Thomas Vidick


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Aldous--Lyons Conjecture II: Undecidability 2024 Lewis Bowen
Michael Chapman
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat The Aldous--Lyons Conjecture I: Subgroup Tests 2024 Lewis Bowen
Michael Chapman
Alexander Lubotzky
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Expansion of higher-dimensional cubical complexes with application to quantum locally testable codes 2024 Irit Dinur
Ting-Chun Lin
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Experimental implementation of an efficient test of quantumness 2024 L. Lewis
Daiwei Zhu
Alexandru Gheorghiu
Crystal Noel
Or Katz
Bahaa Harraz
Qingfeng Wang
Andrew Risinger
Lei Feng
Debopriyo Biswas
+ PDF Chat Interactive cryptographic proofs of quantumness using mid-circuit measurements 2023 Daiwei Zhu
Gregory D. Kahanamoku–Meyer
L. H. Lewis
Crystal Noel
Or Katz
Bahaa Harraz
Qingfeng Wang
Andrew Risinger
Lei Feng
Debopriyo Biswas
+ Good Quantum LDPC Codes with Linear Time Decoders 2023 Irit Dinur
Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Ting-Chun Lin
Thomas Vidick
+ Simple Tests of Quantumness Also Certify Qubits 2023 Zvika Brakerski
Alexandru Gheorghiu
Gregory D. Kahanamoku–Meyer
Eitan Porat
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Simple Tests of Quantumness Also Certify Qubits 2023 Zvika Brakerski
Alexandru Gheorghiu
Gregory D. Kahanamoku–Meyer
Eitan Porat
Thomas Vidick
+ Computational Entanglement Theory 2023 Rotem Arnon-Friedman
Zvika Brakerski
Thomas Vidick
+ Efficiently stable presentations from error-correcting codes 2023 Michael Chapman
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ PDF Chat Quantum soundness of testing tensor codes 2022 Zhengfeng Ji
Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
John C. Wright
Henry Yuen
+ PDF Chat A monogamy-of-entanglement game for subspace coset states 2022 Eric Culf
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Anchored Parallel Repetition for Nonlocal Games 2022 Mohammad Bavarian
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ PDF Chat Almost synchronous quantum correlations 2022 Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Quantum soundness of testing tensor codes 2022 Zhengfeng Ji
Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
John C. Wright
Henry Yuen
+ Efficient Certifiable Randomness from a Single Quantum Device 2022 Urmila Mahadev
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ Good Quantum LDPC Codes with Linear Time Decoders 2022 Irit Dinur
Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Ting-Chun Lin
Thomas Vidick
+ Succinct Classical Verification of Quantum Computation 2022 James Bartusek
Yael Tauman Kalai
Alex Lombardi
Fermi Ma
Giulio Malavolta
Vinod Vaikuntanathan
Thomas Vidick
Lisa Yang
+ Experimental Implementation of an Efficient Test of Quantumness 2022 L. H. Lewis
Daiwei Zhu
Alexandru Gheorghiu
Crystal Noel
Or Katz
Bahaa Harraz
Qingfeng Wang
Andrew Risinger
Lei Feng
Debopriyo Biswas
+ Group coset monogamy games and an application to device-independent continuous-variable QKD 2022 Eric Culf
Thomas Vidick
Victor V. Albert
+ PDF Chat Succinct Classical Verification of Quantum Computation 2022 James Bartusek
Yael Tauman Kalai
Alex Lombardi
Fermi Ma
Giulio Malavolta
Vinod Vaikuntanathan
Thomas Vidick
Lisa Yang
+ PDF Chat Interactive Protocols for Classically-Verifiable Quantum Advantage 2021 Daiwei Zhu
Gregory D. Kahanamoku–Meyer
L. H. Lewis
Crystal Noel
Or Katz
Bahaa Harraz
Qingfeng Wang
Andrew Risinger
Lei Feng
Debopriyo Biswas
+ PDF Chat Self-testing of a single quantum device under computational assumptions 2021 Tony Metger
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat A Cryptographic Test of Quantumness and Certifiable Randomness from a Single Quantum Device 2021 Zvika Brakerski
Paul Christiano
Urmila Mahadev
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat A monogamy-of-entanglement game for subspace coset states 2021 Eric Culf
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Trading Locality for Time: Certifiable Randomness from Low-Depth Circuits 2021 Matthew Coudron
Jalex Stark
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Classical Proofs of Quantum Knowledge 2021 Thomas Vidick
Tina Zhang
+ Quantum soundness of testing tensor codes 2021 Zhengfeng Ji
Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
John C. Wright
Henry Yuen
+ Interactive Protocols for Classically-Verifiable Quantum Advantage 2021 Daiwei Zhu
Gregory D. Kahanamoku–Meyer
L. Lewis
Crystal Noel
Or Katz
Bahaa Harraz
Qingfeng Wang
Andrew Risinger
Lei Feng
Debopriyo Biswas
+ PDF Chat A three-player coherent state embezzlement game 2020 Zhengfeng Ji
Debbie Leung
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Classical zero-knowledge arguments for quantum computations 2020 Thomas Vidick
Tina Zhang
+ Simpler Proofs of Quantumness 2020 Zvika Brakerski
Venkata Koppula
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ Simpler Proofs of Quantumness. 2020 Zvika Brakerski
Venkata Koppula
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ MIP*=RE 2020 Zhengfeng Ji
Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
John C. Wright
Henry Yuen
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Dimension Reduction in the Nuclear Norm 2020 Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ Classical proofs of quantum knowledge 2020 Thomas Vidick
Tina Zhang
+ PDF Chat Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments for QMA, with Preprocessing 2020 Andrea Coladangelo
Thomas Vidick
Tina Zhang
+ Quantum soundness of the classical low individual degree test 2020 Zhengfeng Ji
Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
John C. Wright
Henry Yuen
+ Simpler Proofs of Quantumness 2020 Zvika Brakerski
Venkata Koppula
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ MIP*=RE 2020 Zhengfeng Ji
Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
John C. Wright
Henry Yuen
+ PDF Chat Computationally-Secure and Composable Remote State Preparation 2019 Alexandru Gheorghiu
Thomas Vidick
+ From Operator Algebras to Complexity Theory and Back 2019 Thomas Vidick
+ Quantum proof systems for iterated exponential time, and beyond 2019 Joseph F. Fitzsimons
Zhengfeng Ji
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ Computationally-secure and composable remote state preparation 2019 Alexandru Gheorghiu
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Fully device independent quantum key distribution 2019 Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Simple and Tight Device-Independent Security Proofs 2019 Rotem Arnon-Friedman
Renato Renner
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Verifier-on-a-Leash: New Schemes for Verifiable Delegated Quantum Computation, with Quasilinear Resources 2019 Andrea Coladangelo
Alex B. Grilo
Stacey Jeffery
Thomas Vidick
+ Non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments for QMA, with preprocessing 2019 Andrea Coladangelo
Thomas Vidick
Tina Zhang
+ Computationally-secure and composable remote state preparation 2019 Alexandru Gheorghiu
Thomas Vidick
+ Bounds on Dimension Reduction in the Nuclear Norm 2019 Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ Trading locality for time: certifiable randomness from low-depth circuits 2018 Matthew Coudron
Jalex Stark
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat A Cryptographic Test of Quantumness and Certifiable Randomness from a Single Quantum Device 2018 Zvika Brakerski
Paul F. Christiano
Urmila Mahadev
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Low-Degree Testing for Quantum States, and a Quantum Entangled Games PCP for QMA 2018 Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Test for a large amount of entanglement, using few measurements 2018 Rui Chao
Ben W. Reichardt
Chris Sutherland
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Entanglement in Non-local Games and the Hyperlinear Profile of Groups 2018 William Slofstra
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of approximate quantum strategies in XOR games 2018 Dimiter Ostrev
Thomas Vidick
+ Certifiable Randomness from a Single Quantum Device. 2018 Zvika Brakerski
Paul F. Christiano
Urmila Mahadev
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ A Cryptographic Test of Quantumness and Certifiable Randomness from a Single Quantum Device 2018 Zvika Brakerski
Paul F. Christiano
Urmila Mahadev
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ Low-degree testing for quantum states 2018 Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
+ Quantum proof systems for iterated exponential time, and beyond. 2018 Joseph F. Fitzsimons
Zhengfeng Ji
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ Retracted: Two-Player Entangled Games are NP-Hard 2018 Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
+ Trading locality for time: certifiable randomness from low-depth circuits 2018 Matthew Coudron
Jalex Stark
Thomas Vidick
+ Quantum proof systems for iterated exponential time, and beyond 2018 Joseph F. Fitzsimons
Zhengfeng Ji
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ A Cryptographic Test of Quantumness and Certifiable Randomness from a Single Quantum Device 2018 Zvika Brakerski
Paul Christiano
Urmila Mahadev
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Implementation of rigorous renormalization group method for ground space and low-energy states of local Hamiltonians 2017 Brenden Roberts
Thomas Vidick
Olexei I. Motrunich
+ A Quantum-Proof Non-Malleable Extractor, With Application to Privacy Amplification against Active Quantum Adversaries 2017 Divesh Aggarwal
Kai-Min Chung
Han-Hsuan Lin
Thomas Vidick
+ Verifier-on-a-Leash: new schemes for verifiable delegated quantum computation, with quasilinear resources 2017 Andrea Coladangelo
Alex B. Grilo
Stacey Jeffery
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Rigorous RG Algorithms and Area Laws for Low Energy Eigenstates in 1D 2017 Itai Arad
Zeph Landau
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ QCMA hardness of ground space connectivity for commuting Hamiltonians 2017 David Gosset
Jenish C. Mehta
Thomas Vidick
+ A quantum linearity test for robustly verifying entanglement 2017 Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
+ Parallel DIQKD from parallel repetition 2017 Thomas Vidick
+ Two-player entangled games are NP-hard 2017 Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
+ Overlapping qubits 2017 Rui Chao
Ben W. Reichardt
Chris Sutherland
Thomas Vidick
+ A Quantum-Proof Non-Malleable Extractor, With Application to Privacy Amplification against Active Quantum Adversaries 2017 Divesh Aggarwal
Kai-Min Chung
Han-Hsuan Lin
Thomas Vidick
+ Verifier-on-a-Leash: new schemes for verifiable delegated quantum computation, with quasilinear resources 2017 Andrea Coladangelo
Alex B. Grilo
Stacey Jeffery
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Robust self-testing of many-qubit states. 2016 Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
+ Entanglement of approximate quantum strategies in XOR games 2016 Dimiter Ostrev
Thomas Vidick
+ A simple proof of Renner's exponential de Finetti theorem 2016 Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ PDF Chat Simple proof of the detectability lemma and spectral gap amplification 2016 Anurag Anshu
Itai Arad
Thomas Vidick
+ A Moment Majorization principle for random matrix ensembles with applications to hardness of the noncommutative Grothendieck problem 2016 Steven Heilman
Thomas Vidick
+ Parallel repetition via fortification: analytic view and the quantum case 2016 Mohammad Bavarian
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ Simple proofs for the detectability lemma and its converse 2016 Anurag Anshu
Itai Arad
Thomas Vidick
+ Parallel repetition via fortification: analytic view and the quantum case 2016 Mohammad Bavarian
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ Quantum-Proof Extractors: Optimal up to Constant Factors 2016 Kai-Min Chung
Gil Cohen
Thomas Vidick
Xiaodi Wu
+ PDF Chat Three-Player Entangled XOR Games are NP-Hard to Approximate 2016 Thomas Vidick
+ Privacy Amplification Against Active Quantum Adversaries 2016 Gil Cohen
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Survey on nonlocal games and operator space theory 2016 Carlos Palazuelos
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Quantum Proofs 2016 Thomas Vidick
John Watrous
+ A simple proof of Renner's exponential de Finetti theorem 2016 Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ Entanglement of approximate quantum strategies in XOR games 2016 Dimiter Ostrev
Thomas Vidick
+ Interactive proofs with approximately commuting provers 2015 Matthew Coudron
Thomas Vidick
+ Anchoring games for parallel repetition 2015 Mohammad Bavarian
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ PDF Chat A parallel repetition theorem for entangled projection games 2015 Irit Dinur
David Steurer
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat A Multiprover Interactive Proof System for the Local Hamiltonian Problem 2015 Joseph F. Fitzsimons
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Interactive Proofs with Approximately Commuting Provers 2015 Matthew Coudron
Thomas Vidick
+ Constant-Soundness Interactive Proofs for Local Hamiltonians 2015 Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
+ Anchored parallel repetition for nonlocal games 2015 Mohammad Bavarian
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ Interactive proofs with approximately commuting provers 2015 Matthew Coudron
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Fully Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution 2014 Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ A multiprover interactive proof system for the local Hamiltonian problem 2014 Joseph F. Fitzsimons
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat A Parallel Repetition Theorem for Entangled Projection Games 2014 Irit Dinur
David Steurer
Thomas Vidick
+ Elementary proofs of Grothendieck theorems for completely bounded norms 2014 Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Efficient Rounding for the Noncommutative Grothendieck Inequality 2014 Assaf Naor
Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ Non-signalling parallel repetition using de Finetti reductions 2014 Rotem Arnon-Friedman
Renato Renner
Thomas Vidick
+ A multiprover interactive proof system for the local Hamiltonian problem 2014 Joseph F. Fitzsimons
Thomas Vidick
+ Unbounded entanglement in nonlocal games 2014 Laura Mančinska
Thomas Vidick
+ A parallel repetition theorem for entangled projection games 2013 Irit Dinur
David Steurer
Thomas Vidick
+ A polynomial-time algorithm for the ground state of 1D gapped local Hamiltonians 2013 Zeph Landau
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Efficient rounding for the noncommutative grothendieck inequality 2013 Assaf Naor
Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ Robust Randomness Amplifiers: Upper and Lower Bounds 2013 Matthew Coudron
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ Three-player entangled XOR games are NP-hard to approximate 2013 Thomas Vidick
+ The Quantum PCP Conjecture 2013 Dorit Aharonov
Itai Arad
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Robust Randomness Amplifiers: Upper and Lower Bounds 2013 Matthew Coudron
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ PDF Chat Optimal Counterfeiting Attacks and Generalizations for Wiesner’s Quantum Money 2013 Abel Molina
Thomas Vidick
John Watrous
+ A polynomial-time algorithm for the ground state of 1D gapped local Hamiltonians 2013 Zeph Landau
Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ Three-player entangled XOR games are NP-hard to approximate 2013 Thomas Vidick
+ Robust Randomness Amplifiers: Upper and Lower Bounds 2013 Matthew Coudron
Thomas Vidick
Henry Yuen
+ A parallel repetition theorem for entangled projection games 2013 Irit Dinur
David Steurer
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Explicit Lower and Upper Bounds on the Entangled Value of Multiplayer XOR Games 2012 Jop Briët
Thomas Vidick
+ Efficient rounding for the noncommutative Grothendieck inequality 2012 Assaf Naor
Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat A Multi-prover Interactive Proof for NEXP Sound against Entangled Provers 2012 Tsuyoshi Ito
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Drive Asymmetry and the Origin of Turbulence in an ICF Implosion 2012 Thomas Vidick
Robert J. Kares
+ Quantum XOR Games 2012 Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ Optimal counterfeiting attacks and generalizations for Wiesner's quantum money 2012 Abel Molina
Thomas Vidick
John Watrous
+ PDF Chat Trevisan's Extractor in the Presence of Quantum Side Information 2012 Anindya De
Christopher Portmann
Thomas Vidick
Renato Renner
+ A multi-prover interactive proof for NEXP sound against entangled provers. 2012 Tsuyoshi Ito
Thomas Vidick
+ A multi-prover interactive proof for NEXP sound against entangled provers 2012 Tsuyoshi Ito
Thomas Vidick
+ Quantum XOR Games 2012 Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ Optimal counterfeiting attacks and generalizations for Wiesner's quantum money 2012 Abel Molina
Thomas Vidick
John Watrous
+ Elementary Proofs of Grothendieck Theorems for Completely Bounded Norms 2012 Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ Certifiable Quantum Dice - Or, testable exponential randomness expansion 2011 Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ All Schatten spaces endowed with the Schur product are Q-algebras 2011 Jop Briët
Harry Buhrman
Troy Lee
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Does Ignorance of the Whole Imply Ignorance of the Parts? Large Violations of Noncontextuality in Quantum Theory 2011 Thomas Vidick
Stephanie Wehner
+ PDF Chat Parallel repetition of entangled games 2011 Julia Kempe
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat More nonlocality with less entanglement 2011 Thomas Vidick
Stephanie Wehner
+ PDF Chat Entangled Games Are Hard to Approximate 2011 Julia Kempe
Hirotada Kobayashi
Keiji Matsumoto
Ben Toner
Thomas Vidick
+ Certifiable Quantum Dice - Or, testable exponential randomness expansion 2011 Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Near-optimal extractors against quantum storage 2010 Anindya De
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Better Gap-Hamming Lower Bounds via Better Round Elimination 2010 Joshua Brody
Amit Chakrabarti
Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
Ronald de Wolf
+ Parallel Repetition of Entangled Games 2010 Julia Kempe
Thomas Vidick
+ Multiplayer XOR games and quantum communication complexity with clique-wise entanglement 2009 Jop Briët
Harry Buhrman
Troy Lee
Thomas Vidick
+ Near-optimal extractors against quantum storage 2009 Anindya De
Thomas Vidick
+ Better Gap-Hamming Lower Bounds via Better Round Elimination 2009 Joshua Brody
Amit Chakrabarti
Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
Ronald de Wolf
+ PDF Chat Hauteur asymptotique des points de Heegner 2008 Guillaume Ricotta
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Using Entanglement in Quantum Multi-prover Interactive Proofs 2008 Julia Kempe
Hirotada Kobayashi
Keiji Matsumoto
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Hauteur asymptotique des points de Heegner 2008 Guillaume Ricotta
Thomas Vidick
+ On the Power of Entangled Provers: Immunizing games against entanglement 2007 Julia Kempe
Hirotada Kobayashi
Keiji Matsumoto
Ben Toner
Thomas Vidick
+ Using Entanglement in Quantum Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs 2007 Julia Kempe
Hirotada Kobayashi
Keiji Matsumoto
Thomas Vidick
+ Entangled games are hard to approximate 2007 Julia Kempe
Hirotada Kobayashi
Keiji Matsumoto
Ben Toner
Thomas Vidick
+ On the Power of Entangled Quantum Provers 2006 Julia Kempe
Thomas Vidick
+ Hauteur asymptotique des points de Heegner 2005 Guillaume Ricotta
Thomas Vidick
+ Hybrid simulations of a curved shock 1989 Thomas Vidick
D. Winske
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A multi-prover interactive proof for NEXP sound against entangled provers 2012 Tsuyoshi Ito
Thomas Vidick
+ Three-player entangled XOR games are NP-hard to approximate 2013 Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Classical Verification of Quantum Computations 2018 Urmila Mahadev
+ Quantum multi-prover interactive proof systems with limited prior entanglement 2003 Hirotada Kobayashi
Keiji Matsumoto
+ PDF Chat Parallel repetition of entangled games 2011 Julia Kempe
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat A Multi-prover Interactive Proof for NEXP Sound against Entangled Provers 2012 Tsuyoshi Ito
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Oracularization and Two-Prover One-Round Interactive Proofs against Nonlocal Strategies 2009 Tsuyoshi Ito
Hirotada Kobayashi
Keiji Matsumoto
+ Loophole-free Bell inequality violation using electron spins separated by 1.3 kilometres 2015 Bas Hensen
Hannes Bernien
A. Dréau
Andreas Reiserer
Norbert Kalb
Machiel Blok
Just Ruitenberg
R. F. L. Vermeulen
R. N. Schouten
Carlos AbellĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Perfect Parallel Repetition Theorem for Quantum Xor Proof Systems 2008 Richard Cleve
William Slofstra
Falk Unger
Sarvagya Upadhyay
+ The magic squares and Bell's theorem 2002 P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Trevisan's Extractor in the Presence of Quantum Side Information 2012 Anindya De
Christopher Portmann
Thomas Vidick
Renato Renner
+ PDF Chat Classical verification of quantum proofs 2016 Zhengfeng Ji
+ PDF Chat Security and composability of randomness expansion from Bell inequalities 2013 Serge Fehr
Ran Gelles
Christian Schaffner
+ PDF Chat Universal entanglement transformations without communication 2003 Wim van Dam
Patrick Hayden
+ PDF Chat Fully Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution 2014 Umesh Vazirani
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat On lattices, learning with errors, random linear codes, and cryptography 2009 Oded Regev
+ A convergent hierarchy of semidefinite programs characterizing the set of quantum correlations 2008 Miguel Navascués
Stefano Pironio
Antonio AcĂ­n
+ The Quantum PCP Conjecture 2013 Dorit Aharonov
Itai Arad
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Robust self-testing of the singlet 2012 Matthew McKague
T. H. Yang
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Connes' embedding problem and Tsirelson's problem 2011 Marius Junge
Miguel Navascués
Carlos Palazuelos
David PĂ©rez-Garcı́a
Volkher B. Scholz
Reinhard F. Werner
+ PDF Chat Maximal violation of a bipartite three-setting, two-outcome Bell inequality using infinite-dimensional quantum systems 2010 KĂĄroly F. PĂĄl
TamĂĄs VĂ©rtesi
+ A quantum linearity test for robustly verifying entanglement 2017 Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat The Quantum Moment Problem and Bounds on Entangled Multi-prover Games 2008 Andrew C. Doherty
Yeong-Cherng Liang
Ben Toner
Stephanie Wehner
+ PDF Chat Classical Homomorphic Encryption for Quantum Circuits 2018 Urmila Mahadev
+ PDF Chat Unique Games with Entangled Provers Are Easy 2010 Julia Kempe
Oded Regev
Ben Toner
+ PDF Chat Robust self-testing of many-qubit states. 2016 Anand Natarajan
Thomas Vidick
+ Quantum Information Processing with Finite Resources: Mathematical Foundations 2015 Marco Tomamichel
+ PDF Chat Strong Loophole-Free Test of Local Realism 2015 Lynden K. Shalm
Evan Meyer-Scott
Bradley Christensen
Peter Bierhorst
Michael A. Wayne
Martin J. Stevens
Thomas Gerrits
Scott Glancy
Deny R. Hamel
Michael S. Allman
+ Grothendieck's theorem for noncommutative C∗-algebras, with an Appendix on Grothendieck's constants 1978 Gilles Pisier
+ PDF Chat The Operational Meaning of Min- and Max-Entropy 2009 Robert König
Renato Renner
Christian Schaffner
+ PDF Chat Significant-Loophole-Free Test of Bell’s Theorem with Entangled Photons 2015 Marissa Giustina
Marijn A. M. Versteegh
Sören Wengerowsky
Johannes Handsteiner
Armin Hochrainer
K. Phelan
Fabian Steinlechner
Johannes Kofler
Jan-Åke Larsson
Carlos AbellĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Proposed Experiment to Test Local Hidden Variable Theories. 1970 John F. Clauser
Michael Horne
Abner Shimony
R.A. Holt
+ Tsirelson's Problem 2008 Volkher B. Scholz
Reinhard F. Werner
+ PDF Chat Parallel Repetition of Entangled Games with Exponential Decay via the Superposed Information Cost 2014 André Chailloux
Giannicola Scarpa
+ The Grothendieck inequality for bilinear forms on C∗-algebras 1985 Uffe Haagerup
+ PDF Chat Computationally-Secure and Composable Remote State Preparation 2019 Alexandru Gheorghiu
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Entangled Games Are Hard to Approximate 2011 Julia Kempe
Hirotada Kobayashi
Keiji Matsumoto
Ben Toner
Thomas Vidick
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds on the entanglement needed to play XOR non-local games 2011 William Slofstra
+ PDF Chat Robust protocols for securely expanding randomness and distributing keys using untrusted quantum devices 2014 Carl A. Miller
Yaoyun Shi
+ PDF Chat Quantum computational supremacy 2017 Aram W. Harrow
Ashley Montanaro
+ PDF Chat Security of practical private randomness generation 2013 Stefano Pironio
Serge Massar
+ The computational complexity of linear optics 2011 Scott Aaronson
+ Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Commuting Measurements 2010 Esther HĂ€nggi
Renato Renner
+ PDF Chat Efficient rounding for the noncommutative grothendieck inequality 2013 Assaf Naor
Oded Regev
Thomas Vidick
+ A new upper bound for the complex Grothendieck constant 1987 Uffe Haagerup
+ PDF Chat Random numbers certified by Bell’s theorem 2010 Stefano Pironio
Antonio AcĂ­n
Serge Massar
A. Boyer de la Giroday
Dzmitry Matsukevich
Peter Maunz
S. Olmschenk
David Hayes
Le Luo
T. Andrew Manning
+ PDF Chat <i>Post hoc</i> Verification of Quantum Computation 2018 Joseph F. Fitzsimons
Michal HajduĆĄek
Tomoyuki Morimae
+ PDF Chat A Parallel Repetition Theorem for Entangled Two-Player One-Round Games under Product Distributions 2014 Rahul Jain
Attila Pereszlényi
Penghui Yao
+ PDF Chat Operator Space Theory: A Natural Framework for Bell Inequalities 2010 Marius Junge
Carlos Palazuelos
David PĂ©rez-Garcı́a
Ignacio Villanueva
Michael M. Wolf
+ PDF Chat Secure device-independent quantum key distribution with causally independent measurement devices 2011 LluĂ­s Masanes
Stefano Pironio
Antonio AcĂ­n