Laurent Clozel


Laurent Clozel is a French mathematician renowned for his contributions to number theory and the theory of automorphic forms. Born on November 27, 1953, Clozel has been a significant figure in the development of the Langlands program, which seeks to relate Galois groups in algebraic number theory to automorphic representations and harmonic analysis.

Some of his notable work includes:

  • Base Change for $\mathrm{GL}(n)$: Clozel has made important contributions to the theory of base change for general linear groups, which is a fundamental aspect of the Langlands program.

  • Research on the Ramanujan Conjecture: He has worked on properties of automorphic forms related to the Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture, particularly in higher dimensions.

  • Studies on Motives and Galois Representations: Clozel has investigated the connections between motives in algebraic geometry and automorphic forms, contributing to our understanding of how Galois representations arise from automorphic representations.

Throughout his career, Laurent Clozel has held professorial positions at prestigious institutions, such as the University of Paris-Sud (now Paris-Saclay University). He has also collaborated with other leading mathematicians in his field, contributing to significant advancements in modern number theory.

All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Dimension of the deformation space of ordinary representations in the cyclotomic limit 2024 Ashay Burungale
Laurent Clozel
Barry Mazur
+ PDF Hommage à Nicolas Bergeron 2024 Laurent Clozel
Tsachik Gelander
Alan W. Reid
Akshay Venkatesh
Daniel T. Wise
Sébastien Boucksom
+ PDF Chat A universal lower bound for certain quadratic integrals of automorphic L–functions 2024 Laurent Clozel
Peter Sarnak
+ New applications of the Mellin transform to automorphic L-functions 2024 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Intégration de Hecke de fonctions singulières 2023 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Chat Ordinary deformations are unobstructed in the cyclotomic limit 2023 Ashay Burungale
Laurent Clozel
+ New applications of the Mellin transform to automorphic L-fuctions 2023 Laurent Clozel
+ On the central value of Rankin $L$-functions for self-dual algebraic representations of linear groups over totally real fields 2023 Laurent Clozel
Arno Kret
+ Non-abelian base change for symmetric power liftings of holomorphic modular forms 2023 Laurent Clozel
James Newton
Jack A. Thorne
+ PDF Minoration universelle de certaines intégrales quadratiques des fonctions <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:math> automorphes 2022 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Chat On the Eisenstein functoriality in cohomology for maximal parabolic subgroups 2022 Laurent Clozel
+ A universal lower bound for certain quadratic integrals of automorphic L-functions 2022 Laurent Clozel
Peter Sarnak
+ Transformées de Fourier des fonctions d’invariance hyperbolique sur $\mathbb{R}^2$ 2021 Laurent Clozel
+ Solvable base change 2020 Laurent Clozel
C. S. Rajan
+ On the Eisenstein functoriality in cohomology for maximal parabolic subgroups 2020 Laurent Clozel
+ Ordinary deformations are unobstructed in the cyclotomic limit 2019 Ashay Burungale
Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Spectre automorphe des variétés hyperboliques et applications topologiques 2018 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ Solvable base change 2018 Laurent Clozel
C. S. Rajan
+ Globally Analytic p-adic Representations of the Pro–p Iwahori Subgroup of GL(2) and Base Change, II: A Steinberg Tensor Product Theorem 2018 Laurent Clozel
+ Solvable base change 2018 Laurent Clozel
C. S. Rajan
+ Sur la cohomologie des variétés hyperboliques de dimension 7 trialitaires 2017 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ Globally analytic $p$-adic representations of the pro--$p$--Iwahori subgroup of $GL(2)$ and base change, I : Iwasawa algebras and a base change map 2017 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF On the automorphic induction for radical $p$-extensions and some other functorial operations $\pmod p$ 2017 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Level-raising and symmetric power functoriality, III 2016 Laurent Clozel
Jack A. Thorne
+ PDF Chat Sur le spectre et la topologie des variétés hyperboliques de congruence: les cas complexe et quaternionien 2016 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Globally analytic p–adic representations of the pro–p Iwahori subgroup of GL(2) and base change, II: a Steinberg tensor product theorem 2016 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Globally analytic representations of the pro-p-Iwahori subgroup of GL(2) and base change, I : Iwasawa algebras and a base change map. 2016 Laurent Clozel
+ Simple Algebras, Base Change, and the Advanced Theory of the Trace Formula. (AM-120), Volume 120 2016 James Arthur
Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Level raising and symmetric power functoriality, II 2014 Laurent Clozel
Jack A. Thorne
+ PDF Formes modulaires sur la ℤ<sub><i>p</i></sub>-extension cyclotomique de ℚ 2014 Laurent Clozel
+ Sur le spectre et la topologie des vari\'et\'es hyperboliques de congruence : les cas complexe et quaternionien 2014 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Level-raising and symmetric power functoriality, I 2014 Laurent Clozel
Jack A. Thorne
+ PDF Formes modulaires modulo p, changement de base et théorie d'Iwasawa 2014 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Level-raising and symmetric power fuctoriality, II 2014 Laurent Clozel
Jack A. Thorne
+ Sur le spectre et la topologie des variétés hyperboliques de congruence : les cas complexe et quaternionien 2014 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ Formes modulaires modulo p changement de base et base et théorie d'Iwasawa 2014 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Formes modulaires sur la Z_p-extension cyclotomique de Q 2013 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Chat Quelques conséquences des travaux d’Arthur pour le spectre et la topologie des variétés hyperboliques 2012 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ Purity Reigns Supreme 2012 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Presentation of an Iwasawa algebra : the case of \Gamma_1 SL(2,Z_p) 2011 Laurent Clozel
+ Comparaisons des exposants à l'intérieur d'un paquet d'Arthur archimédien 2011 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ Orbital integrals and distributions 2011 Jean-Pierre Labesse
Laurent Clozel
+ On the stabilization of the trace formula. 2011 Jean-Pierre Labesse
Laurent Clozel
Michael Harris
Ngô Bao Chau
+ PDF Presentation of an Iwasawa algebra: the case of $\Gamma_1{SL}(2,\Bbb Z_p)$ 2011 Laurent Clozel
+ On the stabilization of the trace formula. 2011 Laurent Clozel
Michael Harris
J.-P. Labesse
B. C. Ngô
+ Quelques cons\'equences des travaux d'Arthur pour le spectre et la topologie des vari\'et\'es hyperboliques 2010 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Principe d’Heisenberg et fonctions positives 2010 Jean Bourgain
Laurent Clozel
Jean‐Pierre Kahane
+ Quelques conséquences des travaux d'Arthur pour le spectre et la topologie des variétés hyperboliques 2010 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Equivalence numerique, equivalence cohomologique, et theorie de Lefschetz des varietes abeliennes sur les corps finis 2009 Laurent Clozel
Pierre Deligne
+ Corps de nombres peu ramifies et formes automorphes autoduales 2009 Gaëtan Chenevier
Laurent Clozel
+ Autour des motifs : école d'été franco-asiatique de géométrie algébrique et de théorie des nombres : Asian-French summer school on algebraic geometry and number theory 2009 Minhyong Kim
R. Sujatha
Laurent Lafforgue
Alain Genestier
Ngô Bảo Châu
Marc Levine
Jörg Wildeshaus
Bruno Kahn
毅 斎藤
Laurent Clozel
+ Principe d'Heisenberg et fonctions positives 2008 Jean Bourgain
Laurent Clozel
Jean‐Pierre Kahane
+ PDF Principe d'Heisenberg et fonctions positives 2008 Jean Bourgain
Laurent Clozel
Jean‐Pierre Kahane
+ PDF Principe d'Heisenberg et fonctions positives 2008 Jean Bourgain
Laurent Clozel
Jean‐Pierre Kahane
+ PDF Automorphy for some l-adic lifts of automorphic mod l Galois representations 2008 Laurent Clozel
Michael Harris
Richard Taylor
+ Corps de nombres peu ramifiés et formes automorphes autoduales 2008 Gaëtan Chenevier
Laurent Clozel
+ Automorphy for some l-adic lifts of automorphic mod l Galois representations . Automorphy for some l-adic lifts of automorphic mod l Galois representations. II 2008 Laurent Clozel
Michael Harris
Richard Taylor
+ PDF Chat Equivariant embeddings of Hermitian symmetric spaces 2007 Laurent Clozel
+ Spectral Theory of Automorphic Forms 2007 Laurent Clozel
+ Adelic equidistribution of tori and equidistribution of CM points. (Équidistribution adélique des tores et équidistribution des points CM.) 2007 Laurent Clozel
Emmanuel Ullmo
+ Equivariant embeddings of Hermitian symmetric spaces 2007 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF The Sato-Tate conjecture 2006 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Motives and automorphic representations 2006 Laurent Clozel
+ Equidistribution Adélique des Tores et Équidistribution des Points CM 2006 Laurent Clozel
Emmanuel Ullmo
+ PDF Motives and automorphic representations 2006 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF equidistribution de mesures algébriques 2005 Laurent Clozel
Emmanuel Ullmo
+ PDF Equidistribution de sous-variétes spéciales 2005 Laurent Clozel
Emmanuel Ullmo
+ Equidistribution de sous-varietes speciales (Equisistribution of special subvarieties) 2004 Laurent Clozel
Emmanuel Ullmo
+ Spectre automorphe des variétés hyperboliques et applications topologiques 2004 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ None 2003 Laurent Clozel
+ Rigidit� de l'action des op�rateurs de Hecke sur les espaces de r�seaux 2003 Laurent Clozel
Emmanuel Ullmo
+ Démonstration de la conjecture τ 2003 Laurent Clozel
+ Correspondances modulaires et mesures invariantes 2003 Laurent Clozel
Emmanuel Ullmo
Emmanuel Ullmo
+ Automorphic forms and the distribution of points on odd-dimensional spheres 2002 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Spectre et homologie des variétés hyperboliques complexes de congruence 2002 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel
+ Hecke operators and equidistribution of Hecke points 2001 Laurent Clozel
Hee Oh
Emmanuel Ullmo
+ On Ribet's level-raising theorem for U (3) 2000 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Chat Equivalence Numerique et Equivalence Cohomologique Pour les Varietes Abeliennes Sur les Corps Finis 1999 Laurent Clozel
+ Equivalence num\'erique et \'equivalence cohomologique pour les vari\'et\'es ab\'eliennes sur les corps finis 1999 Laurent Clozel
+ Equivalence numérique et équivalence cohomologique pour les variétés abéliennes sur les corps finis 1999 Laurent Clozel
+ Restriction of the holomorphic cohomology of a Shimura variety to a smaller Shimura variety 1998 Laurent Clozel
T. N. Venkataramana
+ Sur une question d'Armand Borel 1997 Laurent Clozel
+ Virtual cohomology of the moduli space of curves in the unstable range 1996 Laurent Clozel
T. N. Venkataramana
+ None 1995 Laurent Clozel
+ On the cohomology of Kottwitz’s arithmetic varieties 1993 Laurent Clozel
+ Produits dans la cohomologie holomorphe des variétés de Shimura II: Calculs et applications. 1993 Laurent Clozel
+ Nombre de points des variétés de Shimura sur un corps fini 1993 Laurent Clozel
+ Produits dans la cohomologie holomorphe des variétés de Shimura. 1992 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Représentations galoisiennes associées aux représentations automorphes autoduales de GL(n) 1991 Laurent Clozel
+ Invariant Harmonic Analysis on the Schwartz Space of a Reductive p-ADIC Group 1991 Laurent Clozel
+ A local trace formula . Représentations galoisiennes associées aux représentations automorphes autoduales de GL(n) . Le symbole modéré 1991 James Arthur
Laurent Clozel
Pierre Deligne
+ The fundamental lemma for stable base change 1990 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Le théorème de Paley-Wiener invariant pour les groupes de Lie réductifs. II 1990 Laurent Clozel
Patrick Delorme
+ Automorphic Forms, Shimura Varieties and L-Functions: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, July 6-16, 1988 1990 Laurent Clozel
J. S. Milne
+ Orbital Integrals on p-adic Groups: A Proof of the Howe Conjecture 1989 Laurent Clozel
+ Nombres de Tamagawa des groupes semi-simples 1989 Laurent Clozel
+ On the Base Change Problem: 1989 After J. Arthur
Laurent Clozel
+ On the cuspidal cohomology of arithmetic subgroups of SL(2n) and the first Betti number of arithmetic 3-manifolds 1987 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Characters of Non-Connected, Reductive <i>p</i>-Abic Groups 1987 Laurent Clozel
+ Progrès récents vers la classification du dual unitaire des groupes réductifs réels 1987 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF On limit multiplicites of discrete series representations in spaces of automorphic forms 1986 Laurent Clozel
+ Sur une conjecture de Howe. I 1985 Laurent Clozel
+ Le th�or�me de Paley-Wiener invariant pour les groupes de Lie r�ductifs 1984 Laurent Clozel
Patrick Delorme
+ PDF Théorème d'Atiyah-Bott pour les variétés ${\frak p}$-adiques et caractères des groupes réductifs 1984 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Changement de base pour les représentations tempérées des groupes réductifs réels 1982 Laurent Clozel
+ “Base change” géométrique : Relèvement de la série principale de GL(n,ℂ/ℝ) 1979 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Ordering on a semisimple Lie group and character values 1977 Laurent Clozel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Continuous Cohomology, Discrete Subgroups, and Representations of Reductive Groups 2000 A. Borel
Nolan R. Wallach
+ Simple Algebras, Base Change, and the Advanced Theory of the Trace Formula. (AM-120), Volume 120 2016 James Arthur
Laurent Clozel
+ On Euler Products and the Classification of Automorphic Representations I 1981 H. Jacquet
J. A. Shalika
+ Reductive groups over local fields 1979 Jacques Tits
+ On the classification of irreducible representations of real algebraic groups 1989 R. P. Langlands
+ Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions 1979 Armand Borel
W. Casselman
+ Characters and inner forms of a quasi-split group over $R$ 1979 D. Shelstad
+ PDF Automorphic Forms on GL (2) 1970 H. Jacquet
R. P. Langlands
+ PDF Le spectre résiduel de ${\rm GL}(n)$ 1989 Colette Mœglin
J. L. Waldspurger
+ The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties. 2001 Michael Harris
Richard Taylor
Vladimir G. Berkovich
+ Unitary representations with non-zero cohomology 1984 David A. Vogan
Gregg J. Zuckerman
+ On Euler Products and the Classification of Automorphic Forms II 1981 H. Jacquet
J. A. Shalika
+ Automorphic Representation of Unitary Groups in Three Variables. (AM-123) 1990 Jonathan David Rogawski
+ Algebraic groups and number theory 1992 В. П. Платонов
Andrei S. Rapinchuk
+ Ramanujan duals II 1991 M. Burger
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Changement de base pour les représentations tempérées des groupes réductifs réels 1982 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. I 1977 I. N. Bernstein
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Ramanujan duals and automorphic spectrum 1992 M. Burger
J.-S. Li
Peter Sarnak
+ The fundamental lemma for stable base change 1990 Laurent Clozel
+ Automorphic representations of unitary groups in three variables 1990 Jonathan David Rogawski
+ On the cohomology of Kottwitz’s arithmetic varieties 1993 Laurent Clozel
+ L-Indistinguishability for real groups 1982 D. Shelstad
+ Rational conjugacy classes in reductive groups 1982 Robert Kottwitz
+ Automorphic forms and automorphic representations 1979 A. Borel
H. Jacquet
+ PDF Chat Endoscopic Classification of representations of Quasi-Split Unitary Groups 2014 Chung Pang Mok
+ PDF Chat Local-global compatibility and the action of monodromy on nearby cycles 2012 Ana Caraiani
+ PDF Chat On the automorphy of <i>l</i>-adic Galois representations with small residual image With an appendix by Robert Guralnick, Florian Herzig, Richard Taylor and Jack Thorne 2012 Jack A. Thorne
+ Automorphic 𝐿-functions 1979 A. Borel
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ BASE CHANGE FOR GL(2) 1980 R. P. Langlands
+ None 2003 Nicolas Bergeron
+ Relative Lie algebra cohomology and unitary representations of complex Lie groups 1979 Thomas J. Enright
+ Corps de nombres peu ramifiés et formes automorphes autoduales 2008 Gaëtan Chenevier
Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Construction of automorphic Galois representations, II 2013 Gaëtan Chenevier
Michael Harris
+ Semi-simple Groups and Arithmetic Subgroups 1990 Gopal Prasad
+ Classification of Irreducible Tempered Representations of Semisimple Groups 1982 Anthony W. Knapp
Gregg J. Zuckerman
+ PDF Potential automorphy and change of weight 2014 Thomas Barnet-Lamb
Toby Gee
David Geraghty
Richard Taylor
+ PDF None 1997 J. L. Waldspurger
+ PDF A Paley-Wiener theorem for real reductive groups 1983 James Arthur
+ PDF The invariant trace formula. II. Global theory 1988 James Arthur
+ Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups 1991 Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
+ On the cuspidal cohomology of arithmetic subgroups of SL(2n) and the first Betti number of arithmetic 3-manifolds 1987 Laurent Clozel
+ Non-vanishing theorems for the cohomology of certain arithmetic quotients. 1992 Jianshu Li
+ PDF None 1998 B.J. Moonen
+ PDF Chat Le lemme fondamental pour les algèbres de Lie 2010 Báo Châu Ngô
+ Le th�or�me de Paley-Wiener invariant pour les groupes de Lie r�ductifs 1984 Laurent Clozel
Patrick Delorme
+ PDF Représentations galoisiennes associées aux représentations automorphes autoduales de GL(n) 1991 Laurent Clozel
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ On the definition of transfer factors 1987 R. P. Langlands
D. Shelstad
+ Spectre automorphe des variétés hyperboliques et applications topologiques 2004 Nicolas Bergeron
Laurent Clozel