Geoff Whittle


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Flexipaths in matroids 2024 Nick Brettell
James Oxley
Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ Excluded minors are almost fragile II: Essential elements 2023 Nick Brettell
James Oxley
Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ What is a 4-connected matroid? 2023 Nick Brettell
Susan Jowett
James Oxley
Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ Excluded minors are almost fragile II: essential elements 2022 Nick Brettell
James Oxley
Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ The excluded minors for 2- and 3-regular matroids 2022 Nick Brettell
James Oxley
Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids III: The theorem 2021 Nick Brettell
Geoff Whittle
Alan Williams
+ PDF Chat N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids II: Life in X 2020 Nick Brettell
Geoff Whittle
Alan Williams
+ PDF Chat On Density-Critical Matroids 2020 Rutger Campbell
Kevin Grace
James Oxley
Geoff Whittle
+ N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids I: Unveiling X 2020 Nick Brettell
Geoff Whittle
Aaron Williams
+ N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids I: Unveiling X 2020 Nick Brettell
Geoff Whittle
Aaron Williams
+ PDF Chat Fractal classes of matroids 2020 Dillon Mayhew
Mike Newman
Geoff Whittle
+ N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids I: Unveiling X 2019 Nick Brettell
Geoff Whittle
Alan Williams
+ Fractal classes of matroids. 2019 Dillon Mayhew
Mike Newman
Geoff Whittle
+ Excluded minors are almost fragile 2019 Nick Brettell
Ben Clark
James Oxley
Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat A Splitter Theorem for 3-Connected 2-Polymatroids 2019 James Oxley
Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat On a Generalization of Spikes 2019 Nick Brettell
Rutger Campbell
Deborah Chun
Kevin Grace
Geoff Whittle
+ Fractal classes of matroids 2019 Dillon Mayhew
Michael Newman
Geoff Whittle
+ Yes, the “missing axiom” of matroid theory is lost forever 2018 Dillon Mayhew
Mike Newman
Geoff Whittle
+ A splitter theorem for 3-connected 2-polymatroids 2017 James Oxley
Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ Excluding Kuratowski graphs and their duals from binary matroids 2017 Dillon Mayhew
Gordon Royle
Geoff Whittle
+ A splitter theorem for 3-connected 2-polymatroids 2017 James Oxley
Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ Connectivity functions and polymatroids 2016 Susan Jowett
Songbao Mo
Geoff Whittle
+ Connectivity Functions and Polymatroids 2016 Susan Jowett
Songbao Mo
Geoff Whittle
+ Tangles and the Mona Lisa 2016 Reinhard Diestel
Geoff Whittle
+ On recognising frame and lifted-graphic matroids 2016 Rong Chen
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat The Structure of $\{U_{2,5}, U_{3,5}\}$-Fragile Matroids 2016 Ben Clark
Dillon Mayhew
Stefan van Zwam
Geoff Whittle
+ Connectivity Functions and Polymatroids 2016 Sue Jowett
Songbao Mo
Geoff Whittle
+ Tangles and the Mona Lisa 2016 Reinhard Diestel
Geoff Whittle
+ Certifying non-representability of matroids over prime fields 2015 Jim Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat Special Issue in Honour of James Oxley 2015 Charles Semple
Dominic Welsh
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat The Highly Connected Matroids in Minor-Closed Classes 2015 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ The structure of $\{U_{2,5}, U_{3,5}\}$-fragile matroids 2015 Ben Clark
Dillon Mayhew
Stefan van Zwam
Geoff Whittle
+ Quasi-graphic matroids 2015 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ Yes, the missing axiom of matroid theory is lost forever 2014 Dillon Mayhew
Mike Newman
Geoff Whittle
+ Solving Rota's Conjecture 2014 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
Geoff Whittle
Michael Newman
+ PDF Chat Intertwining Connectivity in Matroids 2014 Rong Chen
Geoff Whittle
+ Intertwining connectivity in matroids 2014 Rong Chen
Geoff Whittle
+ Yes, the "missing axiom" of matroid theory is lost forever 2014 Dillon Mayhew
Michael Newman
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat Structure in minor-closed classes of matroids 2013 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat Tangles, trees, and flowers 2013 Ben Clark
Geoff Whittle
+ Inequivalent representations of matroids over prime fields 2013 Jim Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ Computer-verification of the structure of some classes of fragile matroids 2013 Carolyn Chun
Deborah Chun
Benjamin F. Clark
Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ The Highly Connected Matroids in Minor-closed Classes 2013 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ Capturing matroid elements in unavoidable 3-connected minors 2012 Deborah Chun
James Oxley
Geoff Whittle
+ Is the missing axiom of matroid theory lost forever? 2012 Dillon Mayhew
Michael Newman
Geoff Whittle
+ Stability, fragility, and Rotaʼs Conjecture 2011 Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ PDF Chat The structure of graphs with a vital linkage of order 2 2011 Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ On the asymptotic proportion of connected matroids 2011 Dillon Mayhew
Mike Newman
Dominic Welsh
Geoff Whittle
+ Inequivalent Representations of Matroids over Prime Fields 2011 Jim Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat An Obstacle to a Decomposition Theorem for Near-Regular Matroids 2011 Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ Tangles, trees, and flowers 2011 Ben Clark
Geoff Whittle
+ Inequivalent Representations of Matroids over Prime Fields 2011 Jim Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ Certifying Non-representability of Matroids Over Prime Fields 2011 Jim Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ The structure of graphs with a vital linkage of order 2 2010 Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ Stability, fragility, and Rota's Conjecture 2010 Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ The Internally 4-Connected Binary Matroids With No 𝑀(𝐾_{3,3})-Minor. 2010 Dillon Mayhew
Gordon Royle
Geoff Whittle
+ The structure of graphs with a vital linkage of order 2 2010 Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ Stability, fragility, and Rota's Conjecture 2010 Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ The projective plane is a stabilizer 2009 Jim Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat Tangles, tree-decompositions and grids in matroids 2009 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ On excluded minors for real-representability 2009 Dillon Mayhew
Mike Newman
Geoff Whittle
+ The internally 4-connected binary matroids with no M(K3,3)-minor 2009 Dillon Mayhew
Gordon Royle
Geoff Whittle
+ Excluding Kuratowski graphs and their duals from binary matroids 2009 Dillon Mayhew
Gordon Royle
Geoff Whittle
+ An obstacle to a decomposition theorem for near-regular matroids 2009 Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ Excluding a planar graph from<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">GF</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>q</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>-representable matroids 2007 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ A correction to our paper "Branch-width and well-quasi-ordering in matroids and graphs" 2006 James F. Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ Towards a structure theory for matrices and matroids 2006 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ Obstructions to branch-decomposition of matroids 2005 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Neil Robertson
Geoff Whittle
+ On Rota's conjecture and excluded minors containing large projective geometries 2005 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ Recent work in matroid representation theory 2005 Geoff Whittle
+ Inequivalent representations of matroids having no U3,6-minor 2004 Jim Geelen
Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
+ Tangles, tree-decompositions, and grids in matroids 2004 Jim Geelen
A.M.H. Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ Cliques in dense GF(q)-representable matroids 2003 James F. Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ Disjoint cocircuits in matroids with large rank 2003 James F. Geelen
A.M.H. Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ Branch-Width and Rota's Conjecture 2002 James F. Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ Weak Maps and Stabilizers of Classes of Matroids 1998 James F. Geelen
James Oxley
Dirk Vertigan
Geoff Whittle
+ On Inequivalent Representations of Matroids over Finite Fields 1996 James Oxley
Dirk Vertigan
Geoff Whittle
+ Partial Fields and Matroid Representation 1996 Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ A Characterization of the Matroids Representable over GF(3) and the Rationals 1995 Geoff Whittle
+ D-Dimensional hypercubes and the Euler and MacNeish conjectures 1995 Charles F. Laywine
Gary L. Mullen
Geoff Whittle
+ Oriented Matroids (A. Bjorner, M. Las Vergnas, B. Sturmfels, N. White, and G. Ziegler) 1994 Geoff Whittle
+ Some excluded-minor theorems for a class of polymatroids 1993 James Oxley
Geoff Whittle
+ A Characterization of Tutte Invariants of 2-Polymatroids 1993 James Oxley
Geoff Whittle
+ On sign-representable matroids 1993 James Oxley
Geoff Whittle
+ Point sets with uniformity properties and orthogonal hypercubes 1992 Gary L. Mullen
Geoff Whittle
+ Dowling group geometries and the critical problem 1989 Geoff Whittle
+ <i>q</i> -Lifts of Tangential <i>k</i> -Blocks 1989 Geoff Whittle
+ Modularity of tangential k-blocks 1987 Geoff Whittle
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A homotopy theorem for matroids. I 1958 W. T. Tutte
+ On Reid's characterization of the ternary matroids 1979 Robert E. Bixby
+ On Inequivalent Representations of Matroids over Finite Fields 1996 James Oxley
Dirk Vertigan
Geoff Whittle
+ Confinement of matroid representations to subsets of partial fields 2010 Rudi Pendavingh
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ Solving Rota's Conjecture 2014 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat The excluded minors for near-regular matroids 2011 Rhiannon Hall
Dillon Mayhew
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ PDF Chat A class of geometric lattices based on finite groups 1973 Thomas A. Dowling
+ Extremal matroid theory 1993 Joseph P. S. Kung
+ Graph minors. X. Obstructions to tree-decomposition 1991 Neil Robertson
Paul Seymour
+ Branch-Width and Rota's Conjecture 2002 James F. Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ Excluding a planar graph from<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">GF</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>q</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>-representable matroids 2007 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ Partial Fields and Matroid Representation 1996 Charles Semple
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat Modular constructions for combinatorial geometries 1975 Tom Brylawski
+ PDF Chat The Structure of $\{U_{2,5}, U_{3,5}\}$-Fragile Matroids 2016 Ben Clark
Dillon Mayhew
Stefan van Zwam
Geoff Whittle
+ On Rota's conjecture and excluded minors containing large projective geometries 2005 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ A Characterization of the Matroids Representable over GF(3) and the Rationals 1995 Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat Tangles, tree-decompositions and grids in matroids 2009 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat The structure of crossing separations in matroids 2007 Jeremy Aikin
James Oxley
+ On the Abstract Properties of Linear Dependence1 2009 Hassler Whitney
+ Graph Minors. XX. Wagner's conjecture 2004 Neil Robertson
Paul Seymour
+ PDF Chat N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids II: Life in X 2020 Nick Brettell
Geoff Whittle
Alan Williams
+ Lifts of matroid representations over partial fields 2009 Rudi Pendavingh
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids I: Unveiling X 2019 Nick Brettell
Geoff Whittle
Alan Williams
+ Cliques in dense GF(q)-representable matroids 2003 James F. Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ Homomorphieeigenschaften und mittlere Kantendichte von Graphen 1967 W. Mader
+ Inequivalent representations of matroids over prime fields 2013 Jim Geelen
Geoff Whittle
+ Stability, fragility, and Rotaʼs Conjecture 2011 Dillon Mayhew
Geoff Whittle
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ Obstructions to branch-decomposition of matroids 2005 Jim Geelen
Bert Gerards
Neil Robertson
Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Decomposition Theory 1980 William H. Cunningham
Jack Edmonds
Bert Gerards
Geoff Whittle
+ Geometric Algebra 1957 Emil Artin
+ Lectures on matroids 1965 W. T. Tutte
+ Recent work in matroid representation theory 2005 Geoff Whittle
+ PDF Chat N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids III: The theorem 2021 Nick Brettell
Geoff Whittle
Alan Williams
+ The incidence structure of subspaces with well-scaled frames 1990 Jon Lee
+ A geometric approach to forbidden minors for GF(3) 1984 Jeff Kahn
+ PDF Chat The branchwidth of graphs and their cycle matroids 2007 Illya V. Hicks
Nolan Mcmurray
+ A short proof of Tutte's characterization of totally unimodular matrices 1989 A.M.H. Gerards
+ PDF Chat A note on primitive skew curves 1943 Dick Wick Hall
+ The Missing Axiom of Matroid Theory is Lost Forever 1978 Péter Vámos
+ Disjoint cocircuits in matroids with large rank 2003 James F. Geelen
A.M.H. Gerards
Geoff Whittle
Geoff Whittle
Michael Newman
+ THE LONG-LINE GRAPH OF A COMBINATORIAL GEOMETRY. I. EXCLUDING <i>M</i>(<i>K</i><sub>4</sub>) AND THE (<i>q</i> + 2)-POINT LINE AS MINORS 1988 Joseph P. S. Kung
+ PDF Chat A decomposition for combinatorial geometries 1972 Thomas Brylawski
+ PDF Chat Weak maps of combinatorial geometries 1975 Dean Lucas
+ PDF Chat Fan-Extensions in Fragile Matroids 2015 Carolyn Chun
Deborah Chun
Dillon Mayhew
Stefan H. M. van Zwam
+ Polymatroids and polyquantoids 2012 František Matúš
+ Representation of matroids 2002 Massimiliano Lunelli
Antonio Laface
+ A note on the production of matroid minors 1977 Paul Seymour
+ Projective geometries in dense matroids 2008 Jim Geelen
Kasper Kabell