L. Lerer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The band method and inverse problems for orthogonal matrix functions of Szegő–Kreǐn type 2012 M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ On a class of matrix polynomial equations 2012 M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ The Discrete Algebraic Riccati Equation and Hermitian Block Toeplitz Matrices 2012 L. Lerer
André C. M. Ran
+ A Panorama of Modern Operator Theory and Related Topics 2012 Harry Dym
M. A. Kaashoek
Peter Lancaster
Heinz Langer
L. Lerer
+ PDF Chat Krein Systems and Canonical Systems on a Finite Interval: Accelerants with a Jump Discontinuity at the Origin and Continuous Potentials 2010 Daniel Alpay
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
Alexander Sakhnovich
+ Quasi Commutativity of Regular Matrix Polynomials: Resultant and Bezoutian 2010 M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ Introduction 2010 L. Lerer
Vadim Olshevsky
Ilya M. Spitkovsky
+ Convolution equations and singular integral operators : selected papers of Israel Gohberg and Georg Heinig, Israel Gohberg and Nahum Krupnik 2010 Israel Gohberg
Georg Heinig
Nahum Krupnik
L. Lerer
Vadim Olshevsky
Ilya M. Spitkovskiĭ
+ Krein systems and canonical systems on a finite interval: accelerants with a jump discontinuity at the origin and continuous potentials 2009 Daniel Alpay
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
Alexander Sakhnovich
+ Krein Systems 2009 Daniel Alpay
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
Alexander Sakhnovich
+ Krein systems 2009 Daniel Alpay
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
Alexander Sakhnovich
+ The resultant for regular matrix polynomials and quasi commutativity 2008 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ The Continuous Analogue of the Resultant and Related Convolution Operators 2007 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ The inverse problem for Krein orthogonal matrix functions 2007 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ On a class of entire matrix function equations 2007 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ PDF Chat Обратная задача для ортогональных матричных функций Крейна 2007 Израиль Цудикович Гохберг
Израиль Цудикович Гохберг
М А Каасхук
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
L. Lerer
+ The Bezout integral operator: main property and underlying abstract scheme. The state space method generalizations and applications 2006 Israel Gohberg
Iulian Haimovici
M.A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ Quasi-commutativity of Entire Matrix Functions and the Continuous Analogue of the Resultant 2006 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ Recent Advances in Operator Theory and its Applications 2005 Israel Gohberg
Daniel Alpay
Jonathan Arazy
Aharon Atzmon
Joseph A. Ball
Asher Ben-Artzi
Hari Bercovici
Albrecht Böttcher
Kevin F. Clancey
L. A. Coburn
+ A New Inertia Theorem for Stein Equations, Inertia of Invertible Hermitian Block Toeplitz Matrices and Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials 2003 L. Lerer
André C. M. Ran
+ Inertia Bounds for Operator Polynomials 2002 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Matrix quadratic equations column/row reduced factorizations and an inertia theorem for matrix polynomials 2001 Irina Karelin
L. Lerer
+ Generalized Bezoutian, Factorization of Rational Matrix Functions and Matrix Quadratic Equations 2001 Irina Karelin
L. Lerer
+ Bezoutians of rational matrix functions, matrix equations and factorizations 1999 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Inertia Theorems for Hilbert Space Operators Based on Lyapunov and Stein Equations 1999 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ J-pseudo-spectral andJ-inner-pseudo-outer factorizations for matrix polynomials 1997 L. Lerer
André C. M. Ran
+ Factorization of banded lower triangular infinite matrices 1996 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ Bezoutians of Rational Matrix Functions 1996 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Common Zero Structure of Rational Matrix Functions 1996 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Symmetric factorizations and localization of zeroes of rational matrix functions 1996 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Inertia of Operator Polynomials and Stability of Differential Equations 1995 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Bezout operators for analytic operator functions, I. A general concept of Bezout operator 1995 Iulian Haimovici
L. Lerer
+ Operator Theory in Function Spaces and Banach Lattices 1995 Jonathan Arazy
Aharon Atzmon
Joseph A. Ball
Blackburg Ben-Artzi
Hari Bercovici
Albrecht Böttcher
L. A. Coburn
Kenneth R. Davidson
Robert J. Douglas
Rehovot Dym
+ Inversion of structured operators 1994 I. Koltracht
B. A. Kon
L. Lerer
+ Toeplitz Operators and Related Topics 1994 Tel Aviv
Russell Davidson
Peter Fuhrmann
Seymour Goldberg
G Heinig
J.C. Helton
La Jolla
M. A. Kaashoek
Amsterdam Kailath
Hans G. Kaper
+ Spectrum separation and inertia for operator polynomials 1992 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ A directional partial realization problem 1991 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ Inertia theorems for matrix polynomials 1991 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
M. Tismenetsky
+ Haifa 1988 conference on matrix theory 1989 Abraham Berman
Daniel Hershkowitz
L. Lerer
+ The Matrix Quadratic Equation and Factorization of Matrix Polynomials 1989 L. Lerer
+ The Matrix Quadratic Equation and Factorization of Matrix Polynomials 1989 L. Lerer
+ Generalized Bezoutian and matrix equations 1988 L. Lerer
M. Tismenetsky
+ Matrix Generalizations of M. G. Krein Theorems on Orthogonal Polynomials 1988 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
+ Nodes and Realization of Rational Matrix Functions: Minimality Theory and Applications 1988 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ Resultant operators and the Bezout equation for analytic matrix functions, I 1987 L. Lerer
Hugo J. Woerdeman
+ Resultant operators and the Bezout equation for analytic matrix functions, II 1987 L. Lerer
Hugo J. Woerdeman
+ Generalized Bezoutian and the inversion problem for block matrices, I. General scheme 1986 L. Lerer
M. Tismenetsky
+ Minimality and irreducibility of time-invariant linear boundary-value systems 1986 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ On Toeplitz and Wiener-Hopf Operators with Contourwise Rational Matrix and Operator Symbols 1986 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Resultant operators for analytic functions in a simple-connected domain 1986 B. A. Kon
L. Lerer
+ On the location of spectrum of matrix polynomials 1985 L. Lerer
M. Tismenetsky
+ Factored forms for solutions of AX − XB = C and X − AXB = C in companion matrices 1984 Peter Lancaster
L. Lerer
M. Tismenetsky
+ Bezoutian and Schur-Cohn problem for operator polynomials 1984 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
M. Tismenetsky
+ Wiener-Hopf factorization of placewise matrix polynomials 1983 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ On non-square sections of Wiener-Hopf operators 1982 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
+ The Bezoutian and the eigenvalue-separation problem for matrix polynomials 1982 L. Lerer
M. Tismenetsky
+ Common multiples and common divisors of matrix polynomials, II. Vandermonde and resultant matrices 1982 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Stable factorization of operator polynomials. II. Main results and applications to Toeplitz operators 1980 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Stable factorization of operator polynomials, I. Spectral divisors simply behaved at infinity 1980 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Factorization indices and kronecker indices of matrix polynomials 1979 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
+ On approximating the spectrum of convolution-type operators, 1. Wiener—Hopf matricial integral operators 1978 L. Lerer
+ PDF Chat Resultant operators of a pair of analytic functions 1978 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
+ On canonical factorization of operator polynomials, spectral divisors and toeplitz matrices 1978 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ PDF Chat Factorization indices for matrix polynomials 1978 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Singular integral operators as a generalization of the resultant matrix 1978 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
+ Basis sequences in a Montel space 1969 L. Lerer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Bezoutian and the eigenvalue-separation problem for matrix polynomials 1982 L. Lerer
M. Tismenetsky
+ Greatest common divisor via generalized Sylvester and Bezout matrices 1978 Robert R. Bitmead
Sun‐Yuan Kung
Brian D. O. Anderson
T. Kailath
+ Matrix Generalizations of M. G. Krein Theorems on Orthogonal Polynomials 1988 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
+ Common multiples and common divisors of matrix polynomials, II. Vandermonde and resultant matrices 1982 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ The method of symmetric and Hermitian forms in the theory of the separation of the roots of algebraic equations 1981 M. Г. Крейн
M. A. Naĭmark
+ The Bezoutian and the algebraic Riccati equation 1984 Kevin F. Clancey
B. A. Kon
+ Bezoutian and Schur-Cohn problem for operator polynomials 1984 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
M. Tismenetsky
+ Spectral analysis of matrix polynomials— I. canonical forms and divisors 1978 Israel Gohberg
Peter Lancaster
Leiba Rodman
+ Convolution equations and projection methods for their solution 2005 Israel Gohberg
Israel Feldman
+ Generalized Bezoutian and matrix equations 1988 L. Lerer
M. Tismenetsky
+ Algebraic Methods for Toeplitz-like Matrices and Operators 1984 Georg Heinig
Karla Rost
+ Bezout operators for analytic operator functions, I. A general concept of Bezout operator 1995 Iulian Haimovici
L. Lerer
+ Factorization of selfadjoint matrix polynomials with constant signature 1982 Israel Gohberg
Peter Lancaster
Leiba Rodman
+ Factorization of Matrix Functions and Singular Integral Operators 1981 Kevin F. Clancey
Israel Gohberg
+ The Continuous Analogue of the Resultant and Related Convolution Operators 2007 Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
L. Lerer
+ Factored forms for solutions of AX − XB = C and X − AXB = C in companion matrices 1984 Peter Lancaster
L. Lerer
M. Tismenetsky
+ The kernel of the bezoutian for operator Polynomials<sup>∗</sup> 1985 Peter Lancaster
John Maroulas
+ Problems of control and information theory (Hungary) 1980 Stephen M. Barnett
Peter Lancaster
+ PDF Chat XVIII. On a theory of the syzygetic relations of two rational integral functions, comprising an application to the theory of Sturm’s functions, and that of the greatest algebraical common measure 1853 J.J. Sylvester
+ Bezoutiante, Resultante und Spektralverteilungsprobleme für Operatorpolynome 1979 Georg Heinig
+ PDF Chat Operator theory: Advances and applications 1991 6
+ On spectral analysis of non-monic matrix and operator polynomials, I. Reduction to monic polynomials 1978 Israel Gohberg
Leiba Rodman
+ Stable factorization of operator polynomials, I. Spectral divisors simply behaved at infinity 1980 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ PDF Chat Representations and Divisibility of Operator Polynomials 1978 Israel Gohberg
Peter Lancaster
Leiba Rodman
+ Interpolation of Rational Matrix Functions 1990 Joseph A. Ball
Israel Gohberg
Leiba Rodman
+ Bezoutians of Rational Matrix Functions 1996 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ On the Routh-Hurwitz-Fujiwara and the Schur-Cohn-Fujiwara theorems for the root-separation problem 1978 Biswa Nath Datta
+ On spectral analysis of non-monic matrix and operator polynomials, II. Dependence on the finite spectral data 1978 Israel Gohberg
Leiba Rodman
+ Common Zero Structure of Rational Matrix Functions 1996 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Regular polynomial matrices having relatively prime determinants 1969 S. J. Barnett
+ Spectral analysis of matrix polynomials— II. The resolvent form and spectral divisors 1978 Israel Gohberg
Peter Lancaster
Leiba Rodman
+ �ber die algebraischen Gleichungen, deren Wurzeln in einem Kreise oder in einer Halbebene liegen 1926 Matsusabur� Fujiwara
+ A Generalization of the Inertia Theorem 1973 Chi‐Tsong Chen
+ Stability of Solutions of Differential Equations in Banach Space 2002 Ju. Daleckiĭ
M. Г. Крейн
+ An Introduction to Operator Polynomials 1989 Leiba Rodman
+ On the discriminant function of two commuting nonselfadjoint operators 1980 N. Kravitsky
+ Algebraic Riccati Equations 2006 Peter Lancaster
Leiba Rodman
+ Generalized Bezoutian and the inversion problem for block matrices, I. General scheme 1986 L. Lerer
M. Tismenetsky
+ Orthogonal Systems and Convolution Operators 2003 Robert Leslie Ellis
Israel Gohberg
+ On the effective computation of the inertia of a non-hermitian matrix 1979 David Carlson
Biswa Nath Datta
+ Spectrum separation and inertia for operator polynomials 1992 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Analytic operator functions with compact spectrum. II. Spectral pairs and factorization 1982 M. A. Kaashoek
C. V. M. van der Mee
Leiba Rodman
+ Some theorems on the inertia of general matrices 1962 Alexander Ostrowski
Hans Schneider
+ Matrix equation, matrix polynomial and the number of zeros of a polynomial inside the unit circle 1980 Biswa Nath Datta
+ Operational bezutiant in the theory of separation of roots of entire functions 1976 Lev Sakhnovich
+ Factorizations of Transfer Functions 1980 Harm Bart
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
Paul Van Dooren
+ On symmetric rational transfer functions 1983 Paul A. Fuhrmann
+ PDF Chat Factorization indices for matrix polynomials 1978 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
+ Inertia theorems for matrix polynomials 1991 L. Lerer
Leiba Rodman
M. Tismenetsky
+ PDF Chat Resultant operators of a pair of analytic functions 1978 Israel Gohberg
L. Lerer