William M. Whyburn


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Complexes of differential systems 1972 William M. Whyburn
R.K. Williams
+ Algebra for College Students. 1956 V. D. Gokhale
William M. Whyburn
P. H. Daus
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear boundary value problem for second order differential systems 1955 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Minimax Solutions of Ordinary Differential Systems 1952 Leonard Burton
William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Minimax solutions of ordinary differential systems 1952 L. P. Burton
William M. Whyburn
+ Ordinary Differential Equations. 1952 William M. Whyburn
Michael Golomb
Merrill Shanks
H. B. Phillips
Jan E Powell
C. P. Wells
+ Basic Mathematics for War and Industry 1944 H. A. Simmons
P. H. Daus
John M. Gleason
William M. Whyburn
+ Mathematics for Production and War 1943 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Differential equations with general boundary conditions 1942 William M. Whyburn
+ Over and under Functions as Related to Differential Equations 1940 William M. Whyburn
+ Existence theorems for ordinary differential equations : with special reference to their application in physics, engineering, and other fields 1935 William M. Whyburn
+ An Application of the Dedekind Cut Notion to Integration 1933 E. R. Hedrick
William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On the integration of unbounded functions 1932 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat A proof of the identity of the Riesz integral and the Lebesgue integral 1931 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Functional Properties of the Solutions of Differential Systems 1930 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On related difference and differential systems 1930 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Functional properties of the solutions of differential systems 1930 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat A set of cyclicly related functional equations 1930 William M. Whyburn
+ On Self-Adjoint Ordinary Differential Equations of the Fourth Order 1930 William M. Whyburn
+ Partielle Differentialgleichungen. 1929 William M. Whyburn
G. Hoheisel
+ PDF Chat On Related Difference and Differential Systems 1929 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Non-isolated critical points of functions 1929 William M. Whyburn
+ Second-Order Differential Systems with Integral and k-Point Boundary Conditions 1928 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Existence and Oscillation Theorems for Non-Linear Differential Systems of the Second Order 1928 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Second-order differential systems with integral and 𝑘-point boundary conditions 1928 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Existence and oscillation theorems for non-linear differential systems of the second order 1928 William M. Whyburn
+ On the Fundamental Existence Theorems for Differential Systems 1928 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On the polynomial convergents of power series 1927 William M. Whyburn
+ On the Green's Function for Systems of Differential Equations 1926 William M. Whyburn
+ An Extension of the Definition of the Green's Function in One Dimension 1924 William M. Whyburn
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Ein neuer Existenzbeweis f�r die Integrale der Differentialgleichungy?=f(x,y) 1915 Oskar Perron
+ PDF Chat Gradient methods of maximization 1955 Jean Bronfenbrenner Crockett
Herman Chernoff
+ PDF Chat Flows and noncommuting projections on Hilbert space 1955 F. H. Brownell
+ PDF Chat A modified Schnirelmann density 1955 Robert Stalley
+ PDF Chat The behavior of solutions of a linear differential equation of second order 1955 Richard A. Moore
+ PDF Chat On the number of primitive Pythagorean triangles with area less than<i>n</i> 1955 Roy Wild
+ PDF Chat Existence and oscillation theorems for non-linear differential systems of the second order 1928 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On groups of orthonormal functions. I 1955 N. J. Fine
+ PDF Chat Approximation of improper integrals by sums over multiples of irrational numbers 1955 Robert S. Lehman
+ PDF Chat Zur Theorie der Systeme gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen. II. 1932 E. Kamke
+ PDF Chat A class of generalized Walsh functions 1955 H. E. Chrestenson
+ PDF Chat Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Mathematicians 1914 George H. Bryan
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear boundary value problem for second order differential systems 1955 William M. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Beweis der Existenz einer Lösung der Differentialgleichung $$\frac{{dy}}{{dx}} = f\left( {x,y} \right)$$ ohne Hinzunahme der Cauchy-Lipschitz'schen Bedingung 1898 William F. Osgood
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of Pythagorean triangles 1955 Joachim Lambek
Leo Moser
+ PDF Chat Relations between the critical points of a real function of 𝑛 independent variables 1925 Marston Morse
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 1965 Philip Hartman
+ Beweis eines Satzes des Herrn H. Kneser �ber die Gesamtheit der L�sungen, die ein System gew�hnlicher Differentialgleichungen durch einen Punkt schickt 1928 Max M�ller
+ Non-Unique Solutions of Systems of First Order Ordinary Differential Equations 1938 O. H. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat On groups of orthonormal functions. II 1955 N. J. Fine