Maury Bramson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Instability of LIFO queueing networks 2021 Maury Bramson
+ Instability of LIFO Queueing Networks 2021 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Stability and Instability of the MaxWeight Policy 2021 Maury Bramson
Bernardo D’Auria
Neil Walton
+ The majority vote process and other consensus processes on trees 2021 Maury Bramson
Lawrence Gray
+ Instability of LIFO Queueing Networks 2021 Maury Bramson
+ Stability and Instability of the MaxWeight Policy 2019 Maury Bramson
Bernardo D’Auria
Neil Walton
+ Stability and Instability of the MaxWeight Policy 2019 Maury Bramson
Bernardo D’Auria
Neil Walton
+ PDF Chat Convergence in law of the maximum of nonlattice branching random walk 2016 Maury Bramson
Jian Ding
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Convergence in Law of the Maximum of the Two‐Dimensional Discrete Gaussian Free Field 2015 Maury Bramson
Jian Ding
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Convergence in law of the maximum of nonlattice branching random walk 2014 Maury Bramson
Jian Ding
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Rubber bands, pursuit games and shy couplings 2014 Maury Bramson
Krzysztof Burdzy
Wilfrid S. Kendall
+ Proportional switching in FIFO networks 2014 Maury Bramson
Bernardo D’Auria
Neil Walton
+ Convergence in law of the maximum of nonlattice branching random walk 2014 Maury Bramson
Jian Ding
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Decay of tails at equilibrium for FIFO join the shortest queue networks 2013 Maury Bramson
Yi Lu
Balaji Prabhakar
+ Shy couplings, $\operatorname{CAT} ({0})$ spaces, and the lion and man 2013 Maury Bramson
Krzysztof Burdzy
Wilfrid S. Kendall
+ Convergence in law of the maximum of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field 2013 Maury Bramson
Jian Ding
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Convergence in law of the maximum of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field 2013 Maury Bramson
Jian Ding
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic independence of queues under randomized load balancing 2012 Maury Bramson
Yi Lu
Balaji Prabhakar
+ PDF Chat Tightness of the recentered maximum of the two‐dimensional discrete Gaussian free field 2011 Maury Bramson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Stability of join the shortest queue networks 2011 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat A positive recurrent reflecting Brownian motion with divergent fluid path 2011 Maury Bramson
+ Positive recurrence for reflecting Brownian motion in higher dimensions 2011 Maury Bramson
+ A Positive Recurrent Reflecting Brownian Motion with Divergent Fluid Path 2010 Maury Bramson
+ Stability of Join the Shortest Queue Networks 2010 Maury Bramson
+ Tightness of the recentered maximum of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian Free Field 2010 Maury Bramson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Network stability under max–min fair bandwidth sharing 2010 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Positive recurrence of reflecting Brownian motion in three dimensions 2010 Maury Bramson
J. G. Dai
J. Michael Harrison
+ Tightness of the recentered maximum of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian Free Field 2010 Maury Bramson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ A Positive Recurrent Reflecting Brownian Motion with Divergent Fluid Path 2010 Maury Bramson
+ Stability of Join the Shortest Queue Networks 2010 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Tightness for a family of recursion equations 2009 Maury Bramson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Tightness for the minimal displacement of branching random walk 2007 Maury Bramson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Shortest spanning trees and a counterexample for random walks in random environments 2006 Maury Bramson
Ofer Zeitouni
Martin Zerner
+ PDF Chat Exclusion processes in higher dimensions: Stationary measures and convergence 2005 Maury Bramson
Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Characterization of stationary measures for one-dimensional exclusion processes 2002 Maury Bramson
Thomas M. Liggett
Thomas Mountford
+ PDF Chat Stationary blocking measures for one-dimensional nonzero mean exclusion processes 2002 Maury Bramson
Thomas Mountford
+ PDF Chat Super-Brownian Limits of Voter Model Clusters 2001 Maury Bramson
J. Theodore Cox
Jean-François Le Gall
+ PDF Chat Spatial Structure in Low Dimensions for Diffusion Limited Two-Particle Reactions 2001 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat Perplexing Problems in Probability: Festschrift in Honor of Harry Kesten 2000 RLS
Maury Bramson
Rick Durrett
+ Spatial Structure in Low Dimensions for Diffusion Limited Two-Particle Reactions 2000 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat Coexistence for a catalytic surface reaction model 1997 Maury Bramson
Claudia Neuhauser
+ PDF Chat Invariant measures of critical spatial branching processes in high dimensions 1997 Maury Bramson
J. Theodore Cox
Andreas Greven
+ PDF Chat Spatial models for species area curves 1996 Maury Bramson
J. Theodore Cox
Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat Survival of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata Under Random Perturbations 1994 Maury Bramson
Claudia Neuhauser
+ Ergodicity of Critical Spatial Branching Processes in Low Dimensions 1993 Maury Bramson
J. Theodore Cox
Andreas Greven
+ Nonuniqueness ing-functions 1993 Maury Bramson
Steven Kalikow
+ PDF Chat Internal Diffusion Limited Aggregation 1992 Gregory F. Lawler
Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat The Population Composition of a Multitype Branching Random Walk 1992 Maury Bramson
Peter Ney
Jianhua Tao
+ A catalytic surface reaction model 1992 Maury Bramson
Claudia Neuhauser
+ The Spatial Structure in Diffusion Limited Two-Particle Reactions 1992 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ Spatial structure in diffusion-limited two-particle reactions 1991 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat The Contact Processes in a Random Environment 1991 Maury Bramson
Rick Durrett
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Annihilating branching processes 1991 Maury Bramson
Wanding Ding
Rick Durrett
+ Random walk in random environment: A counterexample without potential 1991 Maury Bramson
+ Asymptotic behavior of densities for two-particle annihilating random walks 1991 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ Capture Problems For Coupled Random Walks 1991 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ A Useful Renormalization Argument 1991 Maury Bramson
Lawrence Gray
+ Asymptotic behavior of densities in diffusion dominated two-particle reactions 1990 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat Survival of Nearest-Particle Systems with Low Birth Rate 1989 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Statistical Mechanics of Crabgrass 1989 Maury Bramson
R. Durrett
Glen Swindle
+ PDF Chat Flux and Fixation in Cyclic Particle Systems 1989 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Densities in Diffusion-Dominated Annihilation Reactions 1988 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ Front propagation in certain one-dimensional exclusion models 1988 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Random walk in random environment: A counterexample? 1988 Maury Bramson
Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat Shocks in the asymmetric exclusion process 1988 Enrique D. Andjel
Maury Bramson
Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Occupation time large deviations of the voter model 1988 Maury Bramson
J. Theodore Cox
David Griffeath
+ Survival of Cyclical Particle Systems 1987 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ Microscopic selection principle for a diffusion-reaction equation 1986 Maury Bramson
P. Calderoni
Anna De Masi
Pablo A. Ferrari
Joel L. Lebowitz
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Consolidation rates for two interacting systems in the plane 1986 Maury Bramson
J. Theodore Cox
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Location of the travelling wave for the Kolmogorov equation 1986 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat The survival of branching annihilating random walk 1985 Maury Bramson
Lawrence Gray
+ Theory and Applications of Stochastic Differential Equations. 1984 Maury Bramson
Z. Schuss
+ Convergence of solutions of the Kolmogorov equation to travelling waves 1983 Maury Bramson
+ Kolmogorov nonlinear diffusion equation 1982 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Survival of the Long-Range Contact Process 1981 Maury Bramson
Lawrence Gray
+ PDF Chat On the Williams-Bjerknes Tumour Growth Model I 1981 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Thin But Unavoidable Sets 1981 Maury Bramson
Arnold L. Neidhardt
+ On the Williams-Bjerknes tumour growth model: II 1980 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ Asymptotic behavior of the Williams-Bjerknes tumour growth model 1980 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for interacting particle systems onZ d 1980 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ Mark Kac: Probability, Number Theory, and Statistical Physics. 1980 Maury Bramson
Kenneth Bacławski
M. D. Donsker
+ Asymptotic behaviour of Kolmogorov's non-linear diffusion equation 1980 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Clustering and Dispersion Rates for Some Interacting Particle Systems on $\mathbb{Z}$ 1980 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ The Asymptotic Behavior of a Probabilistic Model for Tumor Growth 1980 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ A note on the extinction rates of some birth–death processes 1979 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ A note on the extinction rates of some birth–death processes 1979 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Renormalizing the 3-Dimensional Voter Model 1979 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ Maximal displacement of branching brownian motion 1978 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Minimal displacement of branching random walk 1978 Maury Bramson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for interacting particle systems onZ d 1980 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ Convergence of solutions of the Kolmogorov equation to travelling waves 1983 Maury Bramson
+ Maximal displacement of branching brownian motion 1978 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Limiting Point Processes for Rescalings of Coalescing and Annihilating Random Walks on $Z^d$ 1981 Richard Arratia
+ PDF Chat Oriented Percolation in Two Dimensions 1984 Richard Durrett
+ Particle–antiparticle annihilation in diffusive motion 1983 D. Toussaint
Frank Wilczek
+ Asymptotic behavior of densities for two-particle annihilating random walks 1991 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ Lecture notes on particle systems and percolation 1988 Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ PDF Chat Postulates for Subadditive Processes 1974 J. M. Hammersley
+ PDF Chat On the maximum queue length in the supermarket model 2006 Malwina Luczak
Colin McDiarmid
+ Asymptotic Solution of Interacting Walks in One Dimension 1983 S. Redner
K. Kang
+ Branching Processes 1972 Krishna B. Athreya
Peter Ney
+ PDF Chat A Conditional Limit Theorem for the Frontier of a Branching Brownian Motion 1987 Steven P. Lalley
T. Sellke
+ Reflecting Brownian motion in three dimensions: a new proof of sufficient conditions for positive recurrence 2012 J. G. Dai
J. Michael Harrison
+ PDF Chat Brownian models of open queueing networks with homogeneous customer populations<sup>∗</sup> 1987 J. Michael Harrison
Ruth Williams
+ PDF Chat On the power of two choices: Balls and bins in continuous time 2005 Malwina Luczak
Colin McDiarmid
+ PDF Chat Recursions and tightness for the maximum of the discrete, two dimensional Gaussian Free Field 2011 Erwin Bolthausen
Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
Ofer Zeitouni
+ A Course in Probability Theory 1974 Kai Lai Chung
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theorems for Weakly Interacting Infinite Systems and the Voter Model 1975 Richard A. Holley
Thomas M. Liggett
+ A limit theorem for patch sizes in a selectively-neutral migration model 1979 Stanley Sawyer
+ PDF Chat Survival of Nearest-Particle Systems with Low Birth Rate 1989 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Diffusive Clustering in the Two Dimensional Voter Model 1986 J. Theodore Cox
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat The Survival of Contact Processes 1978 Richard A. Holley
Thomas M. Liggett
+ A New Method for Proving the Existence of Phase Transitions 1991 Rick Durrett
+ PDF Chat Fast Jackson networks 1999 James B. Martin
Yu. M. Suhov
+ PDF Chat Additive Set-Valued Markov Processes and Graphical Methods 1978 T. E. Harris
+ A limit theorem for patch sizes in a selectively-neutral migration model 1979 Stanley Sawyer
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1963 T. E. Harris
+ Random growth in a tessellation 1973 Daniel Richardson
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1965 Peter Ney
T. E. Harris
+ Capture Problems For Coupled Random Walks 1991 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat On the Williams-Bjerknes Tumour Growth Model I 1981 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ Convergence in law of the minimum of a branching random walk 2013 Élie Aïdékon
+ Stochastic Interacting Systems: Contact, Voter and Exclusion Processes 1999 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Blocking Measures for Asymmetric Exclusion Processes via Coupling 2001 Pablo A. Ferrari
Joel L. Lebowitz
Eugène R. Speer
K. Kang
+ Semimartingale Reflecting Brownian Motions in the Orthant 1995 Ruth Williams
+ PDF Chat Limit distributions for minimal displacement of branching random walks 1991 F. M. Dekking
Bernard Host
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theorems for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process II 1977 Thomas M. Liggett
+ Principles of random walk 1964 Frank Spitzer
+ On the stability of the linear Skorohod problem in an orthant 2002 Ahmed El Kharroubi
Abdelghani Ben Tahar
Abdelhak Yaacoubi
+ PDF Chat A capture problem in Brownian motion and eigenvalues of spherical domains 2008 Jesse Ratzkin
Andrejs Treibergs
+ PDF Chat Entropic Repulsion and the Maximum of the two-dimensional harmonic 2001 Erwin Bolthausen
Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
Giambattista Giacomin
+ Contact Interactions on a Lattice 1974 T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov Functions for Semimartingale Reflecting Brownian Motions 1994 Paul Dupuis
Ruth Williams
+ Hydrodynamic limit for attractive particle systems on 417-1417-1417-1 1991 F. Rezakhanlou
+ PDF Chat The First Birth Problem for an Age-dependent Branching Process 1975 J. F. C. KingmĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Existence and uniqueness of semimartingale reflecting Brownian motions in an orthant 1993 Libby Taylor
Ruth Williams