Mark R. Sepanski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Robinson-Schensted shapes arising from cycle decompositions 2024 Martha Du Preez
William Q. Erickson
Jonathan Feigert
Markus Hunziker
Jonathan Meddaugh
Mitchell Minyard
Mark R. Sepanski
Kyle Rosengartner
+ PDF Chat Neighborhood Balanced 3-Coloring 2024 Mitchell Minyard
Mark R. Sepanski
+ PDF Chat Limits and Periodicity of Metamour $2$-Distance Graphs 2024 William Q. Erickson
Daniel Herden
Jonathan Meddaugh
Mark R. Sepanski
Mitchell Minyard
Kyle Rosengartner
+ PDF Chat On Criticality and Additivity of the Pseudoachromatic Number Under Join 2024 Jonathan Meddaugh
Mark R. Sepanski
V. Yegnanarayanan
+ PDF Chat Young tableau reconstruction via minors 2024 William Q. Erickson
Daniel Herden
Jonathan Meddaugh
Mark R. Sepanski
Cordell Hammon
Jasmin Mohn
Indalecio Ruiz-Bolanos
+ PDF Chat Partitions with Designated Summands Not Divisible by \(2^\ell\), 2 and \(3^\ell\) Modulo 2, 4, and 3 2023 Daniel Herden
Mark R. Sepanski
Jonathan Stanfill
Cordell Hammon
Joel Henningsen
Henry Ickes
Indalecio Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Klein cordial trees and odd cyclic cordial friendship graphs 2023 William Q. Erickson
Daniel Herden
Jonathan Meddaugh
Mark R. Sepanski
Isaac Echols
Cordell Hammon
Jorge Marchena-Menéndez
Jasmin Mohn
Blanca Radillo-Murguia
Indalecio Ruiz-Bolanos
+ Young tableau reconstruction via minors 2023 William Q. Erickson
Daniel Herden
Jonathan Meddaugh
Mark R. Sepanski
Cordell Hammon
Jasmin Mohn
Indalecio Ruiz-Bolanos
+ Vertex-edge marking score of certain triangular lattices 2022 Daniel Herden
Jonathan Meddaugh
Mark R. Sepanski
Isaac Echols
Nina Garcia-Montoya
Cordell Hammon
Guanjie Huang
Adam L. Kraus
Jorge Marchena Menendez
Jasmin Mohn
+ On the $P_3$-hull number and infecting times of generalized Petersen graphs 2022 Daniel Herden
Jonathan Meddaugh
Mark R. Sepanski
Isaac Echols
Nina Garcia-Montoya
Cordell Hammon
Guanjie Huang
Adam L. Kraus
Jorge Marchena Menendez
Jasmin Mohn
+ Klein cordial trees and odd cyclic cordial friendship graphs 2022 William Q. Erickson
Daniel Herden
Jonathan Meddaugh
Mark R. Sepanski
Isaac Echols
Cordell Hammon
Jorge Marchena-Menéndez
Jasmin Mohn
Blanca Radillo-Murguia
Indalecio Ruiz-Bolanos
+ PDF Chat Explicit Pieri Inclusions 2021 Markus Hunziker
John A. Miller
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Partitions With Designated Summands Not Divisible by $2^l$, $2$, and $3^l$ Modulo $2$, $4$, and $3$ 2021 Daniel Herden
Mark R. Sepanski
Jonathan Stanfill
Cordell Hammon
Joel Henningsen
Henry Ickes
Indalecio Ruiz
+ Partitions With Designated Summands Not Divisible by $2^l$, $2$, and $3^l$ Modulo $2$, $4$, and $3$ 2021 Daniel Herden
Mark R. Sepanski
Jonathan Stanfill
Cordell Hammon
Joel Henningsen
Henry Ickes
Indalecio Ruiz
+ Counting the parts divisible by k in all the partitions of n whose parts have multiplicity less than k 2020 Daniel Herden
Mark R. Sepanski
Jonathan Stanfill
Cordell Hammon
Joel Henningsen
Henry Ickes
Jorge Marchena Menendez
Taylor Poe
Indalecio Ruiz
Edward L. Smith
+ Counting the parts divisible by k in all the partitions of n whose parts have multiplicity less than k 2020 Daniel Herden
Mark R. Sepanski
Jonathan Stanfill
Cordell Hammon
Joel Henningsen
Henry Ickes
Jorge Marchena Menendez
Taylor Poe
Indalecio Ruiz
Edward L. Smith
+ Explicit Pieri Inclusions 2019 Markus Hunziker
John Frederick Miller
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Explicit Pieri Inclusions 2019 Markus Hunziker
John Miller
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Lyndon word decompositions and pseudo orbits on q-nary graphs 2018 Ram Band
J M Harrison
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Schrödinger-type equations and unitary highest weight representations of the metaplectic group 2018 Markus Hunziker
Mark R. Sepanski
Ronald J. Stanke
+ Lyndon word decompositions and pseudo orbits on q-nary graphs 2016 Ram Band
J. M. Harrison
Mark R. Sepanski
+ PDF Chat Factorizations of relative extremal projectors 2015 Charles H. Conley
Mark R. Sepanski
+ A system of Schrodinger equations and the oscillator representation 2015 Markus Hunziker
Mark R. Sepanski
Ronald J. Stanke
+ PDF Chat Global representations of the conformal group and eigenspaces of the Yamabe operator on<i>S</i><sup>1</sup>×<i>S</i><sup><i>n</i></sup> 2015 Mark R. Sepanski
Jose A‎. ‎Franco
+ PDF Chat On Divisibility of Convolutions of Central Binomial Coefficients 2014 Mark R. Sepanski
Mark R. Sepanski
+ PDF Chat Global Lie symmetries of a system of Schrödinger equations and the oscillator representation 2013 Markus Hunziker
Mark R. Sepanski
Ronald J. Stanke
+ Polynomials and Weyl algebras on time scales 2012 Markus Hunziker
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Global representations of the Heat and Schrödinger equation with singular potential 2011 Jose A‎. ‎Franco
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Compact Lie Groups 2011 Mark R. Sepanski
+ Nonlinear potential filtration equation and global actions of Lie symmetries 2009 Mark R. Sepanski
+ Distinguished orbits and the L–S category of simply connected compact Lie groups 2009 Markus Hunziker
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Global actions of Lie symmetries for the nonlinear heat equation 2009 Mark R. Sepanski
+ An upper bound for the L-S category of Sp(n) 2009 Markus Hunziker
Mark R. Sepanski
+ The minimal representation of the conformal group and classic solutions to the wave equation 2009 Markus Hunziker
Mark R. Sepanski
Ronald J. Stanke
+ Distinguished orbits and the L-S category of simply connected compact Lie groups 2009 Markus Hunziker
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Abelian Lie Subgroups and Structure 2007 Mark R. Sepanski
+ Compact Lie Groups 2007 Mark R. Sepanski
S Axler
Kenneth A. Ribet
Ben Sarah
+ On global <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mtext>SL</mml:mtext><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> symmetries of differential operators 2005 Mark R. Sepanski
Ronald J. Stanke
+ Infinite commutative product formulas for relative extremal projectors 2004 Charles H. Conley
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Singular projective bases and the affine Bol operator 2004 Charles H. Conley
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Relative extremal projectors 2003 Charles H. Conley
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Finite-reductive dual pairs in G2 2002 L. Barchini
Mark R. Sepanski
+ Schur Orthogonality Relations for the Finitary Infinite Symmetric Group 2002 Robert W. Donley
Mark R. Sepanski
+ PDF Chat K-types of SU(1,n) representations and restriction of cohomology 2000 Mark R. Sepanski
+ Block-compatible metaplectic cocycles 1999 William D. Banks
Jason Levy
Mark R. Sepanski
+ PDF Chat Closure ordering and the Kostant-Sekiguchi correspondence 1998 Dan Barbasch
Mark R. Sepanski
+ PDF Chat None 1997 Mark R. Sepanski
+ Kostant's Conjecture and the Geometry of Cartan Subalgebras in the Rank Two and Exceptional Cases 1996 Mark R. Sepanski
+ Kostant's conjecture and L<sub>2</sub>(q) invariant theory in the rank two lie groups 1996 Mark R. Sepanski
+ L 2 (q) and the Rank Two Lie Groups: Their Construction in Light of Kostant's Conjecture 1995 Mark R. Sepanski
+ PDF Chat 𝐿₂(𝑞) and the rank two Lie groups: their construction in light of Kostant’s conjecture 1995 Mark R. Sepanski
+ L2(q) and the rank two lie groups : their construction, geometry, and character formulas 1994 Mark R. Sepanski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ PDF Chat Applications of lie groups to differential equations 1990 Peter J. Olver
+ Finite subgroups of G<sub>2</sub>,(c) 1983 Arjeh M. Cohen
David B. Wales
+ PDF Chat Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations 1993 Peter J. Olver
+ Description of a class of projection operators for semisimple complex Lie algebras 1979 Р.М. Ашерова
Yu.F. Smirnov
В.Н. Толстой
+ Secondary cohomology operations induced by the diagonal mapping 1965 Paul A. Schweitzer
+ Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups: An Overview Based on Examples 1986 Anthony W. Knapp
+ Theory of Group Representations 1982 M. A. Naĭmark
A. I. Štern
+ On global <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mtext>SL</mml:mtext><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> symmetries of differential operators 2005 Mark R. Sepanski
Ronald J. Stanke
+ Symmetry Groups of Linear Partial Differential Equations and Representation Theory: The Laplace and Axially Symmetric Wave Equations 2000 Mark Craddock
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ Lie Algebra Cohomology and the Generalized Borel-Weil Theorem 2009 Bertram Kostant
+ Constructive modules and extremal projectors over Chevalley algebras 1993 D. P. Zhelobenko
+ Cohomological Induction and Unitary Representations (PMS-45) 1995 Anthony W. Knapp
David A. Vogan
+ The Symmetry Groups of Linear Partial Differential Equations and Representation Theory, 1 1995 Mark Craddock
+ Cohomological Induction and Unitary Representations 1995 Anthony W. Knapp
David A. Vogan
+ Relative extremal projectors 2003 Charles H. Conley
Mark R. Sepanski
+ The Principal Three-Dimensional Subgroup and the Betti Numbers of a Complex Simple Lie Group 2009 Bertram Kostant
+ On the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of Lie groups 1975 Wilhelm Singhof
+ Lie Algebra Cohomology and the Generalized Borel-Weil Theorem 1961 Bertram Kostant
+ Representation Theory: A First Course 1991 William Fulton
+ The Theory of Partitions 1984 George E. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Quantum graphs: Applications to quantum chaos and universal spectral statistics 2006 Sven Gnutzmann∥
Uzy Smilansky
+ Lie groups and algebraic groups 1990 É. B. Vinberg
A. L. Onishchik
Dimitry Leites
+ L-S Categories of Simply-connected Compact Simple Lie Groups of Low Rank 2003 Norio Iwase
Mamoru Mimura
+ On irreducible A2-finite G2-modules 1988 Pekka Kekäläinen
+ Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐧(9) 2006 Norio Iwase
Akira Kono
+ Similarity Methods for Differential Equations 1974 George W. Bluman
Julian D. Cole
+ Representations of Kac–Moody algebras by step algebras 1985 Jouko Mickelsson
+ Semiclassical theory of spectral rigidity 1985 Michael Berry
+ On a bilinear form on the universal enveloping algebra of a complex semisimple Lie algebra 1973 N. N. Shapovalov
+ PDF Chat The group<i>L</i>(2 61) embeds in t h e Lie group of type<i>E</i><sub>8</sub> 1993 Arjeh M. Cohen
Robert L. Griess
Bert Lisser
+ Differential Equations and Group Methods for Scientists and Engineers 1992 James M. Hill
+ Periodic Orbit Theory and Spectral Statistics for Quantum Graphs 1999 Tsampikos Kottos
Uzy Smilansky
+ On the Segal-Shale-Weil representations and harmonic polynomials 1978 Masaki Kashiwara
Michèle Vergne
+ Correlations between Periodic Orbits and their R?le in Spectral Statistics 2001 Martin Sieber
Klaus Richter
+ Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems in Science and Engineering. 1990 Peter J. Olver
C. Rogers
W.F. Ames
+ The Algebra of Quasi-Symmetric Functions Is Free over the Integers 2001 Michiel Hazewinkel
+ PDF Chat Finite pseudo orbit expansions for spectral quantities of quantum graphs 2012 Ram Band
J M Harrison
C.H. Joyner
+ None 2000 V. Tarasov
Alexander Varchenko
+ Characters of Elements of Finite Order in Lie Groups 1984 Robert V. Moody
J. Patera
+ Finite simple subgroups of semisimple complex Lie groups – a survey 1995 Arjeh M. Cohen
David B. Wales
+ Similarity solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations 1983 L. Dresner
+ PDF Chat Invariants of finite groups and their applications to combinatorics 1979 Richard P. Stanley
+ The minimal representation of the conformal group and classic solutions to the wave equation 2009 Markus Hunziker
Mark R. Sepanski
Ronald J. Stanke
+ Sorting suffixes of a text via its Lyndon Factorization 2013 Sabrina Mantaci
Antonio Restivo
Giovanna Rosone
Marinella Sciortino
+ Simple lie groups and the legendre symbol 1981 Victor G. Kač
+ PDF Chat Secular determinants of random unitary matrices 1996 Fritz Haake
Marek Kuś
Hans-Jürgen Sommers
Henning Schomerus
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Lusternik–Schnirelmann category of non-simply connected compact simple Lie groups 2004 Norio Iwase
Mamoru Mimura
Tetsu Nishimoto
+ PDF Chat A Basis for Representations of Symplectic Lie Algebras 1999 Alexander Molev