Zhizhang Xie


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Scalar curvature rigidity of degenerate warped product spaces 2025 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ PDF Chat $L^p$-coarse Baum--Connes conjecture for $\ell^{q}$-coarse embeddable spaces 2024 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
Bo Zhu
+ PDF Chat Equivalence of different definitions of higher $\rho$ invariants 2024 Hongzhi Liu
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Positive scalar curvature meets Ricci limit spaces 2024 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Bo Zhu
Xingyu Zhu
+ PDF Chat On Gromovā€™s compactness question regarding positive scalar curvature 2024 Shmuel Weinberger
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ A proof of Gromov's cube inequality on scalar curvature 2024 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Scalar curvature rigidity of spheres with subsets removed and $L^\infty$ metrics 2024 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ PDF Chat Scalar curvature rigidity of the four-dimensional sphere 2024 S. Cecchini
Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Bo Zhu
+ K-theory of relative group $$C^*$$-algebras and the relative Novikov conjecture 2024 Jintao Deng
Geng Tian
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Delocalized eta invariants, cyclic cohomology and higher rho invariants 2023 Xiaoman Chen
Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Decay of scalar curvature on uniformly contractible manifolds with finite asymptotic dimension 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Approximations of delocalized eta invariants by their finite analogues 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ A quantitative relative index theorem and Gromovā€™s conjectures on positive scalar curvature (with an appendix by Jinmin Wang and Zhizhang Xie) 2023 Zhizhang Xie
+ PDF Chat ā„“Ā¹-higher index, ā„“Ā¹-higher rho invariant and cyclic cohomology 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Quantitative K-Theory, Positive Scalar Curvature, and Bandwidth 2023 Hao Guo
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Dihedral rigidity for submanifolds of warped product manifolds 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ Scalar curvature rigidity of degenerate warped product spaces 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ The Novikov conjecture, the group of diffeomorphisms and continuous fields of Hilbert-Hadamard spaces 2023 Sherry Gong
Jianchao Wu
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ On the relative Novikov conjecture for coarsely embeddable groups 2023 Geng Tian
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Filling Radius, Quantitative $K$-theory and Positive Scalar Curvature 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
Bo Zhu
+ A Lichnerowicz vanishing theorem for the maximal Roe algebra 2022 Hao Guo
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ On Gromov's flat corner domination conjecture and Stoker's conjecture 2022 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ $l^1$-higher index, $l^1$-higher rho invariant and cyclic cohomology 2022 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Rigidity of strictly convex domains in Euclidean spaces 2022 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ Positive Scalar Curvature Meets Ricci Limit Spaces 2022 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Bo Zhu
Xingyu Zhu
+ PDF Chat On the range of the relative higher index and the higher rho-invariant for positive scalar curvature 2021 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
Rudolf Zeidler
+ An index theoretic proof of Gromov's cube inequality on scalar curvature 2021 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ A relative index theorem for incomplete manifolds and Gromov's conjectures on positive scalar curvature 2021 Zhizhang Xie
+ PDF Chat Functoriality for higher rho invariants of elliptic operators 2021 Hao Guo
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Decay of scalar curvature on uniformly contractible manifolds with finite asymptotic dimension 2021 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ A quantitative relative index theorem and Gromov's conjectures on positive scalar curvature 2021 Zhizhang Xie
+ A proof of Gromov's cube inequality on scalar curvature 2021 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ $K$-theory of relative group $C^*$-algebras and the relative Novikov conjecture 2021 Jintao Deng
Geng Tian
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ On Gromov's dihedral extremality and rigidity conjectures 2021 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ On Gromov's compactness question regarding positive scalar curvature 2021 Shmuel Weinberger
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Additivity of Higher Rho Invariants and Nonrigidity of Topological Manifolds 2020 Shmuel Weinberger
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Approximations of delocalized eta invariants by their finite analogues 2020 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Functoriality for higher rho invariants of elliptic operators 2020 Hao Guo
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Quantitative K-theory, positive scalar curvature, and band width 2020 Hao Guo
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Delocalized Eta Invariants, Algebraicity, and <i>K</i>-Theory of Group <i>C</i>*-Algebras 2019 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ A Lichnerowicz Vanishing Theorem for the Maximal Roe Algebra 2019 Hao Guo
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Higher invariants in noncommutative geometry 2019 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Higher invariants in noncommutative geometry 2019 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Cāˆ—ā€“algebraic higher signatures and an invariance theorem in codimension two 2018 Nigel Higson
Thomas Schick
Zhizhang Xie
+ Delocalized eta invariants, algebraicity, and $K$-theory of group $C^*$-algebras 2018 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Fibrations and higher products in cohomology 2017 Alexander Gorokhovsky
Zhizhang Xie
+ PDF Chat Generalized Euler classes, differential forms and commutative DGAs 2017 Alexander Gorokhovsky
Dennis Sullivan
Zhizhang Xie
+ Generalized Euler classes, differential forms and commutative DGAs 2017 Alexander Gorokhovsky
Dennis Sullivan
Zhizhang Xie
+ Fibrations and higher products in cohomology 2017 Alexander Gorokhovsky
Zhizhang Xie
+ Higher rho invariants and the moduli space of positive scalar curvature metrics 2016 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Additivity of higher rho invariants and nonrigidity of topological manifolds 2016 Shmuel Weinberger
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Positive scalar curvature, higher rho invariants and localization algebras 2014 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ A relative higher index theorem, diffeomorphisms and positive scalar curvature 2013 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat The odd-dimensional analogue of a theorem of Getzler and Wu 2013 Zhizhang Xie
+ Higher rho invariants and the moduli space of positive scalar curvature metrics 2013 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Positive scalar curvature, higher rho invariants and localization algebras 2013 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ A relative higher index theorem, diffeomorphisms and positive scalar curvature 2012 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Analogues of eta invariants for even dimensional manifolds 2011 Zhizhang Xie
+ PDF Chat Relative index pairing and odd index theorem for even dimensional manifolds 2010 Zhizhang Xie
+ The Odd Dimensional Analogue of a Theorem of Getzler and Wu 2010 Zhizhang Xie
+ Relative Index Pairing and Odd Index Theorem for Even Dimensional Manifolds 2010 Zhizhang Xie
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Cyclic cohomology, the Novikov conjecture and hyperbolic groups 1990 Alain Connes
Henri Moscovici
+ EquivariantKK-theory and the Novikov conjecture 1988 Gennadi Kasparov
+ The Novikov Conjecture for Groups with Finite Asymptotic Dimension 1998 Guoliang Yu
+ Localization algebras and the coarse Baum--Connes conjecture 1997 Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat The coarse Baumā€“Connes conjecture for spaces which admit a uniform embedding into Hilbert space 2000 Guoliang Yu
+ Classifying Space for Proper Actions and K-Theory of Group C*-algebras 2004 Paul Baum
Alain Connes
Nigel Higson
+ PDF Chat Coarse cohomology and index theory on complete Riemannian manifolds 1993 John Roe
+ C*-algebras, positive scalar curvature, and the Novikov conjecture 1983 Jonathan Rosenberg
+ Mapping Surgery to Analysis I: Analytic Signatures 2004 Nigel Higson
John Roe
+ PDF Chat A K-theoretic relative index theorem and Callias-type Dirac operators 1995 Ulrich Bunke
+ K-theory for discrete groups 1989 Paul Baum
Alain Connes
+ Geometrization of the Strong Novikov Conjecture for residually finite groups 2008 Guihua Gong
Qin Wang
Guoliang Yu
+ Mapping Surgery to Analysis II: Geometric Signatures 2004 Nigel Higson
John Roe
+ Positive scalar curvature, higher rho invariants and localization algebras 2014 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Higher rho invariants and the moduli space of positive scalar curvature metrics 2016 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat On Higher Eta-Invariants and Metrics of Positive Scalar Curvature 2001 Ɖric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ Positive scalar curvature and a new index theory for noncompact manifolds 2019 Stanley Chang
Shmuel Weinberger
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Positive scalar curvature and the Dirac operator on complete riemannian manifolds 1983 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ On the structure of manifolds with positive scalar curvature 1979 Richard Schoen
S.-T. Yau
+ PDF Chat Rho-classes, index theory and Stolzā€™ positive scalar curvature sequence 2014 Paolo Piazza
Thomas Schick
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry. I 1975 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Four Lectures on Scalar Curvature 2023 Misha Gromov
+ Delocalized L2-Invariants 1999 John Lott
+ PDF Chat Delocalized eta invariants, cyclic cohomology and higher rho invariants 2023 Xiaoman Chen
Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Higher eta-invariants 1992 John Lott
+ Mapping Surgery To Analysis III: Exact Sequences 2004 Nigel Higson
John Roe
+ PDF Chat Positive Curvature, Partial Vanishing Theorems and Coarse Indices 2015 John Roe
+ The eta invariant and metrics of positive scalar curvature 1995 Boris Botvinnik
Peter Gilkey
+ PDF Chat Additivity of Higher Rho Invariants and Nonrigidity of Topological Manifolds 2020 Shmuel Weinberger
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ A relative higher index theorem, diffeomorphisms and positive scalar curvature 2013 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Metric Inequalities with Scalar Curvature 2018 Misha Gromov
+ PDF Chat On the range of the relative higher index and the higher rho-invariant for positive scalar curvature 2021 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
Rudolf Zeidler
+ Index Theory, Coarse Geometry, and Topology of Manifolds 1996 John Roe
+ PDF Chat K-Homology, Assembly and Rigidity Theorems for Relative Eta Invariants 2010 Nigel Higson
John Roe
+ The Novikov conjecture and geometry of Banach spaces 2012 Gennadi Kasparov
Guoliang Yu
+ Spectral Asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry 1973 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Bounds on the von Neumann dimension of $L\sp 2$-cohomology and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for open manifolds 1985 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat A long neck principle for Riemannian spin manifolds with positive scalar curvature 2020 S. Cecchini
+ PDF Chat Groups with torsion, bordism and rho invariants 2007 Paolo Piazza
Thomas Schick
+ Delocalized eta invariants, algebraicity, and $K$-theory of group $C^*$-algebras 2018 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Positive scalar curvature and product formulas for secondary index invariants 2016 Rudolf Zeidler
+ Higher Index Theory 2020 Rufus Willett
Guoliang Yu
+ The Classification of Simply Connected Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ E-theory and KK-theory for groups which act properly and isometrically on Hilbert space 2001 Nigel Higson
Gennadi Kasparov
+ PDF Chat Localized index and $L^2$-Lefschetz fixed-point formula for orbifolds 2016 Baiā€Ling Wang
Hang Wang
+ PDF Chat Finite part of operator<i>K</i>ā€“theory for groups finitely embeddable into Hilbert space and the degree of nonrigidity of manifolds 2015 Shmuel Weinberger
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Width, Largeness and Index Theory 2020 Rudolf Zeidler
+ New Holomorphically Closed Subalgebras of C*-Algebras of Hyperbolic Groups 2010 Michael Puschnigg
+ PDF Chat Non-commutative differential geometry 1985 Alain Connes
+ Index theory, coarse geometry, and topology of manifolds 1996 John Roe