Jacob McNamara


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Fate of stringy noninvertible symmetries 2024 Jonathan J. Heckman
Jacob McNamara
Miguel Montero
Adar Sharon
Cumrun Vafa
Irene Valenzuela
+ PDF Chat Wormhole Renormalization: The gravitational path integral, holography, and a gauge group for topology change 2024 Elliott Gesteau
Matilde Marcolli
Jacob McNamara
+ PDF Chat On the Fate of Stringy Non-Invertible Symmetries 2024 Jonathan J. Heckman
Jacob McNamara
Miguel Montero
Adar Sharon
Cumrun Vafa
Irene Valenzuela
+ Running Decompactification, Sliding Towers, and the Distance Conjecture 2023 Muldrow Etheredge
Ben Heidenreich
Jacob McNamara
Tom Rudelius
Ignacio Ruiz
Irene Valenzuela
+ Non-standard axion electrodynamics and the dual Witten effect 2023 Ben Heidenreich
Jacob McNamara
Matthew Reece
+ Reflections on Parity Breaking 2022 Jacob McNamara
Matthew Reece
+ PDF Chat Chern-Weil global symmetries and how quantum gravity avoids them 2021 Ben Heidenreich
Jacob McNamara
Miguel Montero
Matthew Reece
Tom Rudelius
Irene Valenzuela
+ PDF Chat Non-invertible global symmetries and completeness of the spectrum 2021 Ben Heidenreich
Jacob McNamara
Miguel Montero
Matthew Reece
Tom Rudelius
Irene Valenzuela
+ Gravitational Solitons and Completeness 2021 Jacob McNamara
+ Baby Universes, Holography, and the Swampland 2020 Jacob McNamara
Cumrun Vafa
+ Cobordism Classes and the Swampland 2019 Jacob McNamara
Cumrun Vafa
+ Topological Chern-Simons/Matter Theories 2017 Mina Aganagic
Kevin Costello
Jacob McNamara
Cumrun Vafa
+ Limiting behavior of Donaldson's heat flow on non-K\"{a}hler surfaces 2014 Jacob McNamara
Yifei Zhao
+ Limiting behavior of Donaldson's heat flow on non-Kähler surfaces 2014 Jacob McNamara
Yifei Zhao
+ A Bound on the Norm of Shortest Vectors in Lattices Arising from CM Number Fields 2012 Jacob McNamara
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Generalized global symmetries 2015 Davide Gaiotto
Anton Kapustin
Nathan Seiberg
Brian Willett
+ PDF Chat Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity 2021 Daniel Harlow
Hirosi Ooguri
+ PDF Chat Symmetries and strings in field theory and gravity 2011 Tom Banks
Nathan Seiberg
+ Higher-form symmetries and 3-group in axion electrodynamics 2020 Yoshimasa Hidaka
Muneto Nitta
Ryo Yokokura
+ PDF Chat Global 3-group symmetry and ’t Hooft anomalies in axion electrodynamics 2021 Yoshimasa Hidaka
Muneto Nitta
Ryo Yokokura
+ PDF Chat Anomalies in the space of coupling constants and their dynamical applications I 2020 Clay Córdova
Daniel S. Freed
Ho Tat Lam
Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat Reflection positivity and invertible topological phases 2021 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
+ PDF Chat The operator algebra of orbifold models 1989 Robbert Dijkgraaf
Cumrun Vafa
Erik Verlinde
Herman Verlinde
+ PDF Chat The Swampland: Introduction and Review 2019 Eran Palti
+ PDF Chat Global symmetry, Euclidean gravity, and the black hole information problem 2021 Daniel Harlow
Edgar Shaghoulian
+ PDF Chat Signatures of global symmetry violation in relative entropies and replica wormholes 2021 Yiming Chen
Henry W. Lin
+ PDF Chat Anomalies in the space of coupling constants and their dynamical applications II 2020 Clay Córdova
Daniel S. Freed
Ho Tat Lam
Nathan Seiberg
+ The String Landscape, the Swampland, and the Missing Corner 2018 Federico Carta
Cumrun Vafa
T. Daniel Brennan
+ PDF Chat Exploring 2-group global symmetries 2019 Clay Córdova
Thomas T. Dumitrescu
Kenneth Intriligator
+ PDF Chat The string landscape, black holes and gravity as the weakest force 2007 Nima Arkani–Hamed
Luboš Motl
Alberto Nicolis
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Topological operators and completeness of spectrum in discrete gauge theories 2020 Tom Rudelius
Shu-Heng Shao
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in M-theory and F-theory 1996 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat On finite symmetries and their gauging in two dimensions 2018 Lakshya Bhardwaj
Yuji Tachikawa
+ PDF Chat Non-invertible global symmetries and completeness of the spectrum 2021 Ben Heidenreich
Jacob McNamara
Miguel Montero
Matthew Reece
Tom Rudelius
Irene Valenzuela
+ PDF Chat Entropic order parameters for the phases of QFT 2021 Horacio Casini
Marina Huerta
Javier M. Magán
Diego Pontello
+ PDF Chat <i>CP</i>and other gauge symmetries in string theory 1992 Michael Dine
Robert G. Leigh
Douglas A. MacIntire
+ PDF Chat Kodaira-Spencer theory of gravity and exact results for quantum string amplitudes 1994 M. Bershadsky
Sergio Cecotti
Hirosi Ooguri
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat A violation of global symmetries from replica wormholes and the fate of black hole remnants 2021 Po-Shen Hsin
Luca V. Iliesiu
Zhenbin Yang
+ Cobordism Classes and the Swampland 2019 Jacob McNamara
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Constraints on Symmetries from Holography 2019 Daniel Harlow
Hirosi Ooguri
+ PDF Chat Lectures on the Swampland Program in String Compactifications 2022 Marieke van Beest
José Calderón-Infante
Delaram Mirfendereski
Irene Valenzuela
+ PDF Chat Reading between the lines of four-dimensional gauge theories 2013 Ofer Aharony
Nathan Seiberg
Yuji Tachikawa
+ Fusion rules and modular transformations in 2D conformal field theory 1988 Erik Verlinde
+ PDF Chat Topological defect lines and renormalization group flows in two dimensions 2019 Chi‐Ming Chang
Ying-Hsuan Lin
Shu-Heng Shao
Yifan Wang
Xi Yin
+ PDF Chat Gravity and global symmetries 1995 Рената Каллош
Andrei Linde
Dmitri Linde
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of the string landscape and the swampland 2006 Hirosi Ooguri
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Monopoles, Duality, and String Theory 2004 J. Polchinski
+ PDF Chat Why are fractional charges of orientifolds compatible with Dirac quantization? 2019 Yuji Tachikawa
Kazuya Yonekura
+ PDF Chat Electric-magnetic duality and the geometric Langlands program 2007 Anton Kapustin
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Chern-Simons gauge theory as a string theory 1995 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Radiative corrections to Kaluza-Klein masses 2002 Hsin-Chia Cheng
K. Matchev
Martin Schmaltz
+ The moduli space of 3-folds withK=0 may nevertheless be irreducible 1987 Miles Reid
+ PDF Chat On the gauge theory/geometry correspondence 1999 Rajesh Gopakumar
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Euclidean wormholes in string theory 2007 Nima Arkani–Hamed
Jacopo Orgera
Joseph Polchinski
+ PDF Chat Branes and six-dimensional supersymmetric theories 1998 Amihay Hanany
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ The Kobayashi-Hitchin Correspondence 1995 Martin Lübke
Andrei Teleman
+ PDF Chat The topology of the space of stable bundles on a compact Riemann surface 1992 Georgios Daskalopoulos
+ Hermitian-Einstein connections and stable vector bundles over compact complex surfaces 1988 Nicholas Buchdahl
+ On axionic field ranges, loopholes and the weak gravity conjecture 2016 Jon Brown
William Cottrell
Gary Shiu
Pablo Soler
+ A Course in Arithmetic 1973 Jean Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Invariants of algebraic curves and topological expansion 2007 Benoît Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat Higgsing the stringy higher spin symmetry 2015 Matthias R. Gaberdiel
Cheng Peng
Ida G. Zadeh
+ PDF Chat A Natural Framework for Chaotic Inflation 2009 Nemanja Kaloper
Lorenzo Sorbo
+ Genus-two correlators for critical Ising model 1989 Narayan Behera
R. P. Malik
Romesh K. Kaul
+ Three-Form Gauging of axion Symmetries and Gravity 2005 Gia Dvali