Shreya Gupta


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Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Team Alex at CLEF CheckThat! 2020: Identifying Check-Worthy Tweets With Transformer Models 2020 Alex Nikolov
Giovanni Da San Martino
Ivan Koychev
Preslav Nakov
+ Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space 2013 TomĂĄĹĄ Mikolov
Kai Chen
Greg S. Corrado
Jay B. Dean
+ PDF Chat Tracking Social Media Discourse About the COVID-19 Pandemic: Development of a Public Coronavirus Twitter Data Set 2020 Emily Chen
Kristina Lerman
Emilio Ferrara
+ Attention is All you Need 2017 Ashish Vaswani
Noam Shazeer
Niki Parmar
Jakob Uszkoreit
Llion Jones
Aidan N. Gomez
Łukasz Kaiser
Illia Polosukhin
+ PDF Chat What is the Essence of a Claim? Cross-Domain Claim Identification 2017 Johannes Daxenberger
Steffen Eger
Ivan Habernal
Christian Stab
Iryna Gurevych
+ RoBERTa: A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach 2019 Yinhan Liu
Myle Ott
Naman Goyal
Jingfei Du
Mandar Joshi
Danqi Chen
Omer Levy
Mike Lewis
Luke Zettlemoyer
Veselin Stoyanov
+ XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding 2019 Zhilin Yang
Zihang Dai
Yiming Yang
Jaime Carbonell
Ruslan Salakhutdinov
Quoc V. Le
+ CheckThat! at CLEF 2020: Enabling the Automatic Identification and Verification of Claims in Social Media. 2020 Alberto Barrón‐Cedeño
Tamer Elsayed
Preslav Nakov
Giovanni Da San Martino
Maram Hasanain
Reem Suwaileh
Fatima Haouari
+ PDF Chat Parsing Argumentation Structures in Persuasive Essays 2017 Christian Stab
Iryna Gurevych
+ Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space 2013 TomĂĄĹĄ Mikolov
Kai Chen
Greg S. Corrado
Jay B. Dean
+ Attention Is All You Need 2017 Ashish Vaswani
Noam Shazeer
Niki Parmar
Jakob Uszkoreit
Llion Jones
Aidan N. Gomez
Łukasz Kaiser
Illia Polosukhin
+ BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding 2018 Jacob Devlin
Ming‐Wei Chang
Kenton Lee
Kristina Toutanova
+ Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic: Modeling the Perspective of Journalists, Fact-Checkers, Social Media Platforms, Policy Makers, and the Society 2021 Firoj Alam
Shaden Shaar
Fahim Dalvi
Hassan Sajjad
Alex Nikolov
Hamdy Mubarak
Giovanni Da San Martino
Ahmed AbdelalĂ­
Nadir Durrani
Kareem Darwish
+ Accenture at CheckThat! 2020: If you say so: Post-hoc fact-checking of claims using transformer-based models 2020 Evan Williams
Paul Rodrigues
Valerie Novak
+ LESA: Linguistic Encapsulation and Semantic Amalgamation Based Generalised Claim Detection from Online Content 2021 Shreya Gupta
Parantak Singh
Megha Sundriyal
Md Shad Akhtar
Tanmoy Chakraborty
+ Team Alex at CLEF CheckThat! 2020: Identifying Check-Worthy Tweets With Transformer Models 2020 Alex Nikolov
Giovanni Da San Martino
Ivan Koychev
Preslav Nakov
+ Check_square at CheckThat! 2020: Claim Detection in Social Media via Fusion of Transformer and Syntactic Features 2020 Gullal S. Cheema
Sherzod Hakimov
Ralph Ewerth
+ Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic: Modeling the Perspective of Journalists, Fact-Checkers, Social Media Platforms, Policy Makers, and the Society 2020 Firoj Alam
Shaden Shaar
Fahim Dalvi
Hassan Sajjad
Alex Nikolov
Hamdy Mubarak
Giovanni Da San Martino
Ahmed AbdelalĂ­
Nadir Durrani
Kareem Darwish
+ IMHO Fine-Tuning Improves Claim Detection 2019 Tuhin Chakrabarty
Christopher Hidey
Kathleen McKeown