Umberto Borla


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Projected Entangled Pair States for Lattice Gauge Theories with Dynamical Fermions 2024 Ariel Kelman
Umberto Borla
Patrick Emonts
Erez Zohar
+ Tensor network Python (TeNPy) version 1 2024 Johannes Hauschild
Jakob Unfried
Sajant Anand
Bartholomew Andrews
Marcus Bintz
Umberto Borla
Stefan Divic
Markus Drescher
J. Geiger
Martin Hefel
+ Stochastic sampling of operator growth dynamics 2024 A. De
Umberto Borla
Xiangyu Cao
Snir Gazit
+ PDF Chat Gauged Gaussian PEPS -- A High Dimensional Tensor Network Formulation for Lattice Gauge Theories 2024 Ariel Kelman
Umberto Borla
Itay Gomelski
Jonathan Elyovich
Gertian Roose
Patrick Emonts
Erez Zohar
+ PDF Chat In pursuit of deconfined quantum criticality in Ising gauge theory entangled with single-component fermions 2024 Umberto Borla
Snir Gazit
Sergej Moroz
+ Stochastic Sampling of Operator Growth 2024 Ayush De
Umberto Borla
Xiangyu Cao
Snir Gazit
+ PDF Chat Fractionalized holes in one-dimensional <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> gauge theory coupled to fermion matter: Deconfined dynamics and emergent integrability 2023 Aritra Das
Umberto Borla
Sergej Moroz
+ PDF Chat Finding the ground state of a lattice gauge theory with fermionic tensor networks: A <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">D</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> demonstration 2023 Patrick Emonts
Ariel Kelman
Umberto Borla
Sergej Moroz
Snir Gazit
Erez Zohar
+ Confinement induced frustration in a one-dimensional Z2 lattice gauge theory 2023 Matjaž Kebrič
Umberto Borla
Ulrich Schollwöck
Sergej Moroz
Luca Barbiero
Fabian Grusdt
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation and Emergent Integrable Transport in the Weakly Tilted Ising Chain 2022 Alvise Bastianello
Umberto Borla
Sergej Moroz
+ PDF Chat Quantum phases of two-dimensional <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> gauge theory coupled to single-component fermion matter 2022 Umberto Borla
Bhilahari Jeevanesan
Frank Pollmann
Sergej Moroz
+ Confinement Induced Frustration in a One-Dimensional $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Lattice Gauge Theory 2022 Matjaž Kebrič
Umberto Borla
Ulrich Schollwöck
Sergej Moroz
Luca Barbiero
Fabian Grusdt
+ Finding the ground state of a lattice gauge theory with fermionic tensor networks: a $2+1d$ $\mathbb{Z}_2$ demonstration 2022 Patrick Emonts
Ariel Kelman
Umberto Borla
Sergej Moroz
Snir Gazit
Erez Zohar
+ Higgs Condensates are Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases: I. Discrete Symmetries 2022 Ruben Verresen
Umberto Borla
Ashvin Vishwanath
Sergej Moroz
Ryan Thorngren
+ PDF Chat Gauging the Kitaev chain 2021 Umberto Borla
Ruben Verresen
Jeet Shah
Sergej Moroz
+ PDF Chat Report on 2010.00607v2 2021 Umberto Borla
Ruben Verresen
Jeet Shah
Sergej Moroz
+ Fractionalized holes in one-dimensional $\mathbb{Z}_2$ gauge theory coupled to fermion matter -- deconfined dynamics and emergent integrability 2021 Aritra Das
Umberto Borla
Sergej Moroz
+ Quantum phases of two-dimensional $\mathbb{Z}_2$ gauge theory coupled to spinless fermion matter 2020 Umberto Borla
Bhilahari Jeevanesan
Frank Pollmann
Sergej Moroz
+ Quantum phases of two-dimensional $\mathbb{Z}_2$ gauge theory coupled to single-component fermion matter 2020 Umberto Borla
Bhilahari Jeevanesan
Frank Pollmann
Sergej Moroz
+ PDF Chat Confined Phases of One-Dimensional Spinless Fermions Coupled to <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> Gauge Theory 2020 Umberto Borla
Ruben Verresen
Fabian Grusdt
Sergej Moroz
+ PDF Chat Tuning Majorana zero modes with temperature in <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math> -phase Josephson junctions 2018 Umberto Borla
Dushko Kuzmanovski
Annica M. Black‐Schaffer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Floquet approach to ℤ2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices 2019 C. Schweizer
Fabian Grusdt
Moritz Berngruber
Luca Barbiero
Eugene Demler
Nathan Goldman
Immanuel Bloch
Monika Aidelsburger
+ PDF Chat Realization of density-dependent Peierls phases to engineer quantized gauge fields coupled to ultracold matter 2019 Frederik Görg
Kilian Sandholzer
Joaquín Minguzzi
Rémi Desbuquois
Michael Messer
Tilman Esslinger
+ An introduction to lattice gauge theory and spin systems 1979 John B. Kogut
+ PDF Chat Efficient numerical simulations with Tensor Networks: Tensor Network Python (TeNPy) 2018 Johannes Hauschild
Frank Pollmann
+ PDF Chat Majorana spin liquids on a two-leg ladder 2011 Hsin-Hua Lai
Olexei I. Motrunich
+ PDF Chat Confined Phases of One-Dimensional Spinless Fermions Coupled to <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> Gauge Theory 2020 Umberto Borla
Ruben Verresen
Fabian Grusdt
Sergej Moroz
+ PDF Chat Fractons from confinement in one dimension 2020 Shriya Pai
Michael Pretko
+ PDF Chat Quasilocalized dynamics from confinement of quantum excitations 2020 Alessio Lerose
Federica Maria Surace
Paolo P. Mazza
Gabriele Perfetto
Mario Collura
Andrea Gambassi
+ PDF Chat Quantum many-body scar states with emergent kinetic constraints and finite-entanglement revivals 2020 Thomas Iadecola
Michael Schecter
+ PDF Chat The density-matrix renormalization group in the age of matrix product states 2010 Ulrich Schollwöck
+ Spin Structures and Exact Dualities in Low Dimensions 2018 Djordje Radicevic
+ PDF Chat Ising ferromagnet to valence bond solid transition in a one-dimensional spin chain: Analogies to deconfined quantum critical points 2019 Shenghan Jiang
Olexei I. Motrunich
+ Coupling ultracold matter to dynamical gauge fields in optical lattices: From flux-attachment to Z2 lattice gauge theories 2018 Luca Barbiero
C. Schweizer
Monika Aidelsburger
Eugene Demler
Nathan Goldman
Fabian Grusdt
+ PDF Chat Hilbert-Space Fragmentation from Strict Confinement 2020 Zhi-Cheng Yang
Fangli Liu
Alexey V. Gorshkov
Thomas Iadecola
+ PDF Chat Identifying Phases of Quantum Many-Body Systems That Are Universal for Quantum Computation 2009 Andrew C. Doherty
Stephen D. Bartlett
+ PDF Chat Weak ergodicity breaking from quantum many-body scars 2018 Christopher J. Turner
Alexios A. Michailidis
Dmitry A. Abanin
Maksym Serbyn
Zlatko Papić
+ PDF Chat Fault-tolerant quantum computation by anyons 2003 Alexei Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Short-ranged resonating valence bond physics, quantum dimer models, and Ising gauge theories 2001 Roderich Moessner
S. L. Sondhi
Eduardo Fradkin
+ PDF Chat Floating Phase versus Chiral Transition in a 1D Hard-Boson Model 2019 Natalia Chepiga
Frédéric Mila
+ PDF Chat Robust Topological Order in Fermionic <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> Gauge Theories: From Aharonov-Bohm Instability to Soliton-Induced Deconfinement 2020 Daniel González-Cuadra
Luca Tagliacozzo
Maciej Lewenstein
A. Bermúdez
+ PDF Chat Lattice gauge theory simulations in the quantum information era 2016 Marcello Dalmonte
Simone Montangero
+ PDF Chat Reliability of Lattice Gauge Theories 2020 Jad C. Halimeh
Philipp Hauke
+ PDF Chat Three-Spin Interactions in Optical Lattices and Criticality in Cluster Hamiltonians 2004 Jiannis K. Pachos
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Unpaired Majorana fermions in quantum wires 2001 Alexei Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Holographic symmetries and generalized order parameters for topological matter 2013 Emilio Cobanera
Gerardo Ortíz
Zohar Nussinov
+ PDF Chat Localization in spin chains with facilitation constraints and disordered interactions 2019 Maike Ostmann
Matteo Marcuzzi
Juan P. Garrahan
Igor Lesanovsky
+ PDF Chat Signatures of rare states and thermalization in a theory with confinement 2019 Neil J. Robinson
A. J. A. James
Robert Konik
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-breaking topological insulators in the <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> Bose-Hubbard model 2019 Daniel González-Cuadra
Alexandre Dauphin
Przemysław R. Grzybowski
Paweł Wójcik
Maciej Lewenstein
A. Bermúdez
+ PDF Chat Nonthermal States Arising from Confinement in One and Two Dimensions 2019 A. J. A. James
Robert Konik
Neil J. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer 2016 Esteban A. Martinez
Christine A. Muschik
Philipp Schindler
Daniel Nigg
Alexander Erhard
Markus Heyl
Philipp Hauke
Marcello Dalmonte
Thomas Monz
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Real-time confinement following a quantum quench to a non-integrable model 2016 Márton Kormos
Mario Collura
G. Takács
Pasquale Calabrese
+ PDF Chat Emergent Dirac fermions and broken symmetries in confined and deconfined phases of Z2 gauge theories 2017 Snir Gazit
Mohit Randeria
Ashvin Vishwanath
+ PDF Chat Simple <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> lattice gauge theories at finite fermion density 2017 Christian G. Prosko
Shu-Ping Lee
Joseph Maciejko
+ PDF Chat Atomic Quantum Simulation of Dynamical Gauge Fields Coupled to Fermionic Matter: From String Breaking to Evolution after a Quench 2012 Debasish Banerjee
Marcello Dalmonte
Markus Müller
E. Rico
Pascal Stebler
U.‐J. Wiese
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Quantum scarred eigenstates in a Rydberg atom chain: Entanglement, breakdown of thermalization, and stability to perturbations 2018 Christopher J. Turner
Alexios A. Michailidis
Dmitry A. Abanin
Maksym Serbyn
Zlatko Papić
+ PDF Chat Anomalous Discrete Symmetries in Three Dimensions and Group Cohomology 2014 Anton Kapustin
Ryan Thorngren
+ PDF Chat Ballistic Spreading of Entanglement in a Diffusive Nonintegrable System 2013 HyungWon Kim
David A. Huse
+ PDF Chat Classification of gapped symmetric phases in one-dimensional spin systems 2011 Xie Chen
Zheng‐Cheng Gu
Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat Topological States in a One-Dimensional Fermi Gas with Attractive Interaction 2015 Jonathan Ruhman
Erez Berg
Ehud Altman
+ PDF Chat On the definition of entanglement entropy in lattice gauge theories 2015 Sinya Aoki
Takumi Iritani
Masahiro Nozaki
Tokiro Numasawa
Noburo Shiba
Hal Tasaki
+ PDF Chat Two dimensional gauge theories revisited 1992 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Majorana Edge States in Atomic Wires Coupled by Pair Hopping 2013 Christina V. Kraus
Marcello Dalmonte
М. А. Баранов
Andreas M. Läuchli
P. Zoller
+ An Exactly Solvable Constrained XXZ Chain 1999 F C Alcaraz
R. Z. Bariev
+ PDF Chat Quantum link models: A discrete approach to gauge theories 1997 Shailesh Chandrasekharan
U.-J. Wiese
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal order in elongated dipolar gases 2012 Jonathan Ruhman
Emanuele G. Dalla Torre
Sebastian D. Huber
Ehud Altman
+ PDF Chat Classifying gauge anomalies through symmetry-protected trivial orders and classifying gravitational anomalies through topological orders 2013 Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat Theory of Finite-Entanglement Scaling at One-Dimensional Quantum Critical Points 2009 Frank Pollmann
Subroto Mukerjee
Ari M. Turner
Joel E. Moore
+ Inequivalence of the massive vector meson and Higgs models on a manifold with boundary 1995 L. Chandar
Elisa Ercolessi
+ PDF Chat Braiding statistics approach to symmetry-protected topological phases 2012 Michael Levin
Zheng‐Cheng Gu
+ PDF Chat Computational Complexity and Fundamental Limitations to Fermionic Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations 2005 Matthias Troyer
Uwe-Jens Wiese