R. Panzone


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ La distribuci贸n de los autovalores del problema de Dirichlet del operador diferencial bidimensional de Sturm-Liouville. Teoremas asint贸ticos de Hermann Weyl y de Torsten Carleman 2011 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Remarks on a theorem of A. Pleijel and related topics, I. Behaviour of the eigenvalues of classical boundary problems in the plane 2005 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Remarks on Sigma n<=N (-1)(Sup n-1)/n(Sup 陆+it) and Zeta function of 陆+it 2001 R. Panzone
+ Tilings associated with number systems and the geometry of sets derived from the bases -n+i 2001 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Numbers with three representations in the number system (-2,{0,1,exp2 pi i/3,exp4 pi i/3}) 2000 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ A remark on numbers with powers in a point-lattice 1999 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
Gianluca Paolini
+ On the Eisenstein set 1998 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Some comments on the Hausdorff measure of self-similar sets 1995 R. Panzone
A. Benedek
Pablo A. Panzone
+ The set of Gaussian fractions 1993 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ PDF Chat On the intersection of Sobolev spaces 1990 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ An approximation theorem for certain subsets of Sobolev spaces 1988 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ On inverse problems for second-order differential operators with boundary dependence on the eigenvalue parameter 1982 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Multiparameter spectral theory in Hilbert space 1981 R. Panzone
+ On the Structure of the Set of Eigenfunctions of Certain Irregular Boundary Problems 1981 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ On sturm-liouville problems with the square-root of the eigenvalue parameter contained in the boundary conditions 1981 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Null series : two applications 1980 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ On inverse eigenvalue problems for a second-order differential equation with parameter contained in the boundary conditions 1979 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Bessel expansions arising from anomalous Sturm-Liouville differential systems 1977 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ On convergence of orthogonal series of Bessel functions 1973 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Mean convergence of series of Bessel functions 1972 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Pointwise convergence of series of Bessel functions 1972 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ On Mean Convergence of Fourier鈥怋essel Series of Negative Order 1971 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Continuity properties of the Hilbert transform 1971 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Note on mean convergence of eigenfunction expansions 1970 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ A note on Haar series and Markoff processes 1968 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ On measurable subalgebras associated to commuting conditional expectation operators, II 1968 Antonio Diego
R. Panzone
+ PDF Chat Alternative Proofs for Certain Upcrossing Inequalities 1967 R. Panzone
+ Notes on the measure extension problem 1967 J. C. Merlo
R. Panzone
+ Lp-spaces with mixed norm, for P a sequence 1965 Alberto R. Galmarino
R. Panzone
+ Measurable transformations on compact spaces and O.N. systems on compact groups 1964 R. Panzone
Carlos Segovia
+ On operations of convolution type and orthonormal systems on compact Abelian groups 1964 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
Carlos Segovia
+ On the spaces L1 which are isomorphic to a B 1963 R. Nierenberg
R. Panzone
A. P. Calder贸n
R. Panzone
+ The space LP, with mixed norm 1961 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Generalized potential operators 1960 Mischa Cotlar
R. Panzone
+ Sobre una generalizaci贸n de los operadores potenciales de tipo Riemann-Liouville 1958 R. Panzone
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On certain extensions of the Hilbert operator 1967 G. O. Okikiolu
+ Some more theorems concerning Fourier series and Fourier power series 1936 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ Banach Function Spaces 1988 W. A. J. Luxemburg
+ Sobre un problema de Sturm-Liouville con condiciones de contorno irregulares 1978 E Guichal
+ Bessel expansions arising from anomalous Sturm-Liouville differential systems 1977 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Null series : two applications 1980 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ On Series of Bessel Functions 1920 W. H. Young
+ PDF Chat Probability and the (饾惗,饾憻) summability of Fourier series 1965 Walter A. Rosenkrantz
+ PDF Chat Fourier-Stieltjes series of Walsh functions 1957 N. J. Fine
+ The space LP, with mixed norm 1961 A. Benedek
R. Panzone
+ Relative limit theorems in analysis 1960 J. L. Doob
+ PDF Chat On the functions of Littlewood-Paley, Lusin, and Marcinkiewicz 1958 E. M. Stein
+ Martingale theory and pointwise convergence of certain orthogonal series 1966 Richard F. Gundy
+ PDF Chat Convergence theorems of martingales 1963 Y. S. Chow
+ PDF Chat Orthonormal sets with non-negative Dirichlet kernels 1960 J. J. Price
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Expressions for the Bessel Functions and the Fourier-Bessel Expansions 1920 T. M. MacRobert
+ The Mean Convergence of Fourier-Bessel Series 1967 Harry Hochstadt
+ PDF Chat Mean convergence of Jacobi series 1969 Benjamin Muckenhoupt
+ Periodic Differential Equations 1964 1
+ PDF Chat An Extension of a Theorem of Marcinkiewicz and Some of Its Applications 1959 E. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ The Mean Convergence of Orthogonal Series 1950 G. Milton Wing
+ PDF Chat Rings of Continuous Functions. 1961 E. R. Lorch
Leonard Gillman
Meyer Jerison
+ PDF Chat Trigonometrical Series 1936 Helly
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions 1944 H. T. Davis
G. N. Watson
+ Lectures on Partial Differential Equations 2004 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 1945 A. T. Lonseth
E. L. Ince
+ Periodic Differential Equations 1965 Y. L. L.
F. M. Arscott
+ Probability and the (C, r) Summability of Fourier Series 1965 Walter A. Rosenkrantz
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2015 Robert Johansson
+ PDF Chat On the theory of Martin boundaries induced by countable Markov processes 1960 Takesi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Orthonormal sets with non-negative Dirichlet kernels. II 1961 J. J. Price
+ PDF Chat Lectures on partial differential equations 2005 I. G. Petrovski沫
Abe Shenitzer