Antonella Bodini


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Underdetection in a stochastic SIR model for the analysis of the COVID-19 Italian epidemic 2021 Antonella Bodini
Sara Pasquali
Antonio Pievatolo
Fabrizio Ruggeri
+ A stochastic SIR model for the analysis of the COVID-19 Italian epidemic 2021 Sara Pasquali
Antonio Pievatolo
Antonella Bodini
Fabrizio Ruggeri
+ A stochastic SIR model for the analysis of the COVID-19 Italian epidemic 2021 Sara K. Pasquali
Antonio Pievatolo
Antonella Bodini
Fabrizio Ruggeri
+ Nuovi indicatori di sbilanciamento e prevedibilità nei disegni sequenziali randomizzati: confronti fra 'biased coin designs' diversi 2007 Alessandro Baldi Antognini
Antonella Bodini
Alessandra Giovagnoli
+ Consistency of minimum divergence estimators based on grouped data 2007 Federico Bassetti
Antonella Bodini
Eugenio Regazzini
+ PDF Chat Generalized Moment Theory and Bayesian Robustness Analysis for Hierarchical Mixture Models 2006 Bruno Betrò
Antonella Bodini
Alessandra Guglielmi
+ On minimum Kantorovich distance estimators 2006 Federico Bassetti
Antonella Bodini
Eugenio Regazzini
+ How to exploit external model of data for parameter estimation? 2005 Miroslav Kárný
Josef Andrýsek
Antonella Bodini
Tatiana V. Guy
Jan Kracík
Fabrizio Ruggeri
+ Nonparametric Robust Bayesian analysis under generalized moment conditions 2003 Bruno Betrò
Antonella Bodini
Alessandra Guglielmi
+ Un nuovo approccio ai problemi dell’inferenza statistica coerente col punto di vista bayesiano 2003 Antonella Bodini
+ Measure of a fuzzy set based on an arbitrary continuous t-conorms: the finite case 2002 Carlo Bertoluzza
Antonella Bodini
+ A new proof of Nguyen's compatibility theorem in a more general context 1998 Carlo Bertoluzza
Antonella Bodini
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The reproduction number of COVID-19 and its correlation with public health interventions 2020 Kevin Linka
Mathias Peirlinck
Ellen Kuhl
+ COVID-19: The unreasonable effectiveness of simple models 2020 Timotéo Carletti
Duccio Fanelli
Francesco Piazza
+ PDF Chat A note on tools for prediction under uncertainty and identifiability of SIR-like dynamical systems for epidemiology 2020 Chiara Piazzola
Lorenzo Tamellini
Raúl Tempone
+ None 2000 Arnaud Doucet
Simon Godsill
Christophe Andrieu
+ PDF Chat Estimating the infection and case fatality ratio for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) using age-adjusted data from the outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, February 2020 2020 Timothy Russell
Joel Hellewell
Christopher I Jarvis
Kevin van Zandvoort
Sam Abbott
Ruwan Ratnayake
Stefan Flasche
Rosalind M. Eggo
W. John Edmunds
Adam J. Kucharski
+ An evaluation of mathematical models for the outbreak of COVID-19 2020 Ning Wang
Yuting Fu
Hu Zhang
Huipeng Shi
+ How deadly is the coronavirus? Scientists are close to an answer 2020 Smriti Mallapaty
+ PDF Chat Simulation and Analysis Methods for Stochastic Compartmental Epidemic Models 2020 Tapiwa Ganyani
Christel Faes
Niel Hens
+ PDF Chat Model selection and parameter estimation for dynamic epidemic models via iterated filtering: application to rotavirus in Germany 2018 Theresa Stocks
Tom Britton
Michael Höhle
+ A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics 1927 W. O. Kermack
A. G. McKendrick
+ PDF Chat Methods for Estimating the Case Fatality Ratio for a Novel, Emerging Infectious Disease 2005 Azra C. Ghani
Christl A. Donnelly
Daniel Cox
Jamie T. Griffin
Christophe Fraser
TH Lam
Wai‐Sum Chan
Roy M. Anderson
A J Hedley
+ PDF Chat The COVID-19 Infection in Italy: A Statistical Study of an Abnormally Severe Disease 2020 Giuseppe De Natale
Valerio Ricciardi
Gabriele De Luca
Dario De Natale
Giovanni Di Meglio
Antonio Ferragamo
Vito Marchitelli
Andrea Piccolo
Antonio Scala
Renato Somma
+ PDF Chat Complexity of the Basic Reproduction Number (R<sub>0</sub>) 2018 Paul L. Delamater
Erica J. Street
Timothy F. Leslie
Y. Tony Yang
Kathryn H. Jacobsen
+ On the uniqueness of epidemic models fitting a normalized curve of removed individuals 2014 Ayşe Hümeyra Bilge
Funda Samanlıoğlu
Önder Ergönül
+ PDF Chat Modelling the COVID-19 epidemic and implementation of population-wide interventions in Italy 2020 Giulia Giordano
Franco Blanchini
Raffaele Bruno
Patrizio Colaneri
Di Filippo A
Angela Di Matteo
Marta Colaneri
+ PDF Chat Estimation of time-varying reproduction numbers underlying epidemiological processes: A new statistical tool for the COVID-19 pandemic 2020 Hyokyoung G. Hong
Yi Li
+ PDF Chat Clarification of Misleading Perceptions of COVID-19 Fatality and Testing Rates in Italy: Data Analysis 2020 Davide Tosi
Alessandro Verde
Manuela Verde
+ A systematic review and meta-analysis of published research data on COVID-19 infection fatality rates 2020 Gideon Meyerowitz‐Katz
Lea Merone
+ Report 34: COVID-19 Infection Fatality Ratio: Estimates from Seroprevalence 2020 N Brazeau
Robert Verity
Sara Jenks
Han Fu
Charles Whittaker
Peter Winskill
Ilaria Dorigatti
Patrick Walker
Steven Riley
RP Schnekenberg
+ PDF Chat A Modified SIR Model for the COVID-19 Contagion in Italy 2020 Giuseppe C. Calafiore
Carlo Novara
Corrado Possieri
+ PDF Chat Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 cases and estimates of the reproductive numbers 1 month into the epidemic, Italy, 28 January to 31 March 2020 2020 Flavia Riccardo
Marco Ajelli
Xanthi Andrianou
Antonino Bella
Martina Del Manso
Massimo Fabiani
Stefania Bellino
Stefano Boros
Alberto Mateo‐Urdiales
Valentina Marziano
+ PDF Chat Persistence of IgG response to SARS-CoV-2 2020 Els Duysburgh
Laure Mortgat
Cyril Barbezange
Katelijne Dierick
Natalie Fischer
Leo Heyndrickx
Veronik Hutse
Isabelle Thomas
Steven Van Gucht
Béa Vuylsteke
+ The challenges of modeling and forecasting the spread of COVID-19 2020 Andrea L. Bertozzi
Elisa Marques Franco
George Mohler
Martin B. Short
Daniel Sledge
+ Convergence of Random Processes and Limit Theorems in Probability Theory 1956 Yu. V. Prokhorov
+ PDF Chat Tests of goodness of fit based on the $L_2$-Wasserstein distance 1999 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
Jes'us M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez
Eustasio del Barrio
+ Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes 1996 Aad van der Vaart
Jon A. Wellner
+ PDF Chat Numerical robust Bayesian analysis under generalized moment conditions 1996 Bruno Betrò
Alessandra Guglielmi
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric estimation of convex models via mixtures 2003 Peter D. Hoff
+ PDF Chat Central Limit Theorems for the Wasserstein Distance Between the Empirical and the True Distributions 1999 Eustasio del Barrio
Evarist Giné
Carlos Matrán
+ A note on the extension principle for fuzzy sets 1978 Hung T. Nguyen
+ Contributions of empirical and quantile processes to the asymptotic theory of goodness-of-fit tests 2000 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
Sándor Csörgő
Carles M. Cuadras
Tertius de Wet
Evarist Giné
Richard Lockhart
Axel Munk
Winfried Stute
+ Estimation basée sur la fonctionnelle de Kantorovich et la distance de Lévy 1999 Nacereddine Belili
Aminé Bensaï
Henri Heinich
+ PDF Chat The distance between two random vectors with given dispersion matrices 1982 Ingram Olkin
Friedrich Pukelsheim
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian Analysis of Some Nonparametric Problems 1973 Thomas S. Ferguson
+ Vines--a new graphical model for dependent random variables 2002 Tim Bedford
Roger Cooke
+ Asymptotic distribution and robustness of minimum total variation distance estimators 2005 Federico Bassetti
Eugenio Regazzini
+ Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes: With Applications to Statistics 1996 Jon A. Wellner
+ Random Bernstein Polynomials 1999 Sonia Petrone
+ Asymptotic divergence of estimates of discrete distributions 1995 Domingo Morales
Leandro Pardo
Igor Vajda
+ Robust Bayesian analysis under generalized moments conditions 1994 Bruno Betrò
Fabrizio Ruggeri
Marek Męczarski
+ PDF Chat Probability Measures on Metric Spaces. 1968 Б. Л. С. Пракаса Рао
K. R. Parthasarathy
+ Information and Exponential Families in Statistical Theory 1980 A. M. Mathai
Ole E. Barndorff‐Nielsen
+ Bayesian Nonparametrics 2003 Jayanta K. Ghosh
Ravi Ramamoorthi
+ Probability Metrics and the Stability of Stochastic Models 1992 Jim Freeman
Svetlozar T. Rachev
+ On the Structure of Semigroups on a Compact Manifold With Boundary 1957 Paul S. Mostert
Allen Shields
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic properties and robustness of minimum dissimilarity estimators of location-scale parameters 2005 Federico Bassetti
Federico Bassetti
Е Регаццини
Eugenio Regazzini
+ A note on the IPF algorithm when the marginal problem is unsolvable 2003 Claudio Asci
Mauro Piccioni
+ Lectures on Functional Equations and their Applications. 1968 F. Hahn
J. Aczél
Hansjörg Oser
+ PDF Chat On a Class of Bayesian Nonparametric Estimates: I. Density Estimates 1984 Albert Y. Lo
+ Bayesian density estimation using bernstein polynomials 1999 Sonia Petrone