Eric Bonabeau


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Formal Analyses and Critical Thinking 2017 John L. Levitt
Richard Holman
Rena Levitt
Eric Bonabeau
+ Detection and emergence 2011 Eric Bonabeau
Jean-Louis Dessalles
+ Information markets, wikis and other applications that tap into the collective intelligence of groups have recently generated tremendous interest. But what's the reality behind the hype? 2009 Eric Bonabeau
+ PDF Chat Decision making dynamics in corporate boards 2003 Stefano Battiston
Eric Bonabeau
GĂ©rard Weisbuch
+ Spread of decisions in the corporate board network 2003 Stefano Battiston
GĂ©rard Weisbuch
Eric Bonabeau
+ PDF Chat Decision making dynamics in corporate boards 2003 Stefano Battiston
Eric Bonabeau
GĂ©rard Weisbuch
+ The Geographic Spread of Influenza 1999 Eric Bonabeau
Laurent Toubiana
Antoine Flahault
+ PDF Chat The geographical spread of influenza 1998 Eric Bonabeau
Laurent Toubiana
Antoine Flahault
+ Evidence for global mixing in real influenza epidemics 1998 Eric Bonabeau
Laurent Toubiana
Antoine Flahault
+ From Classical Models of Morphogenesis to Agent-Based Models of Pattern Formation 1997 Eric Bonabeau
+ PDF Chat Detection and emergence 1997 Eric Bonabeau
Jean-Louis Dessalles
+ PDF Chat Detection and emergence 1997 Eric Bonabeau
Jean-Louis Dessalles
+ Sandpile Dynamics on Random Graphs 1995 Eric Bonabeau
+ Self-reorganizations in a simple model of the immune system 1994 Eric Bonabeau
+ Fluctuations of the number of particles in a fractal medium 1994 Eric Bonabeau
+ On 1/f power spectra 1994 Eric Bonabeau
P. Lederer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A mathematical model for the European spread of influenza 1994 Antoine Flahault
SĂ©verine Deguen
Alain‐Jacques Valleron
+ Spatial Contact Models for Ecological and Epidemic Spread 1977 Denis Mollison
+ Modelling the 1985 influenza epidemic in France 1988 A. Flahault
S Letrait
Patrick Blin
S. Hazout
J. Ménarés
Alain‐Jacques Valleron
+ A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics 1927 W. O. Kermack
A. G. McKendrick
+ An immunization model for a heterogeneous population 1978 Herbert W. Hethcote
+ Endemic disease in environments with spatially heterogeneous host populations 1983 W. M. Post
Donald L. DeAngelis
Curtis C. Travis
+ Spatial heterogeneity, nonlinear dynamics and chaos in infectious diseases 1995 Bryan T. Grenfell
A. Kleczkowski
C. A. Gilligan
BM Bolker
+ Lattice gas as a model of 1/<i>f</i>noise 1990 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
+ Spatial heterogeneity and the design of immunization programs 1984 Robert M. May
Roy M. Anderson
+ A Stochastic Model for Measles Epidemics in a Multi-Region Setting 1977 Gordon Murray
Andrew Cliff
+ 1/<i>f</i>noise from the linear diffusion equation 1991 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
+ Diffusive description of lattice gas models 1993 T. Fiig
Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
+ A mathematical model for the global spread of influenza 1985 L. A. Rvachev
Ira M. Longini
+ Impact of vaccination on the spatial correlation and persistence of measles dynamics. 1996 Benjamin M. Bolker
Bryan T. Grenfell
+ PDF Chat Random Walk in a Random Environment and<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:math>Noise 1983 Enzo Marinari
Giorgio Parisi
David Ruelle
Paul Windey
+ The estimation of the basic reproduction number for infectious diseases 1993 Klaus Dietz
+ The Croonian Lecture, 1994. Populations, infectious disease and immunity: a very nonlinear world 1994 2
+ Dynamical complexity in age-structured models of the transmission of the measles virus: Epidemiological implications at high levels of vaccine uptake 1996 Neil M. Ferguson
D. James Nokes
Roy M. Anderson
+ Epidemiological models for heterogeneous populations: proportionate mixing, parameter estimation, and immunization programs 1987 Herbert W. Hethcote
James W. Van Ark
+ PDF Chat Heterogeneities in the transmission of infectious agents: Implications for the design of control programs 1997 Mark Woolhouse
Christopher Dye
Jean-François Étard
Thomas A. Smith
J. D. Charlwood
Geoff P. Garnett
Paul Hagan
Jeffrey Hii
Patricia Ndhlovu
Rupert J. Quinnell
+ Chaos and biological complexity in measles dynamics 1993 Benjamin M. Bolker
Bryan T. Grenfell
+ Evidence for global mixing in real influenza epidemics 1998 Eric Bonabeau
Laurent Toubiana
Antoine Flahault
+ Computer modelling of influenza epidemics for the whole country (USSR) 1971 O. V. Baroyan
L. A. Rvachev
U. V. Basilevsky
V. V. Ermakov
K Frank
M. A. Rvachev
V. A. Shashkov
+ Epidemic Models: Their Structure and Relation to Data 1999 MTW
Denis Mollison
+ Computer modelling of influenza epidemics for the whole country (USSR) 1971 O. V. Baroyan
L. A. Rvachev
U. V. Basilevsky
V. V. Ermakov
K. D. Frank
M. A. Rvachev
V. A. Shashkov
+ 1/<i>f</i>noise, distribution of lifetimes, and a pile of sand 1989 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
Kim Christensen
Hans C. Fogedby
+ How does transmission of infection depend on population size 1995 M.C.M. de Jong
Odo Diekmann
Hans Heesterbeek
+ Dissipative structure: An explanation and an ecological example 1972 Lee A. Segel
Julius L. Jackson
+ PDF Chat Decision making dynamics in corporate boards 2003 Stefano Battiston
Eric Bonabeau
GĂ©rard Weisbuch
+ PDF Chat Diffusion in disordered media 1987 Shlomo Havlin
Daniel ben‐Avraham
+ Spatial Aspects of Influenza Epidemics. 1988 George W. Williams
Andrew Cliff
Peter Haggett
J. Keith Ord
+ Anomalous diffusion in disordered media: Statistical mechanisms, models and physical applications 1990 Jean‐Philippe Bouchaud
Antoine Georges
+ Traveling bands of chemotactic bacteria: A theoretical analysis 1971 Evelyn Fox Keller
Lee A. Segel
+ Application de l'ordre par fluctuations a la description de certaines Ă©tapes de la construction du nid chez les Termites 1977 Jean‐Louis Deneubourg
+ On the critical behavior of the general epidemic process and dynamical percolation 1983 Peter Grassberger
+ Scaling behavior of a directed sandpile automata with random defects 1993 James Theiler
+ The Martin boundary for Polya's urn scheme, and an application to stochastic population growth 1964 David Blackwell
David G. Kendall
+ Dynamical and spatial aspects of sandpile cellular automata 1991 Kim Christensen
Hans C. Fogedby
Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
+ “A mathematical model for the global spread of influenza” by Leonid A. Rvachev and Ira M. Longini, Jr. 1985 1
+ Self-organized criticality in non-conservative models 1992 Per Bak
+ Monte Carlo simulations of Sznajd models 2002 Dietrich Stauffer
+ The Limiting Behavior of a One-Dimensional Random Walk in a Random Medium 1983 Ya. G. SinaÄ­
+ Computer simulation of immunological cellular automata: The Tsallis model 1993 Matthias Deffner
+ Self-organizing criticality in cloud formation? 1992 Kai Nagel
E. Raschke
+ PDF Chat Exact results for the one-dimensional self-organized critical forest-fire model 1993 Barbara Drossel
Siegfried Clar
Franz Schwabl
+ Fractional diffusion equation for transport phenomena in random media 1992 Massimiliano Giona
H. Eduardo Roman
+ On a diffusive prey-predator model which exhibits patchiness 1978 Mamoru Mimura
J. D. Murray
+ Self-organized criticality in the 'Game of Life" 1989 Per Bak
Kan Chen
Michael Creutz
+ On the spreading of two-dimensional percolation 1985 Peter Grassberger
+ Wavelet-based representations for the 1/f family of fractal processes 1993 Gregory W. Wornell