Ewa Ligocka


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the extendability of quadratic polynomial mappings of the plane 2009 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On Some Correspondence between Holomorphic Functions in the Unit Disc and Holomorphic Functions in the Left Halfplane 2009 Ewa Ligocka
+ On the dynamics of extendable polynomial endomorphisms of R<sup>2</sup> 2007 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On the complexification of real-analytic polynomial mappings of R2 2006 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On complexification and iteration of quasiregular polynomials which have algebraic degree two 2005 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On locally biholomorphic surjective mappings 2003 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On Dittmar's approach to the Beltrami equation 2002 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On fixed points of holomorphic type 2002 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On the Hartogs-type series for harmonic functions on Hartogs domains in $ℝ^n × ℝ^m$, m ≥ 2 1999 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On extensions of the Mittag-Leffler theorem 1998 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On the uniformization of Hartogs domains in $ℂ^2$ and their envelopes of holomorphy 1998 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat Elementary proofs of the Liouville and Bôcher theorems for polyharmonic functions 1998 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the Bergman kernel function of a worm domain 1998 Ewa Ligocka
+ On quasiregular polynomial mappings 1998 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On the injectivity of the generalized Bers projection and its Fréchet derivative 1994 Ewa Ligocka
+ Corrigendum to the paper "On the reproducing kernel for harmonic functions and the space of Bloch harmonic functions on the unit ball in R^{n}" (Studia Mathematica 87 (1987), 23-32) 1992 Ewa Ligocka
+ On the regularity of coanalytic Toeplitz operators 1991 Ewa Ligocka
+ A Characterization of Ellipsoids and Balls in C N 1990 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat A characterization of ellipsoids and balls in ${\bf C}\sp n$ 1990 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On the Forelli-Rudin construction and weighted Bergman projections 1989 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On duality and interpolation for spaces of polyharmonic functions 1988 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On the reproducing kernel for harmonic functions and the space of Bloch harmonic functions on the unit ball in $R^{n}$ 1987 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On the space of Bloch harmonic functions and interpolation of spaces of harmonic and holomorphic functions 1987 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat Estimates in Sobolev norms $∥ ·∥^{s}_{p}$ for harmonic and holomorphic functions and interpolation between Sobolev and Hölder spaces of harmonic functions 1987 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat The Bergman projection on harmonic functions 1987 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On the orthogonal projections onto spaces of pluriharmonic functions and duality 1986 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat The Sobolev spaces of harmonic functions 1986 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat The Hölder duality for harmonic functions 1986 Ewa Ligocka
+ The regularity of the weighted Bergman projections 1985 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat An open problem on boundary behaviour of holomorphic mappings 1985 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat The Hölder continuity of the Bergman projection and proper holomorphic mappings 1984 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat On boundary behaviour of Bergman kernel function for plane domains and their Cartesian products 1983 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat How to prove Fefferman's theorem without use of differential geometry 1981 Ewa Ligocka
+ A simplification and extension of Fefferman's theorem on biholomorphic mappings 1980 Steven R. Bell
Ewa Ligocka
+ Some remarks on extension of biholomorphic mappings 1980 Ewa Ligocka
+ On some biholomorphic invariants in the analysis on manifolds 1980 Jerzy Kalina
Julian Ławrynowicz
Ewa Ligocka
Maciej Skwarczyński
+ PDF Chat Levi forms, differential forms of type (0,1) and pseudoconvexity in Banach spaces 1976 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat A local factorization of analytic functions and its applications 1973 Ewa Ligocka
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Biholomorphic mappings and the Bergman kernel off the diagonal 1979 S. M. Webster
+ PDF Chat The Bergman kernel and biholomorphic mappings of pseudoconvex domains 1974 Charles Fefferman
+ Non-vanishing of the Bergman kernel function at boundary points of certain domains in ? n 1979 Steven R. Bell
+ Harmonic Function Theory 1992 Sheldon Axler
Paul Bourdon
Wade Ramey
+ The Neumann problem for the Cauchy-Riemann complex 1972 Gerald B. Folland
J. J. Kohn
+ The Neumann Problem for the Cauchy-Riemann Complex. (AM-75) 1973 Gerald B. Folland
J. J. Kohn
+ Proper Holomorphic Maps Onto Pseudoconvex Domains with Real-Analytic Boundary 1979 Klas Diederich
John Erik Fornæss
+ A simplification and extension of Fefferman's theorem on biholomorphic mappings 1980 Steven R. Bell
Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat How to prove Fefferman's theorem without use of differential geometry 1981 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat Generalized Laurent series for singular solutions of elliptic partial differential equations 1964 Murray Wachman
+ PDF Chat Generalized Laurent Series for Singular Solutions of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 1964 Murray Wachman
+ Regularity of the Bergman projection in weakly pseudoconvex domains 1981 Steven R. Bell
Harold P. Boas
+ PDF Chat A Laurent expansion for solutions to elliptic equations 1973 Reese Harvey
John C. Polking
+ PDF Chat Sufficient conditions for subellipticity on weakly pseudo-convex domains 1977 J. J. Kohn
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ Pseudoconvex Domains with Real-Analytic Boundary 1978 Klas Diederich
John Erik Fornæss
+ Pseudoconvex domains: An example with nontrivial nebenh�lle 1977 Klas Diederich
John Erik Fornæss
+ PDF Chat A duality theorem for harmonic functions. 1982 Steven R. Bell
+ The Bergman kernel function. Differentiability at the boundary 1971 Norberto Kerzman
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ Some remarks on extension of biholomorphic mappings 1980 Ewa Ligocka
+ Function Theory in the Unit Ball of ℂn 2012 Walter Rudin
+ Regular Polynomial Endomorphisms of C^k 1998 Eric Bedford
Mattias Jönsson
+ PDF Chat Classical expansions and their relation to conjugate harmonic functions 1965 Benjamin Muckenhoupt
E. M. Stein
+ Linear Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients 1970 Victor Palamodov
+ PDF Chat A remark on the completeness of the Bergman metric 1981 Takeo Ohsawa
+ On reproducing kernels for multicircular domains of holomorphy 1974 B. S. Zinov'ev
+ PDF Chat Differentiable open maps on manifolds 1963 P. T. Church
+ Counterexamples to regularity for the complex Monge-Amp�re equation 1978 Eric Bedford
John Erik Forn�ss
+ PDF Chat Subellipticity of the $\bar \partial$ -Neumann problem on pseudo-convex domains: Sufficient conditionsproblem on pseudo-convex domains: Sufficient conditions 1979 J. J. Kohn
+ Lectures on the theory of functions of several complex variables 1958 Bernard Malgrange
Raghavan Narasimhan
+ The Kernel Function and Conformal Mapping 1951 H. G. Eggleston
Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of symmetric polynomial endomorphisms of C2 2007 Keisuke Uchimura
+ PDF Chat L2 estimates and existence theorems for the $\bar \partial $ operator 1965 Lars Hörmander
+ Variational properties of the complex Monge-Ampère equation I. Dirichlet principle 1978 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Uniform approximation of holomorphic functions on bounded hartogs domains in ?2 1986 David E. Barrett
John Erik Forn�ss
+ PDF Chat Kernel functions on domains with hyperelliptic double 1977 William H. Barker
+ Holomorphic Maps from C n to C n 1988 Jean-Pierre Rosay
Walter Rudin
+ Leçons sur les principes topologiques de la théorie des fonctions analytiques, professées à la Sorbonne et à l'Université de Cernauti 1938 Simion Stoilow
+ Remark on the preceding paper of Serrin 1971 Hans F. Weinberger
+ Schwarzian derivatives, the Poincaré metric and the kernel function 1980 Alan F. Beardon
F. W. Gehring
+ On Harnack's theorem for elliptic differential equations 1961 Jürgen Moser
+ �ber die 1. und 2. Ableitungen der Bergmanschen Kernfunktion und ihr Randverhalten 1973 Klas Diederich
+ PDF Chat On the complexification of real-analytic polynomial mappings of R2 2006 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat Analysis and applications of holomorphic functions in higher dimensions 1994 R. Z. Yeh
+ Irregularity of the Bergman Projection on a Smooth Bounded Domain in C 2 1984 David E. Barrett
+ PDF Chat The area of the complement of a conformally rigid domain 1988 Marius Overholt
+ Immersion of open Riemann surfaces 1967 R. C. Gunning
Raghavan Narasimhan
+ PDF Chat Invariant subspaces and weighted polynomial approximation 1973 James E. Brennan