Pierre Picco


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Quasi-additive estimates on the Hamiltonian for the one-dimensional long range Ising model 2017 Jorge Littin
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Phase Separation for the Long Range One-dimensional Ising Model 2017 M. Cassandro
Immacolata Merola
Pierre Picco
+ One-Dimensional Ising Models with Long Range Interactions: Cluster Expansion, Phase-Separating Point 2014 M. Cassandro
Immacolata Merola
Pierre Picco
U. A. Rozikov
+ PDF Chat Typical Gibbs Configurations for the 1d Random Field Ising Model with Long Range Interaction 2011 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Typical Gibbs configurations for the 1d Random Field Ising Model with long range interaction. 2010 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ Phase Transition in the 1d Random Field Ising Model with Long Range Interaction 2009 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional random field Kac's model: weak large deviations principle 2009 Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ Weak large deviations principle for one dimensional random field Kac model 2009 Vincenza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat “Typical configuration for one-dimensional random field Kac model” 2006 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ One-dimensional random field Kac's model: weak large deviations principle 2006 Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional Random Field Kac's Model: Localization of the Phases 2005 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
Maria Eulália Vares
+ A representation of Gibbs measure for the random energy model 2004 Marie Kratz
Pierre Picco
+ One-dimensional random field Kac's model: localization of the phases 2004 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
Maria Eulália Vares
+ One-dimensional random field Kac's model: localization of the phases 2004 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
Maria Eulália Vares
+ PDF Chat Convergence to equilibrium for finite Markov processes, with application to the Random Energy Model 2003 Pierre Mathieu
Pierre Picco
+ From Classical to Modern Probability 2003 Pierre Picco
Jaime San Martı́n
+ From classical to modern probability : CIMPA Summer School 2001 2003 Pierre Picco
Jaime San Martı́n
+ The optimal interface profile for a non-local model of phase separation* 2002 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ None 2001 M. Cassandro
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat On the averaged dynamics of the random field Curie-Weiss model 2000 Luiz Renato Fontes
Pierre Mathieu
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Poisson approximation for large contours in low-temperature Ising models 2000 Pablo A. Ferrari
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Typical Configurations for One-Dimensional Random Field Kac Model 1999 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat The spectral gap of the REM under Metropolis dynamics 1998 Luiz Renato Fontes
Marco Isopi
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Pierre Picco
+ Domain of attraction of quasi-stationary distributions for the brownian motion with drift 1998 Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Domain of attraction of quasi-stationary distributions for the brownian motion with drift 1998 Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
Jaime San Martı́n
+ None 1998 Pierre Mathieu
Pierre Picco
+ None 1998 Paolo Buttà
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Distribution of Overlap Profiles in the One-Dimensional Kac--Hopfield Model 1997 Anton Bovier
V�ronique Gayrard
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Large deviation principles for the Hopfield model and the Kac-Hopfield model 1995 Anton Bovier
Véronique Gayrard
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Existence of Quasi-Stationary Distributions. A Renewal Dynamical Approach 1995 Pablo A. Ferrari
Harry Kesten
Sofía Boza
Pierre Picco
+ A law of the iterated logarithm for geometrically weighted martingale difference sequences 1994 Pierre Picco
Maria Eulália Vares
+ Equivalence of renewal sequences and isomorphism of random walks 1994 Jon Aaronson
Thomas M. Liggett
Pierre Picco
+ On the Gibbs states for one-dimensional lattice Boson systems with a long-range interaction 1993 Enzo Olivieri
Pierre Picco
Yu. M. Suhov
+ On the Gibbs States for One-Dimensional Lattice Boson Systems with a Long-Range Interaction 1993 Enzo Olivieri
Pierre Picco
Yurii Suhov
+ Existence of non-trivial quasi-stationary distributions in the birth-death chain 1992 Pablo A. Ferrari
Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
+ Existence of non-trivial quasi-stationary distributions in the birth-death chain 1992 Pablo A. Ferrari
Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
+ A lower bound for the memory capacity in the Potts-Hopfield model 1992 Pablo A. Ferrari
Servet Mart�nez
Pierre Picco
+ On the R.E.M. and the G.R.E.M. 1992 Pierre Picco
+ Some Properties of Quasi Stationary Distributions in the Birth and Death Chains: A Dynamical Approach 1991 Pablo A. Ferrari
Sonia Martínez
Pierre Picco
+ Poisson point processes, cascades, and random coverings ofR n 1991 F. Koukiou
Pierre Picco
+ Stability of interfaces in a random environment. A rigorous renormalization group analysis of a hierarchical model 1991 Anton Bovier
Pierre Picco
+ Dynamical phase transitions in disordered systems : the study of a random walk model 1991 M. Cassandro
Antonio Galves
Pierre Picco
+ Limit theorems for Bernoulli convolutions 1990 Anton Bovier
Pierre Picco
+ Cluster expansion ford-dimensional lattice systems and finite-volume factorization properties 1990 Enzo Olivieri
Pierre Picco
+ Fluctuations in Derrida's random energy and generalized random energy models 1989 Antonio Galves
Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
+ On the invariant measures for the two-dimensional euler flow 1987 G. Benfatto
Pierre Picco
Mario Pulvirenti
+ On the existence of thermodynamics for the generalized random energy model 1987 D. Capocaccia
M. Cassandro
Pierre Picco
+ Infinite number of pure equilibrium states, Parisi order parameter and the ultrametric topology: a simple mean field model 1986 M. Cassandro
Enzo Olivieri
Pierre Picco
+ Small random perturbations of infinite dimensional dynamical systems and nucleation theory 1986 M. Cassandro
Enzo Olivieri
Pierre Picco
+ On the absence of breakdown of symmetry for the plane rotator model with long range unbounded random interaction 1985 Pierre Picco
+ Upper bound on the decay of correlations in the plane rotator model with long-range random interaction 1984 Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat On the existence of thermodynamics for the random energy model 1984 Enzo Olivieri
Pierre Picco
+ On the absence of breakdown of symmetry for the plane rotator model with long-range random interaction 1983 Pierre Picco
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random-Energy Model: Limit of a Family of Disordered Models 1980 Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Phase transition in the 3d random field Ising model 1988 Jean Bricmont
A. Kupiainen
+ PDF Chat On the existence of thermodynamics for the random energy model 1984 Enzo Olivieri
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Existence of a phase-transition in a one-dimensional Ising ferromagnet 1969 Freeman J. Dyson
+ Rounding of first-order phase transitions in systems with quenched disorder 1989 Michael Aizenman
Jan Wehr
+ PDF Chat The phase transition in the one-dimensional Ising Model with 1/r 2 interaction energy 1982 Jürg Fröhlich
Thomas Spencer
+ Random-Field Instability of the Ordered State of Continuous Symmetry 1975 Y. Imry
Shang-keng Ma
+ Fluctuations in Derrida's random energy and generalized random energy models 1989 Antonio Galves
Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Rounding effects of quenched randomness on first-order phase transitions 1990 Michael Aizenman
Jan Wehr
+ PDF Chat On a third-order phase transition 1983 Theodor Eisele
+ PDF Chat Interfaces and typical Gibbs configurations for one-dimensional Kac potentials 1993 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Errico Presutti
+ Tricritical points in systems with random fields 1978 Amnon Aharony
+ Existence of free energy for models with long-range random Hamiltonians 1979 Konstantin Khanin
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ PDF Chat Geometry of contours and Peierls estimates in d=1 Ising models with long range interactions 2005 M. Cassandro
Pablo A. Ferrari
Immacolata Merola
Errico Presutti
+ PDF Chat Typical Configurations for One-Dimensional Random Field Kac Model 1999 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ On the mean-field Ising model in a random external field 1985 S. R. Salinas
Walter F. Wreszinski
+ Absence of long-range order in one-dimensional spin systems 1981 Jeffrey B. Rogers
Colin J. Thompson
+ On quasi-stationary distributions in discrete-time Markov chains with a denumerable infinity of states 1966 E. Seneta
D. Vere‐Jones
+ Rigorous Treatment of the Van Der Waals-Maxwell Theory of the Liquid-Vapor Transition 1966 Joel L. Lebowitz
O. Penrose
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of a one-dimensional lattice gas 1968 David Ruelle
+ Discontinuity of the magnetization in one-dimensional 1/�x?y�2 Ising and Potts models 1988 Michael Aizenman
Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
Charles M. Newman
+ The Description of a Random Field by Means of Conditional Probabilities and Conditions of Its Regularity 1968 P. L. Dobruschin
+ Random infinite-volume Gibbs states for the Curie-Weiss random field Ising model 1992 João Amaro de Matos
A. E. Patrick
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ Analyticity for one-dimensional systems with long-range superstable interactions 1983 Massimo Campanino
D. Capocaccia
Enzo Olivieri
+ On the existence of thermodynamics for the generalized random energy model 1987 D. Capocaccia
M. Cassandro
Pierre Picco
+ Fluctuations in the Curie-Weiss version of the random field Ising model 1991 João Amaro de Matos
J. Fernando Perez
+ PDF Chat On the symmetry of the Gibbs states in two dimensional lattice systems 1981 Charles Pfister
+ Probability Theory 1978 Y. S. Chow
Henry Teicher
+ PDF Chat The ground state of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model 1985 John Imbrie
+ An intermediate phase with slow decay of correlations in one dimensional 1/|x?y|2 percolation, Ising and Potts models 1988 John Imbrie
Charles M. Newman
+ PDF Chat The Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model: a challenge for mathematicians 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ One-dimensional random-field ising model: Gibbs states and structure of ground states 1996 Pavel Bleher
J. Stephany
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ Decay of correlations in the one dimensional Ising model withJ ij =|i?j|?2 1982 John Imbrie
+ PDF Chat The spectral gap of the REM under Metropolis dynamics 1998 Luiz Renato Fontes
Marco Isopi
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Pierre Picco
+ Phase Transition in the 1d Random Field Ising Model with Long Range Interaction 2009 M. Cassandro
Enza Orlandi
Pierre Picco
+ Some properties of random Ising models 1985 Alberto Berretti
+ PDF Chat The limiting behavior of transient birth and death processes conditioned on survival 1968 Phillip Good
+ Interface in a one-dimensional Ising spin system 1996 Thierry Bodineau
+ The Ising model in a random magnetic field 1984 Daniel S. Fisher
Jürg Fröhlich
Thomas Spencer
+ Glauber evolution with Kac potentials. I. Mesoscopic and macroscopic limits, interface dynamics 1994 Anna De Masi
Enza Orlandi
E. Presutti
L. Triolo
+ None 1998 Pierre Mathieu
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat An Ising ferromagnet with discontinuous long-range order 1971 Freeman J. Dyson
+ PDF Chat The differential equations of birth-and-death processes, and the Stieltjes moment problem 1957 Samuel Karlin
James L. McGregor
+ PDF Chat Probability in Banach Spaces 1976 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat The classification of birth and death processes 1957 Samuel Karlin
James McGregor
+ PDF Chat On the foundations of combinatorial theory I. Theory of M�bius Functions 1964 Gian Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat Large deviation principles for the Hopfield model and the Kac-Hopfield model 1995 Anton Bovier
Véronique Gayrard
Pierre Picco
+ Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results 1969 David Ruelle