Gerald Beer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Uniformly Paracompact Spaces and Uniformly Locally Lipschitz Functions 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Bornological Convergence of Nets of Closed Subsets 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Uniform Convergence on Totally Bounded Subsets 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Real-Valued Functionals and Bornologies 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Total Boundedness Revisited and Bourbaki Boundedness 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Uniformly Paracompact Subsets 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Where Must Each Member of a Class of Locally Lipschitz Functions be Lipschitz? 2023 Gerald Beer
+ When is an Extension Bornological? 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Metrically Convex Spaces and Coarse Maps 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Hejcman's Theorem and its Analog for Totally Bounded Subsets 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Ideals, Bornologies and Extensions 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Continuous Functions on Metric Spaces 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Extension of Real-Valued Continuous Functions on Subsets of a Metric Space 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Strong Uniform Continuity 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Strong Uniform Convergence on Bornologies 2023 Gerald Beer
+ More on our Four Classes of Locally Lipschitz Functions 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Bornological Convergence and Uniform Convergence of Distance Functionals 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Approximation by Members of a Bornology 2023 Gerald Beer
+ The Lipschitz Norm for the Vector Space of Lipschitz Real-Valued Functions 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Topologies of Uniform Convergence for B(X, Y ) and Convergence of Graphs 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Real-Valued Lipschitz Functions and Classes of Locally Lipschitz Functions 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Locally Lipschitz Functions 2023 Gerald Beer
+ Reciprocation and Pointwise Product in Vector Lattices of Functions 2023 Gerald Beer
M. Isabel Garrido
+ PDF Chat Correction to: Lipschitz modulus of linear and convex inequality systems with the Hausdorff metric 2021 Gerald Beer
M. J. Cánovas
Marco A. López
J. Parra
+ Embedding of Topological Posets in Hyperspaces. 2021 Gerald Beer
Efe A. Ok
+ PDF Chat Embedding of Topological Posets in Hyperspaces 2021 Gerald Beer
Efe A. Ok
+ Embedding of Topological Posets in Hyperspaces 2021 Gerald Beer
Efe A. Ok
+ On boundedly compact metrics and UC metrics 2020 Gerald Beer
+ Lipschitz modulus of linear and convex inequality systems with the Hausdorff metric 2020 Gerald Beer
M. J. Cánovas
Marco A. López
J. Parra
+ PDF Chat Stability of Lipschitz-type functions under pointwise product and reciprocation 2020 Gerald Beer
Luis C. García‐Lirola
M. Isabel Garrido
+ Real-valued Lipschitz functions and metric properties of functions 2020 Gerald Beer
M. Isabel Garrido
+ A Uniform Approach to Hölder Calmness of Subdifferentials 2020 Gerald Beer
M. J. Cánovas
Marco A. López
J. Parra
+ McShane’s Extension Theorem Revisited 2019 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Split continuity 2019 Gerald Beer
C. Bloomfield
Grant M. Robinson
+ Lipschitz modulus of linear and convex systems with the Hausdorff metric 2019 Gerald Beer
M. J. Cánovas
Marco A. López
J. Parra
+ Uniform Continuity and a New Bornology for a Metric Space 2017 Gerald Beer
M. Isabel Garrido
Ana S. Meroño
+ Oscillation Revisited 2017 Gerald Beer
Jiling Cao
+ On the uniform approximation of Cauchy continuous functions 2016 Gerald Beer
M. Isabel Garrido
+ Oscillation Revisited 2016 Gerald Beer
Jiling Cao
+ Structural Properties of Extended Normed Spaces 2015 Gerald Beer
Jon D. Vanderwerff
+ Somashekhar Naimpally, 1931–2014 2015 Gerald Beer
A. Di Concilio
Giuseppe Di Maio
S. A. Naimpally
C. M. Pareek
James F. Peters
+ Locally Lipschitz functions, cofinal completeness, and UC spaces 2015 Gerald Beer
M. Isabel Garrido
Jon D. Vanderwerff
+ Convergence of partial maps 2014 Gerald Beer
Agata Caserta
Giuseppe Di Maio
Roberto Lucchetti
M. Isabel Garrido
+ The weak Ekeland variational principle and fixed points 2014 Gerald Beer
Asen L. Dontchev
+ Tubes about Functions and Multifunctions 2014 Gerald Beer
Michael J. Hoffman
+ Excess topologies in metric spaces 2014 Gerald Beer
Camillo Costantini
Sandro Levi
+ The Structure of Extended Real-valued Metric Spaces 2013 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat The Alexandroff property and the preservation of strong uniform continuity 2013 Gerald Beer
+ Gap topologies in metric spaces 2013 Gerald Beer
Camillo Costantini
Sandro Levi
+ The Lipschitz metric for real-valued continuous functions 2013 Gerald Beer
Michael Hoffman
+ Semicontinuous limits of nets of continuous functions 2013 Gerald Beer
+ Graphical convergence of continuous functions 2013 Gerald Beer
S. A. Naimpally
+ The Alexandroff one-point compactification as a prototype for extensions 2012 Gerald Beer
Maria Cristina Vipera
+ Uniform convergence on weakly compact subsets 2012 Gerald Beer
+ Uniform Continuity of a Product of Real Functions 2012 Gerald Beer
S. A. Naimpally
+ Between the cofinally complete spaces and the UC spaces 2012 Gerald Beer
+ Journal of Convex Analysis 2012 Giuseppe Buttazzo
Lionel Thibault
Roger J.‐B. Wets
Hédy Attouch
A. Auslender
D. Azé
Erik J. Balder
B. Bank
Gerald Beer
Aharon Ben‐Tal
+ PDF Chat Bornological Convergence and Shields 2011 Gerald Beer
Camillo Costantini
Sandro Lev
+ Lipschitz Functions and Ekeland’s Theorem 2011 Gerald Beer
Jose Ceniceros
+ The bornology of cofinally complete subsets 2011 Gerald Beer
Giuseppe Di Maio
+ Ekeland's theorem and UC spaces 2011 Gerald Beer
+ Ultimately Increasing Functions 2011 Gerald Beer
Jesús Rodrı́guez-López
+ Total boundedness in metrizable spaces 2011 Gerald Beer
Camillo Costantini
Sandro Levi
+ Uniform Continuity, Uniform Convergence, and Shields 2010 Gerald Beer
Sandro Levi
+ PDF Chat Cofinal completeness of the Hausdorff metric topology 2010 Gerald Beer
Giuseppe Di Maio
+ PDF Chat Well-posedness, bornologies, and the structure of metric spaces 2009 Gerald Beer
Manuel Segura
+ Total boundedness and bornologies 2009 Gerald Beer
Sandro Levi
+ Gap, Excess and Bornological Convergence 2008 Gerald Beer
Sandro Levi
+ Strong uniform continuity 2008 Gerald Beer
Sandro Levi
+ Product metrics and boundedness 2008 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of Bornological Universes 2008 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">S</mml:mi></mml:math>-topologies and bounded convergences 2007 Gerald Beer
Som Naimpally
Jesús Rodrı́guez-López
+ Production of $^{6}_Λ$H and $^{7}_Λ$H with the (K$^{-}_{stop}$,$π^+$) reaction 2006 M. Agnello
Gerald Beer
L. Benussi
Marco Bertani
H. Bhang
S. Bianco
G. Bonomi
E. Botta
M. Bregant
T. Bressani
+ When Is a Family of Sets a Family of Bounded Sets? 2000 Gerald Beer
+ On Convergence to Infinity 2000 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Quasi-concave functions and convex convergence to infinity 1999 Gerald Beer
+ None 1999 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Attouch-Wets Convergence and a Differential Operator for Convex Functions 1994 Gerald Beer
Michel Théra
+ PDF Chat The Infimal Value Functional and the Uniformization of Hit-and-Miss Hyperspace Topologies 1994 Gerald Beer
Robert K. Tamaki
+ PDF Chat A Note on Epi-Convergence 1994 Gerald Beer
+ Stability of the geometric Ekeland variational principle: Convex case 1994 Hédy Attouch
Gerald Beer
+ Lipschitz Regularization and the Convergence of Convex Functions 1994 Gerald Beer
+ Wijsman convergence: A survey 1994 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat The infimal value functional and the uniformization of hit-and-miss hyperspace topologies 1994 Gerald Beer
Robert K. Tamaki
+ Wijsman convergence of convex sets under renorming 1994 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Attouch-Wets convergence and a differential operator for convex functions 1994 Gerald Beer
Michel Théra
+ The Hausdor Metric Topology, the Attouch-Wets Topology, and the Measurability of Set-Valued Functions 1994 Alberto Barbati
Gerald Beer
Christian Hess
+ Efficiency and the uniform linear minorization of convex functions 1993 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Well-Posed Optimization Problems and a New Topology for the Closed Subsets of a Metric Space 1993 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ Mosco and Slice Convergence of Level Sets and Graphs of Linear Functionals 1993 Gerald Beer
Jonathan M. Borwein
+ On the convergence of subdifferentials of convex functions 1993 Hédy Attouch
Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Weak topologies for the closed subsets of a metrizable space 1993 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ PDF Chat Weak Topologies for the Closed Subsets of a Metrizable Space 1993 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ Topologies on Closed and Closed Convex Sets 1993 Gerald Beer
+ On hit-and-miss hyperspace topologies 1993 Gerald Beer
Robert K. Tamaki
+ Convergence of epigraphs and of sublevel sets 1993 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ On the Fell topology 1993 Gerald Beer
+ The Fell Topology and Kuratowski-Painlevé Convergence 1993 Gerald Beer
+ Gap and Excess Functionals and Weak Topologies 1993 Gerald Beer
+ The Slice Topology for Convex Functions 1993 Gerald Beer
+ The Attouch-Wets Topology for Convex Functions 1993 Gerald Beer
+ The Attouch-Wets and Hausdorff Metric Topologies 1993 Gerald Beer
+ Weak Topologies Determined by Distance Functionals 1993 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Distance functional and suprema of hyperspace topologies 1992 Gerald Beer
Alojzy Lechicki
Sandro Levi
S. A. Naimpally
+ PDF Chat Topological Completeness of Function Spaces Arising in the Hausdorff Approximation of Functions 1992 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat A Characterization of Epi-Convergence in Terms of Convergence of Level Sets 1992 Gerald Beer
R. T. Rockafellar
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ PDF Chat Polar locally convex topologies and Attouch-Wets convergence 1992 Gerald Beer
+ The slice topology: a viable alternative to mosco convergence in nonreflexive spaces 1992 Gerald Beer
+ The EPI-Distance Topology: Continuity and Stability Results with Applications to Convex Optimization Problems 1992 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ PDF Chat A characterization of epi-convergence in terms of convergence of level sets 1992 Gerald Beer
R. T. Rockafellar
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ PDF Chat A Polish Topology for the Closed Subsets of a Polish Space 1991 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Convex Optimization and the Epi-Distance Topology 1991 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ Mosco convergence and weak topologies for convex sets and functions 1991 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Uniform Continuity on Bounded Sets and the Attouch-Wets Topology 1991 Gerald Beer
Anna Diconcilio
+ The Prox map 1991 Gerald Beer
Devidas Pai
+ On some inverse stability problems for the epigraphical sum 1991 Hédy Attouch
D. Azé
Gerald Beer
+ A generalization of boundedly compact metric spaces 1991 Gerald Beer
A. Di Concilio
+ PDF Chat A Polish topology for the closed subsets of a Polish space 1991 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Convex optimization and the epi-distance topology 1991 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ PDF Chat Uniform continuity on bounded sets and the Attouch-Wets topology 1991 Gerald Beer
A. Di Concilio
+ Three characterizations of the Mosco topology for convex functions 1990 Gerald Beer
+ On convergence of convex sets and relative Chebyshev centers 1990 Gerald Beer
Devidas Pai
+ PDF Chat Function spaces and the Mosco topology 1990 Gerald Beer
Robert K. Tamaki
+ PDF Chat Mosco Convergence and Reflexivity 1990 Gerald Beer
Jonathan M. Borwein
+ PDF Chat Mosco convergence and reflexivity 1990 Gerald Beer
Jonathan M. Borwein
+ PDF Chat Conjugate convex functions and the epi-distance topology 1990 Gerald Beer
+ Proximal maps, prox maps and coincidence points 1990 Gerald Beer
Devidas Pai
+ PDF Chat Conjugate Convex Functions and the Epi-Distance Topology 1990 Gerald Beer
+ A second look at set convergence and linear analysis 1989 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Infima of Convex Functions 1989 Gerald Beer
+ Convergence of continuous linear functionals and their level sets 1989 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Infima of convex functions 1989 Gerald Beer
+ Support and distance functionals for convex sets 1989 Gerald Beer
+ Minima of quasi-convex functions 1989 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ PDF Chat On the Young-Fenchel Transform for Convex Functions 1988 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On Mosco convergence of convex sets 1988 Gerald Beer
+ UC Spaces Revisited 1988 Gerald Beer
+ On a generic optimization theorem of Petar Kenderov 1988 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Borel Measures and Hausdorff Distance 1988 Gerald Beer
Luzviminda Villar
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Cellina for set valued functions 1988 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat An embedding theorem for the Fell topology. 1988 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On the ARG MIN multifunction for lower semicontinuous functions 1988 Gerald Beer
P. S. Kenderov
+ PDF Chat On the Young-Fenchel transform for convex functions 1988 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Borel measures and Hausdorff distance 1988 Gerald Beer
Luzviminda Villar
+ PDF Chat On the Arg Min Multifunction for Lower Semicontinuous Functions 1988 Gerald Beer
P. S. Kenderov
+ The Locally Finite Topology on 2 X 1987 Gerald Beer
C. J. Himmelberg
K. Prikry
F. S. Van Vleck
+ Continuity of the straight line path for convex sets 1987 Gerald Beer
+ When is a Free Union of Regular Measures Regular? 1987 Gerald Beer
Luzviminda Villar
+ When is a Free Union of Regular Measures Regular? 1987 Gerald Beer
Luzviminda Villar
+ Limits of starshaped sets 1987 Gerald Beer
Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Metric spaces with nice closed balls and distance functions for closed sets 1987 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat The locally finite topology on 2^{𝑋} 1987 Gerald Beer
C. J. Himmelberg
Karel Prikry
F. S. Van Vleck
+ A geometric algorithm for approximating semicontinuous function 1987 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff Distance and a Compactness Criterion for Continuous Functions 1986 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat More about metric spaces on which continuous functions are uniformly continuous 1986 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Metric Spaces on which Continuous Functions are Uniformly Continuous and Hausdorff Distance 1985 Gerald Beer
+ On a theorem of Deutsch and Kenderov 1985 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On convergence of closed sets in a metric space and distance functions 1985 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat More on Convergence of Continuous Functions and Topological Convergence of Sets 1985 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Metric spaces on which continuous functions are uniformly continuous and Hausdorff distance 1985 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On Uniform Convergence of Continuous Functions and Topological Convergence of Sets 1983 Gerald Beer
+ Dense selections 1983 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On Functions that Approximate Relations 1983 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat In which metric spaces are parallel bodies of closed sets closed? 1983 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On functions that approximate relations 1983 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Cone Lattices of Upper Semicontinuous Functions 1982 Gerald Beer
+ On Dini's Theorem and a Metric on C(X) Topologically Equivalent to the Uniform Metric 1982 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On Dini’s theorem and a metric on 𝐶(𝑋) topologically equivalent to the uniform metric 1982 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Cone lattices of upper semicontinuous functions 1982 Gerald Beer
+ Upper semicontinuous functions and the stone approximation theorem 1982 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Which Connected Metric Spaces are Compact? 1981 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat A natural topology for upper semicontinuous functions and a Baire category dual for convergence in measure 1981 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Which connected metric spaces are compact? 1981 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On Closed Starshaped Sets and Baire Category 1980 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat The approximation of upper semicontinuous multifunctions by step multifunctions 1980 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On closed starshaped sets and Baire category 1980 Gerald Beer
+ The Cobb-Douglas Production Function 1980 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Recession Cones of Nonconvex Sets and Increasing Functions 1979 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Recession cones of nonconvex sets and increasing functions 1979 Gerald Beer
+ Applied calculus for business and economics, with an introduction to matrices 1978 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat A note on Riemann integrability 1978 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Starshaped sets and the Hausdorff metric 1975 Gerald Beer
+ Convex Functions. 1975 Gerald Beer
Alan Roberts
Dale E. Varberg
+ PDF Chat The Hausdorff metric and convergence in measure. 1974 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat The index of convexity and parallel bodies 1974 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat The index of convexity and the visibility function 1973 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat The Continuity of the Visibility Function on a Starshaped Set 1972 Gerald Beer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Variational Convergence for Functions and Operators 1984 Hédy Attouch
+ Convergence of convex sets and of solutions of variational inequalities 1969 Umberto Mosco
+ Topologies on Closed and Closed Convex Sets 1993 Gerald Beer
+ Quasi-uniformization of hyperspaces and convergence of nets of semicontinuous multifunctions 1985 Sebastiano Francaviglia
Alojzy Lechicki
Sandro Levi
+ On the continuity of the Young-Fenchel transform 1971 Umberto Mosco
+ PDF Chat Uniform continuity of continuous functions of metric spaces 1958 Masahiko Atsuji
+ PDF Chat On Mosco convergence of convex sets 1988 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Convex Analysis and Measurable Multifunctions 1977 Charles Castaing
Michel Valadier
+ PDF Chat Convergence of sequences of convex sets, cones and functions. II 1966 Robert A. Wijsman
+ PDF Chat Conjugate convex functions and the epi-distance topology 1990 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Topologies on spaces of subsets 1951 Ernest Michael
+ PDF Chat Quantitative stability of variational systems. I. The epigraphical distance 1991 Hédy Attouch
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ PDF Chat The topology of theρ-hausdorff distance 1991 Hédy Attouch
Roberto Lucchetti
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ Operations on convergent families of sets and functions 1990 D. Azé
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Convergence of sequences of convex sets, cones and functions 1964 Robert A. Wijsman
+ Wijsman convergence in the hyperspace of a metric space 1987 Alojzy Lechicki
S. Levi
+ PDF Chat Distance functional and suprema of hyperspace topologies 1992 Gerald Beer
Alojzy Lechicki
Sandro Levi
S. A. Naimpally
+ Convergence of best approximations in a smooth Banach space 1984 Makoto Tsukada
+ Convergence of continuous linear functionals and their level sets 1989 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Topologies on Spaces of Subsets 1951 Ernest Michael
+ Bornological convergences 2004 Alojzy Lechicki
S. Levi
Andrzej Spakowski
+ PDF Chat Metric spaces with nice closed balls and distance functions for closed sets 1987 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Spaces whose finest uniformity is metric 1959 John Rainwater
+ PDF Chat Mosco convergence and the Kadec property 1989 Jonathan M. Borwein
Simon Fitzpatrick
+ PDF Chat Uniform continuity on bounded sets and the Attouch-Wets topology 1991 Gerald Beer
A. Di Concilio
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Sequences of Convex Sets, Cones and Functions. II 1966 R. A. Wijsman
+ PDF Chat Convex optimization and the epi-distance topology 1991 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ PDF Chat A Hausdorff topology for the closed subsets of a locally compact non-Hausdorff space 1962 J. M. G. Fell
+ PDF Chat Metric spaces on which continuous functions are uniformly continuous and Hausdorff distance 1985 Gerald Beer
+ Strong uniform continuity 2008 Gerald Beer
Sandro Levi
+ PDF Chat The cosmic Hausdorff topology, the bounded Hausdorff topology and continuity of polarity 1991 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Support and distance functionals for convex sets 1989 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat On the Young-Fenchel transform for convex functions 1988 Gerald Beer
+ On the relations between two types of convergence for convex functions 1977 Gabriella Salinetti
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ PDF Chat Set convergences. An attempt of classification 1993 Yves Sonntag
Constantin Zălinescu
+ Convex analysis with application in the differentiation of convex functions 1982 J Giles
+ PDF Chat More about metric spaces on which continuous functions are uniformly continuous 1986 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Mosco Convergence and the Kadec Property 1989 Jonathan M. Borwein
Simon Fitzpatrick
+ PDF Chat Weak topologies for the closed subsets of a metrizable space 1993 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ The slice topology: a viable alternative to mosco convergence in nonreflexive spaces 1992 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability 1989 R. R. Phelps
+ PDF Chat Mosco convergence and reflexivity 1990 Gerald Beer
Jonathan M. Borwein
+ PDF Chat Graph topology for function spaces 1966 S. A. Naimpally
+ None 1999 Gerald Beer
+ PDF Chat Convex Optimization and the Epi-Distance Topology 1991 Gerald Beer
Roberto Lucchetti
+ PDF Chat On the Young-Fenchel Transform for Convex Functions 1988 Gerald Beer
+ On convergence of convex sets and relative Chebyshev centers 1990 Gerald Beer
Devidas Pai
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">S</mml:mi></mml:math>-topologies and bounded convergences 2007 Gerald Beer
Som Naimpally
Jesús Rodrı́guez-López
+ Total boundedness and bornologies 2009 Gerald Beer
Sandro Levi
+ Variational systems, an introduction 1984 R. T. Rockafellar
Roger J.‐B. Wets