Яков Григорьевич Синай


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Lecture 14. Periodic Hyperbolic Points, Their Stable and Unstable Manifolds. Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Orbits 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 5. General Properties of Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues of Ergodic Automorphisms. Isomorphism of Dynamical Systems with Pure Point Spectrum 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 9. Continued Fractions and Farey Fractions 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 2. Lebesgue Spaces and Measurable Partitions. Ergodicity and Decomposition into Ergodic Components. Spectrum of Interval Exchange Transformations 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 11. Sharkovski's Ordering and Feigenbaum's Universality 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 7. Breiman Theorem. Pinsker Partition. K-Systems. Exact Endomorphisms. Gibbs Measures 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 10. Homeomorphisms and Diffeomorphisms of the Circle 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 6. Entropy Theory of Dynamical Systems 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 1. Measurable Transformations. Invariant Measures. Ergodic Theorems 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 3. Isomorphism of Dynamical Systems. Generators of Dynamical Systems 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 13. Standard Map. Twist Maps. Periodic Orbits. Aubry-Mather Theory 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 18. Markov Partitions. H-Theorem for Dynamical Systems. Elements of Thermodynamic Formalism 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Lecture 16. Geodesic Flows and Their Generalizations. Discontinuous Dynamical Systems. Stable and Unstable Manifolds 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ Topics in Ergodic Theory (PMS-44) 2017 Яков Григорьевич Синай
+ PDF Chat Ромен Васильевич Плыкин (некролог) 2011 Дмитрий Викторович Аносов
D. V. Anosov
Михаил Я Антоновский
Mikhail Ya Antonovskii
Виктор Матвеевич Бухштабер
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
Вячеслав Зигмундович Гринес
В. З. Гринес
Алексей Юрьевич Жиров
Aleksei Yur'evich Zhirov
+ PDF Chat Предельная теорема для тригонометрических сумм. Теория завитков 2008 Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat Диаграммный подход к 3D-системе Навье - Стокса 2005 Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat О решениях с бесконечной энергией и энстрофией системы Навье - Стокса 2004 Юрий Юрьевич Бахтин
Yuri Bakhtin
E. I. Dinaburg
E. I. Dinaburg
Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat Динамика массивного поршня, погруженного в идеальный газ 2002 N. Chernov
N. Chernov
Д Л Лебовиц
Joel L. Lebowitz
Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat Новые результаты в математической и статистической гидродинамике 2000 И Вейнан
E Weinan
Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat Аномальный перенос в почти-периодических средах 1999 Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat Уточнение полукругового закона Вигнера в окрестности края спектра для случайных симметричных матриц 1998 Яков Григорьевич Синай
Yakov G. Sinai
Александр Борисович Сошников
Александр Борисович Сошников
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the regularity of the bilinear term for solutions to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations 2000 Marco Cannone
Fabrice Planchon
+ StrongL p -solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation inR m , with applications to weak solutions 1984 Tosio Kato
+ Stochastic Dissipative PDE's and Gibbs Measures 2000 Sergei Kuksin
Armen Shirikyan
+ Stochastic cascades and 3-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations 1997 Y. Le Jan
A. S. Sznitman
+ PDF Chat Anomalous Scaling of the Passive Scalar 1995 Krzysztof Gawędzki
A. Kupiainen
+ PDF Chat From the adiabatic piston to macroscopic motion induced by fluctuations 1999 J. Piasecki
C. Gruber
+ PDF Chat The approximate functional formula for the theta function and Diophantine Gauss sums 1998 Evangelos A. Coutsias
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Stationary motion of the adiabatic piston 1999 C. Gruber
J. Piasecki
+ Existence and Uniqueness of Stationary Solutions for 3D Navier–Stokes System with Small Random Forcing via Stochastic Cascades 2006 Yuri Bakhtin
+ PDF Chat Localization for a class of one dimensional quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators 1990 Jürg Fröhlich
Thomas Spencer
Peter Wittwer
+ Infinite invariant measures for non-uniformly expanding transformations of [0,1]: weak law of large numbers with anomalous scaling 1996 Massimo Campanino
Stefano Isola
+ Ergodicity of the 2D Navier--Stokes Equations¶with Random Forcing 2001 Jean Bricmont
A. Kupiainen
R. Lefevere
+ Existence of quasi-periodic orbits for twist homeomorphisms of the annulus 1982 John N. Mather
+ ON HYPERBOLIC ATTRACTORS OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS (The non-orientable case) 1980 Romen V Plykin
+ Ergodicity of Billiard Flows and Quadratic Differentials 1986 Steven P. Kerckhoff
Howard Masur
John Smillie
+ Coupling approach to white-forced nonlinear PDEs 2002 Sergei Kuksin
Armen Shirikyan
+ The Approximate Functional Formula for the Theta Function 1927 J. R. Wilton
+ Über Summen, die mit den elliptischen ϑ-Funktionen zusammenhängen 1922 J. G. van der Corput
+ PDF Chat Generalized variational principles, global weak solutions and behavior with random initial data for systems of conservation laws arising in adhesion particle dynamics 1996 E Weinan
Yuri Germanovich Rykov
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ PDF Chat Normal and anomalous scaling of the fourth-order correlation function of a randomly advected passive scalar 1995 Michael Chertkov
Gregory Falkovich
I. V. Kolokolov
В. В. Лебедев
+ The structure of the centralizers of Anosov diffeomorphisms of the torus 1998 Romen V Plykin
+ PDF Chat The Concave Majorant of Brownian Motion 1983 Piet Groeneboom
+ PDF Chat Renewal-type limit theorem for continued fractions with even partial quotients 2009 Francesco Cellarosi
+ On smoothed density of states for Wigner random matrices 1997 A. Khorunzhy
+ PDF Chat The Strong Limits of Random Matrix Spectra for Sample Matrices of Independent Elements 1978 Kenneth W. Wachter
+ Renormalisation of curlicues 1988 Michael Berry
Jack Goldberg
+ On the geometry of hyperbolic attractors of smooth cascades 1984 Romen V Plykin
+ Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws II 1957 Peter D. Lax
+ PDF Chat On the adiabatic properties of a stochastic adiabatic wall: Evolution, stationary non-equilibrium, and equilibrium states 1999 C. Gruber
L. Frachebourg
+ PDF Chat Floquet solutions for the 1-dimensional quasi-periodic Schrödinger equation 1992 L. H. Eliasson
+ Ergodicity of 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with¶Random Forcing and Large Viscosity 1999 Jonathan C. Mattingly
+ Two results concerning asymptotic behavior of solutions of the Burgers equation with force 1991 Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ PDF Chat Some problems of diophantine approximation: Part II. The trigonometrical series associated with the elliptic ϑ-functions 1914 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ PDF Chat Geometrical and dynamical properties of Lorenz type system 2005 Natal'ya Eduardovna Klinshpont
Евгений Анатольевич Сатаев
Romen V Plykin
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rate of Expected Spectral Distributions of Large Random Matrices. Part I. Wigner Matrices 1993 Zhidong Bai
+ Exact upper bounds for the number of one-dimensional basic sets of surfaceA-diffeomorphisms 1997 S Kh Aranson
Romen V Plykin
A. Yu. Zhirov
Е. В. Жужома
+ Ergodic results for stochastic navier-stokes equation 1997 Benedetta Ferrario
+ On the Distribution of the First Positive Sum for a Sequence of Independent Random Variables 1957 Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ Asymptotic Theory for the Probability Density Functions in Burgers Turbulence 1999 E Weinan
Eric Vanden Eijnden
+ Central limit theorem for traces of large random symmetric matrices with independent matrix elements 1998 Ya. G. Sinaĭ
Alexander Soshnikov
+ The Approximate Functional Formula for the Theta Function 1926 L. J. Mordell
+ PDF Chat On recent progress for the stochastic Navier Stokes equations 2003 Jonathan C. Mattingly
+ Disorder, renormalizability, theta functions and Cornu spirals 1987 Evangelos A. Coutsias
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ On the problem of topological classification of strange attractors of dynamical systems 2002 Romen V Plykin
+ PDF Chat Statistically Stationary Solutions to the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations do not show Singularities 2001 Franco Flandoli
Marco Romito
+ The partial differential equation u<sub>t</sub> + uu<sub>x</sub> = μ<sub>xx</sub> 1950 Eberhard Hopf
+ On the relationship between one-dimensional hyperbolic attractors of surface diffeomorphisms and generalized pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms 1995 A. Yu. Zhirov
Romen V Plykin
+ Nonstationary flows of viscous and ideal fluids in R3 1972 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Generalized flows, intrinsic stochasticity, and turbulent transport 2000 E Weinan
Eric Vanden Eijnden