Katalin Gambár


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Ferenc Márkus 11
J. A. del Rı́o 1
M. C. Rocca 1
F. Vázquez 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Hamilton-Lagrange formalism of nonequilibrium thermodynamics 1994 Katalin Gambár
Ferenc Márkus
+ PDF Chat Dissipation in Lagrangian Formalism 2020 András Szegleti
Ferenc Márkus
+ PDF Chat Quantized Thermal Conductance of Dielectric Quantum Wires 1998 Luís G. C. Rego
George Kirczenow
+ PDF Chat Determination of complex absorbing potentials from the electron self-energy 2006 Thomas M. Henderson
Giorgos Fagas
Eoin Hyde
James C. Greer
+ PDF Chat Exact diagonalization of two quantum models for the damped harmonic oscillator 2000 M. Rosenau da Costa
A. O. Caldeira
S. M. Dutra
Harry Westfahl
+ Nonextensive statistical mechanics of q-bosons based on the q-deformed entropy 1998 Sumiyoshi Abe
+ Quantum Statistical Mechanics for Nonextensive Systems: Prediction for Possible Experimental Tests 1998 A. K. Rajagopal
R. S. Mendes
E. K. Lenzi
+ PDF Chat Nonextensivity and Multifractality in Low-Dimensional Dissipative Systems 1998 M. L. Lyra
Constantino Tsallis
+ Nonextensive physics: a possible connection between generalized statistical mechanics and quantum groups 1994 Constantino Tsallis
+ PDF Chat Heat transport in mesoscopic systems 1998 Dan Angelescu
M. C. Cross
M. L. Roukes
+ Variational method in generalized statistical mechanics 1993 A. Plastino
Constantino Tsallis
+ PDF Chat Thermostatistics of a<b><i>q</i></b>-deformed boson gas 2000 A. Lavagno
P. Narayana Swamy
+ A quaternion representation of the Lorentz group for classical physical applications 1991 I. Abonyi
J.F. Bitó
József K. Tar
+ PDF Chat A fast operation of nanometer-scale metallic memristors: highly transparent conductance channels in Ag<sub>2</sub>S devices 2013 Attila Geresdi
Miklós Csontos
Ágnes Gubicza
András Halbritter
G. Mihály
+ PDF Chat Dissipative quantum systems modeled by a two-level-reservoir coupling 1993 A. O. Caldeira
A. H. Castro Neto
Tatiana Oliveira de Carvalho
+ PDF Chat Power-law sensitivity to initial conditions within a logisticlike family of maps: Fractality and nonextensivity 1997 U.M.S. Costa
M. L. Lyra
A. Plastino
Constantino Tsallis
+ On q-analogues of the quantum harmonic oscillator and the quantum group SU(2)<sub>q</sub> 1989 Alan Macfarlane
+ Temperature-dependent conductance of deformable molecular devices 2009 Balázs Dóra
András Halbritter
+ PDF Chat Quantum statistical mechanics for nonextensive systems 1999 E. K. Lenzi
R. S. Mendes
A. K. Rajagopal
+ PDF Chat Exact and approximate results of non-extensive quantum statistics 2000 Uǧur Tırnaklı
D. F. Torres
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy flow in mesoscopic dielectric structures 1999 M. P. Blencowe
+ PDF Chat Quantum particle motion in absorbing harmonic trap 2015 Bence G. Márkus
Ferenc Márkus
+ PDF Chat Quantum computers and dissipation 1996 G. Massimo Palma
Kalle‐Antti Suominen
Artur Ekert
+ Lectures on Fourier Integrals. 1960 R. V. Churchill
Salomon Bochner
Morris Tenenbaum
Harry Pollard
+ PDF Chat A time domain based method for the accurate measurement of Q-factor and resonance frequency of microwave resonators 2015 Balázs Gyüre
Bence G. Márkus
B. Bernáth
F. Murányi
Ferenc Simon
+ PDF Chat Optical helicity and Hertz vectors 2018 Mahmut Elbistan
+ Quantization of the damped harmonic oscillator 2018 M. Serhan
M. Abusini
A. Al-Jamel
H.M. El-Nasser
Eqab M. Rabei
+ PDF Chat A highly accurate determination of absorbed power during magnetic hyperthermia 2019 I. Gresits
Gy. Thuróczy
Olivér Sági
Istvan Homolya
G Bagaméry
D Gajári
Magor Babos
P Major
Bence G. Márkus
Ferenc Simon
+ PDF Chat A no-go result for the quantum damped harmonic oscillator 2019 Фабио Багарелло
Francesco Gargano
Federico Roccati
+ PDF Chat Giant microwave absorption in fine powders of superconductors 2018 Gábor Csősz
Bence G. Márkus
A. Jánossy
N. M. Nemes
F. Murányi
G. Klupp
K. Kamarás
V. G. Kogan
S.L. Bud’ko
P. C. Canfield
+ Path integral method for quantum dissipative systems with dynamical friction: Applications to quantum dots/zero-dimensional nanocrystals 2020 Rami Ahmad El‐Nabulsi
+ PDF Chat Introduction to spin wave computing 2020 Abdulqader Mahmoud
Florin Ciubotaru
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Sorin Coţofană
+ PDF Chat Response to “Comment on ‘Quantization of the damped harmonic oscillator’” [J. Math. Phys. 60, 094101 (2019)] 2019 M. Serhan
M. Abusini
A. Al-Jamel
H.M. El-Nasser
Eqab M. Rabei
+ PDF Chat Heating Causes Nonlinear Microwave Absorption Anomaly in Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotubes 2018 Bence G. Márkus
B. Gyüre-Garami
Olivér Sági
Gábor Csősz
Anita Karsa
Ferenc Márkus
Ferenc Simon
+ PDF Chat Generalized quantal distribution functions within factorization approach: some general results for bosons and fermions 1998 D. F. Torres
Uǧur Tırnaklı
+ PDF Chat From stochastic single atomic switch to nanoscale resistive memory device 2011 Attila Geresdi
András Halbritter
András Gyenis
Péter Makk
G. Mihály
+ PDF Chat Unusual spin dynamics in topological insulators 2015 Balázs Dóra
Ferenc Simon
+ Variational Principles in Mathematical Physics, Geometry, and Economics: Qualitative Analysis of Nonlinear Equations and Unilateral Problems 2010 Alexandru Kristály
Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu
Csaba Gyorgy Varga
+ Single electrons on solid neon as a solid-state qubit platform 2022 Xianjing Zhou
Gerwin Koolstra
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Xu Han
Brennan Dizdar
Xinhao Li
Ralu Divan
Wei Guo
Kater Murch
+ Spatial Variation of Currents and Fields Due to Localized Scatterers in Metallic Conduction 1957 Rolf Landauer
+ The quantum group SU<sub>q</sub>(2) and a q-analogue of the boson operators 1989 L. C. Biedenharn
+ PDF Chat A Potential-Based Quantization Procedure of the Damped Oscillator 2022 Ferenc Márkus
Katalin Gambár
+ PDF Chat A unified grand canonical description of the nonextensive thermostatistics of the quantum gases: Fractal and fractional approach 2000 Fevzi Büyükkılıç
D. Demirhan