Tianxuan Miao


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Berry–Esseen type bound of conditional mode estimation under truncation and strong mixing assumptions 2015 Han‐Ying Liang
Deli Li
Tianxuan Miao
+ Conditional quantile estimation with truncated, censored and dependent data 2015 Han‐Ying Liang
Deli Li
Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat Uniformly Continuous Functionals and M-Weakly Amenable Groups 2013 Brian Forrest
Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat Unit Elements in the Double Dual of a Subalgebra of the Fourier Algebra A(G) 2009 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat Approximation properties and approximate identities of $A_{p}(G)$ 2008 Tianxuan Miao
+ Unital Banach algebras and their subalgebras 2007 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of elements with compact support in the dual spaces of $A_{p}(G)$-modules of $PM_{p}(G)$ 2004 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat Predual of the Multiplier Algebra of <i>A<sub>p</sub></i>(<i>G</i>) and Amenability 2004 Tianxuan Miao
+ THE ISOLATED POINTS OF $\hat{G}_\rho$ AND THE $w^\ast$ -STRONGLY EXPOSED POINTS OF $P_{\rho}(G)_0$ 2002 Tianxuan Miao
+ Extreme points of the unit ball of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra 1999 Peter F. Mah
Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of $B(G)$ 1999 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat The exposed points of the set of invariant means on an ideal 1998 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat Compactness of a Locally Compact Group <i>G</i> and Geometric Properties of <i>A<sub>p</sub>(G)</i> 1996 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat The Exposed Points of the Set of Invariant Means 1995 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat The exposed points of the set of invariant means 1995 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat The Extensions of an Invariant Mean and the Set LIM ∜ TLIM 1994 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat The Existence of Left Averaging Functions That are Not Right Averaging 1992 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat On the sizes of the sets of invariant means 1992 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat The existence of left averaging functions that are not right averaging 1992 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat Amenability of locally compact groups and subspaces of $L\sp \infty(G)$ 1991 Tianxuan Miao
+ Amenability of Locally Compact Groups and Subspaces of L ∞ (G) 1991 Tianxuan Miao
+ Amenability of locally compact groups, subspaces and sets of invariant means 1990 Tianxuan Miao
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Han‐Ying Liang 2
Deli Li 2
Peter F. Mah 1
Brian Forrest 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Amenable Locally Compact Groups 1984 Jean-Paul Pier
+ PDF Chat L'algĂšbre de Fourier d'un groupe localement compact 1964 Pierre Eymard
+ Invariant Means on Topological Groups 1969 Greenleaf
P Frederick
+ PDF Chat Harmonic synthesis for subgroups 1973 Carl Herz
+ PDF Chat Criteria for compactness and for discreteness of locally compact amenable groups 1973 Edmond E. Granirer
+ Multipliers of the Fourier Algebras of Some Simple Lie Groups and Their Discrete Subgroups 1985 Jean De CanniĂšre
Uffe Haagerup
+ Géométrie des simplexes de moyennes invariantes 1979 Michel Talagrand
+ Invariant means and invariant ideals in L∞(G) for a locally compact group G 1976 Joseph Rosenblatt
+ Amenability of Locally Compact Groups and Subspaces of L ∞ (G) 1991 Tianxuan Miao
+ Sur l'espace de Banach engendré par les coefficients d'une représentation unitaire 1976 Gilbert Arsac
+ Approximation Properties for Group C∗-Algebras and Group Von Neumann Algebras 1994 Uffe Haagerup
Jon Kraus
+ PDF Chat Criteria for Compactness and for Discreteness of Locally Compact Amenable Groups 1973 Edmond E. Granirer
+ Completely bounded multipliers of the Fourier algebra of a simple Lie group of real rank one 1989 Michael Cowling
Uffe Haagerup
+ PDF Chat Classes of nonabelian, noncompact, locally compact groups 1978 Theodore W. Palmer
+ An application of Littlewood-Paley theory in harmonic analysis 1979 Michael Cowling
+ PDF Chat On some topologies which coincide on the unit sphere of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra $B(G)$ and of the measure algebra $M(G)$ 1981 Edmond E. Granirer
Michael Leinert
+ On finite equivalent invariant measures for semigroups of transformations 1971 Edmond E. Granirer
+ Geometry of the Fourier algebras and locally compact groups with atomic unitary representations 1983 Keith F. Taylor
+ Complete Normed Algebras 1973 F. F. Bonsall
John F. R. Duncan
+ PDF Chat Some geometric properties on the Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras of locally compact groups, Arens regularity and related problems 1993 Anthony Lau
A. Ülger
+ Invariant means on topological groups and their applications 1969 Frederick Greenleaf
+ PDF Chat Exposed points of convex sets and weak sequential convergence 1972 Edmond E. Granirer
+ PDF Chat A survey of results related to the Dunford-Pettis property 1980 Joe Diestel
+ PDF Chat Weakly almost periodic elements in 𝐿_{∞}(đș) of a locally compact group 1989 Anthony Lau
James C. S. Wong
+ PDF Chat Locally Compact Groups which are Amenable as Discrete Groups 1979 Ching Chou
+ Some Geometric Properties on the Fourier and Fourier Stieltjes Algebras of Locally Compact Groups, Arens Regularity and Related Problems 1993 Anthony To‐Ming Lau
A. Ülger
+ Classical Banach Spaces I 1977 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ PDF Chat On the sizes of the sets of invariant means 1992 Tianxuan Miao
+ PDF Chat The Dunford-Pettis property in the predual of a von Neumann algebra 1992 L. J. Bunce
+ The Classical Banach Spaces 2000 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ PDF Chat The adjoint of a bilinear operation 1951 Richard Arens
+ PDF Chat Algebras $\text{A}_{p}$ and $\text{B}_{p}$ and amenability of lacally compact groups 1991 Koji Furuta
+ Weakly Almost Periodic Elements in L ∞ (G) of a Locally Compact Group 1989 Anthony To‐Ming Lau
James C. S. Wong
+ An application of the Radon Nikodym property in harmonic analysis 1980 Edmond E. Granirer
+ Nonparametric Quantile Estimation with Correlated Failure Time Data 2003 Jianwen Cai
Jinheum Kim
+ Invariant means for the bounded measurable functions on a non-discrete locally compact group 1976 Joseph Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat Approximation properties for group $C\sp *$-algebras and group von Neumann algebras 1994 Uffe Haagerup
Jon Kraus
+ PDF Chat On the Fourier-algebra of a locally compact amenable group 1971 Volker Flory
+ Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces 1984 Joseph Diestel
+ PDF Chat Ergodic group actions with nonunique invariant means 1987 Ching Chou
+ PDF Chat Properties of the Fourier algebra that are equivalent to amenability 1984 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Large deviations and law of the iterated logarithm for partial sums normalized by the largest absolute observation 1996 Lajos HorvĂĄth
Qi-Man Shao
+ Berry–Esseen type bounds of estimators in a semiparametric model with linear process errors 2008 Han‐Ying Liang
Guo‐Liang Fan
+ PDF Chat Arens regularity and discrete groups 1991 Brian Forrest
+ PDF Chat Arens regularity sometimes implies the RNP 1990 A. Ülger
+ PDF Chat Functions with a unique mean value 1990 Joseph Rosenblatt
Zhuocheng Yang
+ PDF Chat Exposed points of left invariant means 1986 Zhuocheng Yang
+ PDF Chat Weak convergence for weighted empirical processes of dependent sequences 1996 Qi-Man Shao
Hao Yu
+ Classical Harmonic Analysis and Locally Compact Groups 2000 Hans Reiter
Jan D Stegeman
+ PDF Chat On the Fourier-Algebra of a Locally Compact Amenable Group 1971 Volker Flory