Arnaud Pêcher


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the density of sets of the Euclidean plane avoiding distance 1 2021 Thomas Bellitto
Arnaud Pêcher
Antoine Sédillot
+ PDF Chat On circular-perfect graphs: A survey 2020 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ PDF Chat On the Density of Sets Avoiding Parallelohedron Distance 1 2019 Christine Bachoc
Thomas Bellitto
Philippe Moustrou
Arnaud Pêcher
+ PDF Chat On the density of sets of the Euclidean plane avoiding distance 2019 Arnaud Pêcher
Thomas Bellitto
Antoine Sédillot
+ Weighted independence ratio of geometric distance graphs 2018 Arnaud Pêcher
Thomas Bellitto
Christine Bachoc
Philippe Moustrou
+ Lovász's theta function and perfect graphs 2017 Arnaud Pêcher
+ On sets avoiding distance 1 2016 Christine Bachoc
Thomas Bellitto
Philippe Moustrou
Arnaud Pêcher
+ On sets avoiding distance 1 2016 Christine Bachoc
Thomas Bellitto
Philippe Moustrou
Arnaud Pêcher
+ On sets avoiding distance 1 2016 Christine Bachoc
Thomas Bellitto
Philippe Moustrou
Arnaud Pêcher
+ On sets avoiding distance 1 2016 Christine Bachoc
Thomas Bellitto
Philippe Moustrou
Arnaud Pêcher
+ On sets avoiding distance 1 2016 Christine Bachoc
Thomas Bellitto
Philippe Moustrou
Arnaud Pêcher
+ On sets avoiding distance 1 2016 Christine Bachoc
Thomas Bellitto
Philippe Moustrou
Arnaud Pêcher
+ On sets avoiding distance 1 2016 Christine Bachoc
Thomas Bellitto
Philippe Moustrou
Arnaud Pêcher
+ On dense sphere packings 2015 Arnaud Pêcher
Christine Bachoc
Philippe Moustrou
+ On dense sphere packings 2015 Arnaud Pêcher
Christine Bachoc
Philippe Moustrou
+ On dense sphere packings 2015 Arnaud Pêcher
Christine Bachoc
Philippe Moustrou
+ On dense sphere packings 2015 Arnaud Pêcher
Christine Bachoc
Philippe Moustrou
+ On dense sphere packings 2015 Arnaud Pêcher
Christine Bachoc
Philippe Moustrou
+ On dense sphere packings 2015 Arnaud Pêcher
Christine Bachoc
Philippe Moustrou
+ On dense sphere packings 2015 Arnaud Pêcher
Christine Bachoc
Philippe Moustrou
+ On dense sphere packings 2015 Arnaud Pêcher
Christine Bachoc
Philippe Moustrou
+ PDF Chat How unique is Lovász's theta function? 2014 Arnaud Pêcher
Oriol Serra
Annegret K. Wagler
Xuding Zhu
+ PDF Chat On the theta number of powers of cycle graphs 2013 Christine Bachoc
Arnaud Pêcher
Alain Thiéry
+ Strong chromatic index of planar graphs with large girth 2013 Mickaël Montassier
Arnaud Pêcher
André Raspaud
+ PDF Chat On the Theta number of powers of cycle graphs 2013 Arnaud Pêcher
Christine Bachoc
Alain Thiéry
+ Polynomial time computability of some graph parameters for superclasses of perfect graphs 2012 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ Computing the clique number of a-perfect graphs in polynomial time 2011 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ PDF Chat On the theta number of powers of cycle graphs 2011 Christine Bachoc
Arnaud Pêcher
Alain Thiéry
+ PDF Chat On the theta number of powers of cycle graphs 2011 Christine Bachoc
Arnaud Pêcher
Alain Thiéry
+ PDF Chat On the theta number of powers of cycle graphs 2011 Christine Bachoc
Arnaud Pêcher
Alain Thiéry
+ On the Lovasz's Theta function of power of chordless cycles 2010 Arnaud Pêcher
+ Decomposition of sparse graphs, with application to game coloring number 2010 Mickaël Montassier
Arnaud Pêcher
André Raspaud
Douglas B. West
Xuding Zhu
+ On facets of stable set polytopes of claw-free graphs with stability number 3 2009 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ PDF Chat Edge-partitions of sparse graphs and their applications to game coloring 2009 Mickaël Montassier
Arnaud Pêcher
André Raspaud
Xuding Zhu
+ On the polynomial time computability of the circular chromatic number for some superclasses of perfect graph 2009 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ Sur le polytope des cliques circulaires 2008 Arnaud Pêcher
+ PDF Chat Triangle-free strongly circular-perfect graphs 2008 Sylvain Coulonges
Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ Stable set polytope of claw-free graphs 2008 Arnaud Pêcher
+ Polytope des cliques circulaires et calcul du nombre d'indépendance des graphes quasi-adjoints 2008 Arnaud Pêcher
+ On classes of minimal circular-imperfect graphs 2007 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ PDF Chat Claw-free circular-perfect graphs 2007 Arnaud Pêcher
Xuding Zhu
+ Characterizing and bounding the imperfection ratio for some classes of graphs 2007 Sylvain Coulonges
Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ PDF Chat A note on the Chvátal-rank of clique family inequalities 2007 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ On facets of stable set polytopes of claw-free graphs with stability number three 2007 Arnaud Pêcher
Pierre Pesneau
Annegret K. Wagler
+ PDF Chat A note on the Chvátal rank of clique family inequalities 2007 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ Generalized clique family inequalities for claw-free graphs 2006 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ PDF Chat On the circular chromatic number of circular partitionable graphs 2006 Arnaud Pêcher
Xuding Zhu
+ On strongly circular-perfectness 2005 Sylvain Coulonges
Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ Three classes of minimal circular-imperfect graphs 2005 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
Xuding Zhu
+ Graphes fortement circulaires-parfaits sans triangles 2005 Sylvain Coulonges
Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ Polytope des stables des graphes fortement circulaires-parfaits 2005 Annegret K. Wagler
Arnaud Pêcher
Sylvain Coulonges
+ On the imperfection ratio of a-perfect graphs and some consequences 2005 Sylvain Coulonges
Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ On the imperfection ratio of a-perfect webs 2005 Sylvain Coulonges
Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ Quelques familles de graphes minimaux imparfaits circulaires 2004 Arnaud Pêcher
Xuding Zhu
+ Cayley partitionable graphs and near-factorizations of finite groups 2003 Arnaud Pêcher
+ Colorations circulaires des graphes circulaires partitionnables 2003 Arnaud Pêcher
Xuding Zhu
+ PDF Chat Partitionable graphs arising from near-factorizations of finite groups 2002 Arnaud Pêcher
+ Graphes de Cayley partitionnables 2000 Arnaud Pêcher
+ SCHMIDTMAC—A program to display and analyze directional data 1989 Arnaud Pêcher
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Star chromatic number 1988 Andrew Vince
+ PDF Chat The strong perfect graph theorem 2006 Maria Chudnovsky
Neil Robertson
Paul Seymour
Robin Thomas
+ Circular perfect graphs 2005 Xuding Zhu
+ PDF Chat Circular perfect graphs 2005 Xuding Zhu
+ On certain polytopes associated with graphs 1975 Vašek Chvátal
+ A characterization of perfect graphs 1972 László Lovász
+ PDF Chat Circular Ones Matrices and the Stable Set Polytope of Quasi-Line Graphs 2005 Friedrich Eisenbrand
Gianpaolo Oriolo
Gautier Stauffer
Paolo Ventura
+ Maximum matching and a polyhedron with 0,1-vertices 1965 Jack Edmonds
+ PDF Chat The structure of claw-free graphs 2005 Maria Chudnovsky
Paul Seymour
+ On the Shannon capacity of a graph 1979 László Lovász
+ Graphical properties related to minimal imperfection 1979 Robert G. Bland
He Huang
L. E. Trotter
+ On stable set polyhedra for K1,3-free graphs 1981 Rick Giles
L. E. Trotter
+ None 2002 Alfredo Garcı́a
Carmen Hernando
F. Hurtado
Marc Noy
Javier Tejel
+ Minimal circular-imperfect graphs of large clique number and large independence number 2008 Zhishi Pan
Xuding Zhu
+ Geometric Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization 1989 Janny Leung
+ Polynomial time computability of some graph parameters for superclasses of perfect graphs 2012 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ PDF Chat Problems from the world surrounding perfect graphs 1987 András Gyárfás
+ On classes of minimal circular-imperfect graphs 2007 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ Circular colorings of weighted graphs 1996 Walter Deuber
Xuding Zhu
+ Three classes of minimal circular-imperfect graphs 2005 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
Xuding Zhu
+ PDF Chat The Density of Sets Avoiding Distance 1 in Euclidean Space 2015 Christine Bachoc
Alberto Passuello
Alain Thiéry
+ The realization of distances within sets in Euclidean space 1972 D. G. Larman
C. A. Rogers
+ None 2010 O. V. Borodin
A. O. Ivanova
Mickaël Montassier
Pascal Ochem
André Raspaud
+ The Game Coloring Number of Planar Graphs 1999 Xuding Zhu
+ None 2006 David Hartvigsen
Pavol Hell
Jácint Szabó
+ Circular-imperfection of triangle-free graphs 2007 Jens Kuhpfahl
Annegret K. Wagler
Christian Wagner
+ Refined activation strategy for the marking game 2007 Xuding Zhu
+ PDF Chat Triangle-free strongly circular-perfect graphs 2008 Sylvain Coulonges
Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ On number systems 1956 de Ng Dick Bruijn
+ On Critical Edges in Minimal Imperfect Graphs 1996 András Sebő
+ Recursive generation of partitionable graphs 2002 Endre Boros
Vladimir Gurvich
Stefan Hougardy
+ Surveys in Combinatorics 2005 2005 B. S Webb
+ A limit theorem for the Shannon capacities of odd cycles I 2003 Tom Bohman
+ Edge-partitions of planar graphs and their game coloring numbers 2002 Wenjie He
Xiaoling Hou
Ko‐Wei Lih
Jiating Shao
Weifan Wang
Xuding Zhu
+ Computing the clique number of a-perfect graphs in polynomial time 2011 Arnaud Pêcher
Annegret K. Wagler
+ On circular critical graphs 1984 Charles M. Grinstead
+ On Minimally Imperfect Graphs with Circular Symmetry 1997 Gábor Bacsó
Endre Boros
Vladimir Gurvich
Frédéric Maffray
Myriam Preissmann
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 2
+ PDF Chat Better Bounds for Planar Sets Avoiding Unit Distances 2015 Tamás Keleti
Máté Matolcsi
Fernando Mário de Oliveira Filho
Imre Z. Ruzsa
+ PDF Chat Convex‐round graphs are circular‐perfect 2002 Jørgen Bang‐Jensen
Jing Huang
+ Recent Developments in Circular Colouring of Graphs 2007 Xuding Zhu
+ On minimal imperfect graphs with circular symmetry 1998 G�bor Bacs�
Endre Boros
Vladimir Gurvich
Fr�d�ric Maffray
Myriam Preissmann
+ Recursive generation of partitionable graphs 2002 Endre Boros
Vladimir Gurvich
Stefan Hougardy
+ Circular colorings of weighted graphs 1996 Walter Deuber
Xuding Zhu
+ Algebraic Number Theory 1994 Serge Lang
+ Orthogonal Polynomials 1939 Gábor Szegő
+ The chromatic number of the plane is at least 5 2018 Aubrey D.N.J. de Grey
+ A limit theorem for the Shannon capacities of odd cycles. II 2004 Tom Bohman