Thomas Peternell


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Compactifications of C^n and the complex projective space 2024 Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat A contraction theorem for divisors fibering over a curve 2024 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Miyaoka–Yau inequalities and the topological characterization of certain klt varieties 2024 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat A Nonvanishing Conjecture for Cotangent Bundles 2024 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ Fano Threefolds With Affine Canonical Extensions 2024 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Klt degenerations of projective spaces 2024 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Stein complements in compact Kähler manifolds 2024 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat The Nonvanishing Problem for varieties with nef anticanonical bundle 2023 Vladimir Lazić
Shin-ichi Matsumura
Thomas Peternell
Νικόλαος Τσακανίκας
Zhixin Xie
+ Hermite--Einstein metrics in singular settings 2023 Junyan Cao
Patrick Graf
Philipp Naumann
Mihai Păun
Thomas Peternell
Xiaojun Wu
+ Erratum and addendum to the paper: Abundance for Kähler threefolds 2023 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ Miyaoka-Yau inequalities and the topological characterization of certain klt varieties 2023 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Projective flatness over klt spaces and uniformisation of varieties with nef anti-canonical divisor 2022 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ The Nonvanishing problem for varieties with nef anticanonical bundle 2022 Vladimir Lazić
Shin-ichi Matsumura
Thomas Peternell
Νικόλαος Τσακανίκας
Zhixin Xie
+ Fano threefolds with affine canonical extensions 2022 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Projectively flat klt varieties 2021 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Stein complements in compact Kähler manifolds 2021 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ Projectively flat KLT varieties 2020 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Deformations of the tangent bundle of projective manifolds 2020 Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Maps from K-trivial varieties and connectedness problems 2020 Vladimir Lazić
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat On Generalised Abundance, I 2020 Vladimir Lazić
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti number 2020 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
+ A Nonvanishing Conjecture for Cotangent Bundles 2020 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat On Generalised Abundance, II 2019 Vladimir Lazić
Thomas Peternell
+ Deformations of the tangent bundle of projective manifolds. 2019 Thomas Peternell
+ On the Homeomorphism Type of Smooth Projective Fourfolds 2019 Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Harmonic metrics on Higgs sheaves and uniformization of varieties of general type 2019 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Behrouz Taji
+ PDF Chat Nonabelian Hodge theory for klt spaces and descent theorems for vector bundles 2019 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Behrouz Taji
+ PDF Chat Algebraic integrability of foliations with numerically trivial canonical bundle 2019 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat The Miyaoka-Yau inequality and uniformisation of canonical models 2019 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Behrouz Taji
+ Deformations of the tangent bundle of projective manifolds 2019 Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of Calabi-Yau threefolds with Picard number three 2018 Vladimir Lazić
Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Singular spaces with trivial canonical class 2018 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Nef Line Bundles on Calabi–Yau Threefolds, I 2018 Vladimir Lazić
Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Bimeromorphic geometry of Kähler threefolds 2018 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Bimeromorphic geometry of Kähler threefolds 2018 Andreas Hoering
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Abundance for varieties with many differential forms 2018 Vladimir Lazić
Thomas Peternell
+ The Morrison-Kawamata Cone Conjecture and Abundance on Ricci flat manifolds 2018 Vladimir Lazić
Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ Algebraic integrability of foliations with numerically trivial canonical bundle. 2017 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Rationally connected varieties—On a conjecture of Mumford 2017 Vladimir Lazić
Thomas Peternell
+ On the homeomophism type of smooth projective fourfolds 2017 Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ Algebraic integrability of foliations with numerically trivial canonical bundle 2017 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Étale fundamental groups of Kawamata log terminal spaces, flat sheaves, and quotients of abelian varieties 2016 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Aspects of the Geometry of Varieties with Canonical Singularities 2016 Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Abundance for Kähler threefolds 2016 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ The Morrison-Kawamata Cone Conjecture and Abundance on Ricci flat manifolds 2016 Vladimir Lazić
Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Bimeromorphic geometry of K\"ahler threefolds 2015 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Movable Curves and Semistable Sheaves 2015 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Abundance for Kähler threefolds 2015 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ Minimal models for Kähler threefolds 2015 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Mori fibre spaces for Kähler threefolds 2015 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ A Tribute to Hans Grauert 2014 Alan Huckleberry
Thomas Peternell
Yum-Tong Siu
Takeo Ohsawa
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Daniel Barlet
Günther Trautmann
Ingo Lieb
+ PDF Chat Abundance for Kaehler threefolds 2014 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Hoering
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Contact Kähler Manifolds: Symmetries and Deformations 2014 Thomas Peternell
Florian Schrack
+ Abundance for Kaehler threefolds 2014 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Hoering
Thomas Peternell
+ Komplexe Analysis 2013 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Klaus Hulek
Thomas Peternell
+ Minimal models for Kaehler threefolds 2013 Andreas Hoering
Thomas Peternell
+ Minimal models for K\"ahler threefolds 2013 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ Minimal models for Kähler threefolds 2013 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Reflexive differential forms on singular spaces. Geometry and cohomology 2013 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Etale covers of Kawamata log terminal spaces and their smooth loci 2013 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat On the cone conjecture for Calabi-Yau manifolds with Picard number two 2013 Vladimir Lazić
Thomas Peternell
+ Mori fibre spaces for Kähler threefolds 2013 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ Minimal models for Kähler threefolds 2013 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Uniformisation in dimension four: towards a conjecture of Iitaka 2012 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
Ivo Radloff
+ Compact subvarieties with ample normal bundles, algebraicity, and cones of cycles 2012 Thomas Peternell
+ The pseudo-effective cone of a compact Kähler manifold and varieties of negative Kodaira dimension 2012 Sébastien Boucksom
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Mihai Păun
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Contact Moishezon threefolds with second Betti number one 2012 Jarosław Buczyński
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Varieties with generically nef tangent bundles 2012 Thomas Peternell
+ Contact Kaehler Manifolds: Symmetries and Deformations 2012 Thomas Peternell
Florian Schrack
+ Singular spaces with trivial canonical class 2011 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Differential forms on log canonical spaces 2011 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Sándor J. Kovács
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Non-algebraic compact Kähler threefolds admitting endomorphisms 2011 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ Compact subvarieties with ample normal bundles, algebraicity and cones of cycles 2011 Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Threefolds with big and nef anticanonical bundles II 2011 Priska Jahnke
Thomas Peternell
Ivo Radloff
+ PDF Chat Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold 2011 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Generically nef vector bundles and geometric applications 2011 Thomas Peternell
+ Generically nef vector bundles and geometric applications 2011 Thomas Peternell
+ Singular spaces with trivial canonical class 2011 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Compact subvarieties with ample normal bundles, algebraicity and cones of cycles 2011 Thomas Peternell
+ Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold. With an appendix by Matei Toma 2011 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat On the bimeromorphic geometry of compact complex contact threefolds 2010 Kristina Frantzen
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat On the bimeromorphic geometry of compact complex contact threefolds 2010 Kristina Frantzen
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Nonalgebraic hyperkähler manifolds 2010 Frédéric Campana
Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat On volume-preserving complex structures on real tori 2010 Fabrizio Catanese
Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ Non-algebraic compact K\"ahler threefolds admitting endomorphisms 2009 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ Submanifolds with ample normal bundles and a conjecture of Hartshorne 2009 Thomas Peternell
+ Non-algebraic compact Kähler threefolds admitting endomorphisms 2009 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ On the Bimeromorphic Geometry of Compact Complex Contact Threefolds 2009 Kristina Frantzen
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Almost del Pezzo manifolds 2008 Priska Jahnke
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Strictly nef divisors 2008 Frédéric Campana
Jungkai A. Chen
Thomas Peternell
+ Finite morphisms of projective and Kähler manifolds 2008 Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Compact Manifolds Covered by a Torus 2008 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Jun-Muk Hwang
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat A Refinement of Stein Factorization and Deformations of Surjective Morphisms 2008 Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Non-algebraic Hyperkaehler manifolds 2008 Frédéric Campana
Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ Varieties with generically nef tangent bundles 2008 Thomas Peternell
+ Submanifolds with ample normal bundles and a conjecture of Hartshorne 2008 Thomas Peternell
+ Galois coverings and endomorphisms of projective varieties 2007 Marian Aprodu
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Thomas Peternell
+ Endomorphisms of projective varieties 2007 Marian Aprodu
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Compact Manifolds Covered by a Torus 2007 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Jun-Muk Hwang
Thomas Peternell
+ Compactifications of C 3, III 2007 Thomas Peternell
Th. Peternell
+ Threefolds with big and nef anticanonical bundles II 2007 Priska Jahnke
Thomas Peternell
Ivo Radloff
+ Some Recent Developments in the Classification Theory of Higher Dimensional Manifolds 2006 Priska Jahnke
Thomas Peternell
Ivo Radloff
+ Global Aspects of Complex Geometry 2006 Fabrizio Catanese
Hélène Esnault
Alan Huckleberry
Klaus Hulek
Thomas Peternell
+ Holomorphic maps onto Kaehler manifolds with non-negative Kodaira dimension 2006 Jun-Muk Hwang
Thomas Peternell
+ Almost del Pezzo manifolds 2006 Priska Jahnke
Thomas Peternell
+ Strictly Nef Divisors 2005 Frédéric Campana
Jungkai A. Chen
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Threefolds with big and nef anticanonical bundles I 2005 Priska Jahnke
Thomas Peternell
Ivo Radloff
+ PDF Chat Line bundles on complex tori and a conjecture of Kodaira 2005 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Eckl
Thomas Peternell
+ Komplexe Analysis 2005 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Klaus Hulek
Thomas Peternell
+ Holomorphic maps onto varieties of non-negative Kodaira dimension 2005 Jun-Muk Hwang
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ A refinement of Stein factorization and deformations of surjective morphisms 2005 Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Strictly Nef Divisors 2005 Frédéric Campana
Jungkai A. Chen
Thomas Peternell
+ Kodaira dimension of subvarieties II 2005 Thomas Peternell
+ The pseudo-effective cone of a compact K\"ahler manifold and varieties of negative Kodaira dimension 2004 Sébastien Boucksom
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Mihai Păun
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat The Dual Kähler Cone of Compact Kähler Threefolds 2004 Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Nef Reduction and Anticanonical Bundles 2004 Thomas Bauer
Thomas Peternell
+ Threefolds with big and nef anticanonical bundles I 2004 Priska Jahnke
Thomas Peternell
Ivo Radloff
+ Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold 2004 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
Matei Toma
+ PDF Chat A Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem on Compact Kähler Manifolds 2003 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
+ Holomorphic maps onto varieties of non-negative Kodaira dimension 2003 Jun-Muk Hwang
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ Nef reduction and anticanonical bundles 2003 Thomas Bauer
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Generalized Tsen's theorem and rationally connected Fano fibrations 2002 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
Aleksandr V. Pukhlikov
+ Manifolds with Nef Rank 1 Subsheaves in Ω X 1 2002 Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Andrew J. Sommese
+ A Reduction Map for Nef Line Bundles 2002 Thomas Bauer
Frédéric Campana
Thomas Eckl
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Sławomir Rams
Tomasz Szemberg
Lorenz Wotzlaw
+ Ample Vector Bundles and Branched Coverings, II 2002 Thomas Peternell
Andrew J. Sommese
+ Line bundles on complex tori and a conjecture of Kodaira 2002 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Eckl
Thomas Peternell
+ Complex Geometry 2002 Ingrid Bauer
Fabrizio Catanese
Thomas Peternell
Yūjirō Kawamata
Yum-Tong Siu
+ A Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem on compact Kahler manifolds 2002 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
+ Complex Geometry : Collection of Papers Dedicated to Hans Grauert 2002 Ingrid Bauer
Fabrizio Catanese
Thomas Peternell
Yūjirō Kawamata
Yum-Tong Siu
Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ The dual Kaehler cone of compact Kaehler threefolds 2001 Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Appendix to the article of T. Peternell: the Kodaira dimension of Kummer threefolds 2001 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Projective manifolds with splitting tangent bundles, I 2001 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Contact Structures, Rational Curves and Mori Theory 2001 Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Towards a Mori theory on compact Kähler threefolds III 2001 Thomas Peternell
+ A reduction map for nef line bundles 2001 Thomas Bauer
Frédéric Campana
Thomas Eckl
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Sławomir Rams
Tomasz Szemberg
Lorenz Wotzlaw
+ PDF Chat Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry 2000 Thomas Peternell
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ PDF Chat Projective contact manifolds 2000 Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Andrew J. Sommese
Jarosław A. Wiśniewski
+ Group actions on S6 and complex structures on ℙ3 2000 Alan Huckleberry
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Projectivity via the dual Kähler cone: Huybrechts’ criterion 2000 Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ Pseudo-effective line bundles on compact Kähler manifolds 2000 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ PDF Chat Ample vector bundles and branched coverings 2000 Thomas Peternell
Andrew J. Sommese
Michael Schneider
Andrew J. Sommese
+ Recent Developments in the Classification Theory of Compact Kähler Manifolds 1999 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Projectivity via the dual Kähler cone - Huybrechts' criterion 1999 Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ Ample vector bundles and branched coverings 1999 Thomas Peternell
Andrew J. Sommese
+ Towards a Mori theory on compact Kaehler threefolds, III 1999 Thomas Peternell
+ Rational curves and ampleness properties¶of the tangent bundle of algebraic varieties 1998 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Towards a Mori theory on compact Kähler threefolds, II 1998 Thomas Peternell
+ Holomorphic 2-forms on Complex Threefolds 1998 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Calabi–Yau threefolds with positive second Chern class 1998 Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ Projective Contact Manifolds 1998 Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Andrew J. Sommese
Jarosław A. Wiśniewski
+ Kodaira Dimension of Subvarieties 1998 Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
Andrew J. Sommese
+ Towards a Mori theory on compact Kaehler threefolds,II 1998 Thomas Peternell
+ Threefolds with nef anticanonical bundles 1998 Thomas Peternell
Fernando Serrano
+ Group Actions on S^6 and complex structures on P_3 1998 Alan Huckleberry
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
+ Geometry of Higher Dimensional Algebraic Varieties 1997 Yoichi Miyaoka
Thomas Peternell
+ Deformations and Rational Curves 1997 Yoichi Miyaoka
Thomas Peternell
+ Introduction: Why Rational Curves? 1997 Yoichi Miyaoka
Thomas Peternell
+ Construction of Non-Trivial Deformations via Frobenius 1997 Yoichi Miyaoka
Thomas Peternell
+ Abundance for Minimal 3-Folds 1997 Yoichi Miyaoka
Thomas Peternell
+ Towards a Mori Theory on Compact Kähler Threefolds, I 1997 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Prerequisites 1997 Yoichi Miyaoka
Thomas Peternell
+ Rationally Connected Fibrations and Applications 1997 Yoichi Miyaoka
Thomas Peternell
+ Foliations and Purely Inseparable Coverings 1997 Yoichi Miyaoka
Thomas Peternell
+ Manifolds of semi-positive curvature 1996 Thomas Peternell
+ Rational curves and ampleness properties of the tangent bundle of algebraic varieties 1996 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Transcendental Methods in Algebraic Geometry 1996 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
Gang Tian
A N Tyurin
+ Compact Kähler manifolds with hermitian semipositive anticanonical bundle 1996 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ Semi-positivity and cotangent bundles 1996 Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti number 1996 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
+ Towards a Mori theory on compact Kähler threefolds, II 1996 Thomas Peternell
+ On polarized canonical Calabi-Yau threefolds 1995 Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Fano bundles and splitting theorems on projective spaces and quadrics 1994 Vincenzo Ancona
Thomas Peternell
Jarosław A. Wiśniewski
+ Neuere Entwicklungen in der Komplexen Geometrie 1994 Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ PDF Chat Rigidity theorems for primitive Fano 3-folds 1994 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Compact complex manifolds with numerically effective tangent bundles 1994 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ 4-folds with numerically effective tangent bundles and second Betti numbers greater than one 1993 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Compactifications of ?3. II 1993 Thomas Peternell
+ Tangent Bundles, Rational Curves, and the Geometry of Manifolds of Negative Kodaira Dimension 1993 Thomas Peternell
+ On stability of tangent bundles of Fano manifolds with b_2=1 1993 Thomas Peternell
Jarosław A. Wiśniewski
+ Kähler manifolds with numerically effective Ricci class 1993 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ Addendum to the paper : “Formal cohomology, analytic cohomology and non-algebraic manifolds” 1993 Siegmund Kosarew
Thomas Peternell
+ Fano manifolds and vector bundles 1992 Thomas Peternell
Michał Szurek
Jarosław A. Wiśniewski
+ On the second exterior power of tangent bundles of threefolds 1992 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Calabi-Yau manifolds and a conjecture of Kobayashi 1991 Thomas Peternell
+ Projective manifolds whose tangent bundles are numerically effective 1991 Fr�d�ric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Hodge-Kohomologie und Steinsche Mannigfaltigkeiten 1991 Thomas Peternell
+ Compactifications of 𝐂ⁿ: a survey 1991 Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ A characterization of ℙ n by vector bundles 1990 Thomas Peternell
+ On two conjectures of Hartshorne's 1990 Daniel Barlet
Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ Formal cohomology, analytic cohomology and non-algebraic manifolds 1990 Siegmund Kosarew
Thomas Peternell
+ Half-canonical surfaces in IP4 1990 Wolfram Decker
Thomas Peternell
Joseph Le Potier
Michael Schneider
+ Singular surfaces and the rigidity of ?3 1989 Thomas Peternell
+ Compactifications of ?3. I 1988 Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ Algebraicity criteria for compact complex manifolds 1986 Thomas Peternell
+ Algebraic structures on certain 3-folds 1986 Thomas Peternell
+ Rational curves in moisězon 3-folds 1986 Thomas Peternell
+ Der Kodairasche Verschwindungssatz auf streng pseudokonvexen R�umen. II 1985 Thomas Peternell
+ A rigidity theorem for ?3(?) 1985 Thomas Peternell
+ Der Kodairasche Verschwindungssatz auf streng pseudokonvexen R�umen. I 1985 Thomas Peternell
+ On strongly pseudo-convex K�hler manifolds 1982 Thomas Peternell
+ �ber exzeptionelle Mengen 1982 Thomas Peternell
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Minimal Model Problem 2018 Yūjirō Kawamata
Katsumi Matsuda
Kenji Matsuki
+ PDF Chat The Chern Classes and Kodaira Dimension of a Minimal Variety 2018 Yoichi Miyaoka
+ Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties 1998 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ Threefolds Whose Canonical Bundles Are Not Numerically Effective 1982 Шигефуми Мори
+ Compact complex manifolds with numerically effective tangent bundles 1994 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties 1996 Janós Kollár
+ The pseudo-effective cone of a compact Kähler manifold and varieties of negative Kodaira dimension 2012 Sébastien Boucksom
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Mihai Păun
Thomas Peternell
+ Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 1985 Yūjirō Kawamata
+ Compact Complex Surfaces 1984 Wolf Barth
Chris Peters
A. Van de Ven
+ PDF Chat Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type 2009 Caucher Birkar
Paolo Cascini
Christopher D. Hacon
James M textupc Kernan
+ PDF Chat Flip theorem and the existence of minimal models for 3-folds 1988 Шигефуми Мори
+ Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces 1980 Christian Okonek
Michael Schneider
Heinz Spindler
+ Abundance theorem for minimal threefolds 1992 Yūjirō Kawamata
+ Families of rationally connected varieties 2002 Tom Graber
Joe Harris
Jason Starr
+ Minimal models and the Kodaira dimension of algebraic fiber spaces. 1985 Yūjirō Kawamata
+ PDF Chat Divisorial Zariski decompositions on compact complex manifolds 2004 Sébastien Boucksom
+ PDF Chat Differential forms on log canonical spaces 2011 Daniel Greb
Stefan Kebekus
Sándor J. Kovács
Thomas Peternell
+ The adjunction theory of complex projective varieties 1995 Mauro C. Beltrametti
Andrew J. Sommese
+ Cor�duction alg�brique d'un espace analytique faiblement K�hl�rien compact 1981 F. Campana
+ A Reduction Map for Nef Line Bundles 2002 Thomas Bauer
Frédéric Campana
Thomas Eckl
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Sławomir Rams
Tomasz Szemberg
Lorenz Wotzlaw
+ Towards a Mori theory on compact Kähler threefolds, II 1998 Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold 2011 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ On the Kodaira dimension of minimal threefolds 1988 Yoichi Miyaoka
+ PDF Chat Ample Subvarieties of Algebraic Varieties 1970 Robin Hartshorne
+ PDF Chat Variétés Kähleriennes dont la première classe de Chern est nulle 1983 Arnaud Beauville
+ PDF Chat Ample vector bundles and branched coverings 2000 Thomas Peternell
Andrew J. Sommese
+ The Adjunction Theory of Complex Projective Varieties 1995 Mauro C. Beltrametti
Andrew J. Sommese
+ Higher-Dimensional Algebraic Geometry 2001 Olivier Debarre
+ Projective Manifolds with Ample Tangent Bundles 1979 Шигефуми Мори
+ Shafarevich maps and plurigenera of algebraic varieties 1993 János Kollár
+ A Numerical Criterion for Uniruledness 1986 Yoichi Miyaoka
Шигефуми Мори
+ On compact analytic threefolds with non-trivial albanese tori 1987 Kenji Ueno
+ Projective manifolds whose tangent bundles are numerically effective 1991 Fr�d�ric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Semistable sheaves on projective varieties and their restriction to curves 1982 V. B. Mehta
A. Ramanathan
Thomas Peternell
Michael Schneider
+ Flips and Abundance for Algebraic Threefolds 1992 Janós Kollár
+ Shafarevich Maps and Automorphic Forms 1995 Janós Kollár
+ BIRATIONAL GEOMETRY OF ALGEBRAIC VARIETIES (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 134) 2000 P. Μ. H. Wilson
+ �ber Modifikationen und exzeptionelle analytische Mengen 1962 Hans Grauert
+ PDF Chat Calabi's conjecture and some new results in algebraic geometry 1977 Shing‐Tung Yau
Michael Schneider
Andrew J. Sommese
+ Geometry of Higher Dimensional Algebraic Varieties 1997 Yoichi Miyaoka
Thomas Peternell
+ Lectures on Vanishing Theorems 1992 Hélène Esnault
Eckart Viehweg
+ Restrictions of semistable bundles on projective varieties 1984 Hubert Flenner
+ HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY (Universitext). By OLIVIER DEBARRE: 233 pp., £31.50 (US$39.95), ISBN 0-387-95227-6 (Springer, New York, 2001) 2003 Gábor Megyesi
+ PDF Chat Faisceaux amples sur les espaces analytiques 1982 Vincenzo Ancona
+ Verschwindungss�tze f�r analytische Kohomologiegruppen auf komplexen R�umen 1970 Hans Grauert
Oswald Riemenschneider
+ The Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves 1997 Daniel Huybrechts
Manfred Lehn