Roger Newson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Robit regression in Stata 2023 Roger Newson
Milena Falcaro
+ PDF Chat Stata tip 146: Using margins after a Poisson regression model to estimate the number of events prevented by an intervention 2022 Milena Falcaro
Roger Newson
Peter Sasieni
+ DOCXTAB: Stata module to list variables to a Word table with head or foot rows from characteristics 2021 Roger Newson
+ IPWBREG: Stata module to compute inverse propensity weights from Bernoulli regression 2021 Roger Newson
+ XLINK: Stata module to provide extra link functions for use with glm 2021 Roger Newson
+ SRSLOGIT: Stata module to perform Logit regression with secondary ridit splines 2021 Roger Newson
+ XFRAMEAPPEND: Stata module to append data frames to the end of the current data frame 2021 Roger Newson
+ XFRAMEAPPEND: Stata module to append data frames to the end of the current data frame 2021 Roger Newson
+ SRSLOGIT: Stata module to perform Logit regression with secondary ridit splines 2021 Roger Newson
+ IPWBREG: Stata module to compute inverse propensity weights from Bernoulli regression 2021 Roger Newson
+ XLINK: Stata module to provide extra link functions for use with glm 2021 Roger Newson
+ DOCXTAB: Stata module to list variables to a Word table with head or foot rows from characteristics 2021 Roger Newson
+ SSCPAX: Stata module to describe, install, or uninstall a list of SSC packages 2021 Roger Newson
+ OSGEN: Stata module to add Python os_stat() file attributes to a xdir resultsset 2020 Roger Newson
+ XAUTO: Stata module to input an extended version of the auto data 2020 Roger Newson
+ KMEST: Stata module to compute Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities as estimation results 2020 Roger Newson
+ INVDESC: Stata module to change variable attributes using a describe or descsave resultsset 2020 Roger Newson
+ From datasets to metadatasets in Stata 2020 Roger Newson
+ OSGEN: Stata module to add Python os_stat() file attributes to a xdir resultsset 2020 Roger Newson
+ KMEST: Stata module to compute Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities as estimation results 2020 Roger Newson
+ XAUTO: Stata module to input an extended version of the auto data 2020 Roger Newson
+ CPRDENTTYPE: Stata module to convert CPRD entity string data of any enttype to numeric 2019 Roger Newson
+ CPRDHESOPUTIL: Stata module to input CPRD HES/OP linkage datasets into Stata 2019 Roger Newson
+ Bland–Altman plots, rank parameters, and calibration ridit splines 2019 Roger Newson
+ CPRDHESAEUTIL: Stata module to input CPRD HES A&E linkage datasets into Stata 2019 Roger Newson
+ DTASTAMP: Stata module to store current date and time in dataset characteristics 2018 Roger Newson
+ DOLOGX: Stata modules to execute commands from a file with logging 2018 Roger Newson
+ LASTUPTO: Stata module to collapse a dataset to have 1 observation for each of a list of X-values 2018 Roger Newson
+ NORMALBVR: Stata module to generate Normal bivariate ridits 2018 Roger Newson
+ VALLABSAVE: Stata module to save and load label-only Stata datasets 2018 Roger Newson
+ VALLABDEF: Stata module to define value labels from label name, value and label variables 2018 Roger Newson
+ JFORMAT: Stata module to justify formats for a list of variables 2018 Roger Newson
+ VALLABDEF: Stata module to define value labels from label name, value and label variables 2018 Roger Newson
+ DTASTAMP: Stata module to store current date and time in dataset characteristics 2018 Roger Newson
+ NORMALBVR: Stata module to generate Normal bivariate ridits 2018 Roger Newson
+ VALLABSAVE: Stata module to save and load label-only Stata datasets 2018 Roger Newson
+ CPRDCRIBS: Stata module providing template do-files for inputting CPRD datasets into Stata 2017 Roger Newson
+ Ridit splines with applications to propensity weighting 2017 Roger Newson
+ TEXTPAD: Stata module to call TextPad to edit a file 2017 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Stata Tip 127: Use Capture Noisily Groups 2017 Roger Newson
+ HTMLTIT: Stata module to generate a document title variable for a HTML filename variable 2017 Roger Newson
+ DESCGEN: Stata module to add Stata dataset attribute variables to a xdir resultsset 2017 Roger Newson
+ INTEXT: Stata module to read text files into string variables 2017 Roger Newson
+ HTMLUTIL: Stata module to provide utilities for writing Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files 2017 Roger Newson
+ RTFUTIL: Stata module to provide utilities for writing Rich Text Format (RTF) files 2017 Roger Newson
+ PARMEST: Stata module to create new data set with one observation per parameter of most recent model 2017 Roger Newson
+ Ridit splines with applications to propensity weighting 2017 Roger Newson
+ CPRDENTTYPE: Stata module to convert CPRD entity string data of any enttype to numeric 2017 Roger Newson
+ HTMLTIT: Stata module to generate a document title variable for a HTML filename variable 2017 Roger Newson
+ DESCGEN: Stata module to add Stata dataset attribute variables to a xdir resultsset 2017 Roger Newson
+ CPRDCRIBS: Stata module providing template do-files for inputting CPRD datasets into Stata 2017 Roger Newson
+ CPRDLINKUTIL: Stata module for inputting CPRD linkage-source datasets into Stata 2016 Roger Newson
+ CPRDENTUTIL: Stata module to convert CPRD entity data variables to numeric variables 2016 Roger Newson
+ The role of Somers's D in propensity modeling 2016 Roger Newson
+ QRISK2CMD: Stata module to run QRISK2 from within Stata 2016 Roger Newson
+ WRIDIT: Stata module to generate weighted ridits 2016 Roger Newson
+ LINCOMEST: Stata module to generate linear combinations of estimators saved as estimation results 2016 Roger Newson
+ RSOURCE: Stata module to run R from inside Stata using an R source file 2016 Roger Newson
+ REGAXIS: Stata module to make regular linear and logarithmic axis scales, ranges and tick lists 2016 Roger Newson
+ LINUXLSD1: Stata module to create a dataset of file records from the output of a Linux ls -d1 command 2016 Roger Newson
+ LINUXLSD1: Stata module to create a dataset of file records from the output of a Linux ls -d1 command 2016 Roger Newson
+ CPRDLINKUTIL: Stata module for inputting CPRD linkage-source datasets into Stata 2016 Roger Newson
+ QRISK2CMD: Stata module to run QRISK2 from within Stata 2016 Roger Newson
+ The role of Somers's D in propensity modeling 2016 Roger Newson
+ LABLIST: Stata module to list value labels (if present) for one or more variables 2015 Roger Newson
+ Somers' D: A common currency for associations 2015 Roger Newson
+ MARGLMEAN: Stata module to compute marginal log means from regression models 2015 Roger Newson
+ MARGPREV: Stata module to compute marginal prevalences from binary regression models 2015 Roger Newson
+ DOTEX: Stata module to generate TeX log from do-file 2015 Roger Newson
+ ECLPLOT: Stata module to generate estimates and confidence limits plots 2015 Roger Newson
+ MSDIRB: Stata module to create a dataset of file names from the output of a MS-DOS dir/b command (Windows only) 2015 Roger Newson
+ DESCSAVE: Stata module to export data set and machine-readable codebook 2015 Roger Newson
+ Somers' D: A common currency for associations 2015 Roger Newson
+ HTMLUTIL: Stata module to provide utilities for writing Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files 2015 Roger Newson
+ POLYSPLINE: Stata module to generate sensible bases for polynomials and other splines 2014 Roger Newson
+ Easy-to-use packages for estimating rank and spline parameters 2014 Roger Newson
+ KEYBY: Stata module to key the dataset by a variable list 2014 Roger Newson
+ SOMERSD: Stata module to calculate Kendall's tau-a, Somers' D and median differences 2014 Roger Newson
+ TFINSERT: Stata module to insert text into an open text file 2014 Roger Newson
+ BSPLINE: Stata modules to compute B-splines parameterized by their values at reference points 2014 Roger Newson
+ Easy-to-use packages for estimating rank and spline parameters 2014 Roger Newson
+ TFINSERT: Stata module to insert text into an open text file 2014 Roger Newson
+ SCENTTEST: Stata module to compute scenario arithmetic means and their difference 2014 Roger Newson
+ MSDIRB: Stata module to create a dataset of file names from the output of a MS-DOS dir/b command (Windows only) 2014 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Attributable and Unattributable Risks and Fractions and other Scenario Comparisons 2013 Roger Newson
+ SDECODE: Stata module to decode a numeric variable into a string variable 2013 Roger Newson
+ XSVMAT: Stata module to convert a matrix to variables in an output dataset 2013 Roger Newson
+ Creating factor variables in resultssets and other datasets 2013 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Bonferroni and Holm Approximations for Šidák and Holland–Copenhaver q-Values 2013 Roger Newson
+ FACTMERG: Stata module to merge a list of factors to create string variables 2013 Roger Newson
+ INSINGAP: Stata module to insert a single gap observation at the top of each by-group 2013 Roger Newson
+ PARMHET: Stata module to produce heterogeneity tests in parmest resultssets 2013 Roger Newson
+ RCENTILE: Stata module to compute robust confidence intervals for percentiles 2013 Roger Newson
+ RCENTILE: Stata module to compute robust confidence intervals for percentiles 2013 Roger Newson
+ POLYSPLINE: Stata module to generate sensible bases for polynomials and other splines 2013 Roger Newson
+ Creating factor variables in resultssets and other datasets 2013 Roger Newson
+ INSINGAP: Stata module to insert a single gap observation at the top of each by-group 2013 Roger Newson
+ SCHEME_RBN1MONO: Stata module to provide minimal monochrome graphics schemes 2012 Roger Newson
+ XREWIDE: Stata module to extend reshape wide command 2012 Roger Newson
+ GSGROUP: Stata module to create a group variable and optionally an output dataset for a gsort key 2012 Roger Newson
+ Scenario comparisons: How much good can we do? 2012 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Sensible Parameters for Univariate and Multivariate Splines 2012 Roger Newson
+ CHARDEF: Stata module to assign values to a characteristic of a list of variables 2012 Roger Newson
+ INGAP: Stata module to insert gap observations into a data set before output by listtex 2012 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat From Resultssets to Resultstables in Stata 2012 Roger Newson
+ POWERCAL: Stata module to perform general power and sample size calculations 2012 Roger Newson
+ XCOLLAPSE: Stata module to make data set of summary statistics on disk or in memory 2012 Roger Newson
+ WRIDIT: Stata module to generate weighted ridits 2012 Roger Newson
+ GSGROUP: Stata module to create a group variable and optionally an output dataset for a gsort key 2012 Roger Newson
+ XCONTRACT: Stata module to make a data set of frequencies and percents on disk or in memory 2011 Roger Newson
+ Sensible parameters for polynomials and other splines 2011 Roger Newson
+ PARMPARSE: Stata module to parse a parameter name variable in a parmest resultsset 2011 Roger Newson
+ FVPREVAR: Stata module to extend fvrevar generating permanent result variables 2011 Roger Newson
+ FACTEXT: Stata module to extract factor values from a label variable created by parmest 2011 Roger Newson
+ XGLM: Stata module to extend glm 2011 Roger Newson
+ FVPREVAR: Stata module to extend fvrevar generating permanent result variables 2011 Roger Newson
+ XGLM: Stata module to extend glm 2011 Roger Newson
+ MARGLMEAN: Stata module to compute marginal log means from regression models 2011 Roger Newson
+ Sensible parameters for polynomials and other splines 2011 Roger Newson
+ PARMPARSE: Stata module to parse a parameter name variable in a parmest resultsset 2011 Roger Newson
+ MARGPREV: Stata module to compute marginal prevalences from binary regression models 2011 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Frequentist Q-values for Multiple-test Procedures 2011 Roger Newson
+ EXPGEN: Stata module to duplicate observations sorted in original order with generated variables 2010 Roger Newson
+ CREPLACE: Stata module to exchange values cyclically between variables 2010 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Frequentist Q-values for Multiple-test Procedures 2010 Roger Newson
+ Post-parmest peripherals: fvregen, invcise, and qqvalue 2010 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Comparing the Predictive Powers of Survival Models Using Harrell's C or Somers’ D 2010 Roger Newson
+ ADDINBY: Stata module to add in data from a disk dataset using a foreign key 2010 Roger Newson
+ Post-parmest peripherals: fvregen, invcise, and qqvalue 2010 Roger Newson
+ XREWIDE: Stata module to extend reshape wide command 2010 Roger Newson
+ TEXTPAD: Stata module to call TextPad to edit a file 2010 Roger Newson
+ PARMHET: Stata module to produce heterogeneity tests in parmest resultssets 2010 Roger Newson
+ CGROUP: Stata module to group contiguous observations with identical values of a varlist 2009 Roger Newson
+ LISTTAB: Stata module to list variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table 2009 Roger Newson
+ Homoskedastic adjustment inflation factors in model selection 2009 Roger Newson
+ INVCISE: Stata module to compute standard errors using the inverse confidence interval method 2009 Roger Newson
+ VARLABDEF: Stata module to define a value label with values corresponding to variables 2009 Roger Newson
+ CGROUP: Stata module to group contiguous observations with identical values of a varlist 2009 Roger Newson
+ RTFUTIL: Stata module to provide utilities for writing Rich Text Format (RTF) files 2009 Roger Newson
+ Homoskedastic adjustment inflation factors in model selection 2009 Roger Newson
+ XSVMAT: Stata module to convert a matrix to variables in an output dataset 2009 Roger Newson
+ VARLABDEF: Stata module to define a value label with values corresponding to variables 2009 Roger Newson
+ INVCISE: Stata module to compute standard errors using the inverse confidence interval method 2009 Roger Newson
+ CREPLACE: Stata module to exchange values cyclically between variables 2009 Roger Newson
+ CHARDEF: Stata module to assign values to a characteristic of a list of variables 2009 Roger Newson
+ XDATELIST: Stata module to create ascending numeric lists of dates 2008 Roger Newson
+ BYNOTE: Stata module to create a note with a user-specified format for use with the by option 2008 Roger Newson
+ Identity of Somers' D and the rank biserial correlation coe-cient 2008 Roger Newson
+ ADDINBY: Stata module to add in data from a disk dataset using a foreign key 2008 Roger Newson
+ BYNOTE: Stata module to create a note with a user-specified format for use with the by option 2008 Roger Newson
+ Robust confidence intervals for Hodges–Lehmann median difference 2007 Roger Newson
+ FACTREF: Stata module to insert new observations with reference values for factors 2007 Roger Newson
+ INCCAT: Stata module to concatenate one or more input files to an output file inserting additional input files 2007 Roger Newson
+ DSCONCAT: Stata module to concatenate a list of Stata data files into memory 2007 Roger Newson
+ Robust confidence intervals for Hodges–Lehmann median difference 2007 Roger Newson
+ KEYBY: Stata module to key the dataset by a variable list 2007 Roger Newson
+ LABLIST: Stata module to list value labels (if present) for one or more variables 2007 Roger Newson
+ RSOURCE: Stata module to run R from inside Stata using an R source file 2007 Roger Newson
+ Confidence Intervals for Rank Statistics: Percentile Slopes, Differences, and Ratios 2006 Roger Newson
+ SUBSAVE: Stata module to save a subset of the dataset in memory to a disk file 2006 Roger Newson
+ On the central role of Somers' D 2006 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Confidence Intervals for Rank Statistics: Somers’ D and Extensions 2006 Roger Newson
+ Resultssets, resultsspreadsheets, and resultsplots in Stata 2006 Roger Newson
+ Efficient Calculation of Jackknife Confidence Intervals for Rank Statistics 2006 Roger Newson
+ On the central role of Somers' D 2006 Roger Newson
+ Resultssets, resultsspreadsheets, and resultsplots in Stata 2006 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Efficient Calculation of Jackknife Confidence Intervals for Rank Statistics 2005 Roger Newson
+ Generalized confidence interval plots using commands or dialogs 2005 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Review of Generalized Latent Variable Modeling by Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh 2005 Roger Newson
+ Generalized confidence interval plots using commands or dialogs 2005 Roger Newson
+ SUBSAVE: Stata module to save a subset of the dataset in memory to a disk file 2005 Roger Newson
+ SCHEME_RBN1MONO: Stata module to provide minimal monochrome graphics schemes 2005 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Generalized Power Calculations for Generalized Linear Models and more 2004 Roger Newson
+ Stata Tip 13: Generate and Replace use the Current Sort Order 2004 Roger Newson
+ From datasets to resultssets in Stata 2004 Roger Newson
+ HARMBY: Stata module to harmonize values of variables within by-groups 2004 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Stata Tip 5: Ensuring Programs Preserve Dataset Sort Order 2004 Roger Newson
+ HARMBY: Stata module to harmonize values of variables within by-groups 2004 Roger Newson
+ From datasets to resultssets in Stata 2004 Roger Newson
+ REGAXIS: Stata module to make regular linear and logarithmic axis scales, ranges and tick lists 2004 Roger Newson
+ SDECODE: Stata module to decode a numeric variable into a string variable 2004 Roger Newson
+ SENSPEC: Stata module to compute sensitivity and specificity results saved in generated variables 2004 Roger Newson
+ Stata Tip 1: The Eform() Option of Regress 2003 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Confidence Intervals and p-values for Delivery to the End User 2003 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Multiple—test Procedures and Smile Plots 2003 Roger Newson
+ BYGAP: Stata module to insert by-gap observation at the start of each by-group 2003 Roger Newson
+ BYGAP: Stata module to insert by-gap observation at the start of each by-group 2003 Roger Newson
+ ECLPLOT: Stata module to generate estimates and confidence limits plots 2003 Roger Newson
+ XCOLLAPSE: Stata module to make data set of summary statistics on disk or in memory 2003 Roger Newson
+ XCONTRACT: Stata module to make a data set of frequencies and percents on disk or in memory 2003 Roger Newson
+ INGAP: Stata module to insert gap observations into a data set before output by listtex 2003 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Stata Tip 1: The Eform() Option of Regress 2003 Roger Newson
+ QROWNAME: Stata module to extract lists of quoted row and column names from a matrix 2002 Roger Newson
+ GPHEPSSJ: Stata module to translate Stata graph files to.eps as used for The Stata Journal 2002 Roger Newson
+ EXPLIST: Stata module to generate an exponentially-spaced list of numbers 2002 Roger Newson
+ STRDATE: Stata module to replace string date variables with numeric date variables with the same names 2002 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Parameters behind “Nonparametric” Statistics: Kendall's tau, Somers’ D and Median Differences 2002 Roger Newson
+ QROWNAME: Stata module to extract lists of quoted row and column names from a matrix 2002 Roger Newson
+ INTEXT: Stata module to read text files into string variables 2002 Roger Newson
+ EXPLIST: Stata module to generate an exponentially-spaced list of numbers 2002 Roger Newson
+ LINCOMEST: Stata module to generate linear combinations of estimators saved as estimation results 2002 Roger Newson
+ GPHEPSSJ: Stata module to translate Stata graph files to .eps as used for The Stata Journal 2002 Roger Newson
+ INCCAT: Stata module to concatenate one or more input files to an output file inserting additional input files 2002 Roger Newson
+ GPRESET: Stata module to reset preferences for a custom graphics scheme to their original values 2001 Roger Newson
+ Splines with parameters that can be explained in words to non-mathematicians 2001 Roger Newson
+ GPRESET: Stata module to reset preferences for a custom graphics scheme to their original values 2001 Roger Newson
+ somersd-Confidence intervals for nonparametric statistics and their differences 2001 Roger Newson
+ B-splines and splines parameterized by their values at reference points on the x-axis 2001 Roger Newson
+ Robust confidence intervals for median and other percentile differences between two groups 2001 Roger Newson
+ SENCODE: Stata module to encode a string variable non-alphanumerically into a numeric variable 2001 Roger Newson
+ Parameters behind "non-parametric" statistics: Kendall's Âża, Somers' D and median dierences 2001 Roger Newson
+ DESCSAVE: Stata module to export data set and machine-readable codebook 2001 Roger Newson
+ FACTEXT: Stata module to extract factor values from a label variable created by parmest 2001 Roger Newson
+ LISTTAB: Stata module to list variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table 2001 Roger Newson
+ SENCODE: Stata module to encode a string variable non-alphanumerically into a numeric variable 2001 Roger Newson
+ FACTMERG: Stata module to merge a list of factors to create string variables 2001 Roger Newson
+ FACTREF: Stata module to insert new observations with reference values for factors 2001 Roger Newson
+ STRDATE: Stata module to replace string date variables with numeric date variables with the same names 2001 Roger Newson
+ POWERCAL: Stata module to perform general power and sample size calculations 2001 Roger Newson
+ DSCONCAT: Stata module to concatenate a list of Stata data files into memory 2001 Roger Newson
+ XDATELIST: Stata module to create ascending numeric lists of dates 2001 Roger Newson
+ Splines with parameters that can be explained in words to non-mathematicians 2001 Roger Newson
+ DOTEX: Stata module to generate TeX log from do-file 2001 Roger Newson
+ CIFORM: Stata module to format confidence interval for tables in documents 2000 Roger Newson
+ STCMD: Stata module to execute StatTransfer command from within Stata 2000 Roger Newson
+ rglm - Robust variance estimates for generalized linear models 2000 Roger Newson
+ CIFORM: Stata module to format confidence interval for tables in documents 2000 Roger Newson
+ STCMD: Stata module to execute StatTransfer command from within Stata 2000 Roger Newson
+ EXPGEN: Stata module to duplicate observations sorted in original order with generated variables 2000 Roger Newson
+ BSPLINE: Stata modules to compute B-splines parameterized by their values at reference points 2000 Roger Newson
+ DOLOG: Stata modules to execute commands from a file with logging 2000 Roger Newson
+ CCWEIGHT: Stata module to generate inverse sampling probability weights 1998 Roger Newson
+ SOMERSD: Stata module to calculate Kendall's tau-a, Somers' D and median differences 1998 Roger Newson
+ CCWEIGHT: Stata module to generate inverse sampling probability weights 1998 Roger Newson
+ PARMEST: Stata module to create new data set with one observation per parameter of most recent model 1998 Roger Newson
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Milena Falcaro 2
Peter Sasieni 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Parameters behind “Nonparametric” Statistics: Kendall's tau, Somers’ D and Median Differences 2002 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Confidence Intervals for Rank Statistics: Somers’ D and Extensions 2006 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Confidence Intervals and p-values for Delivery to the End User 2003 Roger Newson
+ A Confidence Interval for Pr(X < Y) - Pr(X > Y) Estimated from Simple Cluster Samples 1995 M Edwardes
Kerry L. Lee
Daniel B. Mark
+ Journal of The American Statistical Association 2004 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat An Improved Sequentially Rejective Bonferroni Test Procedure 1987 Burt Holland
Margaret D. Copenhaver
+ PDF Chat The central role of the propensity score in observational studies for causal effects 1983 Paul R. Rosenbaum
Donald B. Rubin
+ Confidence Intervals for Rank Statistics: Percentile Slopes, Differences, and Ratios 2006 Roger Newson
+ somersd-Confidence intervals for nonparametric statistics and their differences 2001 Roger Newson
+ Rectangular Confidence Regions for the Means of Multivariate Normal Distributions 1967 Zbyněk Šidák
+ A generalized Wilcoxon test for comparing arbitrarily singly-censored samples 1965 E. A. Gehan
+ PDF Chat Multiple—test Procedures and Smile Plots 2003 Roger Newson
+ A Simple Sequentially Rejective Multiple Test Procedure 1979 Sture Holm
+ PDF Chat Estimates of Location Based on Rank Tests 1963 J. L. Hodges
E. L. Lehmann
+ An improved Bonferroni procedure for multiple tests of significance 1986 R. John Simes
+ A sharper Bonferroni procedure for multiple tests of significance 1988 Yosef Hochberg
+ Efficient Calculation of Jackknife Confidence Intervals for Rank Statistics 2006 Roger Newson
+ Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing 1995 Yoav Benjamini
Yosef Hochberg
+ Estimates of the Regression Coefficient Based on Kendall's Tau 1968 Pranab Kumar Sen
+ Creating factor variables in resultssets and other datasets 2013 Roger Newson
+ Post-parmest peripherals: fvregen, invcise, and qqvalue 2010 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat A Class of Statistics with Asymptotically Normal Distribution 1948 Wassily Hoeffding
+ Practical Non-Parametric Statistics. 1981 B. M. Brown
W. J. Conover
+ PDF Chat From Resultssets to Resultstables in Stata 2012 Roger Newson
+ Comparing the Areas under Two or More Correlated Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves: A Nonparametric Approach 1988 Elizabeth R. DeLong
David M. DeLong
Daniel L. Clarke‐Pearson
+ PDF Chat The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency 2001 Yoav Benjamini
Daniel Yekutieli
+ Robust Statistics: The Approach Based on Influence Functions. 1987 Christopher Jennison
F. R. Hampel
Elvezio Ronchetti
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Werner A. Stahel
+ Robust Statistics: The Approach Based on Influence Functions 1987 David Ruppert
Frank R. Hampel
Elvezio Ronchetti
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Werner A. Stahel
+ Generalized Linear Models and Extensions 2011 Russell B. Millar
+ The Influence Curve and its Role in Robust Estimation 1974 Frank R. Hampel
+ Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Attributable Fraction from Logistic Models 1993 Sander Greenland
Karsten Drescher
+ Analysis of clustered data in receiver operating characteristic studies 1998 Craig A. Beam
+ Ordinal Measures of Association 1958 William Kruskal
+ Speaking Stata: On Numbers and Strings 2002 Nicholas J. Cox
+ PDF Chat Comparing the Predictive Powers of Survival Models Using Harrell's C or Somers’ D 2010 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat The positive false discovery rate: a Bayesian interpretation and the q-value 2003 John D. Storey
+ PDF Chat Sensible Parameters for Univariate and Multivariate Splines 2012 Roger Newson
+ PDF Chat Operating Characteristics and Extensions of the False Discovery Rate Procedure 2002 Christopher R. Genovese
Larry Wasserman
+ Graphical Methods in Nonparametric Statistics: A Review and Annotated Bibliography 1983 N. I. Fisher
+ Goodness‐of‐Fit Testing for the Logistic Regression Model when the Estimated Probabilities are Small 1988 D Hosmer
Stanley Lemeshow
Janelle Klar
+ Dominance statistics: Ordinal analyses to answer ordinal questions. 1993 Norman Cliff
+ PDF Chat A Class of Statistics with Asymptotically Normal Distribution 1992 Wassily Hoeffding
+ Nonparametric Analysis of Clustered ROC Curve Data 1997 Nancy A. Obuchowski
+ Ordinal Methods for Behavioral Data Analysis 2014 Norman Cliff
+ Sensible parameters for polynomials and other splines 2011 Roger Newson
+ Rank Correlation Methods. 1957 M. G. Kendall
+ Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods 1994 Joseph L. Gastwirth
P. Sprent