Sandro Salsa


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Recent Results on Nonlinear Elliptic Free Boundary Problems 2022 Fausto Ferrari
Claudia Lederman
Sandro Salsa
+ Recent Results On Nonlinear Elliptic Free Boundary Problems 2022 Fausto Ferrari
Claudia Lederman
Sandro Salsa
+ Scalar Conservation Laws and First Order Equations 2022 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Weak Formulation of Evolution Problems 2022 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Distributions and Sobolev Spaces 2022 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Systems of Conservation Laws 2022 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ More Advanced Topics 2022 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Partial Differential Equations in Action 2022 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs 2021 Andrea Manzoni
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems 2021 Andrea Manzoni
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ Algorithms for Numerical Optimization 2021 Andrea Manzoni
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ Prelude on Optimization: The Finite Dimensional Case 2021 Andrea Manzoni
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs 2021 Andrea Manzoni
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Elliptic PDEs 2021 Andrea Manzoni
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs 2021 Andrea Manzoni
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations 2021 Andrea Manzoni
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure 2021 Andrea Manzoni
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ On the Harnack inequality for non-divergence parabolic equations 2020 Ugo Gianazza
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Recent progresses on elliptic two-phase free boundary problems 2019 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Regularity of higher order in two-phase free boundary problems 2018 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Existence of viscosity solutions to two-phase problems for fully nonlinear equations with distributed sources 2018 Sandro Salsa
Francesco Tulone
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Regularity of transmission problems for uniformly elliptic fully nonlinear equations 2018 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Obstacle Problems Involving the Fractional Laplacian 2017 Donatella Danielli
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Solution map analysis of a multiscale Drift–Diffusion model for organic solar cells 2017 Maurizio Verri
M. Porro
Riccardo Sacco
Sandro Salsa
+ Mathematics for Economics and Business 2017 Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Two-Phase Free Boundary Problems: From Existence to Smoothness 2017 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Regularity of higher order in two-phase free boundary problems 2017 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Regularity of higher order in two-phase free boundary problems 2017 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat An Offline-Online Riemann Solver for One-Dimensional Systems of Conservation Laws 2016 Tommaso Taddei
Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
+ An Offline-Online Riemann Solver for One-Dimensional Systems of Conservation Laws 2016 Alfio Quarteroni
Sandro Salsa
Tommaso Taddei
+ PDF Chat Boundary estimates for certain degenerate and singular parabolic equations 2016 Benny Avelin
Ugo Gianazza
Sandro Salsa
+ Sistemi di leggi di conservazione del prim’ordine 2016 Sandro Salsa
+ On the boundary behaviour of solutions to parabolic equations of p−Laplacian type 2016 Ugo Gianazza
Sandro Salsa
+ Distribuzioni e spazi di Sobolev 2016 Sandro Salsa
+ Formulazione variazionale di problemi ellittici 2016 Sandro Salsa
+ Elementi di analisi funzionale 2016 Sandro Salsa
+ Weak Formulation of Evolution Problems 2016 Sandro Salsa
+ Equazioni a derivate parziali 2016 Sandro Salsa
+ Distributions and Sobolev Spaces 2016 Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Regularity of the free boundary for two-phase problems governed by divergence form equations and applications 2015 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Perron’s solutions for two-phase free boundary problems with distributed sources 2015 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ First Order Equations 2015 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Distributions and Sobolev Spaces 2015 Sandro Salsa
+ Erratum to: Distributions and Sobolev Spaces 2015 Sandro Salsa
+ Erratum to: Scalar Conservation Laws and First Order Equations 2015 Sandro Salsa
+ Regularity of the Free Boundary in Problems with Distributed Sources 2015 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Partial Differential Equations in Action 2015 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Weak Formulation of Evolution Problems 2015 Sandro Salsa
+ Systems of Conservation Laws 2015 Sandro Salsa
+ Perron's solutions for two-phase free boundary problems with distributed sources 2014 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Free boundary regularity for fully nonlinear non-homogeneous two-phase problems 2014 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Two-phase problems with distributed sources: regularity of the free boundary 2014 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ On two phase free boundary problems governed by elliptic equations with distributed sources 2014 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Analisi matematica 1 con elementi di geometria e algebra lineare 2014 Marco Bramanti
Carlo Pagani
Sandro Salsa
+ Perron's solutions for two-phase free boundary problems with distributed sources 2014 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ A Primer on PDEs: Models, Methods, Simulations 2013 Sandro Salsa
Federico M. G. Vegni
Anna Zaretti
Paolo Zunino
+ PDF Chat Two‐Phase Free Boundary Problems for Parabolic Operators: Smoothness of the Front 2013 Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Free boundary regularity for fully nonlinear non-homogeneous two-phase problems 2013 D. De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Reaction-diffusion models 2013 Sandro Salsa
Federico M. G. Vegni
Anna Zaretti
Paolo Zunino
+ Elements of Functional Analysis 2013 Sandro Salsa
Federico M. G. Vegni
Anna Zaretti
Paolo Zunino
+ Weak formulation of evolution problems 2013 Sandro Salsa
Federico M. G. Vegni
Anna Zaretti
Paolo Zunino
+ Two-Phase Stefan Problems. Recent Results and Open Questions 2012 Sandro Salsa
+ The Problems of the Obstacle in Lower Dimension and for the Fractional Laplacian 2012 Sandro Salsa
+ Regularity Estimates for Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Problems 2012 John L. Lewis
Peter Lindqvist
Juan J. Manfredi
Sandro Salsa
+ Bocconi & Springer series 2011 Sandro Salsa
+ Regularity of the Solutions for Parabolic Two-Phase Free Boundary Problems 2010 Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Equazioni a derivate parziali 2010 Sandro Salsa
+ Equazione di Laplace 2010 Sandro Salsa
+ Elementi di analisi funzionale 2010 Sandro Salsa
+ Elementi di analisi, funzionale 2009 Sandro Salsa
+ Invito alle equazioni a derivate parziali 2009 Sandro Salsa
Federico M. G. Vegni
Anna Zaretti
Paolo Zunino
+ Equazione di Laplace 2009 Sandro Salsa
Federico M. G. Vegni
Anna Zaretti
Paolo Zunino
+ PDF Chat The Structure of the Free Boundary for Lower Dimensional Obstacle Problems 2008 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Elements of Functional Analysis 2008 Sandro Salsa
+ Distributions and Sobolev Spaces 2008 Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations in Action From Modelling to Theory 2008 Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Regularity estimates for the solution and the free boundary of the obstacle problem for the fractional Laplacian 2007 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
Luís Silvestre
+ Regularity of the free boundary in two-phase problems for linear elliptic operators 2007 Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Partial Differential equations: from modelling to theory 2007 Sandro Salsa
+ Optimal regularity in lower dimensional obstacle problems 2007 Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Subsolutions of Elliptic Operators in Divergence Form and Application to Two-Phase Free Boundary Problems 2006 Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ The structure of the free boundary for lower dimensional obstacle problems 2006 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ A Geometric Approach to Free Boundary Problems 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Lipschitz free boundaries: Weak results 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Monotonicity formulas and applications 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Boundary behavior of harmonic functions 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Lipschitz free boundaries are 𝐶^{1,𝛾} 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Viscosity solutions and their asymptotic developments 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Flat free boundaries are Lipschitz 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ The regularity of the free boundary 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Equazione di Laplace 2005 Sandro Salsa
+ Equazioni a derivate parziali 2005 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Equazioni del primo ordine 2005 Sandro Salsa
Gianmaria Verzini
+ Two-Phase Problems for Linear Elliptic Operators with Variable Coefficients: Lipschitz Free Boundaries are C 1,? 2004 M. Cristina Cerutti
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Optimal Transportation and Applications: Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 2–8, 2001 2003 Luigi Ambrosio
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Stefan-like problems with curvature 2003 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Variational inequalities with lack of ellipticity. Part I: Optimal interior regularity and non-degeneracy of the free boundary 2003 Donatella Danielli
Nicola Garofalo
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Optimal Transportation and Applications 2003 Luigi Ambrosio
Luis Caffarelli
Yann Brenier
Giuseppe Buttazzo
Cédric Villani
Sandro Salsa
+ The free boundary in an inverse conductivity problem 2001 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ An area-Dirichlet integral minimization problem 2001 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Carlos E. Kenig
Sandro Salsa
+ Il problema di Stefan: regolarità della frontiera libera 1999 Sandro Salsa
+ Regularity in parabolic phase transition problems 1998 Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Phase transition problems of parabolic type: Flat free boundaries are smooth 1998 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Caloric Functions in Lipschitz Domains and the Regularity of Solutions to Phase Transition Problems 1996 I. Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Regularity of the free boundary in parabolic phase-transition problems 1996 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Quasilinear elliptic equations with quadratic growth in the gradient 1992 Carla Maderna
Carlo Pagani
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Fatou Theorems for Some Nonlinear Elliptic Equations 1988 Eugene B. Fabes
Nicola Garofalo
S. Marin-Malave
Sandro Salsa
+ On an Inverse Problem for the Newtonian Potential 1988 Sandro Salsa
+ Analytic solutions to the inverse problem of the newtonian potential 1988 Carla Maderna
Carlo Pagani
Sandro Salsa
+ Dirichlet problem for elliptic equations with nonlinear first order terms: a comparison result 1987 Carla Maderna
Sandro Salsa
+ Comportamento alla frontiera per soluzioni di equazioni ellittiche e paraboliche 1987 Sandro Salsa
+ The Nash-Moser Technique for an Inverse Problem in Potential Theory Related to Geodesy 1987 Carla Maderna
Carlo Pagani
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat A backward Harnack inequality and Fatou theorem for nonnegative solutions of parabolic equations 1986 Eugene B. Fabes
Nicola Garofalo
Sandro Salsa
+ Existence results in an inverse problem of potential theory 1986 Carla Maderna
Carlo Pagani
Sandro Salsa
+ Existence results for an inverse problem in potential theory 1986 Carla Maderna
Carlo Pagani
Sandro Salsa
+ Existence Results for the Inverse Problem of the Volume Potential 1985 Carla Maderna
C. Pagani
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Estimates of Caloric Measure and the Initial-Dirichlet Problem for the Heat Equation in Lipschitz Cylinders 1983 Eugene B. Fabes
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Estimates of caloric measure and the initial-Dirichlet problem for the heat equation in Lipschitz cylinders 1983 Eugene B. Fabes
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat A Nonvariational Second Order Elliptic Operator with Singular Elliptic Measure 1982 Luciano Modica
Stefano Mortola
Sandro Salsa
+ A nonvariational second order elliptic operator with singular elliptic measure 1982 Luciano Modica
Stefano Mortola
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Some properties of nonnegative solutions of parabolic differential operators 1981 Sandro Salsa
+ Sharp estimates for solutions to a certain type of singular elliptic boundary value problems in two dimensions 1981 Carla Maderna
Sandro Salsa
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Harnack Inequality Approach to the Regularity of Free Boundaries. Part I: Lipschitz Free Boundaries are $C^{1, \alpha}$ 1987 Luis Caffarelli
+ A Harnack inequality approach to the regularity of free boundaries part II: Flat free boundaries are Lipschitz 1989 Luis Caffarelli
+ PDF Chat Variational problems with two phases and their free boundaries 1984 Hans Wilhelm Alt
Luis Caffarelli
Avner Friedman
+ A Geometric Approach to Free Boundary Problems 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Two-phase problems for a class of fully nonlinear elliptic operators. Lipschitz free boundaries are C 1,γ 2006 Fausto Ferrari
+ Regularity of Lipschitz free boundaries in two-phase problems for fully nonlinear elliptic equations 2001 Mikhail Feldman
+ A Harnack inequality approach to the regularity of free boundaries. Part III : existence theory, compactness, and dependence on $X$ 1988 Luis Caffarelli
+ Regularity of free boundaries of two‐phase problems for fully nonlinear elliptic equations of second order I. Lipschitz free boundaries are C1, 2000 Peiyong Wang
+ Regularity of the free boundary in two-phase problems for linear elliptic operators 2007 Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Free boundary regularity for a problem with right hand side 2011 Daniela De Silva
+ PDF Chat Two-phase problems with distributed sources: regularity of the free boundary 2014 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Free boundary regularity for fully nonlinear non-homogeneous two-phase problems 2014 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Regularity for nonisotropic two-phase problems with Lipschitz free boundaries 1997 Mikhail Feldman
+ Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations 1995 Luis Caffarelli
Xavier Cabré
+ A theorem of real analysis and its application to free boundary problems 1985 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
+ Caloric Functions in Lipschitz Domains and the Regularity of Solutions to Phase Transition Problems 1996 I. Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ A harnack inequality approach to the regularity of free boundaries 1986 Luis Caffarelli
+ PDF Chat Almost monotonicity formulas for elliptic and parabolic operators with variable coefficients 2010 Norayr Matevosyan
Arshak Petrosyan
+ PDF Chat Regularity of the free boundary in parabolic phase-transition problems 1996 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ A two phase elliptic singular perturbation problem with a forcing term 2006 Claudia Lederman
Noemí Wolanski
+ Two-Phase Problems for Linear Elliptic Operators with Variable Coefficients: Lipschitz Free Boundaries are C 1,? 2004 M. Cristina Cerutti
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ Some New Monotonicity Theorems with Applications to Free Boundary Problems 2002 Luis Caffarelli
David Jerison
Carlos E. Kenig
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for the Green Function and Boundary Continuity of the Gradient of Solutions of Elliptic Differential Equations. 1967 Kjell‐Ove Widman
+ PDF Chat Second order parabolic equations in nonvariational form: Boundary Harnack principle and comparison theorems for nonnegative solutions 1984 Nicola Garofalo
+ Boundary behavior of harmonic functions in non-tangentially accessible domains 1982 David Jerison
Carlos E. Kenig
+ PDF Chat Flat free boundaries regularity in two-phase problems for a class of fully nonlinear elliptic operators with variable coefficients 2009 Roberto Argiolas
Fausto Ferrari
+ A free boundary problem arising in magnetohydrodynamic system 1995 Avner Friedman
Yong Liu
+ Regular points for elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients 1963 Walter Littman
G. Stampacchia
Hans F. Weinberger
+ Optimal Regularity of Lower-Dimensional Obstacle Problems 2005 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
+ A harnack inequality for parabolic differential equations 1964 Jürgen Moser
+ PDF Chat Phase transition problems of parabolic type: Flat free boundaries are smooth 1998 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ Existence of solutions of Two-Phase free boundary problems for fully nonlinear elliptic equations of second order 2003 Pei-Yong Wang
+ PDF Chat Variational formulas on Lipschitz domains 1995 Alan R. Elcrat
Kenneth G. Miller
+ Stability of a Surface Determined from Measures of Potential 1986 Carlo Pagani
+ PDF Chat Perron’s solutions for two-phase free boundary problems with distributed sources 2015 Daniela De Silva
Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa
+ PDF Chat Temperatures in several variables: Kernel functions, representations, and parabolic boundary values 1972 John T. Kemper
+ A singular energy minimizing free boundary 2009 Daniela De Silva
David Jerison
+ Further regularity for the signorini problem 1979 Luis Caffarelli
+ The obstacle problem revisited 1998 Luis Caffarelli
+ PDF Chat Weighted norm inequalities for maximal functions and singular integrals 1974 Ronald R. Coifman
Charles Fefferman
+ Boundary first order derivative estimates for fully nonlinear elliptic equations 2011 Feiyao Ma
Lihe Wang
+ Classical solutions to phase transition problems are smooth 1998 Herbert Koch
+ Estimates of harmonic measure 1977 Björn E. J. Dahlberg
+ PDF Chat Fatou Theorems for Some Nonlinear Elliptic Equations 1988 Eugene B. Fabes
Nicola Garofalo
S. Marin-Malave
Sandro Salsa
+ Existence results in an inverse problem of potential theory 1986 Carla Maderna
Carlo Pagani
Sandro Salsa
+ Regularity in elliptic free boundary problems I 1978 David Kinderlehrer
Louis Nirenberg
Joel Spruck
+ The local regularity of solutions of degenerate elliptic equations 1982 Eugene B. Fabes
Carlos E. Kenig
Raul Serapioni
+ Principe de Harnack à la frontière et théorème de Fatou pour un opérateur elliptique dans un domaine lipschitzien 1978 Alano Ancona
+ Regularity of the Solutions for Parabolic Two-Phase Free Boundary Problems 2010 Fausto Ferrari
Sandro Salsa