Asia Ivić Weiss


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Correction to: Proper locally spherical hypertopes of hyperbolic type 2021 Antonio Montero
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Proper locally spherical hypertopes of hyperbolic type 2021 Antonio Montero
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Proper locally spherical hypertopes of hyperbolic type 2021 Antonio Montero
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Proper locally spherical hypertopes of hyperbolic type 2021 Antonio Montero
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Locally spherical hypertopes from generalised cubes 2020 Antonio Montero
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat An Exploration of Locally Spherical Regular Hypertopes 2020 Maria Elisa Fernandes
Dimitri Leemans
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Locally spherical hypertopes from generlised cubes 2020 Antonio Montero
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Hexagonal Extensions of Toroidal Maps and Hypermaps 2018 Maria Elisa Fernandes
Dimitri Leemans
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Discrete Geometry and Symmetry 2018 Marston Conder
Antoine Deza
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Skeletal Geometric Complexes and Their Symmetries 2017 Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Skeletal Geometric Complexes and Their Symmetries 2016 Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Highly symmetric hypertopes 2016 Maria Elisa Fernandes
Dimitri Leemans
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Highly symmetric hypertopes 2016 Maria Elisa Fernandes
Dimitri Leemans
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Highly symmetric hypertopes 2016 Maria Elisa Fernandes
Dimitri Leemans
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Skeletal Geometric Complexes and Their Symmetries 2016 Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Cubic Tessellations of the Helicosms 2015 Isabel Hubard
Mark Mixer
Daniel Pellicer
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Cubic Tessellations of the Helicosms 2015 Isabel Hubard
Mark Mixer
Daniel Pellicer
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Combinatorial Structure of Schulte’s Polyhedra 2015 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Cubic Tessellations of the Helicosms 2015 Isabel Hubard
Mark Mixer
Daniel Pellicer
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Cubic tessellations of the didicosm 2014 Mark Mixer
Isabel Hubard
Daniel Pellicer
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Chirality in incidence geometry 2014 Maria Elisa Fernandes
Dimitri Leemans
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Hereditary Polytopes 2014 Mark Mixer
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Rigidity and Symmetry 2014 Robert Connelly
Asia Ivić Weiss
Walter Whiteley
+ On the size of equifacetted semi-regular polytopes 2012 Tomaž Pisanski
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Symmetries of Equivelar 4-Toroids 2012 Isabel Hubard
Alen Orbanić
Daniel Pellicer
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Hereditary Polytopes 2012 Mark Mixer
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ On the Size of Equifacetted Semi-Regular Polytopes 2011 Tomaž Pisanski
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ On the Size of Equifacetted Semi-Regular Polytopes 2011 Tomaž Pisanski
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Generalized CPR-graphs and applications 2010 Daniel Pellicer
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Structure of Schulte’s Chiral Polyhedra 2010 Daniel Pellicer
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Monodromy Groups and Self-Invariance 2009 Isabel Hubard
Alen Orbanić
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Map operations and k-orbit maps 2009 Alen Orbanić
Daniel Pellicer
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Cayley graphs and symmetric 4-polytopes 2008 Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Convex and Abstract Polytopes (Thursday, May 19, 2005 to Sunday, May 22, 2005) 2006 Ted Bisztriczky
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Problems on polytopes, their groups, and realizations 2006 Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Semisymmetric graphs from polytopes 2006 Barry Monson
Tomaž Pisanski
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Semisymmetric Graphs from Polytopes 2006 Barry Monson
Tomaž Pisanski
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Problems on Polytopes, Their Groups, and Realizations 2006 Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Petrie-Coxeter Maps Revisited 2005 Isabel Hubard
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Medial layer graphs of equivelar 4-polytopes 2005 Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Self-duality of chiral polytopes 2005 Isabel Hubard
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Petrie-Coxeter Maps Revisited 2005 Isabel Hubard
Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Realizations of Regular Toroidal Maps of Type {4,4} 2000 Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Quadratic Integers and Coxeter Groups 1999 Norman W. Johnson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Realizations of Regular Toroidal Maps 1999 Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Quaternionic modular groups 1999 Norman W. Johnson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ On prismatic tiles 1997 Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ None 1997 Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Parallel properties of 𝐴_{𝜙} and 𝑞_{𝜙} 1996 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Ω_{𝑚} and the 𝐺-module structure of 𝐸 1996 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Free Extensions of Chiral Polytopes 1995 Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Polytopes related to the Picard group 1995 Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Polytopes: Abstract, Convex and Computational 1994 Tibor Bisztriczky
Peter McMullen
Rolf Schneider
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Regular Maps Constructed from Linear Groups 1993 Peter McMullen
Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Chiral polytopes 1991 Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Some infinite families of finite incidence-polytopes 1990 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Regular 4‐polytopes related to general orthogonal groups 1990 Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat Incidence-polytopes with toroidal cells 1989 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Incidence-polytopes of type {6, 3, 3} 1986 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Twisted honeycombs {3, 5, 3} t and their groups 1984 H. S. M. Coxeter
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ An Infinite Graph of Girth 12 1984 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat An infinite graph of girth 12 1984 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat On Isoclinal Sequences of Spheres 1983 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ PDF Chat On isoclinal sequences of spheres 1983 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ On Coxeter’s Loxodromic Sequences of Tangent Spheres 1981 Asia Ivić Weiss
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Abstract Regular Polytopes 2002 Peter McMullen
Egon Schulte
+ Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups 1972 H. S. M. Coxeter
W. O. J. Moser
+ Chirality and projective linear groups 1994 Egon Schulte
Asia IvićWeiss
+ Regul�re Inzidenzkomplexe III 1983 Egon Schulte
+ Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups 1980 H. S. M. Coxeter
W. O. J. Moser
+ Regul�re Inzidenzkomplexe I 1982 Ludwig Danzer
Egon Schulte
+ Self-duality of chiral polytopes 2005 Isabel Hubard
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Determination of all Regular Maps of Small Genus 2001 Marston Conder
Peter Dobcsányi
+ A construction of higher rank chiral polytopes 2009 Daniel Pellicer
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Two-orbit polyhedra from groups 2009 Isabel Hubard
+ PDF Chat A Family of Regular Maps of Type {6, 6} 1962 F. A. Sherk
+ PDF Chat Chiral polytopes 1991 Egon Schulte
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Realizations of regular polytopes 1988 Peter McMullen
+ None 1997 Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Regular Incidence-Complexes and Dimensionally Unbounded Sequences of Such, I 1984 Ludwig Danzer
+ None 2001 Fengming Dong
K.M. Koh
Kee L. Teo
Charles H. C. Little
M. D. Hendy
+ Noneuclidean Tesselations and Their Groups 1974 Wilhelm Magnus
+ PDF Chat Highly symmetric hypertopes 2016 Maria Elisa Fernandes
Dimitri Leemans
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Constructions for chiral polytopes 2007 Marston Conder
Isabel Hubard
Tomaž Pisanski
+ Flag structures on tits geometries 1983 Michael Aschbacher
+ Regular incidence-polytopes with Euclidean or toroidal faces and vertex-figures 1985 Egon Schulte
+ World-structure and non-Euclidean honeycombs 1950 H. S. M. Coxeter
G. J. Whitrow
+ Diagrams for geometries and groups 1979 Francis Buekenhout
+ PDF Chat Geometrische Darstellung der Gruppen linearer Substitutionen mit ganzen complexen Coefficienten nebst Anwendungen auf die Zahlentheorie 1891 Luigi Bianchi
+ Regular Skew Polyhedra in Three and Four Dimension, and their Topological Analogues 1938 H. S. M. Coxeter
+ Twelve Geometric Essays 1968 H. S. M. Coxeter
+ Twisted honeycombs {3, 5, 3} t and their groups 1984 H. S. M. Coxeter
Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ C-groups of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">PSL</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>q</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>and<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">PGL</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn… 2015 Thomas Connor
Sebastian Jambor
Dimitri Leemans
+ Incidence-polytopes of type {6, 3, 3} 1986 Asia Ivić Weiss
+ Applied Geometry and Discrete Mathematics: The Victor Klee Festschrift 1991 Bernd Sturmfels
Peter Gritzmann
+ Extensions of dually bipartite regular polytopes 2009 Daniel Pellicer
+ Diagram Geometry 2013 Francis Buekenhout
Arjeh M. Cohen
+ Amalgamation of Regular Incidence-Polytopes 1988 Egon Schulte
+ Automorphism groups of symmetric graphs of valency 3 1989 Marston Conder
Peter Lorimer
+ C-groups of high rank for the symmetric groups 2018 Maria Elisa Fernandes
Dimitri Leemans
+ An atlas of residually weakly primitive geometries for small groups, 14 1999 Francis Buekenhout
Michel Dehon
Dimitri Leemans
+ PDF Chat The abstract groups 𝐺^{𝑚,𝑛,𝑝} 1939 H. S. M. Coxeter
+ Regular projective polyhedra with planar faces I 2000 Jorge L. Arocha
Javier Bracho
L. Montejano
+ CPR graphs and regular polytopes 2007 Daniel Pellicer
+ Classifying Geometries with Cayley 1994 Michel Dehon
+ Regular Polytopes 2002 Peter McMullen
Egon Schulte
+ PDF Chat Regular Polytopes in Ordinary Space 1997 Peter McMullen
Egon Schulte
+ Semiregular polytopes and amalgamated C-groups 2012 Barry Monson
Egon Schulte
+ Higher Toroidal Regular Polytopes 1996 Peter McMullen
Egon Schulte
+ PDF Chat Chiral Polyhedra in Ordinary Space, I 2004 Egon Schulte
+ Realizations of regular polytopes 1989 Peter McMullen
+ Hermitian forms and locally toroidal regular polytopes 1990 Peter McMullen
Egon Schulte
+ Medial layer graphs of equivelar 4-polytopes 2005 Barry Monson
Asia Ivić Weiss