Charles L. Epstein


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A numerical method for scattering problems with unbounded interfaces 2024 Tristan Goodwill
Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Chat Coordinate complexification for the Helmholtz equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions in a perturbed half-space 2024 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy G. Hoskins
Shidong Jiang
Manas Rachh
+ Solving the Scattering Problem for Open Wave-Guides, III: Radiation Conditions and Uniqueness 2024 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Envelopes of Horospheres and Weingarten Surfaces in Hyperbolic 3-Space 2024 Charles L. Epstein
+ Solving the Transmission Problem for Open Wave-Guides, I Fundamental Solutions and Integral Equations 2023 Charles L. Epstein
+ Solving the Transmission Problem for Open Wave-Guides, II Outgoing Estimates 2023 Charles L. Epstein
+ Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem 2022 Alexander H. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy F. Magland
+ Further Properties of Hybrid Iterative Algorithms and Suggestions for Improvement 2022 Alexander H. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy F. Magland
+ Asymptotics of Hybrid Iterative Maps 2022 Alexander H. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy F. Magland
+ PDF Chat Debye source representations for type-I superconductors, I 2021 Charles L. Epstein
Manas Rachh
+ Debye source representation for type-I superconductors, I. 2021 Charles L. Epstein
Manas Rachh
+ PDF Chat Recovering Missing Data in Coherent Diffraction Imaging 2021 David A. Barmherzig
Alex H. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy F. Magland
Manas Rachh
+ PDF Chat Recovering Missing Data in Coherent Diffraction Imaging 2021 David A. Barmherzig
Alex H. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy F. Magland
Manas Rachh
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the phase retrieval problem 2020 Alexander H. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy F. Magland
+ Recovering missing data in coherent diffraction imaging. 2020 David A. Barmherzig
Alex B. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy F. Magland
Manas Rachh
+ Some Analytic Results for Kimura Diffusion Operators 2020 Charles L. Epstein
Jon Wilkening
+ Recovering missing data in coherent diffraction imaging 2020 David A. Barmherzig
Alex B. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy F. Magland
Manas Rachh
+ PDF Chat Explicit unconditionally stable methods for the heat equation via potential theory 2019 Alex H. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Shidong Jiang
Jun Wang
+ PDF A high-order wideband direct solver for electromagnetic scattering from bodies of revolution 2019 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ PDF Deformations of Singularities, Complex Manifolds and CR-Structures 2018 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Chat Transition probabilities for degenerate diffusions arising in population genetics 2018 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem 2018 Alexander J. Barnett
Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Jeremy F. Magland
+ Existence of Solutions 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Holder Estimates for the 1-dimensional Model Problems 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Holder Estimates for General Models 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology (AM-185) 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Holder Estimates for Higher Dimensional Corner Models 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ The Semi-group on 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Maximum Principles and Uniqueness Theorems 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Holder Estimates for Euclidean Models 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ The Model Solution Operators 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ The Resolvent Operator 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Introduction 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ The Feynman–Kac formula and Harnack inequality for degenerate diffusions 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ A high-order wideband direct solver for electromagnetic scattering from bodies of revolution. 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ PDF Chat Boundary Estimates for a Degenerate Parabolic Equation with Partial Dirichlet Boundary Conditions 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ Bergman and Szegö Kernels, CR Analysis 2017 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Chat Eigenfunctions and the Dirichlet Problem for the Classical Kimura Diffusion Operator 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Jon Wilkening
+ A high-order wideband direct solver for electromagnetic scattering from bodies of revolution 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ Boundary estimates for a degenerate parabolic equation with partial Dirichlet boundary conditions 2016 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ Transition probabilities for degenerate diffusions arising in population genetics 2016 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ PDF Harnack Inequalities and Heat Kernel Estimates for Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology 2016 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF On the stability of time-domain integral equations for acoustic wave propagation 2016 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Thomas Hagstrom
+ PDF Chat Smoothed Corners and Scattered Waves 2016 Charles L. Epstein
Michael O’Neil
+ Transition probabilities for degenerate diffusions arising in population genetics 2016 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ Boundary estimates for a degenerate parabolic equation with partial Dirichlet boundary conditions 2016 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ Eigenfunctions and the Dirichlet problem for the Classical Kimura Diffusion Operator 2015 Charles L. Epstein
Jon Wilkening
+ Smoothed corners and scattered waves 2015 Charles L. Epstein
Michael O’Neil
+ On the stability of time-domain integral equations for acoustic wave propagation 2015 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Thomas Hagstrom
+ PDF Chat Regularity for the Supercritical Fractional Laplacian with Drift 2015 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ PDF Chat Debye Sources, Beltrami Fields, and a Complex Structure on Maxwell Fields 2015 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ Smoothed corners and scattered waves 2015 Charles L. Epstein
Michael O’Neil
+ On the stability of time-domain integral equations for acoustic wave propagation 2015 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Thomas Hagstrom
+ Eigenfunctions and the Dirichlet problem for the Classical Kimura Diffusion Operator 2015 Charles L. Epstein
Jon Wilkening
+ PDF Chat Formal properties of the probability of fixation: Identities, inequalities and approximations 2014 David M. McCandlish
Charles L. Epstein
Joshua B. Plotkin
+ Harnack Inequalities for Degenerate Diffusions 2014 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ Harnack Inequalities and Heat-kernel Estimates for Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology 2014 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
Charles L. Epstein
Joshua B. Plotkin
+ The Geometric Microlocal Analysis of Generalized Kimura and Heston Diffusions 2014 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Harnack Inequalities and Heat-kernel Estimates for Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology 2014 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Harnack Inequalities for Degenerate Diffusions 2014 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ PDF Chat Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology 2013 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Regularity for the supercritical fractional Laplacian with drift 2013 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ Debye Sources, Beltrami Fields, and a Complex Structure on Maxwell Fields 2013 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ PDF Chat On the Convergence of Local Expansions of Layer Potentials 2013 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Andreas Klöckner
+ Debye Sources, Beltrami Fields, and a Complex Structure on Maxwell Fields 2013 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ Regularity for the supercritical fractional Laplacian with drift 2013 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ On the convergence of local expansions of layer potentials 2012 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Andreas Klöckner
+ PDF Chat A Consistency Condition for the Vector Potential in Multiply-Connected Domains 2012 Charles L. Epstein
Zydrunas Gimbutas
Leslie Greengard
Andreas Klöckner
Michael O’Neil
+ PDF Chat Debye Sources and the Numerical Solution of the Time Harmonic Maxwell Equations II 2012 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ Analysis of Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology 2012 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF Addendum to: Subelliptic Spin_(C) Dirac Operators, III 2012 Charles L. Epstein
+ Subelliptic SpinC Dirac Operators, IV Proof of the Relative Index Conjecture 2012 Charles L. Epstein
+ On the convergence of local expansions of layer potentials 2012 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Andreas Klöckner
+ Debye Sources and the Numerical Solution of the Time Harmonic Maxwell Equations, II 2011 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology 2011 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF The Spectrum and Pseudospectrum of Non-self Adjoint Pseudodifferential Operators 2010 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Chat Wright–Fisher Diffusion in One Dimension 2010 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF The hard pulse approximation for the AKNS (2 × 2)-system 2009 Charles L. Epstein
Jeremy F. Magland
+ Wright-Fisher Diffusion in One Dimension 2009 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF Subelliptic Spin<sub>ℂ</sub>Dirac operators, III. The Atiyah–Weinstein conjecture 2008 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Chat Cobordism, Relative Indices and Stein Fillings 2008 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF The Bad Truth about Laplace's Transform 2008 Charles L. Epstein
John C. Schotland
+ Introduction to the Mathematics of Medical Imaging 2008 Charles L. Epstein
+ Debye Sources and the Numerical Solution of the Time Harmonic Maxwell Equations 2008 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
+ PDF Subelliptic Spin<sub>ℂ</sub>Dirac operators, II. Basic estimates 2007 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Subelliptic Spin<sub>ℂ</sub>Dirac operators, I 2007 Charles L. Epstein
+ Subelliptic Spin_C Dirac operators, I 2007 Charles L. Epstein
+ Subelliptic Spin_C Dirac operators, II Basic Estimates 2007 Charles L. Epstein
+ Cobordism, Relative Indices and Stein Fillings 2007 Charles L. Epstein
Charles L. Epstein
James C. Gee
+ Subelliptic Spin_C Dirac operators, II Basic Estimates 2007 Charles L. Epstein
+ Subelliptic Spin_C Dirac operators, I 2007 Charles L. Epstein
+ Cobordism, Relative Indices and Stein Fillings 2007 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Subelliptic boundary conditions for Spin <sub>ℂ</sub> –Dirac operators, gluing, relative indices, and tame Fredholm pairs 2006 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Chat Anderson Localization, Non-linearity and Stable Genetic Diversity 2006 Charles L. Epstein
+ Geodesic Image Normalization and Temporal Parameterization in the Space of Diffeomorphisms 2006 Brian Avants
Charles L. Epstein
James C. Gee
+ Tempering the polylogarithm 2006 Charles L. Epstein
Jack Morava
+ Subelliptic Spin_c Dirac operators, III The Atiyah-Weinstein conjecture 2005 Charles L. Epstein
+ Convergence of the Neumann Series in Higher Norms 2004 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF How well does the finite Fourier transform approximate the Fourier transform? 2004 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Introduction to magnetic resonance imaging for mathematicians 2004 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Erratum: A Relative Index on the Space of Embeddable CR-Structures, I 2001 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Erratum to: A global invariant for three-dimensional CR-manifolds 2000 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Deformations of open stein manifolds 2000 Charles L. Epstein
Yong Ouyang
+ PDF Stability of embeddings for pseudoconcave surfaces and their boundaries 2000 Charles L. Epstein
Gennadi M. Henkin
+ Embeddings for 3-dimensional CR-manifolds 2000 Charles L. Epstein
Gennadi M. Henkin
+ PDF Two lemmas in local analytic geometry 2000 Charles L. Epstein
Gennadi M. Henkin
+ A Relative Index on the Space of Embeddable CR-Structures, I 1998 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Contact degree and the index of Fourier integral operators 1998 Charles L. Epstein
Richard Melrose
+ A Relative Index on the Space of Embeddable CR-Structures, II 1998 Charles L. Epstein
+ Extension of CR-structures for 3-dimensional pseudoconcave manifolds 1997 Charles L. Epstein
Gennadi M. Henkin
+ Spherical means in annular regions 1993 Charles L. Epstein
Bruce Kleiner
+ CR-structures on three dimensional circle bundles 1992 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Resolvent of the Laplacian on strictly pseudoconvex domains 1991 Charles L. Epstein
Richard Melrose
Gerardo A. Mendoza
+ PDF Embeddability for Three-Dimensional CR-Manifolds 1990 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Embeddability for three-dimensional CR-manifolds 1990 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Characteristic numbers of bounded domains 1990 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ Positive harmonic functions on Abelian covers 1989 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF A global invariant for three dimensional CR-manifolds 1988 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ Asymptotics for closed geodesics in a homology class, the finite volume case 1987 Charles L. Epstein
+ Univalence criteria and surfaces in hyperbolic space. 1987 Charles L. Epstein
+ The Curve Shortening Flow 1987 Charles L. Epstein
Michael E. Gage
+ A stable manifold theorem for the curve shortening equation 1987 Charles L. Epstein
Michael I. Weinstein
+ PDF The asymptotic boundary of a surface imbedded in $H^3$ with nonnegative curvature. 1987 Charles L. Epstein
+ The hyperbolic Gauss map and quasiconformal reflections. 1986 Charles L. Epstein
+ Visibility of the Martin boundary for quasiconformal metrics on đ·â‚ 1986 Charles L. Epstein
+ Incoming and outgoing waves 1985 Charles L. Epstein
+ Orthogonally integrable line fields in ℍ<sup>3</sup> 1985 Charles L. Epstein
+ Zeros ofL-functions attached to Maass forms 1985 Charles L. Epstein
James Lee Hafner
Peter Sarnak
+ The spectral theory of geometrically periodic hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1985 Charles L. Epstein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Relative Index on the Space of Embeddable CR-Structures, I 1998 Charles L. Epstein
+ Calculus on Heisenberg manifolds 1988 Richard Beals
Peter Greiner
+ PDF Chat Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology 2013 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ The range of the tangential Cauchy-Riemann operator 1986 J. J. Kohn
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ Integral Equation Methods in Scattering Theory 2013 David Colton
Rainer Kreß
+ PDF Chat Wright–Fisher Diffusion in One Dimension 2010 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF Contact degree and the index of Fourier integral operators 1998 Charles L. Epstein
Richard Melrose
+ Embeddings of three dimensional Cauchy-Riemann manifolds 1994 Lïżœszlïżœ Lempert
+ On the Extension of Holomorphic Functions from the Boundary of a Complex Manifold 1965 J. J. Kohn
Hugo Rossi
+ Attaching Analytic Spaces to an Analytic Space Along a Pseudoconcave Boundary 1965 Hugo Rossi
+ PDF On three-dimensional Cauchy-Riemann manifolds 1992 LĂĄszlĂł Lempert
+ Hybrid Gauss-Trapezoidal Quadrature Rules 1999 Bradley K. Alpert
+ Schauder estimates for a class of second order elliptic operators on a cube 2003 Sandra Cerrai
Philippe Clément
+ PDF Embeddability for three-dimensional CR-manifolds 1990 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ The Neumann problem for the Cauchy-Riemann complex 1972 Gerald B. Folland
J. J. Kohn
+ PDF Regularity of the free boundary for the porous medium equation 1998 P. Daskalopoulos
Robert Hamilton
+ Well-posedness of the martingale problem for some degenerate diffusion processes occurring in dynamics of populations 2004 Sandra Cerrai
Philippe Clément
+ C0-estimates and smoothness of solutions to the parabolic equation defined by Kimura operators 2016 Camelia A. Pop
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Analysis on local Dirichlet spaces. II. Upper Gaussian estimates for the fundamental solutions of parabolic equations 1995 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Algebraic approximations in analytic geometry 1995 LĂĄszlĂł Lempert
+ CR-structures on three dimensional circle bundles 1992 Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Chat Debye Sources and the Numerical Solution of the Time Harmonic Maxwell Equations II 2012 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ On Boundaries of Complex Analytic Varieties, I 1975 F. Reese Harvey
H. Blaine Lawson
+ A hierarchical extension scheme for backward solutions of the Wright-Fisher model 2014 Julian Hofrichter
Tat Dat Tran
JĂŒrgen Jost
+ Singular Integrals and Boundary Value Problems 1966 R. Seeley
+ PDF Harnack Inequalities and Heat Kernel Estimates for Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology 2016 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Noncommutative microlocal analysis 1984 Michael E. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Holographic phase retrieval and reference design 2019 David A. Barmherzig
Ju Sun
Po-Nan Li
Thomas J. Lane
Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
+ PDF Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1974 Shiing-Shen Chern
JĂŒrgen Moser
+ PDF Chat Second-kind integral equations for the Laplace-Beltrami problem on surfaces in three dimensions 2018 Michael O’Neil
+ Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators 1992 Nicole Berline
Ezra Getzler
MichĂšle Vergne
+ Some questions about the index of quantized contact transformations 1998 Alan Weinstein
+ Partial Differential Equations for Probabilists 2001 Daniel W. Stroock
+ The Feynman–Kac formula and Harnack inequality for degenerate diffusions 2017 Charles L. Epstein
Camelia A. Pop
+ PDF On the index of Toeplitz operators of several complex variables 1978 L. Boutet de Monvel
+ PDF Chat An explicit kernel-split panel-based Nyström scheme for integral equations on axially symmetric surfaces 2014 Johan Helsing
Anders Karlsson
+ The spectral theory of Toeplitz operators 1981 L. Boutet de Monvel
Victor Guillemin
+ PDF A backward Harnack inequality and Fatou theorem for nonnegative solutions of parabolic equations 1986 Eugene B. Fabes
Nicola Garofalo
Sandro Salsa
+ Harnack Inequalities and Heat-kernel Estimates for Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology 2014 Charles L. Epstein
Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF Stability of embeddings for pseudoconcave surfaces and their boundaries 2000 Charles L. Epstein
Gennadi M. Henkin
+ Intégration des équations de Cauchy-Riemann induites formelles 1975 L. Boutet de Monvel
+ Moment Maps, Cobordisms, and Hamiltonian Group Actions 2002 Victor Guillemin
Viktor L. Ginzburg
Yael Karshon
+ Non-Homogeneous Boundary Value Problems and Applications 1973 J. L. Lions
Enrico Magenes
+ $C^0$-estimates and smoothness of solutions to the parabolic equation defined by Kimura operators 2014 Camelia A. Pop
+ Schauder estimates for a degenerate second order elliptic operator on a cube 2007 Sandra Cerrai
Philippe Clément
+ PDF Local Formula for the Index of a Fourier Integral Operator 2001 Éric Leichtnam
Ryszard Nest
Boris Tsygan
+ PDF Phase retrieval, error reduction algorithm, and Fienup variants: a view from convex optimization 2002 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes
D. LĂŒke