Micah Warren


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A Liouville type theorem for ancient Lagrangian mean curvature flows 2025 Arunima Bhattacharya
Micah Warren
Daniel Weser
+ PDF Chat Grim Raindrop: A Translating Solution to Curve Diffusion Flow 2024 W. Jacob Ogden
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat A Liouville type theorem for ancient Lagrangian mean curvature flows 2024 Arunima Bhattacharya
Micah Warren
Daniel Weser
+ PDF Chat A Geometric flow towards hamiltonian stationary submanifolds 2024 Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Compactification of the space of Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian submanifolds with bounded total extrinsic curvature and volume 2024 Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Regularity of Hamiltonian stationary equations in symplectic manifolds 2023 Arunima Bhattacharya
Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Approximating coarse Ricci curvature on submanifolds of Euclidean space 2022 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat $ C^{2, \alpha} $ estimates for solutions to almost Linear elliptic equations 2021 Arunima Bhattacharya
Micah Warren
+ Regularity of Hamiltonian Stationary Equations in Symplectic manifolds 2021 Arunima Bhattacharya
Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Regularity Bootstrapping for 4th-order Nonlinear Elliptic Equations 2019 Arunima Bhattacharya
Micah Warren
+ Compactification of the space of Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian submanifolds with bounded total extrinsic curvature and volume 2019 Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ Interior Schauder estimates for the fourth order Hamiltonian stationary equation in two dimensions 2018 Arunima Bhattacharya
Micah Warren
+ On the regularity of Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian submanifolds 2018 Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature and the manifold learning problem 2018 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Radial solutions of a fourth order Hamiltonian stationary equation 2018 Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Legendrian curve shortening flow in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2018 Gregory Drugan
Weiyong He
Micah Warren
+ Continuum Nash Bargaining Solutions 2017 Micah Warren
+ Coarse Ricci Curvature as a Function on $$\varvec{M\times M}$$ 2017 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ Continuum Nash Bargaining Solutions 2017 Micah Warren
+ On a fourth order Hamiltonian stationary equation: Regularity and removable singularities 2016 Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ Radial solutions of a fourth order Hamiltonian stationary equation 2016 Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ On the Regularity of Hamiltonian Stationary Lagrangian manifolds 2016 Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ Nonpolynomial entire solutions to σ<sub><i>k</i></sub>equations 2015 Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat A Liouville property for gradient graphs and a Bernstein problem for Hamiltonian stationary equations 2015 Micah Warren
+ A Bernstein result and counterexample for entire solutions to Donaldson’s equation 2015 Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Evans–Krylov Estimates for a nonconvex Monge–Ampùre equation 2015 Jeffrey Streets
Micah Warren
+ Legendrian curve shortening flow in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ 2015 Gregory Drugan
Weiyong He
Micah Warren
+ Coarse Ricci curvature as a function on $M\times M$ 2015 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ Approximating coarse Ricci curvature on metric measure spaces with applications to submanifolds of Euclidean space 2015 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ A Liouville property for gradient graphs and a Bernstein problem for Hamiltonian stationary equations 2015 Micah Warren
+ Non-polynomial entire solutions to $\sigma_{k}$ equations 2015 Micah Warren
+ A Bernstein result and counterexample for entire solutions to Donaldson's equation 2015 Micah Warren
+ Approximating coarse Ricci curvature on submanifolds of Euclidean space 2015 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ Legendrian curve shortening flow in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ 2015 Gregory Drugan
Weiyong He
Micah Warren
+ Coarse Ricci curvature as a function on $M\times M$ 2015 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ A Liouville property for gradient graphs and a Bernstein problem for Hamiltonian stationary equations 2015 Micah Warren
+ A Bernstein result and counterexample for entire solutions to Donaldson's equation 2015 Micah Warren
+ Non-polynomial entire solutions to $σ_{k}$ equations 2015 Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat On solutions to Cournot–Nash equilibria equations on the sphere 2014 Micah Warren
+ Coarse Ricci curvature with applications to manifold learning problem 2014 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ Coarse Ricci curvature and the manifold learning problem. 2014 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ Ricci Curvature and the Manifold Learning Problem 2014 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ Evans-Krylov Estimates for a nonconvex Monge-Amp\`ere equation 2014 Jeffrey Streets
Micah Warren
+ Ricci Curvature and the Manifold Learning Problem 2014 Antonio G. Ache
Micah Warren
+ Evans-Krylov Estimates for a nonconvex Monge-AmpĂšre equation 2014 Jeffrey Streets
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Regularity for the Optimal Transportation Problem with Euclidean Distance Squared Cost on the Embedded Sphere 2012 Jun Kitagawa
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Parabolic Optimal Transport Equations on Manifolds 2011 Young‐Heon Kim
Jeffrey Streets
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Rectifiability of Optimal Transportation Plans 2011 Robert J. McCann
Brendan Pass
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat A McLean Theorem for the moduli space of Lie solutions to mass transport equations 2011 Micah Warren
+ Regularity for the optimal transportation problem with Euclidean distance squared cost on the embedded sphere 2011 Jun Kitagawa
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Regularity for a log-concave to log-concave mass transfer problem with near Euclidean cost 2011 Micah Warren
+ Regularity for the optimal transportation problem with Euclidean distance squared cost on the embedded sphere 2011 Jun Kitagawa
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Existence of complete conformal metrics of negative Ricci curvature on manifolds with boundary 2010 Matthew J. Gursky
Jeffrey Streets
Micah Warren
+ Regularity for a log-concave to log-concave mass transfer problem with near Euclidean cost 2010 Micah Warren
+ A McLean Theorem for the moduli space of Lie solutions to mass transport equations 2010 Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Hessian and gradient estimates for three dimensional special Lagrangian equations with large phase 2010 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ Calibrations associated to Monge-AmpĂšre equations 2010 Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat A boundary value problem for minimal Lagrangian graphs 2010 Simon Brendle
Micah Warren
+ Parabolic optimal transport equations on manifolds 2010 Young‐Heon Kim
Jeffrey Streets
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Riemannian geometry calibrates optimal transportation 2010 Young‐Heon Kim
Robert J. McCann
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Conformally bending three-manifolds with boundary 2010 Matthew J. Gursky
Jeffrey Streets
Micah Warren
+ Regularity for a log-concave to log-concave mass transfer problem with near Euclidean cost 2010 Micah Warren
+ A McLean Theorem for the moduli space of Lie solutions to mass transport equations 2010 Micah Warren
+ Calibrating optimal transportation: a new pseudo-Riemannian geometry 2009 Young‐Heon Kim
Robert J. McCann
Micah Warren
+ Existence of Complete conformal metrics of negative Ricci curvature on manifolds with boundary 2009 Matthew J. Gursky
Jeffrey Streets
Micah Warren
+ Pseudo-Riemannian geometry calibrates optimal transportation 2009 Young‐Heon Kim
Robert J. McCann
Micah Warren
+ Existence of Complete conformal metrics of negative Ricci curvature on manifolds with boundary 2009 Matthew J. Gursky
Jeffrey Streets
Micah Warren
+ A priori estimate for convex solutions to special Lagrangian equations and its application 2008 Jingyi Chen
Yu Yuan
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Explicit gradient estimates for minimal Lagrangian surfaces of dimension two 2008 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ PDF Chat A Liouville Type Theorem for Special Lagrangian Equations with Constraints 2008 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ PDF Chat Hessian estimates for the sigma‐2 equationin dimension 3 2008 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ Hessian and gradient estimates for three dimensional special Lagrangian Equations with large phase 2008 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ A boundary value problem for minimal Lagrangian graphs 2008 Simon Brendle
Micah Warren
+ Calibrations associated to Monge-Ampere equations 2007 Micah Warren
+ A Liouville type theorem for special Lagrangian Equations with constraints 2007 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ Explicit gradient estimates for minimal Lagrangian surfaces of dimension two 2007 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ Hessian estimates for the sigma-2 equation in dimension three 2007 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ Calibrations associated to Monge-Ampere equations 2007 Micah Warren
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Bernstein problem for special Lagrangian equations 2002 Yu Yuan
+ PDF Chat Calibrated geometries 1982 Reese Harvey
H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Global solutions to special Lagrangian equations 2005 Yu Yuan
+ PDF Chat On the second boundary value problem for Monge-AmpĂšre type equations and optimal transportation 2009 Neil S. Trudinger
Xu‐Jia Wang
+ Volume minimization of Lagrangian submanifolds under Hamiltonian deformations 1993 Yong‐Geun Oh
+ PDF Chat On the regularity of solutions of optimal transportation problems 2009 Grégoire Loeper
+ Regularity of Potential Functions of the Optimal Transportation Problem 2005 Xi‐Nan Ma
Neil S. Trudinger
Xu‐Jia Wang
+ Optimal Transport: Old and New 2013 CĂ©dric Villani
+ On the second boundary value problem for equations of Monge-AmpĂšre type. 1997 John Urbas
+ Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations 1995 Luis Caffarelli
Xavier Cabré
+ PDF Chat The geometry of optimal transportation 1996 Wilfrid Gangbo
Robert J. McCann
+ PDF Chat Continuity, curvature, and the general covariance of optimal transportation 2010 Young‐Heon Kim
Robert J. McCann
+ PDF Chat Explicit gradient estimates for minimal Lagrangian surfaces of dimension two 2008 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ Boundary Regularity of Maps with Convex Potentials--II 1996 Luis Caffarelli
+ On the Analyticity of the Solutions of Analytic Non-Linear Elliptic Systems of Partial Differential Equations: Part I. Analyticity in the Interior 1958 Charles B. Morrey
+ Some interior regularity results for solutions of Hessian equations 2000 John Urbas
+ Hessian estimates for the sigma-2 equation in dimension three 2007 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ PDF Chat A Liouville Type Theorem for Special Lagrangian Equations with Constraints 2008 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ An interior second derivative bound for solutions of Hessian equations 2001 John Urbas
+ Gradient estimates for potentials of invertible gradient–mappings on the sphere 2006 Philippe DelanoĂ«
Grégoire Loeper
+ PDF Chat Minimizing Area Among Lagrangian Surfaces: The Mapping Problem 2001 Richard Schoen
Jon Wolfson
+ A variational theory of the Hessian equation 2001 Kai‐Seng Chou
Xu‐Jia Wang
+ The Minkowski multidimensional problem 1978 А. В. ĐŸĐŸĐłĐŸŃ€Đ”Đ»ĐŸĐČ
+ Compactness and gradient bounds for solutions of the mean curvature system in two independent variables 1994 Giovanni Gregori
+ PDF Chat A Liouville property for gradient graphs and a Bernstein problem for Hamiltonian stationary equations 2015 Micah Warren
+ On elliptic Monge-Ampùre Equations and Weyl’s embedding problem 1959 Erhard Heinz
+ PDF Chat Hessian and gradient estimates for three dimensional special Lagrangian equations with large phase 2010 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ Removable singularities of solutions of elliptic equations 1964 James Serrin
+ Interior gradient bounds for solutions to the minimal surface system 2004 Mu‐Tao Wang
+ The dirichlet problem for nonlinear second‐order elliptic equations I. Monge‐ampĂ©gre equation 1984 Luis Caffarelli
Louis Nirenberg
Joel Spruck
+ On the regularity of Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian submanifolds 2018 Jingyi Chen
Micah Warren
+ Lie solutions of Riemannian transport equations on compact manifolds 2008 Ph. Delanoë
+ Classical solutions of fully nonlinear, convex, second‐order elliptic equations 1982 Lawrence C. Evans
+ Sobolev and mean‐value inequalities on generalized submanifolds of R<sup>n</sup> 1973 J. H. Michael
L. Simon
+ Lectures on Partial Differential Equations 2004 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ Optimal regularity for convex strong solutions of special Lagrangian equations in dimension 3 2003 Jiguang Bao
Jingyi Chen
+ Weak solutions of hessian equations 1997 Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat A remark on Bony maximum principle 1983 Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ The Bernstein problem for complete Lagrangian stationary surfaces 2000 Chikako Mese
+ PDF Chat A priori estimates for solutions of fully nonlinear special Lagrangian equations 2001 Yu Yuan
+ PDF Chat On the existence of Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian submanifolds in symplectic manifolds 2011 Dominic Joyce
Yng-Ing Lee
Richard Schoen
+ Continuity of maps solutions of optimal transportation problems 2005 Grégoire Loeper
+ PDF Chat Improper affine hyperspheres of convex type and a generalization of a theorem by K. Jörgens. 1958 Eugenio Calabi
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces via optimal transport 2009 John Lott
CĂ©dric Villani
+ PDF Chat Hessian estimates for the sigma‐2 equationin dimension 3 2008 Micah Warren
Yu Yuan
+ Interior C2,α regularity theory for a class of nonconvex fully nonlinear elliptic equations 2003 Xavier Cabré
Luis Caffarelli
+ Extending minimal varieties 1975 Reese Harvey
Benjamin Lawson
+ Polar factorization and monotone rearrangement of vector‐valued functions 1991 Yann Brenier
+ Theorems on Regularity and Singularity of Energy Minimizing Maps 1996 Leon Simon