 2023 Deividas Eringis
John Leth
Zheng‐Hua Tan
Rafael Wisniewski
Mihály Petreczky
+ Weak Safe Reachability for Nonlinear Systems with State-Dependent Switching 2021 Ayşegül Kıvılcım
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Privacy in Distributed Computations based on Real Number Secret Sharing. 2021 Katrine Tjell
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Model reduction of linear hybrid systems 2020 Ion Victor Gosea
Mihály Petreczky
John Leth
Rafael Wisniewski
Athanasios C. Antoulas
+ Model reduction of linear hybrid systems 2020 Ion Victor Gosea
Mihály Petreczky
John Leth
Rafael Wisniewski
Athanasios C. Antoulas
+ Control design and Lyapunov Functions via Bernstein Approximations: Exact Results 2020 Tareq Hamadneh
Νικόλαος Αθανασόπουλος
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Optimization and Positivity Certificates of Rational Functions using Bernstein Form 2019 Tareq Hamadneh
Hassan Al-Zoubi
Hamza Alzaareer
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Algorithm for Bernstein Polynomial Control Design 2018 Tareq Hamadneh
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat On robust stability of switched systems in the context of Filippov solutions 2017 Mohamadreza Ahmadi
Hamed Mojallali
Rafael Wisniewski
+ On Robust Stability of Switched Systems in the Context of Filippov Solutions 2017 Mohamadreza Ahmadi
Hamed Mojallali
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Almost Everywhere Stability of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems 2016 Özkan Karabacak
Rafael Wisniewski
John-Josef Leth
+ On the Almost Everywhere Stability of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems 2016 Özkan Karabacak
Rafael Wisniewski
John-Josef Leth
+ Moment matching for bilinear systems with nice selections 2016 Mihály Petreczky
Rafael Wisniewski
John Leth
+ PDF Chat Moment matching based model reduction for LPV state-space models 2015 Mert Baştuğ
Mihály Petreczky
Roland Tóth
Rafael Wisniewski
John Leth
Denis Efimov
+ Proceedings 4th Workshop on Hybrid Autonomous Systems 2015 Manuela L. Bujorianu
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Analysis of Synchronization in a Supermarket Refrigeration System 2015 John Leth
Rafael Wisniewski
Jakob Gulddahl Rasmussen
Henrik Schiøler
+ PDF Chat Modeling Populations of Thermostatic Loads with Switching Rate Actuation 2015 Luminita Cristiana Totu
Rafael Wisniewski
John Leth
+ Proceedings 4th Workshop on Hybrid Autonomous Systems 2015 Manuela L. Bujorianu
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Model reduction of linear switched systems by restricting discrete dynamics 2014 Mert Baştuğ
Mihály Petreczky
Rafael Wisniewski
John Leth
+ Robust stability of switched systems 2014 Christoffer Sloth
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Model reduction by moment matching for linear switched systems 2014 Mert Baştuğ
Mihály Petreczky
Rafael Wisniewski
John Leth
+ Fatigue Estimation Methods Comparison for Wind Turbine Control 2014 J. J. Barradas Berglind
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Completeness of Lyapunov Abstraction 2013 Rafael Wisniewski
Christoffer Sloth
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Abstractions of Dynamical Systems 2013 Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Guaranteed cost controller synthesis for switched systems defined on semi-algebraic sets 2013 Mohamadreza Ahmadi
Hamed Mojallali
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Robust stability and H<inf>∞</inf> control of uncertain piecewise linear switched systems with Filippov solutions 2012 Mohamadreza Ahmadi
Hamed Mojallali
Rafael Wisniewski
Roozbeh Izadi‐Zamanabadi
+ PDF Chat Robust H∞ control of uncertain switched systems defined on polyhedral sets with Filippov solutions 2012 Mohamadreza Ahmadi
Hamed Mojallali
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat On formalism and stability of switched systems 2012 John Leth
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Robust Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Switched Systems with Filippov Solutions 2012 Mohamadreza Ahmadi
Hamed Mojallali
Rafael Wisniewski
Roozbeh Izadi‐Zamanabadi
+ PDF Chat Convenient model for systems with hystereses-control 2011 Rafael Wisniewski
John Leth
+ PDF Chat Robustness in dynamical and control systems 2011 Rafael Wisniewski
+ Generalised gramian framework for model/controller order reduction of switched systems 2010 Hamid Reza Shaker
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Proofs for an Abstraction of Continuous Dynamical Systems Utilizing Lyapunov Functions 2010 Christoffer Sloth
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Timed Game Abstraction of Control Systems 2010 Christoffer Sloth
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Generalized gramian framework for model reduction of switched systems 2009 Hamid Reza Shaker
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Geometric analysis of nondeterminacy in dynamical systems 2007 Rafael Wisniewski
Martin Raußen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On formalism and stability of switched systems 2012 John Leth
Rafael Wisniewski
+ Multiple Lyapunov functions and other analysis tools for switched and hybrid systems 1998 Michael S. Branicky
+ Semidefinite programming relaxations for semialgebraic problems 2003 Pablo A. Parrilo
+ Differential Equations with Discontinuous Righthand Sides 1988 Alexander Filippov
+ PDF Chat Model reduction by moment matching for linear switched systems 2014 Mert Baştuğ
Mihály Petreczky
Rafael Wisniewski
John Leth
+ PDF Chat Discontinuous Dynamical Systems: A tutorial on solutions, nonsmooth analysis, and stability 2009 Jorge Cortés
+ PDF Chat Discontinuous dynamical systems 2008 Jorge Cortés
+ PDF Chat LMI Techniques for Optimization Over Polynomials in Control: A Survey 2010 Graziano Chesi
+ PDF Chat Balanced truncation for linear switched systems 2013 Mihály Petreczky
Rafał Wiśniewski
John Leth
+ Generalised gramian framework for model/controller order reduction of switched systems 2010 Hamid Reza Shaker
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat A Simultaneous Balanced Truncation Approach to Model Reduction of Switched Linear Systems 2012 Nima Monshizadeh
Harry L. Trentelman
M. Kanat Camlibel
+ Geometric theory of dynamical systems 1982 Jacob Palis
Welington de Melo
+ PDF Chat On convexification of some minimum distance problems 1999 Graziano Chesi
A. Tesi
Antonio Vicino
R. Genesio
+ A Survey of the S-Lemma 2007 Imre Pólik
Tamás Terlaky
+ A collection of benchmark examples for model reduction of linear time invariant dynamical systems. 2002 Younès Chahlaoui
Paul Van Dooren
+ On the properties of variational approximations of Gibbs posteriors 2015 Nicolás Chopin
Pierre Alquier
James Ridgway
+ Model reduction in limited time and frequency intervals 1990 W. Gawroński
Jer-Nan Juang
+ An Introduction to Manifolds 2007 Loring W. Tu
+ Lectures on Morse Homology 2004 Augustin Banyaga
David Hurtubise
+ Certificats de positivité et minimisation polynomiale dans la base de Bernstein multivariée 2008 Richard Leroy
+ PDF Chat Model reduction of linear switched systems by restricting discrete dynamics 2014 Mert Baştuğ
Mihály Petreczky
Rafael Wisniewski
John Leth
+ PDF Chat Minimization and Positivity of the Tensorial Rational Bernstein Form 2019 Tareq Hamadneh
Νικόλαος Αθανασόπουλος
Mohammed Ali
+ Lectures on Morse Homology 2004 Augustin Banyaga
David Hurtubise
+ Differential Topology 1976 Morris W. Hirsch
+ PDF Chat Affine LPV systems: Realization theory, input-output equations and relationship with linear switched systems 2012 Mihály Petreczky
Guillaume Mercère
+ PDF Chat Almost global attraction in planar systems 2005 Pablo Monzón
+ A Sum-of-Squares Approach to the Analysis of Zeno Stability in Polynomial Hybrid Systems 2013 Chaitanya Murti
Matthew M. Peet
+ Interpolation Methods for the Model Reduction of Bilinear Systems 2012 Garret Flagg
+ PDF Chat Exponentially Stable Nonlinear Systems Have Polynomial Lyapunov Functions on Bounded Regions 2009 Matthew M. Peet
+ Switched Linear Systems 2005 Zhendong Sun
Shuzhi Sam Ge
+ PDF Chat Balanced truncation for linear switched systems 2018 Ion Victor Gosea
Mihály Petreczky
Athanasios C. Antoulas
Christophe Fiter
+ A Survey of Model Reduction by Balanced Truncation and Some New Results 2004 Serkan Gugercin
Athanasios C. Antoulas
+ Some theorems on the inertia of general matrices 1962 Alexander Ostrowski
Hans Schneider
+ Model order-reduction for discrete-time switched linear systems 2011 Abderazik Birouche
Benjamin Mourllion
Michel Basset
+ PDF Chat Global analysis of piecewise linear systems using impact maps and surface lyapunov functions 2003 Jorge Gonçalves
Alexandre Megretski
Munther A. Dahleh
+ PDF Chat Structured coprime factor model reduction based on LMIs 2004 Li Li
Fernando Paganini
+ Robust Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Switched Systems with Filippov Solutions 2012 Mohamadreza Ahmadi
Hamed Mojallali
Rafael Wisniewski
Roozbeh Izadi‐Zamanabadi
+ A nullstellensatz and a positivstellensatz in semialgebraic geometry 1974 Gilbert Stengle
+ A model-order reduction method based on Krylov subspaces for mimo bilinear dynamical systems 2007 Yiqin Lin
Liang Bao
Yimin Wei
+ PDF Chat Differential inclusions set-valued maps and viability theory 1986 Jean Aubin
A. Cellina
+ PDF Chat A Converse Sum of Squares Lyapunov Result With a Degree Bound 2012 Matthew M. Peet
Antonis Papachristodoulou
+ Convergent bounds for the range of multivariate polynomials 1986 Jürgen Garloff
+ Algorithms for polynomials in Bernstein form 1988 Rida T. Farouki
V. T. Rajan
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Smooth Manifolds 2012 John M. Lee
+ Algorithm for Bernstein Polynomial Control Design 2018 Tareq Hamadneh
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Linear relaxations of polynomial positivity for polynomial Lyapunov function synthesis 2015 Mohamed Amin Ben Sassi
Sriram Sankaranarayanan
Xin Chen
Erika Ábrahám
+ Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Linear Algebra 1974 Morris W. Hirsch
Stephen T. Smale
+ Proofs for an Abstraction of Continuous Dynamical Systems Utilizing Lyapunov Functions 2010 Christoffer Sloth
Rafael Wisniewski
+ PDF Chat Prediction of time series by statistical learning: general losses and fast rates 2013 Pierre Alquier
Xiaoyin Li
Olivier Wintenberger
+ Accuracy Enhancement in HiMAT Aircraft Controller Reduction 2006 Hamid Reza Shaker
Mahmoud Samavat