Stefan Posch


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Approximating Families of Sharp Solutions to Fisher's Equation with Physics-Informed Neural Networks 2024 Franz M. Rohrhofer
Stefan Posch
Clemens GĂ¶ĂŸnitzer
Bernhard C. Geiger
+ PDF Chat UWBCarGraz Dataset for Car Occupancy Detection Using Ultra-Wideband Radar 2024 Jakob Möderl
Stefan Posch
Franz Pernkopf
Klaus Witrisal
+ PDF Chat Approximating Families of Sharp Solutions to Fisher's Equation with Physics-Informed Neural Networks 2024 Franz M. Rohrhofer
Stefan Posch
Clemens GĂ¶ĂŸnitzer
Bernhard C. Geiger
+ PDF Chat Data vs. Physics: The Apparent Pareto Front of Physics-Informed Neural Networks 2023 Franz M. Rohrhofer
Stefan Posch
Clemens GĂ¶ĂŸnitzer
Bernhard C. Geiger
+ Bringing Chemistry to Scale: Loss Weight Adjustment for Multivariate Regression in Deep Learning of Thermochemical Processes 2023 Franz M. Rohrhofer
Stefan Posch
Clemens GĂ¶ĂŸnitzer
José M García-Oliver
Bernhard C. Geiger
+ Finding the Optimum Design of Large Gas Engines Prechambers Using CFD and Bayesian Optimization 2023 Stefan Posch
Clemens GĂ¶ĂŸnitzer
Franz M. Rohrhofer
Bernhard C. Geiger
Andreas Wimmer
+ "UWBCarGraz" Dataset for Car Occupancy Detection using Ultra-Wideband Radar 2023 Jakob Möderl
Stefan Posch
Franz Pernkopf
Klaus Witrisal
+ PDF Chat Knock Detection in Combustion Engine Time Series Using a Theory-Guided 1-D Convolutional Neural Network Approach 2022 Andreas B. Ofner
Achilles Kefalas
Stefan Posch
Bernhard C. Geiger
+ PDF Chat Knock Detection in Combustion Engine Time Series Using a Theory-Guided 1D Convolutional Neural Network Approach 2022 Andreas B. Ofner
Achilles Kefalas
Stefan Posch
Bernhard C. Geiger
+ On the Role of Fixed Points of Dynamical Systems in Training Physics-Informed Neural Networks 2022 Franz M. Rohrhofer
Stefan Posch
Clemens GĂ¶ĂŸnitzer
Bernhard C. Geiger
+ On the Pareto Front of Physics-Informed Neural Networks 2021 Franz M. Rohrhofer
Stefan Posch
Bernhard C. Geiger
+ Supervised Penalized Canonical Correlation Analysis 2014 Andrea Thum
Lore Westphal
Sabine Rosahl
Stefan Posch
+ Using Markov random fields for contour-based grouping 2002 Anke Maßmann
Stefan Posch
Gerhard Sagerer
Daniel SchlĂŒter
+ Stereozuordnung von hierarchischen Konturgruppen mot Markov Random Fields 2000 Denis Williams
Stefan Posch
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ NSFnets (Navier-Stokes flow nets): Physics-informed neural networks for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations 2020 Xiaowei Jin
Shengze Cai
Hui Li
George Em Karniadakis
+ PDF Chat Generative Adversarial Networks 2022 Ian J. Goodfellow
Jean Pouget-Abadie
Mehdi Mirza
Bing Xu
David Warde-Farley
Sherjil Ozair
Aaron Courville
Yoshua Bengio
+ A B‐spline algorithm for the numerical solution of Fisher's equation 2008 Ali ƞahin
İdris Dağ
BĂŒlent Saka
+ PDF Chat Canonical analysis of several sets of variables 1971 J. R. Kettenring
+ Numerical solution of Fisher's equation 1974 Jenö Gazdag
José Canosa
+ A pseudospectral method of solution of Fisher's equation 2005 Daniel Olmos‐Liceaga
Bernie D. Shizgal
+ Explicit solutions of Fisher's equation for a special wave speed 1979 Mark J. Ablowitz
Anthony Zeppetella
+ Numerical study of Fisher's reaction–diffusion equation by the Sinc collocation method 2001 Kamel Al‐Khaled
+ Numerical Solution of Fisher's Equation Using a Moving Mesh Method 1998 Y. Qiu
D. M. Sloan
+ Numerical study of Fisher's equation by wavelet Galerkin method 2006 R.C. Mittal
Sumit Kumar
+ Stability of Moving Mesh Systems of Partial Differential Equations 1998 Shengtai Li
Linda Petzold
Yuhe Ren
+ Exact solitary waves of the Fisher equation 2005 Nikolay A. Kudryashov
+ Exact and explicit solitary wave solutions for the generalised fisher equation 1988 Xiao-Shuai Wang
+ Efficient numerical solution of Fisher's equation by using B-spline method 2010 R. C. Mittal
Geeta Arora
+ Spatial Interaction and the Statistical Analysis of Lattice Systems 1974 Julian Besag
+ Comparison of the Discrete Singular Convolution and Three Other Numerical Schemes for Solving Fisher's Equation 2003 Shan Zhao
Gang Wei
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Numerical study of Fisher's equation by a Petrov-Galerkin finite element method 1991 Shaoqiang Tang
R. O. Weber
+ New multiple soliton solutions to the general Burgers–Fisher equation and the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation 2003 Huaitang Chen
Hongqing Zhang
+ Using Markov random fields for contour-based grouping 2002 Anke Maßmann
Stefan Posch
Gerhard Sagerer
Daniel SchlĂŒter
+ Numerical solutions of nonlinear Fisher's reaction–diffusion equation with modified cubic B-spline collocation method 2013 R.C. Mittal
Rakesh K. Jain
+ Usage of Higher Order B-splines in Numerical Solution of Fisher's Equation 2014 Aksaray Univesity
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ Discovering governing equations from data by sparse identification of nonlinear dynamical systems 2016 Steven L. Brunton
Joshua L. Proctor
J. Nathan Kutz
+ TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems 2016 Martı́n Abadi
Ashish Agarwal
Paul Barham
Eugene Brevdo
Zhifeng Chen
Craig Citro
Gregory S. Corrado
Andy Davis
Jay B. Dean
Matthieu Devin
+ The exponential cubic B-spline algorithm for Fisher equation 2016 İdiris Dağ
Özlem Ersoy Hepson
+ A study of quintic B-spline based differential quadrature method for a class of semi-linear Fisher-Kolmogorov equations 2016 R.C. Mittal
Sumita Dahiya
+ Extended modified cubic B-spline algorithm for nonlinear Fisher’s reaction-diffusion equation 2016 H. S. Shukla
Mohammad Tamsir
+ Cubic trigonometric B-spline differential quadrature method for numerical treatment of Fisher’s reaction-diffusion equations 2017 Mohammad Tamsir
Neeraj Dhiman
Vineet K. Srivastava
+ Theory-Guided Data Science: A New Paradigm for Scientific Discovery from Data 2017 Anuj Karpatne
Gowtham Atluri
James H. Faghmous
Michael Steinbach
Arindam Banerjee
Auroop R. Ganguly
Shashi Shekhar
Nagiza Samatova
Vipin Kumar
+ Numerical Computation of Nonlinear Fisher’s Reaction–Diffusion Equation with Exponential Modified Cubic B-Spline Differential Quadrature Method 2017 Mohammad Tamsir
Vineet K. Srivastava
Neeraj Dhiman
Anand Chauhan
+ Exponential B-splines Galerkin Method for the Numerical Solution of the Fisher’s Equation 2017 Melis ZorƟahin GörgĂŒlĂŒ
İdris Dağ
+ A collocation technique based on modified form of trigonometric cubic B-spline basis functions for Fisher’s reaction-diffusion equation 2018 Neeraj Dhiman
Mohammad Tamsir
+ Deep learning for time series classification: a review 2019 Hassan Ismail Fawaz
Germain Forestier
Jonathan Weber
Lhassane Idoumghar
Pierre-Alain MĂŒller
+ Feedforward Neural Network for Time Series Anomaly Detection 2018 Rong Zhang
Dong Shandong
Xin Nie
Xiao Shiguang
+ Surrogate modeling for fluid flows based on physics-constrained deep learning without simulation data 2019 Luning Sun
Han Gao
Shaowu Pan
Jianxun Wang
+ Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization 2014 Diederik P. Kingma
Jimmy Ba
+ PDF Chat Machine learning in cardiovascular flows modeling: Predicting arterial blood pressure from non-invasive 4D flow MRI data using physics-informed neural networks 2019 Georgios Kissas
Yibo Yang
Eileen Hwuang
Walter R. Witschey
John A. Detre
Paris Perdikaris
+ Understanding and mitigating gradient pathologies in physics-informed neural networks 2020 Sifan Wang
Yujun Teng
Paris Perdikaris
+ Numerical simulation of Fisher's type equation via a collocation technique based on re-defined quintic B-splines 2020 Neeraj Dhiman
Amit Chauhan
Mohammad Tamsir
Anand Chauhan
+ PDF Chat AI Feynman: A physics-inspired method for symbolic regression 2020 Silviu‐Marian Udrescu
Max Tegmark
+ Accelerating Physics-Informed Neural Network Training with Prior Dictionaries 2020 Wei Peng
Weien Zhou
Jun Zhang
Wen Yao
+ PDF Chat Physics-informed neural networks for multiphysics data assimilation with application to subsurface transport 2020 Qizhi He
David A. Barajas‐Solano
G. Tartakovsky
Alexandre M. Tartakovsky
+ PDF Chat Non-invasive inference of thrombus material properties with physics-informed neural networks 2020 Minglang Yin
Xiaoning Zheng
Jay D. Humphrey
George Em Karniadakis
+ Solving Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard Equations using the Adaptive Physics Informed Neural Networks 2020 Colby Wight
Jia Zhao
+ When and why PINNs fail to train: A neural tangent kernel perspective 2020 Sifan Wang
Xinling Yu
Paris Perdikaris
+ Physics-informed neural networks for inverse problems in nano-optics and metamaterials 2020 Yuyao Chen
Lu Lu
George Em Karniadakis
Luca Dal Negro
+ PDF Chat Low-cost low-power in-vehicle occupant detection with mm-wave FMCW radar 2019 Mostafa Alizadeh
Hajar Abedi
George Shaker
+ PhyGeoNet: Physics-informed geometry-adaptive convolutional neural networks for solving parameterized steady-state PDEs on irregular domain 2020 Han Gao
Luning Sun
Jianxun Wang