Norichika Sago


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Post-Newtonian templates for phase evolution of spherical extreme mass ratio inspirals 2024 Norichika Sago
Ryuichi Fujita
Hiroyuki Nakano
+ PDF Chat Searching for gravitational wave echoes from black hole binary events in the third observing run of LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA collaborations 2023 Nami Uchikata
Tatsuya Narikawa
Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Hideyuki Tagoshi
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB during the LIGO–Virgo Observing Run O3a 2023 R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
N. Adhikari
R. X. Adhikari
V. B. Adya
C. Affeldt
D. Agarwal
+ Searching for gravitational wave echoes from black hole binary events in the third observing run of LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA collaborations 2023 Nami Uchikata
Tatsuya Narikawa
Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Hideyuki Tagoshi
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Input optics systems of the KAGRA detector during O3GK 2022 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
S. Bae
+ PDF Chat Efficient search method of anomalous reflection by the central object in an extreme mass-ratio inspiral system by future space gravitational wave detectors 2022 Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
+ Prospects for improving the sensitivity of KAGRA gravitational wave detector 2022 Yuta Michimura
Masaki Ando
E. Capocasa
Yutaro Enomoto
R. Flaminio
S. Haino
K. Hayama
Eiichi Hirose
Y. Itoh
Tomoya Kinugawa
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Waveforms from Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals: An Analytical Approach 2022 Soichiro Isoyama
Ryuichi Fujita
Alvin J. K. Chua
Hiroyuki Nakano
Adam Pound
Norichika Sago
+ Efficient search method of anomalous reflection by the central object in an EMRI system by future space gravitational wave detectors 2022 Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run 2021 R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
N. Adhikari
R. X. Adhikari
V. B. Adya
C. Affeldt
D. Agarwal
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic waveforms from extreme-mass-ratio inspirals: an analytical approach 2021 Soichiro Isoyama
Ryuichi Fujita
Alvin J. K. Chua
Hiroyuki Nakano
Adam Pound
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Fundamental Tone and Overtones of Quasinormal Modes in Ringdown Gravitational Waves: A Detailed Study in Black Hole Perturbation 2021 Norichika Sago
Soichiro Isoyama
Hiroyuki Nakano
+ PDF Chat Oscillations in the extreme mass-ratio inspiral gravitational wave phase correction as a probe of a reflective boundary of the central black hole 2021 Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Upper limits on the isotropic gravitational-wave background from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo’s third observing run 2021 R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
S. Abraham
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
A. Adams
C. Adams
R. X. Adhikari
V. B. Adya
C. Affeldt
+ PDF Chat Scope Out Multiband Gravitational-Wave Observations of GW190521-Like Binary Black Holes with Space Gravitational Wave Antenna B-DECIGO 2021 Hiroyuki Nakano
Ryuichi Fujita
Soichiro Isoyama
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Current status of space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO and B-DECIGO 2021 Seiji Kawamura
Masaki Ando
Naoki Seto
Shuichi Sato
Mitsuru Musha
Isao Kawano
Junichi Yokoyama
Takahiro Tanaka
Kunihito Ioka
T. Akutsu
+ PDF Chat Overview of KAGRA: Calibration, detector characterization, physical environmental monitors, and the geophysics interferometer 2021 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
S. Bae
+ Overview of KAGRA: Calibration, detector characterization, physical environmental monitors, and the geophysics interferometer. 2020 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
Koji Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Y. Aso
Sangyoon Bae
+ PDF Chat Overview of KAGRA: Detector design and construction history 2020 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Y. Aso
S. Bae
Y Bae
+ Overview of KAGRA : KAGRA science 2020 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Yasutomo Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
Soungmin Bae
+ PDF Chat Overview of KAGRA: KAGRA science 2020 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
S. Bae
+ PDF Chat Prospects for fundamental physics with LISA 2020 Enrico Barausse
Emanuele Berti
Thomas Hertog
Scott A. Hughes
Philippe Jetzer
Paolo Pani
Thomas P. Sotiriou
Nicola Tamanini
Helvi Witek
Kent Yagi
+ Overview of KAGRA: Detector design and construction history 2020 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Y. Aso
Luca Baiotti
R. Bajpai
+ PDF Chat Application of independent component analysis to the iKAGRA data 2020 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
S. Atsuta
+ PDF Chat An arm length stabilization system for KAGRA and future gravitational-wave detectors 2020 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Y. Aso
S. Bae
+ The status of KAGRA underground cryogenic gravitational wave telescope 2020 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
S. Atsuta
K. Awai
M. A. Barton
K. C. Cannon
+ Current status of space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO and B-DECIGO 2020 Seiji Kawamura
Masaki Ando
Naoki Seto
Shuichi Sato
Mitsuru Musha
Isao Kawano
Junichi Yokoyama
Takahiro Tanaka
Kunihito Ioka
T. Akutsu
+ Gravitational wave echoes induced by a point mass plunging to a black hole 2020 Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Self-force effects on the marginally bound zoom-whirl orbit in Schwarzschild spacetime 2019 Leor Barack
M. Colleoni
Thibault Damour
Soichiro Isoyama
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Searching for black hole echoes from the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1 2019 Nami Uchikata
Hiroyuki Nakano
Tatsuya Narikawa
Norichika Sago
Hideyuki Tagoshi
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat First cryogenic test operation of underground km-scale gravitational-wave observatory KAGRA 2019 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
S. Atsuta
+ PDF Chat Vibration isolation system with a compact damping system for power recycling mirrors of KAGRA 2019 Yusuke Akiyama
T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
+ KAGRA: 2.5 generation interferometric gravitational wave detector 2019 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
S. Atsuta
+ PDF Chat “Flux-balance formulae” for extreme mass-ratio inspirals 2018 Soichiro Isoyama
Ryuichi Fujita
Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Note on accuracy of the post-Newtonian approximation for extreme-mass ratio inspirals: retrograde orbits 2017 Ryuichi Fujita
Norichika Sago
Hiroyuki Nakano
+ PDF Chat Black hole ringdown echoes and howls 2017 Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Hideyuki Tagoshi
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian formulation of the conservative self-force dynamics in the Kerr geometry 2017 Ryuichi Fujita
Soichiro Isoyama
Alexandre Le Tiec
Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
Yuu Niino
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Estimate of the radius responsible for quasinormal modes in the extreme Kerr limit and asymptotic behavior of the Sasaki–Nakamura transformation 2016 Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
Takashi Nakamura
+ PDF Chat Accuracy of the post-Newtonian approximation for extreme mass ratio inspirals from a black-hole perturbation approach 2016 Norichika Sago
Ryuichi Fujita
Hiroyuki Nakano
+ PDF Chat Calculation of radiation reaction effect on orbital parameters in Kerr spacetime 2015 Norichika Sago
Ryuichi Fujita
+ PDF Chat Comparison between self-force and post-Newtonian dynamics: Beyond circular orbits 2015 Sarp Akçay
Alexandre Le Tiec
Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
Niels Warburton
+ PDF Chat Evolution of the Carter constant for resonant inspirals into a Kerr black hole: I. The scalar case 2013 Soichiro Isoyama
Ryuichi Fujita
Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Isofrequency pairing of geodesic orbits in Kerr geometry 2013 Niels Warburton
Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Impact of the second-order self-forces on the dephasing of the gravitational waves from quasicircular extreme mass-ratio inspirals 2013 Soichiro Isoyama
Ryuichi Fujita
Norichika Sago
Hideyuki Tagoshi
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force and the effective-one-body formalism between the innermost stable circular orbit and the light ring 2012 Sarp Akçay
Leor Barack
Thibault Damour
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Evolution of inspiral orbits around a Schwarzschild black hole 2012 Niels Warburton
Sarp Akçay
Leor Barack
Jonathan R. Gair
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Cosmic censorship in overcharging a Reissner-Nordström black hole via charged particle absorption 2011 Soichiro Isoyama
Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Periastron Advance in Black-Hole Binaries 2011 Alexandre Le Tiec
Abdul Mroué
Leor Barack
Alessandra Buonanno
Harald Pfeiffer
Norichika Sago
Andrea Taracchini
+ PDF Chat Beyond the geodesic approximation: Conservative effects of the gravitational self-force in eccentric orbits around a Schwarzschild black hole 2011 Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Precession effect of the gravitational self-force in a Schwarzschild spacetime and the effective one-body formalism 2010 Leor Barack
Thibault Damour
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force on a particle in eccentric orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole 2010 Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Gravitational Self-Force Correction to the Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of a Schwarzschild Black Hole 2009 Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Two approaches for the gravitational self-force in black hole spacetime: Comparison of numerical results 2008 Norichika Sago
Leor Barack
Steven Detweiler
+ PDF Chat Frequency-domain calculation of the self-force: The high-frequency problem and its resolution 2008 Leor Barack
Amos Ori
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Summary of session B3: analytic approximations, perturbation methods and their applications 2008 P. Jaranowski
K. G. Arun
Leor Barack
Luc Blanchet
A. Buonanno
Mariafelicia De Laurentis
Steven Detweiler
H. Dittus
M. Favata
Guillaume Faye
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>m</mml:mi></mml:math>-mode regularization scheme for the self-force in Kerr spacetime 2007 Leor Barack
Darren A. Golbourn
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Evolution of Three 'Constants' of Motion for Greatly Inclined Orbits in Kerr Spacetime 2007 K. Ganz
Wataru Hikida
Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Detecting gravitational waves from inspiraling binaries with a network of detectors: Coherent strategies for correlated detectors 2007 Hideyuki Tagoshi
H. Mukhopadhyay
Sanjeev Dhurandhar
Norichika Sago
Hirotaka Takahashi
Nobuyuki Kanda
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force on a particle in circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole 2007 Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Detecting gravitational waves from inspiraling binaries with a network of detectors: Coherent versus coincident strategies 2006 H. Mukhopadhyay
Norichika Sago
Hideyuki Tagoshi
Sanjeev Dhurandhar
Hirotaka Takahashi
Nobuyuki Kanda
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Evolution of Orbital Parameters in Kerr Spacetime 2006 Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
Wataru Hikida
K. Ganz
Hiroyuki Nakano
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Radiation Reaction to Orbits in Kerr Spacetime 2005 Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
Wataru Hikida
Hiroyuki Nakano
+ PDF Chat A New Analytical Method for Self-Force Regularization. II: -- Testing the Efficiency for Circular Orbits -- 2005 Wataru Hikida
Sanjay Jhingan
Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Misao Sasaki
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Gravitational wave memory of gamma-ray burst jets 2004 Norichika Sago
Kunihito Ioka
Takashi Nakamura
Ryo Yamazaki
+ PDF Chat A New Analytical Method for Self-Force Regularization. I: -- Charged Scalar Particles in Schwarzschild Spacetime -- 2004 Wataru Hikida
Sanjay Jhingan
Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
M. Sasaki
T. Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Gauge problem in the gravitational self-force: First post-Newtonian force in the Regge-Wheeler gauge 2003 Hiroyuki Nakano
Norichika Sago
Misao Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Gauge problem in the gravitational self-force: Harmonic gauge approach in the Schwarzschild background 2003 Norichika Sago
Hiroyuki Nakano
Misao Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Quantum fluctuations in brane-world inflation without an inflaton on the brane 2001 Norichika Sago
Y. Himemoto
Misao Sasaki
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger 2016 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat Gravitational radiation reaction to a particle motion 1997 Yasushi Mino
Misao Sasaki
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Axiomatic approach to electromagnetic and gravitational radiation reaction of particles in curved spacetime 1997 Theodore C. Quinn
Robert M. Wald
+ PDF Chat Self-force via a Green’s function decomposition 2003 Steven Detweiler
B. F. Whiting
+ PDF Chat Calculating the Gravitational Self-Force in Schwarzschild Spacetime 2002 Leor Barack
Yasushi Mino
Hiroyuki Nakano
Amos Ori
Misao Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Advanced Virgo: a second-generation interferometric gravitational wave detector 2014 F. Acernese
M. Agathos
K. Agatsuma
D. Aisa
N. Allemandou
A. Allocca
J Amarni
P. Astone
G. Balestri
G. Ballardin
+ PDF Chat Perturbative approach to an orbital evolution around a supermassive black hole 2003 Yasushi Mino
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force on a particle in circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole 2007 Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force and gauge transformations 2001 Leor Barack
Amos Ori
+ PDF Chat Mode sum regularization approach for the self-force in black hole spacetime 2000 Leor Barack
Amos Ori
+ PDF Chat Perturbations of Schwarzschild black holes in the Lorenz gauge: Formulation and numerical implementation 2005 Leor Barack
C. O. Loustó
+ PDF Chat Transition from inspiral to plunge in binary black hole coalescences 2000 Alessandra Buonanno
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Interferometer design of the KAGRA gravitational wave detector 2013 Y. Aso
Yuta Michimura
K. Somiya
Masaki Ando
O. Miyakawa
T. Sekiguchi
Daisuke Tatsumi
H. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force in a Schwarzschild background and the effective one-body formalism 2010 Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat The Motion of Point Particles in Curved Spacetime 2011 Eric Poisson
Adam Pound
Ian Vega
+ PDF Chat Gravitational Radiation from Post-Newtonian Sources and Inspiralling Compact Binaries 2014 Luc Blanchet
+ PDF Chat Two-timescale analysis of extreme mass ratio inspirals in Kerr spacetime: Orbital motion 2008 Tanja Hinderer
Éanna É. Flanagan
+ PDF Chat Effective one-body approach to general relativistic two-body dynamics 1999 Alessandra Buonanno
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Gravitational Self-Force Correction to the Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of a Schwarzschild Black Hole 2009 Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Consequence of the gravitational self-force for circular orbits of the Schwarzschild geometry 2008 Steven Detweiler
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force on a particle in eccentric orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole 2010 Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Analytic Black Hole Perturbation Approach to Gravitational Radiation 2003 Misao Sasaki
Hideyuki Tagoshi
+ PDF Chat Two approaches for the gravitational self-force in black hole spacetime: Comparison of numerical results 2008 Norichika Sago
Leor Barack
Steven Detweiler
+ PDF Chat LISA capture sources: Approximate waveforms, signal-to-noise ratios, and parameter estimation accuracy 2004 Leor Barack
Curt Cutler
+ PDF Chat An Efficient Numerical Method for Computing Gravitational Waves Induced by a Particle Moving on Eccentric Inclined Orbits around a Kerr Black Hole 2009 Ryuichi Fujita
Wataru Hikida
Hideyuki Tagoshi
+ PDF Chat Construction of KAGRA: an underground gravitational-wave observatory 2017 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
S. Araki
A. Araya
Tsukasa Arima
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
S. Atsuta
K. Awai
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force in extreme mass-ratio inspirals 2009 Leor Barack
+ PDF Chat Gravitational wave snapshots of generic extreme mass ratio inspirals 2006 Steve Drasco
Scott A. Hughes
+ PDF Chat Osculating orbits in Schwarzschild spacetime, with an application to extreme mass-ratio inspirals 2008 Adam Pound
Eric Poisson
+ PDF Chat GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral 2017 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
V. B. Adya
+ PDF Chat Computing the gravitational self-force on a compact object plunging into a Schwarzschild black hole 2002 Leor Barack
C. O. Loustó
+ PDF Chat Periastron Advance in Black-Hole Binaries 2011 Alexandre Le Tiec
Abdul Mroué
Leor Barack
Alessandra Buonanno
Harald Pfeiffer
Norichika Sago
Andrea Taracchini
+ PDF Chat Second-order gravitational self-force 2012 Samuel E. Gralla
+ PDF Chat Precession effect of the gravitational self-force in a Schwarzschild spacetime and the effective one-body formalism 2010 Leor Barack
Thibault Damour
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Gravitational-wave signatures of exotic compact objects and of quantum corrections at the horizon scale 2016 Vítor Cardoso
Seth Hopper
Caio F. B. Macedo
Carlos Palenzuela
Paolo Pani
+ PDF Chat Echoes from the abyss: Tentative evidence for Planck-scale structure at black hole horizons 2017 Jahed Abedi
Hannah Dykaar
Niayesh Afshordi
+ PDF Chat New Numerical Methods to Evaluate Homogeneous Solutions of the Teukolsky Equation 2004 Ryuichi Fujita
Hideyuki Tagoshi
+ PDF Chat Beyond the geodesic approximation: Conservative effects of the gravitational self-force in eccentric orbits around a Schwarzschild black hole 2011 Leor Barack
Norichika Sago
+ PDF Chat Is the Gravitational-Wave Ringdown a Probe of the Event Horizon? 2016 Vítor Cardoso
Edgardo Franzin
Paolo Pani
+ PDF Chat First cryogenic test operation of underground km-scale gravitational-wave observatory KAGRA 2019 T. Akutsu
Masaki Ando
K. Arai
Y. Arai
S. Araki
A. Araya
N. Aritomi
Hideki Asada
Y. Aso
S. Atsuta
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Radiation Reaction to Orbits in Kerr Spacetime 2005 Norichika Sago
Takahiro Tanaka
Wataru Hikida
Hiroyuki Nakano
+ PDF Chat Detector configuration of KAGRA–the Japanese cryogenic gravitational-wave detector 2012 K. Somiya
+ PDF Chat Transient Resonances in the Inspirals of Point Particles into Black Holes 2012 Éanna É. Flanagan
Tanja Hinderer
+ PDF Chat Characterization of the LIGO detectors during their sixth science run 2015 J. Aasi
J. Abadie
B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
T. Accadia
F. Acernese
C. Adams
T. Adams
+ PDF Chat Second-Order Gravitational Self-Force 2012 Adam Pound
+ PDF Chat The Motion of Point Particles in Curved Spacetime 2004 Eric Poisson
+ PDF Chat Chapter 1. Black Hole Perturbation 1997 Yasushi Mino
Misao Sasaki
Masaru Shibata
Hideyuki Tagoshi
Takahiro Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Self-Force in the Radiation Reaction Formula: -- Adiabatic Approximation of a Metric Perturbation and an Orbit -- 2005 Y. Mino
+ PDF Chat Post-Newtonian and numerical calculations of the gravitational self-force for circular orbits in the Schwarzschild geometry 2010 Luc Blanchet
Steven Detweiler
Alexandre Le Tiec
B. F. Whiting
+ High-order post-Newtonian fit of the gravitational self-force for circular orbits in the Schwarzschild geometry 2010 Luc Blanchet
Steven Detweiler
Alexandre Le Tiec
B. F. Whiting