Aimin Huang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Mathematical Analysis of the Jin-Neelin Model of El Niño-Southern-Oscillation 2018 Yining Cao
Mickaël D. Chekroun
Aimin Huang
Roger Témam
+ Finite-Dimensionality and Determining Modes of the Global Attractor for 2D Boussinesq Equations with Fractional Laplacian 2017 Aimin Huang
Wenru Huo
Michael S. Jolly
+ PDF Chat The global attractor of the 2d Boussinesq equations with fractional Laplacian in subcritical case 2016 Wenru Huo
Aimin Huang
+ The finite dimensions and determining modes of the global attractor for 2d Boussinesq equations with fractional Laplacian 2016 Aimin Huang
Wenru Huo
+ PDF Chat The 2d Nonlinear Fully Hyperbolic Inviscid Shallow Water Equations in a Rectangle 2015 Aimin Huang
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat The nonlinear 2D supercritical inviscid shallow water equations in a rectangle 2015 Aimin Huang
Mădălina Petcu
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat The primitive equations of the atmosphere in presence of vapour saturation 2015 Michele Coti Zelati
Aimin Huang
Igor Kukavica
Roger Témam
Mohammed Ziane
+ The global attractor of the 2D Boussinesq equations with fractional Laplacian in Subcritical case 2015 Aimin Huang
Wenru Huo
+ PDF Chat The 2D Euler–Boussinesq Equations in Planar Polygonal Domains with Yudovich’s Type Data 2014 Aimin Huang
+ PDF Chat The global well-posedness and global attractor for the solutions to the 2D Boussinesq system with variable viscosity and thermal diffusivity 2014 Aimin Huang
+ Existence of solutions for linear hyperbolic initial-boundary value problems in a rectangle 2014 Aimin Huang
+ The global well-posedness and global attractor for the solutions to the 2D Boussinesq system with variable viscosity and thermal diffusivity 2014 Aimin Huang
+ PDF Chat The nonlinear 2D subcritical inviscid shallow water equations with periodicity in one direction 2014 Aimin Huang
Roger Témam
+ The 2D Euler-Boussinesq equations in planar polygonal domains with Yudovich's type data 2014 Aimin Huang
+ The linear hyperbolic initial and boundary value problems in a domain with corners 2014 Aimin Huang
Roger Témam
+ Finite volume approximation of the Linearized shallow water equations in hyperbolic mode 2014 Arthur Bousquet
Aimin Huang
+ PDF Chat The Linearized 2D Inviscid Shallow Water Equations in a Rectangle: Boundary Conditions and Well-Posedness 2013 Aimin Huang
Roger Témam
+ Evolution semi-linear hyperbolic equations in a bounded domain 2013 Aimin Huang
Du Pham
+ The linear hyperbolic initial and boundary value problems in a domain with corners 2013 Aimin Huang
Roger Témam
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Non-Homogeneous Boundary Value Problems and Applications 1973 J. L. Lions
Enrico Magenes
+ Attractors for the Bénard problem: existence and physical bounds on their fractal dimension 1987 Ciprian Foiaş
O. P. Manley
Roger Témam
+ Quelques méthodes de résolution des problèmes aux limites non linéaires 1969 Jacques Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat The Linearized 2D Inviscid Shallow Water Equations in a Rectangle: Boundary Conditions and Well-Posedness 2013 Aimin Huang
Roger Témam
+ Initial boundary value problems for hyperbolic systems 1970 Heinz‐Otto Kreiss
+ Multi-dimensional hyperbolic partial differential equations 2006 Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage
Denis Serre
+ PDF Chat The 3D Primitive Equations in the absence of viscosity: Boundary conditions and well-posedness in the linearized case 2007 Antoine Rousseau
Roger Témam
Joseph Tribbia
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of the global attractors to the Boussinesq system for Rayleigh‐Bénard convection at large Prandtl number 2006 Xiaoming Wang
+ Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains 2011 Pierre Grisvard
+ Initial Boundary Value Problem for Two-Dimensional Viscous Boussinesq Equations 2010 Ming‐Jun Lai
Ronghua Pan
Kun Zhao
+ PDF Chat One-parameter semigroups for linear evolution equations 2001 Klaus‐Jochen Engel
Rainer Nagel
+ Lower bound on the dimension of the attractor for the bénard problem with free surfaces 1995 Alain Miranville
+ Global regularity for the 2D Boussinesq equations with partial viscosity terms 2005 Dongho Chae
+ PDF Chat Initial-boundary value problems for hyperbolic systems in regions with corners. II 1974 Stanley Osher
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-groups 1996 Einar Hille
Robert A. Phillips
+ The identity of weak and strong extensions of differential operators 1944 Kurt Friedrichs
+ Sur le comportement global des solutions non-stationnaires des équations de Navier-Stokes en dimension $2$ 1967 Ciprian Foiaş
G. A. Prodi
+ PDF Chat On the Global Well-posedness for the Boussinesq System with Horizontal Dissipation 2013 Changxing Miao
Xiaoxin Zheng
+ The Maximum Principle and the Global Attractor for the Dissipative 2D Quasi-Geostrophic Equations 2005 Ning Ju
+ Weak and strong extensions of differential operators 1961 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Initial-boundary value problems for hyperbolic systems in regions with corners. I 1973 Stanley Osher
+ PDF Chat The nonlinear 2D subcritical inviscid shallow water equations with periodicity in one direction 2014 Aimin Huang
Roger Témam
+ Global well-posedness for a class of 2D Boussinesq systems with fractional dissipation 2014 Wanrong Yang
Quansen Jiu
Jiahong Wu
+ PDF Chat Global Well-Posedness for Euler–Boussinesq System with Critical Dissipation 2010 Taoufik Hmidi
Sahbi Keraani
Frédéric Rousset
+ PDF Chat Global well-posedness of the three-dimensional viscous primitive equations of large scale ocean and atmosphere dynamics 2007 Chongsheng Cao
Edriss S. Titi
+ Small-scale structures in Boussinesq convection 1994 E Weinan
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ Global Regularity for the Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Boussinesq Equations with Vertical Dissipation 2013 Chongsheng Cao
Jiahong Wu
+ Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1983 A. Pazy
+ Attractors of Evolution Equations 1992 Anatoli Babin
M. I. Vishik
+ Global regularity results for the 2D Boussinesq equations with vertical dissipation 2011 Dhanapati Adhikari
Chongsheng Cao
Jiahong Wu
+ PDF Chat Global Well-Posedness Issues for the Inviscid Boussinesq System with Yudovich’s Type Data 2009 Raphaël Danchin
Marius Paicu
+ Local existence and blow-up criterion for the Boussinesq equations 1997 Dongho Chae
Hee-Seok Nam
+ Stationary Solutions for Generalized Boussinesq Models 1996 Sebastián Lorca
José Luiz Boldrini
+ On the regularity for the Boussinesq equations in a bounded domain 2013 Weiwei Hu
Igor Kukavica
Mohammed Ziane
+ Commutator estimates and the euler and navier‐stokes equations 1988 Tosio Kato
Gustavo Ponce
+ The one‐dimensional shallow water equations with transparent boundary conditions 2011 Mădălina Petcu
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat The nonlinear 2D supercritical inviscid shallow water equations in a rectangle 2015 Aimin Huang
Mădălina Petcu
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Differentiability of solutions to hyperbolic initial-boundary value problems 1974 Jeffrey Rauch
Frank J. Massey
+ The linear hyperbolic initial and boundary value problems in a domain with corners 2014 Aimin Huang
Roger Témam
+ Travelling waves in two-dimensional reactive Boussinesq systems with no-slip boundary conditions 2006 Peter Constantin
Marta Lewicka
Lenya Ryzhik
+ Global regularity for the initial–boundary value problem of the 2-D Boussinesq system with variable viscosity and thermal diffusivity 2013 Yongzhong Sun
Zhifei Zhang
+ Open Boundary Conditions for the Primitive and Boussinesq Equations 2003 Roger Témam
Joseph Tribbia
+ PDF Chat Boundary layer associated with the Darcy–Brinkman–Boussinesq model for convection in porous media 2010 James P. Kelliher
Roger Témam
Xiaoming Wang
+ The initial value problem for a generalized Boussinesq model 1999 Sebastián Lorca
José Luiz Boldrini
+ Introduction to the Theory of Linear Partial Differential Equations 1982 Jacques Chazarain
Alain Piriou
+ Global well-posedness of the viscous Boussinesq equations 2005 Thomas Y. Hou
Congming Li
+ Initial boundary value problem for 2D Boussinesq equations with temperature-dependent diffusion 2015 Huapeng Li
Ronghua Pan
Weizhe Zhang
+ A note on long time behavior of solutions to the Boussinesq system at large Prandtl number 2005 Xiaoming Wang