Jonathan Wise


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Observing of the super-Planckian near-field thermal radiation between graphene sheets 2018 Yang Jiang
Wei Du
Yishu Su
Yang Fu
Shaoxiang Gong
Sailing He
Yungui Ma
+ Theory of Radiative Heat Transfer between Closely Spaced Bodies 1971 D. Polder
M. Van Hove
+ PDF Chat Circuit approach to photonic heat transport 2011 Laëtitia Pascal
H. Courtois
F. W. J. Hekking
+ PDF Chat Radiative heat transfer between nanostructures 2001 A. I. Volokitin
B. N. J. Persson
+ PDF Chat Energy transfer between two vacuum-gapped metal plates: Coulomb fluctuations and electron tunneling 2018 Zu-Quan Zhang
Jing‐Tao LĂŒ
Jian‐Sheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Surface electromagnetic waves thermally excited: Radiative heat transfer, coherence properties and Casimir forces revisited in the near field 2005 Karl Joulain
Jean‐Philippe Mulet
François Marquier
RĂ©mi Carminati
Jean‐Jacques Greffet
+ PDF Chat Role of disorder in plasmon-assisted near-field heat transfer between two-dimensional metals 2020 Jonathan Wise
D. M. Basko
F. W. J. Hekking
+ Near-field heat transfer between disordered conductors 2023 Alex Kamenev
+ PDF Chat Coulomb-force-mediated heat transfer in the near field: Geometric effect 2018 Jian‐Sheng Wang
Zu-Quan Zhang
Jing‐Tao LĂŒ
+ PDF Chat Near-field radiative heat transfer in many-body systems 2021 Svend‐Age Biehs
Riccardo Messina
Prashanth S. Venkataram
Alejandro W. RodrĂ­guez
Juan Carlos Cuevas
Philippe Ben‐Abdallah
+ PDF Chat Effects of spatial dispersion in near-field radiative heat transfer between two parallel metallic surfaces 2008 Pierre‐Olivier Chapuis
SĂ©bastian Volz
Carsten Henkel
Karl Joulain
Jean‐Jacques Greffet
+ PDF Chat Single-mode heat conduction by photons 2006 M. Meschke
Wiebke Guichard
J. P. Pekola
+ PDF Chat Plasmonics in graphene at infrared frequencies 2009 Marinko Jablan
Hrvoje Buljan
Marin Soljačić
+ PDF Chat Interaction corrections to thermal transport coefficients in disordered metals: The quantum kinetic equation approach 2005 Gianluigi Catelani
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Quantitative study of quasiparticle traps using the single-Cooper-pair transistor 2008 Nadia Court
A. J. Ferguson
Roman M. Lutchyn
Robert G. Clark
+ PDF Chat Interaction corrections at intermediate temperatures: Longitudinal conductivity and kinetic equation 2001 GĂĄbor Zala
B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Plasmon enhanced near-field radiative heat transfer for graphene covered dielectrics 2012 V. B. Svetovoy
P. J. van Zwol
J. Chevrier
+ PDF Chat Spatio-Temporal Simulation of First Pass Drug Perfusion in the Liver 2014 Lars Ole Schwen
Markus Krauß
Christoph Niederalt
Felix Gremse
Fabian Kießling
Andrea Schenk
Tobias Preußer
Lars Kuepfer
+ PDF Chat Rheology of Human Blood Plasma: Viscoelastic Versus Newtonian Behavior 2013 Mathias Brust
Christof Schaefer
R. Doerr
Lichao Pan
M. C. Garcı́a
Paulo E. Arratia
Christian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Damage and Fluctuations Induce Loops in Optimal Transport Networks 2010 Eleni Katifori
Gergely J. SzöllƑsi
Marcelo O. Magnasco
+ PDF Chat Near-field radiative heat transfer between parallel structures in the deep subwavelength regime 2016 Raphael St‐Gelais
Linxiao Zhu
Shanhui Fan
Michal Lipson
+ PDF Chat Global Optimization, Local Adaptation, and the Role of Growth in Distribution Networks 2016 Henrik Ronellenfitsch
Eleni Katifori
+ PDF Chat Stochastic cycle selection in active flow networks 2016 Francis G. Woodhouse
Aden Forrow
Joanna B. Fawcett
Jörn Dunkel
+ PDF Chat Building a 3D Virtual Liver: Methods for Simulating Blood Flow and Hepatic Clearance on 3D Structures 2016 Diana White
Dennis Coombe
Vahid Rezania
Jack A. TuszyƄski
+ PDF Chat Balancing building and maintenance costs in growing transport networks 2017 Arianna Bottinelli
RĂ©mi Louf
Marco Gherardi
+ PDF Chat Near-field heat transfer between graphene/hBN multilayers 2017 Bo Zhao
Brahim Guizal
Zhuomin M. Zhang
Shanhui Fan
Mauro Antezza
+ PDF Chat Caroli formalism in near-field heat transfer between parallel graphene sheets 2017 Jia-Huei Jiang
Jian‐Sheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Flow rate of transport network controls uniform metabolite supply to tissue 2018 Felix J. Meigel
Karen Alim
+ PDF Chat Renormalization group theory for percolation in time-varying networks 2018 Jens Karschau
Marco Zimmerling
Benjamin M. Friedrich
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of radiative heat exchange between two bodies 2018 Svend‐Age Biehs
Philippe Ben‐Abdallah
+ PDF Chat Limits of multifunctionality in tunable networks 2019 Jason W. Rocks
Henrik Ronellenfitsch
Andrea J. Liu
Sidney R. Nagel
Eleni Katifori
+ PDF Chat Tunable photonic heat transport in a quantum heat valve 2018 Alberto Ronzani
Bayan Karimi
Jorden Senior
Yu‐Cheng Chang
Joonas T. Peltonen
Chii-Dong Chen
J. P. Pekola
+ PDF Chat Heat transfer statistics in extreme-near-field radiation 2018 Gaomin Tang
Jian‐Sheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Drastic Reduction of Plasmon Damping in Two-Dimensional Electron Disks 2018 P. A. Gusikhin
V. M. Muravev
A. A. Zagitova
И. В. КуĐșушĐșĐžĐœ
+ PDF Chat Plasmon resonances and tachyon ghost modes in highly conducting sheets 2020 D. O. Oriekhov
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Quantification of nematic cell polarity in three-dimensional tissues 2020 André Scholich
Simon Syga
Hernán Morales‐Navarrete
Fabián Segovia‐Miranda
Hidenori Nonaka
Kirstin Meyer
Walter de Back
Lutz Brusch
Yannis Kalaidzidis
Marino Zerial
+ Liquid-crystal organization of liver tissue 2019 Hernán Morales‐Navarrete
Hidenori Nonaka
André Scholich
Fabián Segovia‐Miranda
Walter de Back
Kirstin Meyer
Roman L. Bogorad
Victor Koteliansky
Lutz Brusch
Yannis Kalaidzidis
+ PDF Chat Enhancing near-field heat transfer between composite structures through strongly coupled surface modes 2019 W. B. Zhang
Changying Zhao
B. X. Wang
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the Electronic Thermal Conductance Channels and Heat Capacity of Graphene at Low Temperature 2013 Kin Chung Fong
Emma E. Wollman
Harish Ravi
Wei Chen
Aashish A. Clerk
Matthew D. Shaw
H. G. Leduc
Keith Schwab
+ PDF Chat How to Pare a Pair: Topology Control and Pruning in Intertwined Complex Networks 2019 Felix Kramer
Carl D. Modes
+ PDF Chat Robust Increase in Supply by Vessel Dilation in Globally Coupled Microvasculature 2019 Felix J. Meigel
Peter Cha
Michael P. Brenner
Karen Alim
+ PDF Chat Phenotypes of Vascular Flow Networks 2019 Henrik Ronellenfitsch
Eleni Katifori
+ PDF Chat Plasmonic tuning of near-field heat transfer between graphene monolayers 2020 Xuzhe Ying
Alex Kamenev
+ PDF Chat How to pare a pair: Topology control and pruning in intertwined complex networks 2020 Felix Kramer
Carl D. Modes
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Fluctuational Quantum Electrodynamics: Heat Radiation, Heat Transfer, and Force 2017 Giuseppe Bimonte
Thorsten Emig
Mehran Kardar
Matthias KrĂŒger
+ PDF Chat General trace formula for heat flux fluctuations 2020 Florian Herz
Christoph Kathmann
Svend‐Age Biehs
+ PDF Chat Super-Planckian radiative heat transfer between macroscale metallic surfaces due to near-field and thin-film effects 2020 Payam Sabbaghi
Linshuang Long
Xiaoyan Ying
Lee Lambert
Sydney Taylor
Christian Messner
Liping Wang
+ PDF Chat Ultrafast radiative heat transfer 2017 Renwen Yu
Alejandro Manjavacas
F. Javier Garcı́a de Abajo
+ Radiative heat transfer in 2D Dirac materials 2015 Pablo Rodriguez-LĂłpez
Wang-Kong Tse
Diego A. R. Dalvit
+ PDF Chat Near field versus far field in radiative heat transfer between two-dimensional metals 2021 Jonathan Wise
D. M. Basko