Brian R. Hunt


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Exploring the Potential of Hybrid Machine-Learning/Physics-Based Modeling for Atmospheric/Oceanic Prediction Beyond the Medium Range 2024 Dhruvit Patel
Troy Arcomano
Brian R. Hunt
Istvan Szunyogh
Edward Ott
+ Stabilizing Machine Learning Prediction of Dynamics: Noise and Noise-inspired Regularization 2022 Alexander Wikner
Brian R. Hunt
Joseph E. Harvey
Michelle Girvan
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Using data assimilation to train a hybrid forecast system that combines machine-learning and knowledge-based components 2021 Alexander Wikner
Jaideep Pathak
Brian R. Hunt
Istvan Szunyogh
Michelle Girvan
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Combining machine learning with knowledge-based modeling for scalable forecasting and subgrid-scale closure of large, complex, spatiotemporal systems 2020 Alexander Wikner
Jaideep Pathak
Brian R. Hunt
Michelle Girvan
Troy Arcomano
Istvan Szunyogh
Andrew Pomerance
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Backpropagation algorithms and Reservoir Computing in Recurrent Neural Networks for the forecasting of complex spatiotemporal dynamics 2020 Pantelis R. Vlachas
Jay Pathak
Brian R. Hunt
Themistoklis P. Sapsis
Michelle Girvan
Edward Ott
Petros Koumoutsakos
+ PDF Chat Separation of chaotic signals by reservoir computing 2020 Sanjukta Krishnagopal
Michelle Girvan
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Backpropagation Algorithms and Reservoir Computing in Recurrent Neural Networks for the Forecasting of Complex Spatiotemporal Dynamics 2019 Pantelis R. Vlachas
Jaideep Pathak
Brian R. Hunt
Themistoklis P. Sapsis
Michelle Girvan
Edward Ott
Petros Koumoutsakos
+ The Recurrent Processing Unit: Hardware for High Speed Machine Learning 2019 Heidi Komkov
Alessandro Restelli
Brian R. Hunt
Liam Shaughnessy
Itamar Shani
Daniel P. Lathrop
+ Backpropagation Algorithms and Reservoir Computing in Recurrent Neural Networks for the Forecasting of Complex Spatiotemporal Dynamics 2019 Pantelis R. Vlachas
Jaideep Pathak
Brian R. Hunt
Themistoklis P. Sapsis
Michelle Girvan
Edward Ott
Petros Koumoutsakos
+ PDF Chat Attractor reconstruction by machine learning 2018 Zhixin Lu
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ Attractor Reconstruction by Machine Learning through Generalized Synchronization 2018 Zhixin Lu
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Hybrid forecasting of chaotic processes: Using machine learning in conjunction with a knowledge-based model 2018 Jaideep Pathak
Alexander Wikner
Rebeckah K. Fussell
Sarthak Chandra
Brian R. Hunt
Michelle Girvan
Edward Ott
+ Using machine learning to replicate chaotic attractors and calculate Lyapunov exponents from data 2017 Jaideep Pathak
Zhixin Lu
Brian R. Hunt
Michelle Girvan
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Defining chaos 2015 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ Defining Chaos 2015 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ Absolute Continuity of a Function and Uniform Integrability of Its Divided Differences 2015 Patrick Fitzpatrick
Brian R. Hunt
+ Defining Chaos 2015 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ Atmospheric Dynamics for Efficient Ensemble Kalman Filtering 2014 Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
Istvan Szunyogh
M. Corazza
Eugenia Kalnay
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Coupled skinny baker's maps and the Kaplan–Yorke conjecture 2013 Maik Gröger
Brian R. Hunt
+ Differential equations with MATLAB : updated for MATLAB 2011b (7.13), Simulink 7.8, and Symbolic math toolbox 5.7 2012 Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Long time evolution of phase oscillator systems” [Chaos <b>19</b>, 023117 (2009)] 2011 Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
Thomas M. Antonsen
+ Ensemble regional data assimilation using joint states 2011 Y. Yoon
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
Istvan Szunyogh
+ PDF Chat Approximating invariant densities of metastable systems 2010 Cecilia González‐Tokman
Brian R. Hunt
Paul E. Wright
+ Prevalence 2010 Brian R. Hunt
Vadim Yu. Kaloshin
+ Scaling laws for bubbling bifurcations 2009 Cecilia González‐Tokman
Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat Synchronization in networks of networks: The onset of coherent collective behavior in systems of interacting populations of heterogeneous oscillators 2008 Ernest Barreto
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
Paul So
+ PDF Chat Weighted Percolation on Directed Networks 2008 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat Approximating the largest eigenvalue of network adjacency matrices 2007 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Estimating the State of Large Spatiotemporally Chaotic Systems 2007 Matthew Cornick
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
Michael F. Schatz
+ Newton interpolation polynomials, discretization method, and certain prevalent properties in dynamical systems 2007 Anton Gorodetski
Brian R. Hunt
V. A. Kaloshin
+ PDF Chat Efficient data assimilation for spatiotemporal chaos: A local ensemble transform Kalman filter 2007 Brian R. Hunt
Eric J. Kostelich
Istvan Szunyogh
+ PDF Chat Stretched exponential estimates on growth of the number of periodic points for prevalent diffeomorphisms I 2007 V. A. Kaloshin
Brian R. Hunt
+ Estimating the State of Large Spatiotemporally Chaotic Systems 2007 Matthew Cornick
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
Michael F. Schatz
+ PDF Chat Characterizing the Dynamical Importance of Network Nodes and Links 2006 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Coherence in Complex Networks of Heterogeneous Dynamical Systems 2006 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Practice Set A: Algebra and Arithmetic 2006 Brian R. Hunt
Ronald L. Lipsman
Jonathan Rosenberg
Kevin R. Coombes
John E. Osborn
Garrett Stuck
+ MATLAB Programming 2006 Brian R. Hunt
Ronald L. Lipsman
Jonathan Rosenberg
Kevin R. Coombes
John E. Osborn
Garrett Stuck
+ Practice Set B: Calculus, Graphics, and Linear Algebra 2006 Brian R. Hunt
Ronald L. Lipsman
Jonathan Rosenberg
Kevin R. Coombes
John E. Osborn
Garrett Stuck
+ PDF Chat The effect of projections on fractal sets and measures in Banach spaces 2006 William Ott
Brian R. Hunt
V. A. Kaloshin
+ PDF Chat Scale Dependence of Branching in Arterial and Bronchial Trees 2006 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat Synchronization in large directed networks of coupled phase oscillators 2006 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Newton interpolation polynomials, discretization method, and certain prevalent properties in dynamical systems 2006 Anton Gorodetski
Brian R. Hunt
V. A. Kaloshin
+ PDF Chat Formation of multifractal population patterns from reproductive growth and local resettlement 2005 Jonathan Ozik
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Onset of synchronization in large networks of coupled oscillators 2005 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Efficient Data Assimilation for Spatiotemporal Chaos: a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter 2005 Brian R. Hunt
Eric J. Kostelich
Istvan Szunyogh
+ Differential equations with MATLAB : updated for MATLAB 7 and Simulink 6 2005 Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat Desynchronization Waves and Localized Instabilities in Oscillator Arrays 2004 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Critical saddle-node bifurcations and Morse–Smale maps 2004 Brian R. Hunt
Todd Young
+ PDF Chat Estimating the state of large spatio-temporally chaotic systems 2004 Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
Istvan Szunyogh
Aleksey V. Zimin
Eric J. Kostelich
M. Corazza
Eugenia Kalnay
D. J. Patil
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Spatial patterns of desynchronization bursts in networks 2004 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Power-law decay and self-similar distributions in stadium-type billiards 2004 Douglas Armstead
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ Two Models for the Study of Congested Internet Connections 2004 Ian Frommer
Eric Harder
Brian R. Hunt
Ryan Lance
Edward Ott
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat A local ensemble Kalman filter for atmospheric data assimilation 2004 Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
Istvan Szunyogh
Aleksey V. Zimin
Eric J. Kostelich
M. Corazza
Eugenia Kalnay
D. J. Patil
James A. Yorke
+ Introduction 2004 Brian R. Hunt
Tien-Yien Li
Judy Kennedy
Helena E. Nusse
+ PDF Chat Fractal properties of robust strange nonchaotic attractors in maps of two or more dimensions 2003 Jongwon Kim
Sang-Yoon Kim
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Anomalous diffusion in infinite horizon billiards 2003 Douglas Armstead
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ Bifurcation scenarios for bubbling transition 2003 Aleksey V. Zimin
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Long Time Algebraic Relaxation in Chaotic Billiards 2002 Douglas Armstead
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Evolving networks with multispecies nodes and spread in the number of initial links 2002 Jongwon Kim
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ SLYRB measures: natural invariant measures for chaotic systems 2002 Brian R. Hunt
Judy Kennedy
Tien-Yien Li
Helena E. Nusse
+ Exploiting Local Low Dimensionality of the Atmospheric Dynamics for Efficient Ensemble Kalman Filtering 2002 Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
Istvan Szunyogh
M. Corazza
Eugenia Kalnay
D. J. Patil
James A. Yorke
Aleksey V. Zimin
Eric J. Kostelich
+ Final Report for List 1, Project 1 2002 Brian R. Hunt
+ SLYRB measures: natural invariant measures for chaotic systems 2002 Brian R. Hunt
Judy Kennedy
Tien-Yien Li
Helena E. Nusse
+ A Local Ensemble Kalman Filter for Atmospheric Data Assimilation 2002 Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
Istvan Szunyogh
Aleksey V. Zimin
Eric J. Kostelich
M. Corazza
Eugenia Kalnay
D. J. Patil
James A. Yorke
+ Fractal Properties of Robust Strange Nonchaotic Attractors 2001 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Local Low Dimensionality of Atmospheric Dynamics 2001 D. J. Patil
Brian R. Hunt
Eugenia Kalnay
James A. Yorke
Edward Ott
+ A stretched exponential bound on the rate of growth of the number of periodic points for prevalent diffeomorphisms II 2001 V. A. Kaloshin
Brian R. Hunt
+ A stretched exponential bound on the rate of growth of the number of periodic points for prevalent diffeomorphisms I 2001 V. A. Kaloshin
Brian R. Hunt
+ Optimal periodic orbits of continuous time chaotic systems 2000 Tsung‐Hsun Yang
Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ A stretched exponential bound on the rate of growth of the number of periodic points for prevalent diffeomorphisms 2000 Vadim Yu. Kaloshin
Brian R. Hunt
+ Regularity of embeddings of infinite-dimensional fractal sets into finite-dimensional spaces 1999 Brian R. Hunt
Vadim Yu. Kaloshin
+ Box-counting dimension without boxes: Computing<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>D</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>from average expansion rates 1999 Paul So
Ernest Barreto
Brian R. Hunt
+ Sporadically Fractal Basin Boundaries of Chaotic Systems 1999 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
Epaminondas Rosa
+ Optimal orbits of hyperbolic systems 1999 Guo‐Cheng Yuan
Brian R. Hunt
+ Calculating topological entropy for transient chaos with an application to communicating with chaos 1998 Joeri Jacobs
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ The Mathematica Âź Primer 1998 Kevin R. Coombes
Brian R. Hunt
Ronald L. Lipsman
John E. Osborn
Garrett Stuck
+ Differential Equations with Mathematica, Revised for Mathematica 3.0 1998 Kevin R. Coombes
Ronald L. Lipsman
Brian R. Hunt
John E. Osborn
Garrett Stuck
+ PDF Chat The Hausdorff dimension of graphs of Weierstrass functions 1998 Brian R. Hunt
+ Differential equations with Maple 1998 Kevin R. Coombes
Garrett Stuck
Ronald L. Lipsman
John E. Osborn
Brian R. Hunt
+ Bifurcation Diagrams 1998 Helena E. Nusse
James A. Yorke
Brian R. Hunt
Eric J. Kostelich
+ Scaling of the durations of chaotic transients in windows of attracting periodicity 1997 Joeri Jacobs
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Structure in the parameter dependence of order and chaos for the quadratic map 1997 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ How projections affect the dimension spectrum of fractal measures 1997 Brian R. Hunt
Vadim Yu. Kaloshin
+ From High Dimensional Chaos to Stable Periodic Orbits: The Structure of Parameter Space 1997 Ernest Barreto
Brian R. Hunt
Celso Grebogi
James A. Yorke
+ Control of Chaos by Means of Embedded Unstable Periodic Orbits 1997 Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat Correlation dimension for iterated function systems 1997 Wai Chin
Brian R. Hunt
James A. Yorke
+ Fractal dimensions of chaotic saddles of dynamical systems 1996 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Fractal properties of critical invariant curves 1996 Brian R. Hunt
Konstantin Khanin
Yakov G. Sinai
James A. Yorke
+ Intermingled basins for the triangle map 1996 J. C. Alexander
Brian R. Hunt
Ittai Kan
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Estimating invariant measures and Lyapunov exponents 1996 Brian R. Hunt
+ Optimal periodic orbits of chaotic systems occur at low period 1996 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ Maximum local Lyapunov dimension bounds the box dimension of chaotic attractors 1996 Brian R. Hunt
+ Optimal Periodic Orbits of Chaotic Systems 1996 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat The Prevalence of Continuous Nowhere Differentiable Functions 1994 Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat The prevalence of continuous nowhere differentiable functions 1994 Brian R. Hunt
+ Differential equations with mathematica 1993 Brian R. Hunt
Ronald L. Lipsman
John E. Osborn
Donald A. Outing
Jonathan Rosenberg
+ PDF Chat When Cantor Sets Intersect Thickly 1993 Brian R. Hunt
Ittai Kan
James A. Yorke
+ Prevalence: an addendum 1993 Brian R. Hunt
Timothy Sauer
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat When Cantor sets intersect thickly 1993 Brian R. Hunt
Ittai Kan
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Prevalence. An addendum to: “Prevalence: a translation-invariant ‘almost every’ on infinite-dimensional spaces” [Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 27 (1992), no. 2, 217–238; MR1161274 (93k:28018)] 1993 Brian R. Hunt
Timothy Sauer
James A. Yorke
+ Prevalence: an addendum 1993 Brian R. Hunt
Timothy Sauer
James A. Yorke
+ Prevalence: a translation-invariant ``almost every'' on infinite-dimensional spaces 1992 Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat Prevalence: a translation-invariant “almost every” on infinite-dimensional spaces 1992 Brian R. Hunt
Timothy Sauer
James A. Yorke
+ Prevalence: a translation-invariant ``almost every'' on infinite-dimensional spaces 1992 Brian R. Hunt
+ PDF Chat Smooth Dynamics on Weierstrass Nowhere Differentiable Curves 1991 Brian R. Hunt
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Smooth dynamics on Weierstrass nowhere differentiable curves 1991 Brian R. Hunt
James A. Yorke
+ When all solutions of xâ€Č = −∑ qi(t) x(t − Ti(t)) oscillate 1984 Brian R. Hunt
James A. Yorke
+ Performance of familial mentally deficient children in response to motivation on the Goodenough draw-aman test. 1957 Brian R. Hunt
Patterson Rm
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Prevalence: a translation-invariant “almost every” on infinite-dimensional spaces 1992 Brian R. Hunt
Timothy Sauer
James A. Yorke
+ The dimension of chaotic attractors 1983 J. Doyne Farmer
Edward Ott
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Prevalence. An addendum to: “Prevalence: a translation-invariant ‘almost every’ on infinite-dimensional spaces” [Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 27 (1992), no. 2, 217–238; MR1161274 (93k:28018)] 1993 Brian R. Hunt
Timothy Sauer
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Dimension, entropy and Lyapunov exponents 1982 Lai-Sang Young
+ Ergodic theory of chaos and strange attractors 1985 Jean-Pierre Eckmann
David Ruelle
+ Chaotic behavior of multidimensional difference equations 1979 James L. Kaplan
James A. Yorke
+ Embedology 1991 Timothy Sauer
James A. Yorke
Martin Casdagli
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow 1963 Edward N. Lorenz
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of complex networks 2002 RĂ©ka Albert
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat Spectra of random graphs with given expected degrees 2003 Fan Chung
Linyuan LĂŒ
Van Vu
+ Chaos in Dynamical Systems 1992 Daniel Zwillinger
+ Detecting strange attractors in turbulence 1981 Floris Takens
+ PDF Chat Absolutely continuous invariant measures for one-parameter families of one-dimensional maps 1981 Michael Jakobson
+ PDF Chat The Lyapunov dimension of a nowhere differentiable attracting torus 1984 James L. Kaplan
John Mallet‐Paret
James A. Yorke
+ The infinite number of generalized dimensions of fractals and strange attractors 1983 H. G. E. Hentschel
Itamar Procaccia
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
RĂ©ka Albert
+ Crises, sudden changes in chaotic attractors, and transient chaos 1983 Celso Grebogi
Edward Ott
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Local Low Dimensionality of Atmospheric Dynamics 2001 D. J. Patil
Brian R. Hunt
Eugenia Kalnay
James A. Yorke
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat The Structure and Function of Complex Networks 2003 Michael Newman
+ PDF Chat Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications. 1990 K. J. Falconer
+ Are the dimensions of a set and its image equal under typical smooth functions? 1997 Timothy Sauer
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Fat baker's transformations 1984 J. C. Alexander
James A. Yorke
+ Some Fundamental Geometrical Properties of Plane Sets of Fractional Dimensions 1954 J. M. Marstrand
+ PDF Chat On the existence of invariant measures for piecewise monotonic transformations 1973 A. Lasota
James A. Yorke
+ Using machine learning to replicate chaotic attractors and calculate Lyapunov exponents from data 2017 Jaideep Pathak
Zhixin Lu
Brian R. Hunt
Michelle Girvan
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat The abundance of wild hyperbolic sets and non-smooth stable sets for diffeomorphisms 1979 Sheldon E. Newhouse
+ Generic Hyperbolicity in the Logistic Family 1997 Jacek Graczyk
Grzegorz ƚwiątek
+ PDF Chat Some relations between dimension and Lyapounov exponents 1981 F. Ledrappier
+ Scaling behavior of chaotic systems with riddled basins 1993 Edward Ott
John C. Sommerer
J. C. Alexander
Ittai Kan
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Ergodic transformations from an interval into itself 1978 Tien-Yien Li
James A. Yorke
+ Hausdorff dimension, orthogonal projections and intersections with planes 1975 Pertti Mattila
+ On Hausdorff dimension of projections 1968 Robert Kaufman
+ Fractal basin boundaries 1985 Steven W. McDonald
Celso Grebogi
Edward Ott
James A. Yorke
+ Optimal Periodic Orbits of Chaotic Systems 1996 Brian R. Hunt
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Frequency synchronization in a random oscillator network 2004 Takashi Ichinomiya
+ The ergodic theory of AxiomA flows 1975 Rufus Bowen
David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Dimension formula for random transformations 1988 F. Ledrappier
Lai-Sang Young
+ The Dynamics of the Henon Map 1991 Michael Benedicks
Lennart Carleson
+ How projections affect the dimension spectrum of fractal measures 1997 Brian R. Hunt
Vadim Yu. Kaloshin
+ The liapunov dimension of strange attractors 1983 Paul O. Frederickson
James L. Kaplan
Ellen Yorke
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Onset of synchronization in large networks of coupled oscillators 2005 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Diffeomorphisms with infinitely many sinks 1974 Sheldon E. Newhouse
+ PDF Chat A two-dimensional mapping with a strange attractor 1976 M. HĂ©non
+ Applications conservant une mesure absolument continue par rapport Ă dx sur [0, 1] 1977 David Ruelle
+ Topology of Generic Multijet Preimages and Blow-Up via Newton Interpolation 1998 Alexei Grigoriev
SergeĂź Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Smooth dynamics on Weierstrass nowhere differentiable curves 1991 Brian R. Hunt
James A. Yorke
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ PDF Chat Synchronization in large directed networks of coupled phase oscillators 2006 Juan G. Restrepo
Edward Ott
Brian R. Hunt
+ Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability 2004 Luis A. SantalĂł
Mark Kac