Tommaso de Fernex


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On arc fibers of morphisms of schemes 2024 Christopher Chiu
Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
+ PDF Chat Families of jets of arc type and higher (co)dimensional Du Val singularities 2024 Tommaso de Fernex
Shih-Hsin Wang
+ Families of jets of arc type and higher (co)dimensional Du Val singularities 2023 Tommaso de Fernex
Shih-Hsin Wang
+ PDF Chat Birational rigidity and K-stability of Fano hypersurfaces with ordinary double points 2022 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Embedding codimension of the space of arcs 2022 Christopher Chiu
Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
+ On arc fibers of morphisms of schemes 2022 Christopher Chiu
Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
+ PDF Chat Extending rationally connected fibrations from ample subvarieties 2021 Tommaso de Fernex
Chung Ching Lau
+ PDF Chat Smooth solutions to the complex plateau problem 2021 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Motivic integration on Berkovich spaces over trivially valued fields 2021 Tommaso de Fernex
Chung Ching Lau
+ PDF Chat Grothendieck–Lefschetz for ample subvarieties 2021 Tommaso de Fernex
Chung Ching Lau
+ Birational rigidity and K-stability of Fano hypersurfaces with ordinary double points 2021 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Motivic integration on Berkovich spaces 2021 Tommaso de Fernex
Chung Ching Lau
+ Extending rationally connected fibrations from ample subvarieties 2020 Tommaso de Fernex
Chung Ching Lau
+ Embedding codimension of the space of arcs 2020 Christopher Chiu
Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
+ Extending rationally connected fibrations from ample subvarieties 2020 Tommaso de Fernex
Chung Ching Lau
+ PDF Chat Differentials on the arc space 2019 Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
+ Grothendieck--Lefschetz for ample subvarieties and extension of fiber structures 2019 Tommaso de Fernex
Chung Ching Lau
+ Grothendieck--Lefschetz for ample subvarieties 2019 Tommaso de Fernex
Chung Ching Lau
+ PDF Chat Nash blow-ups of jet schemes 2019 Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
+ Grothendieck--Lefschetz for ample subvarieties 2019 Tommaso de Fernex
Chung Ching Lau
+ PDF Chat The dual complex of singularities 2018 Tommaso de Fernex
Janós Kollár
Chenyang Xu
+ PDF Chat Local and Global Methods in Algebraic Geometry 2018 Nero Budur
Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
Kevin Tucker
+ PDF Chat The space of arcs of an algebraic variety 2018 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat The space of arcs of an algebraic variety 2018 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Jet closures and the local isomorphism problem 2018 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Shihoko Ishii
+ Smooth solutions to the complex Plateau problem 2018 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Smooth solutions to the complex Plateau problem 2018 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Birational rigidity of singular Fano hypersurfaces 2017 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Surveys on Recent Developments in Algebraic Geometry 2017 İzzet Coşkun
Tommaso de Fernex
Angela Gibney
+ Jet closures and the local isomorphism problem 2017 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Shihoko Ishii
+ PDF Chat Towards a link theoretic characterization of smoothness 2017 Tommaso de Fernex
Yu-Chao Tu
+ Towards a link theoretic characterization of smoothness 2016 Tommaso de Fernex
Yu-Chao Tu
+ The space of arcs of an algebraic variety 2016 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: Birationally rigid hypersurfaces 2015 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Terminal valuations and the Nash problem 2015 Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
+ PDF Chat Comparing multiplier ideals to test ideals on numerically ℚ‐Gorenstein varieties 2015 Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
Shunsuke Takagi
Kevin Tucker
+ PDF Chat Valuation spaces and multiplier ideals on singular varieties 2015 Sébastien Boucksom
Tommaso de Fernex
C. Favre
Stefano Urbinati
+ The volume of a set of arcs on a variety 2015 Tommaso de Fernex
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ Valuation spaces and multiplier ideals on singular varieties. Recent advances in algebraic geometry, 29–51, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 417, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2015 2015 Sébastien Boucksom
Tommaso de Fernex
Charles Favre
Stefano Urbinati
+ Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 2 2015 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 3 2015 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Fano Hypersurfaces and their Birational Geometry 2014 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Durfee's conjecture on the signature of smoothings of surface singularities 2014 Tommaso de Fernex
Janós Kollár
András Némethi
+ PDF Chat Jacobian discrepancies and rational singularities 2013 Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional counter-examples to the Nash problem 2013 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Fano hypersurfaces and their birational geometry 2013 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Rationality in families of threefolds 2013 Tommaso de Fernex
Davide Fusi
+ Fano hypersurfaces and their birational geometry 2013 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Birational geometry of singular Fano hypersurfaces 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Birational rigidity of singular Fano hypersurfaces 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Birationally rigid hypersurfaces 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat The volume of an isolated singularity 2012 Sébastien Boucksom
Tommaso de Fernex
Charles Favre
+ Three-dimensional counter-examples to the Nash problem 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
+ A 3-dimensional counter-example to the Nash problem 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Rationality in families of threefolds 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
Davide Fusi
+ The dual complex of singularities 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
Janós Kollár
Chenyang Xu
+ Three-dimensional counter-examples to the Nash problem 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Birational rigidity of singular Fano hypersurfaces 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Rationality in families of threefolds 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
Davide Fusi
+ PDF Chat Log canonical thresholds on varieties with bounded singularities 2010 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ PDF Chat Deformations of canonical pairs and Fano varieties 2010 Tommaso de Fernex
Christopher D. Hacon
+ PDF Chat Log canonical thresholds on varieties with bounded singularities 2010 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ PDF Chat A vanishing theorem for log canonical pairs 2010 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
+ PDF Chat Shokurov's ACC conjecture for log canonical thresholds on smooth varieties 2010 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţă
+ On the Mori cone of blow-ups of the plane 2010 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Log canonical thresholds on varieties with bounded singularities 2010 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ PDF Chat Singularities on normal varieties 2009 Tommaso de Fernex
Christopher D. Hacon
+ Rigidity properties of Fano varieties 2009 Tommaso de Fernex
Christopher D. Hacon
+ PDF Chat Limits of log canonical thresholds 2009 Tommaso de Fernex
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ Deformations of canonical pairs and Fano varieties 2009 Tommaso de Fernex
Christopher D. Hacon
+ A vanishing theorem for log canonical pairs 2008 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
+ PDF Chat Divisorial Valuations via Arcs 2008 Lawrence Ein
Tommaso de Fernex
Shihoko Ishii
+ PDF Chat Ample subvarieties and rationally connected fibrations 2008 Mauro C. Beltrametti
Tommaso de Fernex
Antonio Lanteri
+ The Ascending Chain Condition for log canonical thresholds on l.c.i. varieties 2008 Tommaso de Fernex
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ A vanishing theorem for log canonical pairs 2008 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
+ Ample subvarieties and rationally connected fibrations 2007 Mauro C. Beltrametti
Tommaso de Fernex
Antonio Lanteri
+ Limits of log canonical thresholds 2007 Tommaso de Fernex
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ Divisorial valuations via arcs 2007 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Shihoko Ishii
+ PDF Chat Higher cohomology of divisors on a projective variety 2006 Tommaso de Fernex
Alex Küronya
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Stringy Chern classes of singular varieties 2006 Tommaso de Fernex
Ernesto Lupercio
Thomas Nevins
Bernardo Uribe
+ Adjunction beyond thresholds and birationally rigid hypersurfaces 2006 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Birationally rigid hypersurfaces 2006 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Length, multiplicity, and multiplier ideals 2006 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Bad loci of free linear systems 2006 Tommaso de Fernex
Antonio Lanteri
+ PDF Chat A localization principle for orbifold theories 2006 Tommaso de Fernex
Ernesto Lupercio
Thomas Nevins
Bernardo Uribe
+ Higher cohomology of divisors on a projective variety 2006 Tommaso de Fernex
Alex Küronya
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Birationally rigid hypersurfaces 2006 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Negative curves on very general blow-ups of P2 2005 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Negative curves on very general blow-ups of P^2 2005 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Multiplicities and log canonical threshold 2004 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ PDF Chat On planar Cremona maps of prime order 2004 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Bad loci of free linear systems 2004 Tommaso de Fernex
Antonio Lanteri
+ Stringy Chern classes of singular varieties 2004 Tommaso de Fernex
Ernesto Lupercio
Thomas Nevins
Bernardo Uribe
+ Length, multiplicity, and multiplier ideals 2004 Tommaso de Fernex
+ A Localization Principle for Orbifold Theories 2004 Tommaso de Fernex
Ernesto Lupercio
Thomas Nevins
Bernardo Uribe
+ PDF Chat Bounds for log canonical thresholds with applications to birational rigidity 2003 Lawrence Ein
Tommaso de Fernex
Mircea Mustaţă
+ On planar Cremona maps of prime order 2003 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Multiplicities and log canonical threshold 2002 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ Bounds for log canonical thresholds with applications to birational rigidity 2002 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ PDF Chat Ample vector bundles and del Pezzo manifolds 1999 Tommaso de Fernex
Antonio Lanteri
+ Ample vector bundles with sections vanishing along conic fibrations over curves 1998 Tommaso de Fernex
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties 1998 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ BIRATIONAL GEOMETRY OF ALGEBRAIC VARIETIES (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 134) 2000 P. Μ. H. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Germs of arcs on singular algebraic varieties and motivic integration 1999 Jan Denef
François Loeser
+ Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I 2004 Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Singularities of pairs via jet schemes 2002 Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ PDF Chat Inversion of adjunction for local complete intersection varieties 2004 Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţă
+ PDF Chat Jet schemes and singularities 2009 Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţă
+ PDF Chat Contact loci in arc spaces 2004 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţă
+ PDF Chat Birationally rigid Fano hypersurfaces 2002 Александр Валентинович Пухликов
+ Singularities of pairs 2004 Janós Kollár
Karen E. Smith
Alessio Corti
+ Birational automorphisms of Fano hypersurfaces 1998 Александр Валентинович Пухликов
+ PDF Chat Bounds for log canonical thresholds with applications to birational rigidity 2003 Lawrence Ein
Tommaso de Fernex
Mircea Mustaţă
+ PDF Chat Multiplicities and log canonical threshold 2004 Tommaso de Fernex
Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ Multiplier ideals of monomial ideals 2001 Jason Howald
+ PDF Chat Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type 2009 Caucher Birkar
Paolo Cascini
Christopher D. Hacon
James M textupc Kernan
+ PDF Chat A curve selection lemma in spaces of arcs and the image of the Nash map 2006 Ana J. Reguera
Ju I Manin
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat On minimal log discrepancies 1999 Florin Ambro
+ PDF Chat Divisorial Valuations via Arcs 2008 Lawrence Ein
Tommaso de Fernex
Shihoko Ishii
Hidetoshi Maeda
+ Birational isomorphisms of four-dimensional quintics 1987 Александр Валентинович Пухликов
+ On manifolds that cannot be ample divisors 1976 Andrew J. Sommese
+ Commutative Ring Theory 1987 H. Matsumura
+ PDF Chat The Intermediate Jacobian of the Cubic Threefold 1972 C. Herbert Clemens
Phillip Griffiths
+ Generalized adjunction and applications 1986 Paltin Ionescu
+ PDF Chat Jacobian discrepancies and rational singularities 2013 Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
+ PDF Chat Non-Archimedean integrals and stringy Euler numbers of log-terminal pairs 1999 Victor V. Batyrev
+ The Nash problem on arc families of singularities 2003 Janós Kollár
Shihoko Ishii
+ Ample vector bundle characterizations of projective bundles and quadric fibrations over curves 2012 Antonio Lanteri
Hidetoshi Maeda
+ Ascending chain condition for log canonical thresholds and termination of log flips 2006 Caucher Birkar
+ The Grothendieck-Lefschetz theorem for normal projective varieties 2005 G. V. Ravindra
V. Srinivas
+ PDF Chat Singularities on normal varieties 2009 Tommaso de Fernex
Christopher D. Hacon
+ Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties 1996 Janós Kollár
+ PDF Chat Birationally rigid hypersurfaces 2012 Tommaso de Fernex
+ PDF Chat Rational points in henselian discrete valuation rings 1966 Marvin J. Greenberg
+ Singularities of pairs 1997 Janós Kollár
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Minimal Model Problem 2018 Yūjirō Kawamata
Katsumi Matsuda
Kenji Matsuki
+ PDF Chat Jet schemes, log discrepancies and inversion of adjunction 2003 Lawrence Ein
Mircea Mustaţǎ
Takehiko Yasuda
Gianluca Occhetta
+ On the structure of polarized varieties with $\Delta$-genera zero 1975 Takao Fujita
K. Kodaira
+ Singularities of linear systems and 3-fold birational geometry 2000 Alessio Corti
+ Geometrically ruled surfaces as zero loci of ample vector bundles 1997 Antonio Lanteri
Hidetoshi Maeda
+ PDF Chat Some properties of the Nash blowing-up 1975 Augusto Nóbile
+ On the Characteristic Functions of a Local Ring 1970 Bruce M. Bennett
+ PDF Chat Arcs, valuations and the Nash map 2005 Shihoko Ishii
+ PDF Chat Ample vector bundles and del Pezzo manifolds 1999 Tommaso de Fernex
Antonio Lanteri
+ PDF Chat Algebraization and Tannaka duality 2016 Bhargav Bhatt
+ PDF Chat Classification of three-dimensional flips 1992 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ Contact loci in arc spaces 2003 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţă