Satteluri R. K. Iyengar


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Spatial Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Biological Populations 2021 Ranjit Kumar Upadhyay
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
+ Modeling the Transmission Dynamics of Zika Virus 2021 Ranjit Kumar Upadhyay
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
+ Modeling Virus Dynamics in Time and Space 2021 Ranjit Kumar Upadhyay
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
+ Modeling the Epidemic Spread and Outbreak of Ebola Virus 2021 Ranjit Kumar Upadhyay
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
+ Variable mesh difference schemes for solving a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a linear damping term 2000 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
G. Jayaraman
Vidhya Balasubramanian
+ Effect of secondary flows on contaminant dispersion with weak boundary absorption 1997 Vidhya Balasubramanian
G. Jayaraman
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
+ A note on multigrid for the three-dimensional Poisson equation in cylindrical coordinates 1990 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
Anu Goyal
+ Difference schemes of polynomial and exponential orders 1989 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
ACR Pillai
+ High order difference methods for heat equation in polar cylindrical coordinates 1988 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
R. Manohar
+ High order difference methods for linear variable coefficient parabolic equation 1988 R. Manohar
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
U. Anatha Krishnaiah
+ Spline finite difference methods for singular two point boundary value problems 1986 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
Pragya Jain
+ Derivative free multipoint iterative methods for simple and multiple roots 1986 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
Rakesh K. Jain
+ Numerical methods for scientific and engineering computation. 1986 Manoj Jain
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
Rajendra K. Jain
+ Difference scheme based on spline in compression for the numerical solution of Burgers' equation in one and two space dimensions 1984 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
ACR Pillai
+ Variable mesh methods for the numerical solution of two-point singular perturbation problems 1984 Manoj Jain
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
G. S. Subramanyam
+ Difference schemes based on splines in compression for the solution of conservation laws 1983 Manoj Jain
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
ACR Pillai
+ Multilevel difference schemes for the heat conduction equation and its application to the dirichlet problem in two and three dimensions 1979 Manoj Jain
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
A. G. Lone
+ High order difference schemes for the wave equation 1978 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
R.C. Mittal
+ High Accuracy Difference Schemes for the Cylindrical Heat Conduction Equation 1978 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
R.C. Mittal
+ Numerical solution of a fourth-order ordinary differential equation 1977 Manoj Jain
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
J. S. V. Saldanha
+ High Order Numerical Differentiation Type Formulas with an Off-step Point for Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations 1976 C. Prabhakara Rao
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
+ Higher order difference formulas for a fourth order parabolic partial differential equation 1976 Manoj Jain
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
A. G. Lone
+ Comparative study of two and three level ADI methods for parabolic equations with a mixed derivative 1976 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
Manoj Jain
+ Higher Order Difference Formulae for the Numerical Solution of the Heat Conduction Equation 1974 Manoj Jain
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
+ The stability of a revolving non-newtonian liquid in the presence of an axial pressure gradient 1964 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Survey of the stability of linear finite difference equations 1956 Peter D. Lax
Robert D. Richtmyer
+ Monotone Difference Schemes for Diffusion‐Convection Problems 1979 Gisbert Stoyan
+ A finite difference scheme for the heat conduction equation 1985 E. Livne
Ariella Glasner
+ Variable mesh methods for the numerical solution of two-point singular perturbation problems 1984 Manoj Jain
Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
G. S. Subramanyam
+ High Accuracy Difference Schemes for the Cylindrical Heat Conduction Equation 1978 Satteluri R. K. Iyengar
R.C. Mittal
+ The operator compact implicit method for parabolic equations 1978 Melvyn Ciment
Stephen H. Leventhal
B. C. Weinberg
+ PDF Chat Explicit difference methods for solving the cylindrical heat conduction equation 1963 A. R. Mitchell
R. P. Pearce
+ Computational methods for partial differential equations 1985 K. E. Barrett
+ PDF Chat On the stability of parabolic difference schemes 1965 Olof B. Widlund
+ The solution of elliptic partial differential equations in R-θ geometry by extrapolated A.D.I. methods 1981 David J. Evans
G. Avdelas
+ Difference schemes for second order hyperbolic equations 1976 Manoj Jain
R. Ahuja
Sombuddha Bhattacharyya
+ Numerical Treatment of a Fourth Order Parabolic Partial Differential Equation 1954 Stephen H. Crandall
+ Some improvements in the use of relaxation methods for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations 1947 L. Fox
+ PDF Chat Two high-order correct difference analogues for the equation of multidimensional heat flow 1963 Jim Douglas
James E. Gunn
+ On the numerical solution of $$u_t = u_{rr} + \frac{2}{r}u_r $$ 1967 Dennis Eisen
+ PDF Chat Uniform high-order difference schemes for a singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problem 1987 Eugene C. Gartland
+ Linear Combinations of Generalized Crank Nicolson Schemes 1981 A. R. Gourlay
J. Ll. Morris
+ Difference schemes for hyperbolic equations with high order of accuracy 1964 Peter D. Lax
Burton Wendroff
+ A secant method for multiple roots 1977 Richard F. King
+ A finite difference scheme for solving a non-linear schrödinger equation with a linear damping term 1987 L.S Peranich
+ PDF Chat Some stable difference approximations to a fourth-order parabolic partial differential equation 1967 Graeme Fairweather
A. R. Gourlay
+ Finite difference methods and their convergence for a class of singular two point boundary value problems 1982 M. M. Chawla
C. P. Katti
+ Accurate partial difference methods I: Linear cauchy problems 1963 Gilbert Strang
+ Spline function approximation for differential equations 1981 Manoj Jain
Tariq Aziz
+ New Methods for the Derivation of Stable Difference Representations for Differential Equations 1975 D. F. Roscoe
+ On the application of disintegrating difference operators 1963 Ye.G. D'yakonov
+ A direct approach to the problem of stability in the numerical solution of partial differential equations 1956 John A. Todd
+ Accurate solution of three-dimensional Poisson's equation in cylindrical coordinate by expansion in Chebyshev polynomials 1985 Chuan Seng Tan
+ PDF Chat On the numerical solution of heat conduction problems in two and three space variables 1956 Jim Douglas
H.H. Rachford
+ Further Accurate Representations of Partial Differential Equations by Finite-difference Methods 1980 S. C. R. Dennis
John Hudson
+ The Extrapolation of First Order Methods for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations, II 1980 A. R. Gourlay
J. Morris
+ On the Structure of Alternating Direction Implicit (A.D.I.) and Locally One Dimensional (L.O.D.) Difference Methods 1972 A. R. Gourlay
A. R. Mitchell
+ Projection methods and singular two point boundary value problems 1973 G. W. Reddien
+ Stability Restrictions on Second Order, Three Level Finite Difference Schemes for Parabolic Equations 1980 J. M. Varah
+ A numerical method for solving singular boundary value problems 1973 Bertil Gustafsson
+ Numerical method for boundary layers with blowing - The exponential box scheme 1978 Tarek M. A. El-Mistikawy
M. J. Werle
+ PDF Chat Higher order compact implicit schemes for the wave equation 1975 Melvyn Ciment
Stephen H. Leventhal
+ PDF Chat On the stability of certain difference schemes 1963 Thomas I. Seidman
+ A class of implicit, second-order accurate, dissipative schemes for solving systems of conservation laws 1974 George McGuire
J. Ll. Morris
+ Nonpolynomial finite difference schemes and the use of the fast fourier transform 1983 W. M. Pickering
+ A note on the secant method 1975 David Woodhouse
+ Analytical and numerical aspects of certain nonlinear evolution equations. II. Numerical, nonlinear Schrödinger equation 1984 Thiab R. Taha
Mark I Ablowitz
+ On a collocation method for singular two point boundary value problems 1975 G. W. Reddien
Larry L. Schumaker
+ Competitive exclusion and coexistence for pathogens in an epidemic model with variable population size 2003 Azmy S. Ackleh
Linda J. S. Allen
+ The Numerical Solution of Two-Point Boundary Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations. 1959 Peter Henrici
L. Fox
+ A Fourth-order Tridiagonal Finite Difference Method for General Two-point Boundary Value Problems with Non-linear Boundary Conditions 1978 M. M. Chawla
+ The Convergence of Multipoint Iterations to Multiple Zeros 1974 G. W. Stewart
+ A novel finite difference formulation for differential expressions involving both first and second derivatives 1972 D. B. Spalding
+ How important is vertical transmission in mosquitoes for the persistence of dengue? Insights from a mathematical model 2010 Ben Adams
Michael Boots
+ PDF Chat Alternating Direction Methods for Hyperbolic Differential Equations 1962 Milton Lees