Anne Greenbaum


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat When is the Resolvent Like a Rank One Matrix? 2025 Anne Greenbaum
Faranges Kyanfar
Abbas Salemi
+ Numerical bounds on the Crouzeix ratio for a class of matrices 2024 Michel Crouzeix
Anne Greenbaum
Kenan Li
+ Comparison of K-spectral set bounds on norms of functions of a matrix or operator 2024 Anne Greenbaum
Natalie Wellen
+ PDF Chat GMRES, pseudospectra, and Crouzeix’s conjecture for shifted and scaled Ginibre matrices 2024 Tyler Chen
Anne Greenbaum
Thomas Trogdon
+ PDF Chat Low-Memory Krylov Subspace Methods for Optimal Rational Matrix Function Approximation 2023 Tyler Chen
Anne Greenbaum
Cameron Musco
Christopher Musco
+ Open Problems in the Analysis of Krylov Subspace Methods 2023 Anne Greenbaum
+ K-Spectral Sets 2023 Anne Greenbaum
Natalie Wellen
+ GMRES, pseudospectra, and Crouzeix's conjecture for shifted and scaled Ginibre matrices 2023 Tyler Chen
Anne Greenbaum
Thomas Trogdon
+ Near-Optimal Approximation of Matrix Functions by the Lanczos Method 2023 Noah Amsel
Tyler Chen
Anne Greenbaum
Cameron Musco
Chris Musco
+ Optimal Polynomial Approximation to Rational Matrix Functions Using the Arnoldi Algorithm 2023 Tyler Chen
Anne Greenbaum
Natalie Wellen
+ PDF Chat Error Bounds for Lanczos-Based Matrix Function Approximation 2022 Tyler Chen
Anne Greenbaum
Cameron Musco
Christopher Musco
+ Low-memory Krylov subspace methods for optimal rational matrix function approximation 2022 Tyler Chen
Anne Greenbaum
Cameron Musco
Christopher Musco
+ PDF Chat On the Convergence Rate of Variants of the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm in Finite Precision Arithmetic 2021 Anne Greenbaum
Hexuan Liu
Tyler Chen
+ PDF Chat Crouzeix’s Conjecture and Related Problems 2020 Kelly Bickel
Pamela Gorkin
Anne Greenbaum
Thomas Ransford
Felix L. Schwenninger
ElĂ­as Wegert
+ PDF Chat First-Order Perturbation Theory for Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 2020 Anne Greenbaum
Ren‐Cang Li
Michael L. Overton
+ First-order Perturbation Theory for Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 2019 Anne Greenbaum
Ren‐Cang Li
Michael L. Overton
+ PDF Chat Spectral Sets: Numerical Range and Beyond 2019 Michel Crouzeix
Anne Greenbaum
+ First-order Perturbation Theory for Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 2019 Anne Greenbaum
Ren‐Cang Li
Michael L. Overton
+ On the convergence rate of DGMRES 2018 Anne Greenbaum
Faranges Kyanfar
Abbas Salemi
+ Spectral Sets: Numerical Range and Beyond 2018 Michel Crouzeix
Anne Greenbaum
+ PDF Chat Some Extensions of the Crouzeix--Palencia Result 2018 Trevor Caldwell
Anne Greenbaum
Kenan Li
+ Spectral Sets: Numerical Range and Beyond 2018 Michel Crouzeix
Anne Greenbaum
+ PDF Chat Numerical investigation of Crouzeix's conjecture 2017 Anne Greenbaum
Michael L. Overton
+ Some Extensions of the Crouzeix-Palencia Result 2017 Trevor Caldwell
Anne Greenbaum
Kenan Li
+ Variational analysis of the Crouzeix ratio 2016 Anne Greenbaum
Adrian S. Lewis
Michael L. Overton
+ New Directions in Numerical Computation 2016 Tobin A. Driscoll
Alex Townsend
Jean‐Paul Berrut
Bengt Fornberg
Anne Greenbaum
Nicholas J. Higham
Randy LeVeque
Ian H. Sloan
+ Near Normal Dilations of Nonnormal Matrices and Linear Operators 2016 Anne Greenbaum
Trevor Caldwell
Kenan Li
+ PDF Chat Analysis of an aggregation-based algebraic two-grid method for a rotated anisotropic diffusion problem 2015 Meng‐Huo Chen
Anne Greenbaum
+ Roots of Matrices in the Study of GMRES Convergence and Crouzeix's Conjecture 2015 Daeshik Choi
Anne Greenbaum
+ Iterative Solution Methods for Linear Systems 2013 Anne Greenbaum
+ Crouzeix’s conjecture and perturbed Jordan blocks 2011 Anne Greenbaum
Daeshik Choi
+ Matrices That Generate the Same Krylov Residual Spaces 2011 Anne Greenbaum
Zdeněk Strakoơ
+ Global error bounds for the Petrov-Galerkin discretization of the neutron transport equation 2010 Britton Chang
Anne Greenbaum
Eric Machorro
+ Upper and lower bounds on norms of functions of matrices 2008 Anne Greenbaum
+ Iterative Solution Methods for Linear Systems 2006 Anne Greenbaum
+ Characterizations of the polynomial numerical hull of degree k 2006 James V. Burke
Anne Greenbaum
+ Global Error Bounds for the Petrov-Galerkin Discretization of the Neutron Transport Equation 2005 Baisong Chang
Peter N. Brown
Anne Greenbaum
E M Machorro
+ The polynomial numerical hulls of Jordan blocks and related matrices 2003 Vance Faber
Anne Greenbaum
Donald E. Marshall
+ Card Shuffling and the Polynomial Numerical Hull of Degree k 2003 Anne Greenbaum
+ Generalizations of the field of values useful in the study of polynomial functions of a matrix 2002 Anne Greenbaum
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Attainable Accuracy of Recursively Computed Residual Methods 1997 Anne Greenbaum
+ Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems 1997 Anne Greenbaum
+ Any Nonincreasing Convergence Curve is Possible for GMRES 1996 Anne Greenbaum
Vlastimil PtĂĄk
Zdeněk Strakoơ
+ Relations between Galerkin and Norm-Minimizing Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems 1996 Jane Cullum
Anne Greenbaum
+ A Further Note on Max-Min Properties of Matrix Factor Norms 1995 Leonid Gurvits
Anne Greenbaum
+ PDF Chat Max-Min Properties of Matrix Factor Norms 1994 Anne Greenbaum
Leonid Gurvits
+ PDF Chat GMRES/CR and Arnoldi/Lanczos as Matrix Approximation Problems 1994 Anne Greenbaum
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ PDF Chat Matrices that Generate the same Krylov Residual Spaces 1994 Anne Greenbaum
Zdeněk Strakoơ
+ Do the Pseudospectra of a Matrix Determine its Behavior 1993 Anne Greenbaum
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ On the numerical solution of the biharmonic equation in the plane 1992 Anne Greenbaum
Leslie Greengard
Anita Mayo
+ PDF Chat Diagonal Scalings of the Laplacian as Preconditioners for Other Elliptic Differential Operators 1992 Anne Greenbaum
+ Open questions in the convergence analysis of the lanczos process for the real symmetric eigenvalue problem 1992 Zdeněk Strakoơ
Anne Greenbaum
+ Predicting the Behavior of Finite Precision Lanczos and Conjugate Gradient Computations 1992 Anne Greenbaum
Zdeněk Strakoơ
+ Laplace's equation and the Dirichlet-Neumann map in multiply connected domains 1991 Anne Greenbaum
Leslie Greengard
G. B. McFadden
+ A Parallel Iterative Method for Solving 3-D Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 1990 Anne Greenbaum
Edna Reiter
Garry Rodrigue
+ Behavior of slightly perturbed Lanczos and conjugate-gradient recurrences 1989 Anne Greenbaum
+ Analysis of a Multigrid Method as an Iterative Technique for Solving Linear Systems 1984 Anne Greenbaum
+ Convergence properties of the conjugate gradient algorithm in exact and finite precision arithmetic 1981 Anne Greenbaum
+ PDF Chat Livermore timesharing system. Part 4: library files. Chapter 307: mathematics and statistics software library catalog 1979 R. G. Basinger
Anne Greenbaum
M Jepson
+ Approximating the inverse of a matrix for use in iterative algorithms on vector processors 1979 P.F. Dubois
Anne Greenbaum
Garry Rodrigue
+ PDF Chat Incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradient method for the STAR (5-point operator) 1977 Anne Greenbaum
Garry Rodrigue
+ PDF Chat Livermore Time-Sharing System. Part 4: library files. Chapter 307: Numerical Mathematics Group, Mathematical Software Library Catalog 1977 F. E. Fritsch
Anne Greenbaum
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Bounds for Analytical Functions of Matrices 2004 Michel Crouzeix
+ Numerical range and functional calculus in Hilbert space 2006 Michel Crouzeix
+ Behavior of slightly perturbed Lanczos and conjugate-gradient recurrences 1989 Anne Greenbaum
+ PDF Chat GMRES: A Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems 1986 Yousef Saad
Martin H. Schultz
+ Constants related to operators of class C? 1975 Kazuyoshi ƌkubo
Tsuyoshi AndĂŽ
+ Methods of conjugate gradients for solving linear systems 1952 Magnus R. Hestenes
Eduard Stiefel
+ The Numerical Range is a $(1+\sqrt{2})$-Spectral Set 2017 Michel Crouzeix
C. Palencia
+ PDF Chat GMRES/CR and Arnoldi/Lanczos as Matrix Approximation Problems 1994 Anne Greenbaum
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ Error Analysis of the Lanczos Algorithm for Tridiagonalizing a Symmetric Matrix 1976 Christopher C. Paige
+ A proof of Crouzeix’s conjecture for a class of matrices 2013 Daeshik Choi
+ Roots of Matrices in the Study of GMRES Convergence and Crouzeix's Conjecture 2015 Daeshik Choi
Anne Greenbaum
+ Hessenberg matrices in krylov subspaces and the computation of the spectrum 1995 Olavi Nevanlinna
+ PDF Chat Max-Min Properties of Matrix Factor Norms 1994 Anne Greenbaum
Leonid Gurvits
+ Generalizations of the field of values useful in the study of polynomial functions of a matrix 2002 Anne Greenbaum
+ PDF Chat The principle of minimized iterations in the solution of the matrix eigenvalue problem 1951 Walter E. Arnoldi
+ Eine Spektraltheorie fĂŒr allgemeine Operatoren eines unitĂ€ren Raumes. Erhard Schmidt zum 75. Geburtstag in Verehrung gewidmet 1950 Johann von Neumann
+ Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems 1997 Anne Greenbaum
+ PDF Chat Some Extensions of the Crouzeix--Palencia Result 2018 Trevor Caldwell
Anne Greenbaum
Kenan Li
+ Conjugate gradient methods for indefinite systems 1976 R. Fletcher
+ PDF Chat QMR: a quasi-minimal residual method for non-Hermitian linear systems 1991 Roland W. Freund
Noïżœl M. Nachtigal
+ Fields of values and iterative methods 1993 Michael Eiermann
+ Crouzeix’s conjecture and perturbed Jordan blocks 2011 Anne Greenbaum
Daeshik Choi
+ The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1998 Beresford Ν. Parlett
+ Variational Iterative Methods for Nonsymmetric Systems of Linear Equations 1983 Stanley C. Eisenstat
Howard C. Elman
Martin H. Schultz
+ An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators 1950 Cornelius Lanczos
+ Predicting the Behavior of Finite Precision Lanczos and Conjugate Gradient Computations 1992 Anne Greenbaum
Zdeněk Strakoơ
+ PDF Chat An Efficient Algorithm for Computing the Generalized Null Space Decomposition 2015 Nicola Guglielmi
Michael L. Overton
G. W. Stewart
+ Approximation theory and numerical linear algebra 1990 Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems 2006 Alfio Quarteroni
Riccardo Sacco
Fausto Saleri
+ Finite Blaschke product interpolation on the closed unit disc 2002 Christer Glader
Mikael Lindström
+ Uniform approximations to functions of a complex variable 1954 S. N. Mergelyan
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ On error estimation in the conjugate gradient method and why it works in finite precision computations. 2002 Zdeněk Strakoơ
Petr TichĂœ
+ Numerical Determination of the Field of Values of a General Complex Matrix 1978 Charles R. Johnson
+ PDF Chat Stability of the Lanczos Method for Matrix Function Approximation 2018 Cameron Musco
Christopher Musco
Aaron Sidford
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the Crouzeix--Palencia Proof that the Numerical Range is a (1+\sqrt2)-Spectral Set 2018 Thomas Ransford
Felix L. Schwenninger
+ Two polynomial methods of calculating functions of symmetric matrices 1989 Vladimir Druskin
Leonid Knizhnerman
+ Error and Perturbation Bounds for Subspaces Associated with Certain Eigenvalue Problems 1973 G. W. Stewart
+ A Note on Bounded Interpolation in the Unit Disc 1976 J. P. Earl
+ Roundoff-error analysis of a new class of conjugate-gradient algorithms 1980 H. WoĆșniakowski
+ Generalized conjugate-gradient acceleration of nonsymmetrizable iterative methods 1980 David M. Young
Kang C. Jea
+ Relations between Galerkin and Norm-Minimizing Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems 1996 Jane Cullum
Anne Greenbaum
Gene H. Golub
Dianne P. O’Leary
+ The analytic capacity of sets in problems of approximation theory 1967 A. G. Vitushkin
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Attainable Accuracy of Recursively Computed Residual Methods 1997 Anne Greenbaum
+ PDF Chat Generalization of von Neumann's spectral sets and integral representation of operators 1999 Bernard Delyon
F. Delyon
+ Perturbation Theory for Analytic Matrix Functions: The Semisimple Case 2003 Peter Lancaster
A. S. Markus
Fei Zhou
+ Polynomial bounds for small matrices 2013 Michel Crouzeix
Frank Gilfeather
John Holbrook
+ Completely Bounded Maps and Operator Algebras 2003 Vern I. Paulsen
+ Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space 1970 Béla SzÔkefalvi-Nagy
Ciprian FoiaƟ
Hari Bercovici
LĂĄszlĂł KĂ©rchy