Alberto Maspero


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bifurcation of gravity-capillary Stokes waves with constant vorticity 2025 Thomas Barbieri
Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
Marco Mazzucchelli
+ PDF Chat On higher order isolas of unstable Stokes waves 2025 Massimiliano Berti
Livia Corsi
Alberto Maspero
P. Ventura
+ Hamiltonian Birkhoff Normal Form for Gravity-Capillary Water Waves with Constant Vorticity: Almost Global Existence 2024 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
Federico Murgante
+ PDF Chat Growth of Sobolev norms for completely resonant quantum harmonic oscillators on $\mathbb{R}^2$ 2024 Beatrice Langella
Alberto Maspero
Maria Teresa Rotolo
+ PDF Chat One dimensional energy cascades in a fractional quasilinear NLS 2024 Alberto Maspero
Federico Murgante
+ PDF Chat Infinitely many isolas of modulational instability for Stokes waves 2024 Massimiliano Berti
Livia Corsi
Alberto Maspero
P. Ventura
+ PDF Chat Full description of Benjamin-Feir instability for generalized Korteweg-de Vries equations 2024 Alberto Maspero
Antonio Milosh Radakovic
+ PDF Chat Longtime dynamics for the Landau Hamiltonian with a time dependent magnetic field 2024 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Grébert
Alberto Maspero
Didier Robert
Carlos Villegas‐Blas
+ PDF Chat First isola of modulational instability of Stokes waves in deep water 2024 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
P. Ventura
+ PDF Chat Reducibility and nonlinear stability for a quasi-periodically forced NLS 2024 Emanuele Haus
Beatrice Langella
Alberto Maspero
Michela Procesi
+ Hamiltonian Paradifferential Birkhoff Normal Form for Water Waves 2023 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
Federico Murgante
+ Pure gravity traveling quasi‐periodic water waves with constant vorticity 2023 Massimiliano Berti
Luca Franzoi
Alberto Maspero
+ Stokes waves at the critical depth are modulational unstable 2023 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
P. Ventura
+ PDF Chat On the analyticity of the Dirichlet–Neumann operator and Stokes waves 2022 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
P. Ventura
+ PDF Chat Growth of Sobolev norms in linear Schrödinger equations as a dispersive phenomenon 2022 Alberto Maspero
+ PDF Chat Full description of Benjamin-Feir instability of stokes waves in deep water 2022 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
P. Ventura
+ Generic Transporters for the Linear Time-Dependent Quantum Harmonic Oscillator on ℝ 2022 Alberto Maspero
+ Strong nonlinear instability and growth of Sobolev norms near quasiperiodic finite gap tori for the 2D cubic NLS equation 2022 Marcel Guàrdia
Zaher Hani
Emanuele Haus
Alberto Maspero
Michela Procesi
+ On the analyticity of the Dirichlet-Neumann operator and Stokes waves 2022 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
P. Ventura
+ Generic transporters for the linear time dependent quantum Harmonic oscillator on $\mathbb R$ 2022 Alberto Maspero
+ Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves in finite depth 2022 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
P. Ventura
+ Reducibility and nonlinear stability for a quasi-periodically forced NLS 2022 Emanuele Haus
Beatrice Langella
Alberto Maspero
Michela Procesi
+ Hamiltonian Birkhoff normal form for gravity-capillary water waves with constant vorticity: almost global existence 2022 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
Federico Murgante
+ PDF Chat Full description of Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves in deep water 2021 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
P. Ventura
+ PDF Chat Local Well Posedness of the Euler–Korteweg Equations on $${{\mathbb {T}}^d}$$ 2021 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
Federico Murgante
+ PDF Chat Traveling Quasi-periodic Water Waves with Constant Vorticity 2021 Massimiliano Berti
Luca Franzoi
Alberto Maspero
+ Growth of Sobolev norms in linear Schrödinger equations as a dispersive phenomenon 2021 Alberto Maspero
+ Pure gravity traveling quasi-periodic water waves with constant vorticity 2021 Massimiliano Berti
Luca Franzoi
Alberto Maspero
+ PDF Chat Growth of Sobolev norms for abstract linear Schrödinger equations 2020 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Grébert
Alberto Maspero
Didier Robert
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Invariants for the FPUT and Toda Chain in the Thermodynamic Limit 2020 Тамара Грава
Alberto Maspero
Guido Mazzuca
Antonio Ponno
+ Local well posedness of the Euler-Korteweg equations on $ \mathbb T^d $ 2020 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
Federico Murgante
+ Local well posedness of the Euler-Korteweg equations on $ \mathbb T^d $ 2020 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
Federico Murgante
+ PDF Chat A note on growth of Sobolev norms near quasiperiodic finite-gap tori for the 2D cubic NLS equation 2019 Marcel Guàrdia
Zaher Hani
Emanuele Haus
Alberto Maspero
Michela Procesi
+ Growth of Sobolev norms in time dependent semiclassical anharmonic oscillators 2019 Emanuele Haus
Alberto Maspero
+ Long time dynamics of Schrödinger and wave equations on flat tori 2019 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
+ PDF Chat Reducibility for a fast-driven linear Klein–Gordon equation 2019 Luca Franzoi
Alberto Maspero
+ Long time growth of Sobolev norms in time dependent semiclassical anharmonic oscillators 2019 Emanuele Haus
Alberto Maspero
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds on the growth of Sobolev norms in some linear time dependent Schrödinger equations 2019 Alberto Maspero
+ Long time dynamics of Schr\"odinger and wave equations on rectangular tori 2018 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
+ Long time dynamics of Schr\"odinger and wave equations on flat tori 2018 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
+ Long time stability of small finite gap solutions of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2018 Alberto Maspero
Michela Procesi
+ PDF Chat Tame majorant analyticity for the Birkhoff map of the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the circle 2018 Alberto Maspero
+ Examples of growth of Sobolev norms in some linear time dependent Schr\"odinger equations 2018 Alberto Maspero
+ Lower bounds on the growth of Sobolev norms in some linear time dependent Schr\"odinger equations 2018 Alberto Maspero
+ Long time dynamics of Schrödinger and wave equations on flat tori 2018 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
+ Lower bounds on the growth of Sobolev norms in some linear time dependent Schrödinger equations 2018 Alberto Maspero
+ Strong nonlinear instability and growth of Sobolev norms near quasiperiodic finite-gap tori for the 2D cubic NLS equation 2018 Marcel Guàrdia
Zaher Hani
Emanuele Haus
Alberto Maspero
Michela Procesi
+ PDF Chat Reducibility of the quantum harmonic oscillator in d-dimensions with polynomial time-dependent perturbation 2017 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Grébert
Alberto Maspero
Didier Robert
+ Growth of Sobolev norms for abstract linear Schr\"odinger Equations 2017 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Grébert
Alberto Maspero
Didier Robert
+ On time dependent Schrödinger equations: Global well-posedness and growth of Sobolev norms 2017 Alberto Maspero
D. Robert
+ Sistemi integrabili infinito dimensionali e loro perturbazioni 2017 Dario Bambusi
Alberto Maspero
+ Growth of Sobolev norms for abstract linear Schrödinger Equations 2017 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Grébert
Alberto Maspero
Didier Robert
+ PDF Chat Freezing of Energy of a Soliton in an External Potential 2016 Dario Bambusi
Alberto Maspero
+ PDF Chat On the Convexity of the KdV Hamiltonian 2016 Thomas Kappeler
Alberto Maspero
Jan-Cornelius Molnar
Peter Topalov
+ PDF Chat Birkhoff coordinates for the Toda lattice in the limit of infinitely many particles with an application to FPU 2015 Dario Bambusi
Alberto Maspero
+ One smoothing property of the scattering map of the KdV on $\mathbb{R}$ 2015 Alberto Maspero
B. Schaad
+ PDF Chat Some Analytic Results on the FPU Paradox 2015 Dario Bambusi
A. Carati
Alberto Maiocchi
Alberto Maspero
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Reducibility of the quantum harmonic oscillator in d-dimensions with polynomial time-dependent perturbation 2017 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Grébert
Alberto Maspero
Didier Robert
+ On time dependent Schrödinger equations: Global well-posedness and growth of Sobolev norms 2017 Alberto Maspero
D. Robert
+ PDF Chat Birkhoff coordinates for the Toda lattice in the limit of infinitely many particles with an application to FPU 2015 Dario Bambusi
Alberto Maspero
+ PDF Chat Growth of Sobolev Norms for Solutions of Time Dependent Schrödinger Operators with Harmonic Oscillator Potential 2013 Jean-Marc Delort
+ Adiabatic theory : stability of systems with increasing gaps 1997 G. Nenciu
+ On growth of sobolev norms in linear schrödinger equations with smooth time dependent potential 1999 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Chat Growth of Sobolev Norms of Solutions of Linear Schrodinger Equations on Some Compact Manifolds 2009 Jean-Marc Delort
+ Autour de l'approximation semi-classique 1987 Didier Robert
+ PDF Chat Growth of Sobolev norms for the quintic NLS on<i>T</i><sup>2</sup> 2015 Emanuele Haus
Michela Procesi
+ Strong nonlinear instability and growth of Sobolev norms near quasiperiodic finite gap tori for the 2D cubic NLS equation 2022 Marcel Guàrdia
Zaher Hani
Emanuele Haus
Alberto Maspero
Michela Procesi
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds on the growth of Sobolev norms in some linear time dependent Schrödinger equations 2019 Alberto Maspero
+ Growth of Sobolev norms for the analytic NLS on<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2016 Marcel Guàrdia
Emanuele Haus
Michela Procesi
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Time quasi-periodic gravity water waves in finite depth 2018 Pietro Baldi
Massimiliano Berti
Emanuele Haus
Riccardo Montalto
+ Growth of Sobolev Norms in Linear Schrödinger Equations with Quasi-Periodic Potential 1999 Jean Bourgain
+ On reducibility of Quantum Harmonic Oscillator on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with quasiperiodic in time potential 2016 Éric Paturel
Benoît Grébert
+ PDF Chat Growth of Sobolev norms for abstract linear Schrödinger equations 2020 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Grébert
Alberto Maspero
Didier Robert
+ PDF Chat On the growth of Sobolev norms for NLS on 2- and 3-dimensional manifolds 2017 Fabrice Planchon
Nikolay Tzvetkov
Nicola Visciglia
+ PDF Chat Transfer of energy to high frequencies in the cubic defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2010 J. Colliander
M. Keel
G. Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
T. Tao
+ PDF Chat Reducibility of 1-d Schrödinger Equation with Time Quasiperiodic Unbounded Perturbations, II 2017 Dario Bambusi
+ The Defocusing NLS Equation and Its Normal Form 2014 Benoît Grébert
Thomas Kappeler
+ PDF Chat Tame majorant analyticity for the Birkhoff map of the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the circle 2018 Alberto Maspero
+ Birkhoff normal form for partial differential equations with tame modulus 2006 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Grébert
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Periodic Standing Wave Solutions of Gravity-Capillary Water Waves 2020 Massimiliano Berti
Riccardo Montalto
+ PDF Chat On the Energy Growth of Some Periodically Driven Quantum Systems with Shrinking Gaps in the Spectrum 2007 Pierre Duclos
Ondra Lev
P. Šťovı́ček
+ A KAM algorithm for the resonant non-linear Schrödinger equation 2014 Claudio Procesi
Michela Procesi
+ PDF Chat Long-time Instability and Unbounded Sobolev Orbits for Some Periodic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations 2013 Zaher Hani
+ PDF Chat Vey theorem in infinite dimensions and its application to KdV 2010 Sergei Kuksin
Galina Perelman
+ Growth of Sobolev norms for abstract linear Schr\"odinger Equations 2017 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Grébert
Alberto Maspero
Didier Robert
+ Well-posedness of the water-waves equations 2005 David Lannes
+ PDF Chat On the water-wave equations with surface tension 2011 Thomas Alazard
Nicolas Burq
Claude Zuily
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat KAM for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2010 L. H. Eliasson
Sergei Kuksin
+ PDF Chat An Abstract Nash–Moser Theorem and Quasi-Periodic Solutions for NLW and NLS on Compact Lie Groups and Homogeneous Manifolds 2014 Massimiliano Berti
Livia Corsi
Michela Procesi
+ Quasi-periodic solutions for fully nonlinear forced reversible Schrödinger equations 2015 Roberto Feola
Michela Procesi
+ Reducibility of 1-d Schrödinger equation with time quasiperiodic unbounded perturbations. I 2016 Dario Bambusi
Benoît Pausader
Nikolay Tzvetkov
Nicola Visciglia
+ Scattering Theory of Classical and Quantum N-Particle Systems 1997 Jan Dereziński
Christian Gérard
+ Almost Global Solutions of Capillary-Gravity Water Waves Equations on the Circle 2018 Massimiliano Berti
Jean-Marc Delort
+ Long time stability of small finite gap solutions of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2018 Alberto Maspero
Michela Procesi
+ Long time dynamics of Schrödinger and wave equations on flat tori 2019 Massimiliano Berti
Alberto Maspero
+ PDF Chat A KAM Result on Compact Lie Groups 2014 Livia Corsi
Emanuele Haus
Michela Procesi
+ On the growth of Sobolev norms for a class of linear Schr\"odinger equations on the torus with superlinear dispersion 2017 Riccardo Montalto
+ The cubic Szegő equation and Hankel operators 2018 Sandrine Grellier
Patrick Gérard
+ Bound states and propagating states for time-dependent hamiltonians 1983 Volker Enß
Krešimir Veselić
+ Steady Periodic Capillary‐Gravity Waves with Vorticity 2006 Erik Wahlén
+ PDF Chat An abstract Nash–Moser theorem with parameters and applications to PDEs 2009 Massimiliano Berti
Philippe Bolle
Michela Procesi
+ On Growth of Sobolev Norms in Linear Schrödinger Equations with Time Dependent Gevrey Potential 2012 Daoyuan Fang
Qidi Zhang
+ PDF Chat A remark on normal forms and the “upside-down” I-method for periodic NLS: Growth of higher Sobolev norms 2012 J. Colliander
Soonsik Kwon
Tadahiro Oh
+ A KAM-theorem for some nonlinear partial differential equations 1996 Jürgen Pöschel