Caroline Castel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Developmental changes in size effects for simple tie and non-tie addition problems in 6- to 12-year-old children and adults 2020 Jeanne Bagnoud
Jasinta Dewi
Caroline Castel
Romain Mathiéu
Catherine Thévenot
+ PDF Chat Scrutinizing patterns of solution times in alphabet-arithmetic tasks favors counting over retrieval models 2020 Catherine Thévenot
Jasinta Dewi
Jeanne Bagnoud
Kim Uittenhove
Caroline Castel
+ Les compétences numériques chez de jeunes enfants prématurés 2016 Catherine Thévenot
Guy Chazoule
Sandrine Masson
Caroline Castel
Michel Fayol
+ Les compétences numériques chez de jeunes enfants prématurés 2016 Catherine Thévenot
Guy Chazoule
Sandrine Masson
Caroline Castel
Michel Fayol
+ Ten-year-old children strategies in mental addition: A counting model account 2015 Catherine Thévenot
Pierre Barrouillet
Caroline Castel
Kim Uittenhove
+ Strategies for written additions in adults 2015 Jasinta Dewi
Caroline Castel
Dirk Kerzel
Andrés Posada
Catherine Thévenot
+ Identifying strategies in arithmetic with the operand recognition paradigm: A matter of switch cost? 2014 Catherine Thévenot
Caroline Castel
Juliette Danjon
Michel Fayol
+ Numerical Abilities in Children With Congenital Hemiplegia: An Investigation of the Role of Finger Use in Number Processing 2014 Catherine Thévenot
Caroline Castel
Juliette Danjon
Olivier Renaud
Cécile Ballaz
Laetitia Baggioni
Joël Fluss
+ PDF Chat The role of fingers in number processing in young children 2013 Anne Lafay
Catherine Thévenot
Caroline Castel
Michel Fayol
+ Relationship and transfer between mental and written arithmetic 2011 Catherine Thévenot
Caroline Castel
+ Better Elementary Number Processing in Higher Skill Arithmetic Problem Solvers: Evidence from the Encoding Step 2011 Catherine Thévenot
Pierre Barrouillet
Caroline Castel
Sonia Elizabeth Córdova Jiménez
+ Retrieval from Memory or Procedural Strategies for Addition Problems 2011 Muriel Fanget
Catherine Thévenot
Caroline Castel
Michel Fayol
+ Mental subtraction in high- and lower skilled arithmetic problem solvers: Verbal report versus operand-recognition paradigms. 2010 Catherine Thévenot
Caroline Castel
Muriel Fanget
Michel Fayol
+ Lien entre dénomination rapide et lecture chez les enfants dyslexiques 2008 Caroline Castel
Catherine Pech‐Georgel
Florence George
Johannes C. Ziegler
+ Link between rapid automatized naming and reading in dyslexic children 2008 Caroline Castel
Catherine Pech‐Georgel
Florence George
Johannes C. Ziegler
+ La dyslexie développementale : origines et remédiation 2008 Caroline Castel
+ Developmental dyslexia and the dual route model of reading: Simulating individual differences and subtypes 2007 Johannes C. Ziegler
Caroline Castel
Catherine Pech‐Georgel
Florence George
F.‐Xavier Alario
Conrad Perry
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Cognitive arithmetic: A review of data and theory 1992 Mark H. Ashcraft
+ Telling stories: The perils and promise of using verbal reports to study math strategies. 2001 Edwin P. Kirk
Mark H. Ashcraft
+ Selection of procedures in mental addition: Reassessing the problem size effect in adults. 1996 Jo‐Anne LeFevre
Gregory S. Sadesky
Jeffrey Bisanz
+ The use of procedural knowledge in simple addition and subtraction problems 2012 Michel Fayol
Catherine Thévenot
+ Mental subtraction in high- and lower skilled arithmetic problem solvers: Verbal report versus operand-recognition paradigms. 2010 Catherine Thévenot
Caroline Castel
Muriel Fanget
Michel Fayol
+ PDF Chat Retrieval or nonretrieval strategies in mental arithmetic? An operand recognition paradigm 2007 Catherine Thévenot
Muriel Fanget
Michel Fayol
+ A chronometric analysis of simple addition. 1972 Guy J. Groen
John M. Parkman
+ On the problem-size effect in small additions: Can we really discard any counting-based account? 2013 Pierre Barrouillet
Catherine Thévenot
+ PDF Chat Encoding numbers: Behavioral evidence for processing-specific representations 2006 Catherine Thévenot
Pierre Barrouillet
+ Algorithmic Solution of Arithmetic Problems and Operands-Answer Associations in Long-Term Memory 2001 Catherine Thévenot
Pierre Barrouillet
Michel Fayol
+ The development of procedural knowledge: An alternative explanation for chronometric trends of mental arithmetic 1983 Arthur J. Baroody
+ Selection of procedures in mental subtraction. 2006 Jo‐Anne LeFevre
Diana DeStefano
Marcie Penner‐Wilger
Karen E. Daley
+ A reexamination of mental arithmetic models and data: A reply to Ashcraft*1 1984 Arthur J. Baroody
+ PDF Chat Cognitive arithmetic across cultures. 2001 Jamie I. D. Campbell
Qilin Xue
+ Time required for Judgements of Numerical Inequality 1967 Robert S. Moyer
Thomas K. Landauer
+ Mental addition in third, fourth, and sixth graders 1982 Mark H. Ashcraft
Bennett A Fierman
+ Symbolic and nonsymbolic number comparison in children with and without dyscalculia 2010 Christophe Mussolin
Sandrine Mejias
Marie‐Pascale Noël
+ Cognitive arithmetic: Evidence for retrieval and decision processes in mental addition. 1978 Mark H. Ashcraft
John Battaglia
+ Representations and strategies for solving dynamic and static arithmetic word problems: The role of working memory capacities 2006 Catherine Thévenot
Jane Oakhill
+ Predicting arithmetical achievement from neuro-psychological performance: a longitudinal study 1998 Michel Fayol
Pierre Barrouillet
Catherine Marinthe
+ Fast automated counting procedures in addition problem solving: When are they used and why are they mistaken for retrieval? 2015 Kim Uittenhove
Catherine Thévenot
Pierre Barrouillet
+ The perils of averaging data over strategies: An example from children's addition. 1987 Robert S. Siegler
+ Calculation, culture, and the repeated operand effect 2002 Jamie I. D. Campbell
Raymond W. Gunter
+ The Handbook of Mathematical Cognition 2005 Jamie I. D. Campbell
+ The association between numerical magnitude processing and mental versus algorithmic multi-digit subtraction in children 2014 Sarah Linsen
Lieven Verschaffel
Bert Reynvoet
Bert De Smedt
+ Numerical Abilities in Children With Congenital Hemiplegia: An Investigation of the Role of Finger Use in Number Processing 2014 Catherine Thévenot
Caroline Castel
Juliette Danjon
Olivier Renaud
Cécile Ballaz
Laetitia Baggioni
Joël Fluss
+ Varieties of numerical abilities 1992 Stanislas Dehaene
+ Mathematical Cognition 2019 Melissa E. Libertus
Shirley Duong
Alex M. Silver
+ Basic numerical processes in very preterm children: A critical transition from preschool to school age 2013 Annalisa Guarini
Alessandra Sansavini
Marco Fabbri
Rosina Alessandroni
Giacomo Faldella
Annette Karmiloff‐Smith
+ Hazards of mental chronometry: An example from children's subtraction. 1989 Robert S. Siegler
+ Chapter 4 Mathematical Cognition and the Problem Size Effect 2009 Mark H. Ashcraft
Michelle M. Guillaume
+ Fostering At-Risk Kindergarten Children's Number Sense 2012 Arthur J. Baroody
Michael D. Eiland
David J. Purpura
Erin Reid
+ PDF Chat Predictors for Mathematics Achievement? Evidence From a Longitudinal Study 2012 Delphine Sasanguie
Eva Van den Bussche
Bert Reynvoet
+ Précis of The Number Sense 2001 Stanislas Dehaene
+ PDF Chat Strategy switch costs in arithmetic problem solving 2010 P. Lemaire
Mireille Lecacheur
+ Basic numerical skills in children with mathematics learning disabilities: A comparison of symbolic vs non-symbolic number magnitude processing 2006 Laurence Rousselle
Marie‐Pascale Noël
+ The cognitive deficits responsible for developmental dyslexia: Review of evidence for a selective visual attentional disorder 2004 Sylviane Valdois
Marie‐Line Bosse
Marie‐Josèphe Tainturier
+ Simple and complex mental addition across development 1985 Mary Sue Hamann
Mark H. Ashcraft
+ PDF Chat Isolating the effects of symbolic distance, and semantic congruity in comparative judgments: An additive-factors analysis 1980 Edward M. Duncan
Carl E. McFarland
+ Does finger training increase young children's numerical performance? 2008 María Gracia-Bafalluy
Marie‐Pascale Noël
+ The validity of verbal reports in children's subtraction. 2001 Katherine M. Robinson
+ Retrieval-induced forgetting of arithmetic facts across cultures 2013 Jamie I. D. Campbell
Yalin Chen
Anna J. Maslany
+ The development of mental arithmetic: A chronometric approach 1982 Mark H. Ashcraft
+ Mind the gap between both hands: Evidence for internal finger-based number representations in children's mental calculation 2007 Frank Domahs
Helga Krinzinger
Klaus Willmes
+ Children's Conceptual Structures for Multidigit Numbers and Methods of Multidigit Addition and Subtraction 1997 Karen C. Fuson
Diana Wearne
James Hiebert
Hanlie Murray
Pieter G. Human
Alwyn Olivier
Thomas P. Carpenter
Élizabeth Fennema
+ The double-deficit hypothesis for the developmental dyslexias. 1999 Maryanne Wolf
Patricia Greig Bowers
+ A Deficit for Arithmetical Procedures: Lack of Knowledge or Lack of Monitoring? 1997 Carlo Semenza
Luca Miceli
Luisa Girelli
+ Memory retrieval of answers of simple additions as reflected in response latencies 1985 Ola Svenson
+ Picture Naming Deficits in Developmental Dyslexia: The Phonological Representations Hypothesis 1997 Denise Swan
Usha Goswami
+ L’outil « estimateur », la ligne numérique mentale et les habiletés arithmétiques 2010 Bruno Vilette
C. Mawart
Stéphane Rusinek