Wojbor A. Woyczyński


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Spline linear mixed‐effects models for causal mediation analysis with longitudinal data 2024 Jeffrey M. Albert
Hongxu Zhu
Tanujit Dey
Jiayang Sun
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Gregory Powers
Meeyoung O. Min
+ Diffusion Processes, Jump Processes, and Stochastic Differential Equations 2022 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Itô Stochastic Differential Equations 2022 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Nonlinear Diffusion Equations 2022 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Asymmetric Exclusion Processes and Their Scaling Limits 2022 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Lévy Processes and the Lévy-Khinchine Formula 2022 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Lévy Process-Based Stochastic Modeling for Machine Performance Degradation Prognosis 2020 Peng Wang
Robert X. Gao
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Continuous‐time causal mediation analysis 2019 Jeffrey M. Albert
Youjun Li
Jiayang Sun
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Suchitra Nelson
+ Uncertainty Principle and Wavelet Transforms 2019 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Copulas and Dependency Measures for Multivariate Linnik Distributions 2018 Alexandru C. Belu
Wesley J. Maddox
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Geometry and Martingales in Banach Spaces 2018 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Geometry and Martingales in Banach Spaces 2018 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Distributions in the Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 3: Random and Anomalous Fractional Dynamics in Continuous Media 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Parameter estimation for fractional Poisson processes. 2018 Dexter Cahoy
V. V. Uchaikin
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat In memoriam: Czesław Ryll-Nardzewski’s contributions to probability theory 2018 Tomasz Rolski
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Log-moment estimators for the generalized Linnik and Mittag-Leffler distributions with applications to financial modeling 2018 Dexter Cahoy
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Linear Anomalous Fractional Dynamics in Continuous Media 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Lévy Processes and Their Generalized Derivatives 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Basic Distributional Tools for Probability Theory 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Nonlinear and Multiscale Anomalous Fractional Dynamics in Continuous Media 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Log-Moment Estimators for the Generalized Linnik and Mittag-Leffler Distributions with Applications to Financial Modeling 2018 Dexter Cahoy
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Distributions in the Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 3 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Summation of Divergent Series and Integrals 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Uncertainty Principle and Wavelet Transforms 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Distributions in the Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 1 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Singular Integrals and Fractal Calculus 2018 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Log-moment estimators for the generalized Linnik and Mittag-Leffler distributions with applications to financial modeling 2018 Dexter Cahoy
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Parameter estimation for fractional Poisson processes 2018 Dexter Cahoy
V. V. Uchaikin
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Why One Needs to Analyze Data 2017 Manfred Denker
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Interception efficiency of CVM-based lightning protection systems for buildings and the fractional Poisson model 2016 Harold S. Haller
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Explicit representations for multiscale Lévy processes and asymptotics of multifractal conservation laws 2015 K. Górska
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Szorstkie trajektorie i struktury regularności., Martin Hairer nagrodzony medalem Fieldsa 2015 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Multiscale Conservation Laws Driven by Lévy Stable and Linnik Diffusions: Asymptotics, Shock Creation, Preservation and Dissolution 2015 Bakeerathan Gunaratnam
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Probabilistic approach to viscosity solutions of the Cauchy problems for systems if fully nonlinear parabolic equations 2013 Ya. I. Belopolskaya
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Potential Theory and Fundamental Solutions of Elliptic Equations 2013 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Generalized Solutions of First-Order Nonlinear PDEs 2013 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Distributions in the Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 2 2013 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Lévy flights in evolutionary ecology 2011 Benjamin Jourdain
Sylvie Méléard
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ L\'evy flights in ecology 2011 Benjamin Jourdain
Sylvie Méléard
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Parameter estimation for fractional Poisson processes 2010 Dexter Cahoy
V. V. Uchaikin
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Fractal Hamilton-Jacobi-KPZ equations 2007 Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Critical exponents for large time asymptotics for fractal Hamilton‐Jacobi‐KPZ equations 2007 Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ General nonlocal diffusion–convection mean field models: Nonexistence of global solutions 2007 Piotr Biler
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Nonlinear SDEs driven by Lévy processes and related PDEs 2007 Benjamin Jourdain
Sylvie Méléard
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Fractal Hamilton-Jacobi-KPZ equations 2006 Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Fractional- and integer-order moments, and multiscaling for smoothly truncated Lévy flights 2005 György Terdik
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
A. Piryatinska
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic approximation and inviscid limits for one-dimensional fractional conservation laws 2005 Benjamin Jourdain
Sylvie Méléard
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ A Probabilistic Approach for Nonlinear Equations Involving the Fractional Laplacian and a Singular Operator 2005 Benjamin Jourdain
Sylvie M�l�ard
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Numerical study of interacting particles approximation for integro-differential equations 2005 Dan Stánescu
Dong-Jin Kim
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Nonlinear Pde’s Driven by Lévy Diffusions and Related Statistical Issues 2005 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Notes on fractional Ornstein--Uhlenbeck random sheets 2005 György Terdik
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Models of anomalous diffusion: the subdiffusive case 2004 Alexandra Piryatinska
А. И. Саичев
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Length of sums in a Minkowski space 2004 Gyula O. H. Katona
Richárd Mayer
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Critical nonlinearity exponent and self-similar asymptotics for Lévy conservation laws 2001 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Growing fractal interfaces in the presence of self-similar hopping surface diffusion 2001 J. Adin Mann
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for conservation laws involving Lévy diffusion generators 2001 Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Passive tracer transport in stochastic flows 2001 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Nonlinear Diffusion Approximations of Queuing Networks 2001 Barbara Margolius
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Lévy Processes in the Physical Sciences 2001 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Multifractal and Lévy conservation laws 2000 Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Nonlocal quadratic evolution problems 2000 Piotr Biler
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Introductory Statistics and Random Phenomena 1999 Yachen Lin
Manfred Denker
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Asymptotics for multifractal conservation laws 1999 Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Fractal Burgers Equations 1998 Piotr Biler
Tadahisa Funaki
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Exact parabolic asymptotics for singular n-D Burgers’ random fields: Gaussian approximation 1998 Nikolai Leonenko
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Statistical Independence and Kolmogorov’s Probability Theory 1998 Manfred Denker
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Bernard Ycart
+ Interacting Particle Approximation for Fractal Burgers Equation 1998 Tadahisa Funaki
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Analysis of Variance 1998 Manfred Denker
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Bernard Ycart
+ Global and Exploding Solutions for Nonlocal Quadratic Evolution Problems 1998 Piotr Biler
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Chaos in Dynamical Systems: How Uncertainty Arises in Scientific and Engineering Phenomena 1998 Manfred Denker
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Bernard Ycart
+ PDF Chat Burgers-KPZ Turbulence 1998 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Hyperbolic approximation and inviscid limit 1998 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ None 1998 Nikolai Leonenko
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Introductory Statistics and Random Phenomena 1998 Manfred Denker
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Bernard Ycart
+ Why One Needs to Analyze Data 1998 Manfred Denker
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Bernard Ycart
+ PDF Chat Distributions in the Physical and Engineering Sciences 1997 Ramalingam Shanmugam
Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat The large-scale structure of the universe and quasi-Voronoi tessellation of shock fronts in forced Burgers turbulence in $\bold R\sp {d}$ 1997 Stanislav Molchanov
Донатас Сургайлис
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Probability Distributions of Passive Tracers in Randomly Moving Media 1997 А. И. Саичев
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Singular Integrals and Fractal Calculus 1997 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Hausdorff dimension of regular points in stochastic Burgers flows with Lévy α-stable initial data 1997 Aleksander Janicki
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Summation of Divergent Series and Integrals 1997 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Distributional and fractal calculus, integral transforms and wavelets 1997 Alex Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Uncertainty Principle and Wavelet Transforms 1997 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Basic Applications: Rigorous and Pragmatic 1997 Alexander I. Saichev
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Short-Time Correlation Approximations for Diffusing Tracers in Random Velocity Fields: A Functional Approach 1996 V. I. Klyatskin
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
David Gurarie
+ Spectral properties of the scaling limit solutions of the Burger’s equation with singular data 1996 Nikolai Leonenko
V. N. Parkhomenko
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Fluctuations of passive scalar concentration with nonzero mean gradient in random velocity fields 1995 V. I. Klyatskin
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Limit Behavior of Quadratic Forms of Moving Averages and Statistical Solutions of the Burgers′ Equation 1995 Yi-Ming Hu
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Through a Reporter's Eyes: The Life of Stefan Banach 1995 Roman Kałuża
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Ann Kostant
S Banach
+ PDF Chat An Extremal Rearrangement Property of Statistical Solutions of Burgers' Equation 1994 Yiming Hu
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Optimization of the reliability polynomial in presence of mediocre elements 1993 Gyula O. H. Katona
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Stochastic Burgers’ Flows 1993 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Random Series and Stochastic Integrals: Single and Multiple 1992 Stanisław Kwapień
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Basic Inequalities for Random Linear Forms in Independent Random Variables 1992 Stanisław Kwapień
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Random Multilinear Forms in Independent Random Variables and Polynomial Chaos 1992 Stanisław Kwapień
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Domination Principles and Comparison of Sums of Independent Random Variables 1992 Stanisław Kwapień
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Deterministic Integrands 1992 Stanisław Kwapień
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Measuring the roughness of interfaces 1991 J. Adin Mann
Eric M. Rains
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Resampling U-statistics using p-stable laws 1990 Herold Dehling
Manfred Denker
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Infinite-Dimensional Distributions in the Thermodynamic Limit of Graph-Valued Markov Processes and the Phenomenon of Postgelation Sticking 1990 Boris Pittel
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Double Stochastic Integrals, Random Quadratic Forms and Random Series in Orlicz Spaces 1987 Stanisław Kwapień
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Multilinear forms in Pareto-like random variables and product random measures 1987 J. Rosiński
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ On Ito Stochastic Integration with Respect to $p$-Stable Motion: Inner Clock, Integrability of Sample Paths, Double and Multiple Integrals 1986 J. Rosiński
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Quadratic Forms in $p$-Stable Random Variables and $\theta_p$-Radonifying Operators 1985 Stamatis Cambanis
J. Rosiński
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Moment inequalities for real and vector p-stable stochastic integrals 1985 J. Rosiński
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Products of random measures, multilinear random forms, and multiple stochastic integrals 1984 J. Rosiński
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Convergence of Quadratic Forms in p-Stable Random Variables and Theta sub p-Radonifying Operators. 1983 S. Cambanis
J. Rosiński
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Existence of a double random integral with respect to stable measures 1983 Jerzy Szulga
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Survey of asymptotic behavior of sums of independent random vectors and general martingales in banach spaces 1983 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Martingale Theory in Harmonic Analysis and Banach Spaces 1982 A Oold
Beno Eckmann
J.-A. Chao
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Jia-Arng Chao
+ Asymptotic behavior of martingales in Banach spaces II 1982 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Stability of linear forms in independent random variables in Banach spaces 1981 J. Howell
Robert L. Taylor
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Stability of quadratic forms in independent random variables in Banach spaces 1981 Jerzy Szulga
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Laws of large numbers and Beck Convexity in metric linear spaces 1980 K. Sundaresan
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Tail probabilities of sums of random vectors in banach spaces, and related mixed norms 1980 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Stable Measures and Central Limit Theorems in Spaces of Stable Type 1979 Michael B. Marcus
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Stable measures and central limit theorems in spaces of stable type 1979 Michael B. Marcus
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Lacunary Series and Exponential Moments 1978 J. Kuelbs
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Lacunary series and exponential moments 1978 J. Kuelbs
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ A necessary condition for the central limit theorem on spaces of stable type 1978 Michael B. Marcus
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Submartingales in Banach Lattices 1976 Jerzy Szulga
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Asymptotic behavior of martingales in Banach spaces 1976 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Bounded Multiplier Convergence in Measure of Random Vector Series 1975 C. Ryll-Nardzewski
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Probability-Winter School : proceedings of the fourth Winter School on Probability, held at Karpacz, Poland, January 1975 1975 Z. Ciesielski
К. Урбаник
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Bounded multiplier convergence in measure of random vector series 1975 C. Ryll–Nardzewski
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ A few remarks on the results of Rosinski and Suchanecki concerning unconditional convergence and $C$-sequences 1975 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Geometry and martingales in Banach spaces 1975 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Strong laws of large numbers in certain linear spaces 1974 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat <i>L</i>-orthogonally scattered measures 1972 Kondagunta Sundaresan
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Best approximation in normed linear spaces by elements of linear subspaces 1972 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Linear processes generated by independent random variables 1972 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Linear Processes Generated by Independent Random Variables 1972 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Ind-additive functionals on random vectors 1970 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Positive-coefficient elements of Hardy-Orlicz spaces 1970 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Orlicz Spaces have the Weak Difference Property 1968 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Additive functionals on Orlicz spaces 1968 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Fractal Burgers Equations 1998 Piotr Biler
Tadahisa Funaki
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Growing fractal interfaces in the presence of self-similar hopping surface diffusion 2001 J. Adin Mann
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Global and Exploding Solutions for Nonlocal Quadratic Evolution Problems 1998 Piotr Biler
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Burgers-KPZ Turbulence 1998 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Critical nonlinearity exponent and self-similar asymptotics for Lévy conservation laws 2001 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
+ Random Series and Stochastic Integrals: Single and Multiple 1992 Stanisław Kwapień
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Asymptotics for multifractal conservation laws 1999 Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Modified dissipativity for a non linear evolution equation arising in turbulence 1976 Claude Bardos
Patrick Penel
U. Frisch
P. L. Sulem
+ Interacting Particle Approximation for Fractal Burgers Equation 1998 Tadahisa Funaki
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Convergence rate for the approximation of the limit law of weakly interacting particles: application to the Burgers equation 1996 Mireille Bossy
Denis Talay
+ Geometry and martingales in Banach spaces 1975 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Some Random Series of Functions 1985 Jean‐Pierre Kahane
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Scaling of Growing Interfaces 1986 Mehran Kardar
Giorgio Parisi
Yi-Cheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Diffusion processes associated with L�vy generators 1975 Daniel W. Stroock
+ PDF Chat The large-scale structure of the universe and quasi-Voronoi tessellation of shock fronts in forced Burgers turbulence in $\bold R\sp {d}$ 1997 Stanislav Molchanov
Донатас Сургайлис
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ On the martingale problem for generators of stable processes with perturbations 1984 Takashi Komatsu
+ Geometry and Martingales in Banach Spaces 2018 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for conservation laws involving Lévy diffusion generators 2001 Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Modified dissipativity for a non-linear evolution equation arising in turbulence 1979 Claude Bardos
Patrick Penel
U. Frisch
P. L. Sulem
+ Levy Processes and Infinitely Divisible Distributions 1999 Ken‐iti Sato
+ A Probabilistic Approach for Nonlinear Equations Involving the Fractional Laplacian and a Singular Operator 2005 Benjamin Jourdain
Sylvie M�l�ard
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Multifractal and Lévy conservation laws 2000 Piotr Biler
Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Topics in propagation of chaos 1991 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ Fractional kinetic equations: solutions and applications 1997 Alexander I. Saichev
George M. Zaslavsky
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic approximation and inviscid limits for one-dimensional fractional conservation laws 2005 Benjamin Jourdain
Sylvie Méléard
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Linear and Quasilinear Equations of Parabolic Type 1969 O. A. Ladyzhenskai︠a︡
+ PDF Chat Stable measures and central limit theorems in spaces of stable type 1979 Michael B. Marcus
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ Stochastic Burgers’ Flows 1993 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Conditional Propagation of Chaos and a Class of Quasilinear PDE'S 1995 Weian Zheng
+ Large time behavior for convection-diffusion equations in RN 1991 Miguel Escobedo
Enrique Zuazua
+ Lévy Flights and Related Topics in Physics 1995 Micheal F. Shlesinger
George M. Zaslavsky
U. Frisch
+ PDF Chat An Extremal Rearrangement Property of Statistical Solutions of Burgers' Equation 1994 Yiming Hu
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Pseudo Differential Operators and Markov Processes 2005 Niels Jacob
+ Propagation of chaos for Burgers' equation 1983 P. Calderoni
Mario Pulvirenti
+ Burgers equation with a fractional derivative; hereditary effects on nonlinear acoustic waves 1991 Nobumasa Sugimoto
+ Models of anomalous diffusion: the subdiffusive case 2004 Alexandra Piryatinska
А. И. Саичев
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Weakly nonlinear large time behavior in scalar convection-diffusion equations 1993 Enrique Zuazua
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat Strong laws of large numbers in certain linear spaces 1974 Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Integrability of Infinite Sums of Independent Vector-Valued Random Variables 1975 Naresh C. Jain
Michael B. Marcus
+ The random walk's guide to anomalous diffusion: a fractional dynamics approach 2000 Ralf Metzler
J. Klafter
+ PDF Chat The Radon-Nikodym theorem for the Bochner integral 1968 M. A. Rieffel
+ PDF Chat Existence and nonexistence of solutions for a model of gravitational interaction of particles, I 1993 Piotr Biler
Tadeusz Nadzieja
+ PDF Chat Stable Densities Under Change of Scale and Total Variation Inequalities 1975 Marek Kanter
+ Fractal Hamilton-Jacobi-KPZ equations 2007 Grzegorz Karch
Wojbor A. Woyczyński
+ PDF Chat Fractal First-Order Partial Differential Equations 2006 Jérôme Droniou
Cyril Imbert
+ PDF Chat Séries de variables aléatoires vectorielles indépendantes et propriétés géométriques des espaces de Banach 1976 B. Maurey
Gilles Pisier
+ PDF Chat Propagation of chaos for the Burgers equation 1985 Hirofumi Osada
Shinichi Kotani
+ Ondelettes, paraproduits et navier-stokes 1995 Marco Cannone
+ Multiscale Conservation Laws Driven by Lévy Stable and Linnik Diffusions: Asymptotics, Shock Creation, Preservation and Dissolution 2015 Bakeerathan Gunaratnam
Wojbor A. Woyczyński