Xiao-Yong Jin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Neural Network Gauge Field Transformation for 4D SU(3) gauge fields 2024 Xiao-Yong Jin
+ Light scalar meson and decay constant in SU(3) gauge theory with eight dynamical flavors 2024 R. C. Brower
Evan K. Owen
C. Rebbi
Chris Culver
David Schaich
K. K. Cushman
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
Ethan T. Neil
+ PDF Chat Neural Network Gauge Field Transformation for 4D SU(3) gauge fields 2024 Xiao-Yong Jin
+ MLMC: Machine Learning Monte Carlo for Lattice Gauge Theory 2023 Sam Foreman
Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Hidden conformal symmetry from the lattice 2023 Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
K. K. Cushman
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
James Ingoldby
Xiao-Yong Jin
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Moving from continuous to discrete symmetry in the 2D XY model 2023 Nouman Butt
Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
Zain H. Saleem
+ Cross-Frequency Time Series Meta-Forecasting 2023 Mike Van Ness
Huibin Shen
Hao Wang
Xiao-Yong Jin
Danielle C. Maddix
Karthick Gopalswamy
+ Hidden Conformal Symmetry from the Lattice 2023 L Collaboration
Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
K. K. Cushman
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
James Ingoldby
Xiao-Yong Jin
Ethan T. Neil
+ Light Scalar Meson and Decay Constant in SU(3) Gauge Theory with Eight Dynamical Flavors 2023 Lattice Strong Dynamics Collaboration
R. C. Brower
E B Owen
C. Rebbi
Christopher Culver
David Schaich
K. K. Cushman
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
+ Stealth dark matter spectrum using LapH and Irreps 2023 Richard C. Brower
Christopher Culver
K. K. Cushman
George Fleming
Anna Hasenfratz
Dean Howarth
James Ingoldby
Xiao-Yong Jin
Graham D. Kribs
Aaron S. Meyer
+ MLMC: Machine Learning Monte Carlo for Lattice Gauge Theory 2023 Sam Foreman
Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Snowmass 2021 Computational Frontier CompF03 Topical Group Report: Machine Learning 2022 Phiala E. Shanahan
K. Terao
Daniel Whiteson
Gert Aarts
Andreas Adelmann
N. Akchurin
Andrei Alexandru
O. Amram
Anders Andreassen
A. Apresyan
+ PDF Chat Neural Network Field Transformation and Its Application in HMC 2022 Xiao-Yong Jin
+ PDF Chat LeapfrogLayers: A Trainable Framework for Effective Topological Sampling 2022 Sam Foreman
Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Goldstone boson scattering with a light composite scalar 2022 Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
K. K. Cushman
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
James Ingoldby
Xiao-Yong Jin
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
+ Applications of Machine Learning to Lattice Quantum Field Theory 2022 Denis Boyda
Salvatore Calì
Sam Foreman
Lena Funcke
Daniel C. Hackett
Lin Yin
Gert Aarts
Andrei Alexandru
Xiao-Yong Jin
Biagio Lucini
+ Moving from continuous to discrete symmetry in the 2D XY model 2022 Nouman Butt
Xiao-Yong Jin
James C Osborn
Zain H. Saleem
+ Neural Network Field Transformation and Its Application in HMC 2022 Xiao-Yong Jin
+ First De-Trend then Attend: Rethinking Attention for Time-Series Forecasting 2022 Xiyuan Zhang
Xiao-Yong Jin
Karthick Gopalswamy
Gaurav Gupta
Youngsuk Park
Xingjian Shi
Hao Wang
Danielle C. Maddix
Yuyang Wang
+ PDF Chat Stealth dark matter confinement transition and gravitational waves 2021 R. C. Brower
K. K. Cushman
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
Xiao-Yong Jin
Graham D. Kribs
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
+ PDF Chat Near-conformal dynamics in a chirally broken system 2021 Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
K. K. Cushman
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
Xiao-Yong Jin
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
+ Deep Learning Hamiltonian Monte Carlo 2021 Sam Foreman
Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ HMC with Normalizing Flows 2021 Sam Foreman
Taku Izubuchi
Luchang Jin
Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
Akio Tomiya
+ LeapfrogLayers: A Trainable Framework for Effective Topological Sampling 2021 Sam Foreman
Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat HULK: An Energy Efficiency Benchmark Platform for Responsible Natural Language Processing 2020 Xiyou Zhou
Zhiyu Chen
Xiao-Yong Jin
William Yang Wang
+ PDF Chat Ensemble Quasi-Newton HMC 2019 Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative investigations of SU(3) gauge theory with eight dynamical flavors 2019 Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
Xiao-Yong Jin
E. T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
Enrico Rinaldi
+ Ensemble Quasi-Newton HMC 2019 Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Critical point phase transition for finite temperature 3-flavor QCD with nonperturbatively <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">O</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math> improved Wilson fermions at <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">t</mml:mi></mml… 2017 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ PDF Chat QEX: a framework for lattice field theories 2017 Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ Continuum extrapolation of critical point for finite temperature QCD with Nf=3 2017 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ PDF Chat QEX: a framework for lattice field theories 2016 Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Strongly interacting dynamics and the search for new physics at the LHC 2016 Thomas Appelquist
R. C. Brower
George Fleming
Anna Hasenfratz
Xiao-Yong Jin
Joe Kiskis
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
Enrico Rinaldi
+ Update on Nf=3 finite temperature QCD phase structure with Wilson-Clover fermion action 2016 Shinji Takeda
Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
A. Ukawa
+ QEX: a framework for lattice field theories 2016 Xiao-Yong Jin
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Curvature of the critical line on the plane of quark chemical potential and pseudoscalar meson mass for three-flavor QCD 2015 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ PDF Chat Stealth dark matter: Dark scalar baryons through the Higgs portal 2015 Thomas Appelquist
R. C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
George Fleming
Xiao-Yong Jin
Joe Kiskis
Graham D. Kribs
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
+ PDF Chat Detecting Stealth Dark Matter Directly through Electromagnetic Polarizability 2015 Thomas Appelquist
Evan Berkowitz
R. C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
George Fleming
Xiao-Yong Jin
Joe Kiskis
Graham D. Kribs
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat Scalar correlators near the 3-flavor thermal critical point 2015 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ PDF Chat Critical endpoint of the finite temperature phase transition for three flavor QCD 2015 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ Phase structure of $N_{\rm f}=3$ QCD at finite temperature and density by Wilson-Clover fermions 2015 Shinji Takeda
Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
A. Ukawa
+ Scalar correlators near the 3-flavor thermal critical point 2015 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ PDF Chat Zeros of QCD partition function from finite density lattices 2014 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ PDF Chat Lattice QCD with 12 Quark Flavors: A Careful Scrutiny 2014 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
+ Critical end point of Nf=3 QCD at finite temperature and density 2014 Shinji Takeda
Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
A. Ukawa
+ PDF Chat Finite size scaling study of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">f</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo mathvariant="bold">=</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:math>finite density QCD on the lattice 2013 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ Zeros of QCD partition function from finite density lattices 2013 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ PDF Chat Finite size scaling for 4-flavor QCD with finite chemical potential 2012 Shinji Takeda
Y. Kuramashi
A. Ukawa
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Xiao-Yong Jin
+ PDF Chat Lattice QCD with 12 Degenerate Quark Flavors 2012 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
+ Finite size scaling for 4-flavor QCD with finite chemical potential 2012 Shinji Takeda
Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
A. Ukawa
+ Lattice QCD with 12 Degenerate Quark Flavors 2012 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
+ Quantum Chromodynamics with Eight and Twelve Degenerate Quark Flavors on the Lattice 2011 Xiao-Yong Jin
+ PDF Chat Evidence for a First Order, Finite Temperature Phase Transition in 8 Flavor QCD 2011 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
+ PDF Chat Continuum limit physics from<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>flavor domain wall QCD 2011 Yasumichi Aoki
Rudy Arthur
Tom Blum
P. A. Boyle
Dirk Brömmel
Norman H. Christ
C. Dawson
J. M. Flynn
Taku Izubuchi
Xiao-Yong Jin
+ PDF Chat Lattice QCD with 8 and 12 degenerate quark flavors 2010 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
+ Evidence for a First Order, Finite Temperature Phase Transition in 8 Flavor QCD 2010 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
+ Lattice QCD with 8 and 12 degenerate quark flavors 2009 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
+ Lattice QCD with Eight Degenerate Quark Flavors 2008 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
+ Lattice QCD with Eight Degenerate Quark Flavors 2008 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative investigations of SU(3) gauge theory with eight dynamical flavors 2019 Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
Xiao-Yong Jin
E. T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
Enrico Rinaldi
+ PDF Chat Properties and uses of the Wilson flow in lattice QCD 2010 Martin Lüscher
+ PDF Chat Lattice QCD with eight Hght-quark flavors 1992 Frank R. Brown
Hong Chen
Norman H. Christ
Zhihua Dong
Robert D. Mawhinney
Wendy Schaffer
A. Vaccarino
+ PDF Chat Phase of quark determinant in lattice QCD with finite chemical potential 2012 Shinji Takeda
Y. Kuramashi
A. Ukawa
+ Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC 2012 G. Aad
T. Abajyan
B. Abbott
J. Abdallah
S. Abdel Khalek
A. A. Abdelalim
O. Abdinov
R. Aben
B. Abi
M. Abolins
+ PDF Chat Phase structure of lattice QCD at finite temperature for 2+1 flavors of Kogut-Susskind quarks 1999 Sinya Aoki
M. Fukugita
S. Hashimoto
K-I. Ishikawa
N. Ishizuka
Y. Iwasaki
K. Kanaya
T. Kaneda
S. Kaya
Y. Kuramashi
+ PDF Chat Lattice simulations and infrared conformality 2011 Thomas Appelquist
George Fleming
Meifeng Lin
E. T. Neil
David Schaich
+ PDF Chat Review on Composite Higgs Models 2019 Oliver Witzel
+ PDF Chat Light flavor-singlet scalars and walking signals in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:math> QCD on the lattice 2017 Yasumichi Aoki
Tatsumi Aoyama
Ed Bennett
Masafumi Kurachi
Toshihide Maskawa
Kohtaroh Miura
Kei-ichi Nagai
Hiroshi Ohki
Enrico Rinaldi
Akihiro Shibata
+ PDF Chat Low-energy effective action for pions and a dilatonic meson 2016 Maarten Golterman
Yigal Shamir
+ PDF Chat Winding expansion techniques for lattice QCD with chemical potential 2008 Julia Danzer
Christof Gattringer
+ PDF Chat Critical endpoint of the finite temperature phase transition for three flavor QCD 2015 Xiao-Yong Jin
Y. Kuramashi
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Shinji Takeda
A. Ukawa
+ Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC 2012 S. Chatrchyan
V. Khachatryan
A. M. Sirunyan
A. Tumasyan
W. Adam
E. Aguiló
T. Bergauer
M. Dragicevic
J. Erö
C. Fabjan
+ PDF Chat Strongly interacting dynamics and the search for new physics at the LHC 2016 Thomas Appelquist
R. C. Brower
George Fleming
Anna Hasenfratz
Xiao-Yong Jin
Joe Kiskis
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
Enrico Rinaldi
+ PDF Chat Accelerating Dynamical-Fermion Computations Using the Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm with Multiple Pseudofermion Fields 2007 M. A. Clark
A.D. Kennedy
+ Symplectic analytically integrable decomposition algorithms: classification, derivation, and application to molecular dynamics, quantum and celestial mechanics simulations 2003 I. P. Omelyan
I. M. Mryglod
R. Folk
+ PDF Chat Sampling using<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>SU</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>gauge equivariant flows 2021 Denis Boyda
Gurtej Kanwar
Sébastien Racanière
Danilo Jimenez Rezende
Michael S. Albergo
K. Cranmer
Daniel C. Hackett
Phiala E. Shanahan
+ PDF Chat Novel phase in SU(3) lattice gauge theory with 12 light fermions 2012 Anqi Cheng
Anna Hasenfratz
David Schaich
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>O</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>improvement of the Wilson quark action with the renormalization-group-improved gauge action using the Schrödinger functional method 2006 Sinya Aoki
M. Fukugita
S. Hashimoto
K-I. Ishikawa
N. Ishizuka
Y. Iwasaki
K. Kanaya
T. Kaneko
Y. Kuramashi
M. Okawa
+ New Monte Carlo technique for studying phase transitions 1988 Alan M. Ferrenberg
Robert H. Swendsen
+ PDF Chat Light Composite Scalar in Twelve-Flavor QCD on the Lattice 2013 Yasumichi Aoki
Tatsumi Aoyama
Masafumi Kurachi
Toshihide Maskawa
Kei-ichi Nagai
Hiroshi Ohki
Enrico Rinaldi
Akihiro Shibata
Koichi Yamawaki
Takeshi Yamazaki
+ PDF Chat Nearly Conformal Composite Higgs Model 2021 Thomas Appelquist
James Ingoldby
Maurizio Piai
+ PDF Chat The twelve-flavor β-function and dilaton tests of the sextet scalar 2018 Zoltán Fodor
Kieran Holland
Julius Kuti
Dániel Nógrádi
Chik Him Wong
+ PDF Chat Scaling relations for the entire spectrum in mass-deformed conformal gauge theories 2011 Luigi Del Debbio
Roman Zwicky
+ PDF Chat Bayesian model averaging for analysis of lattice field theory results 2021 William I. Jay
Ethan T. Neil
+ PDF Chat Composite Higgs model at a conformal fixed point 2016 Richard C. Brower
Anna Hasenfratz
C. Rebbi
Evan Weinberg
Oliver Witzel
+ PDF Chat Application of dilaton chiral perturbation theory to <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:math> , SU(3) spectral data 2020 Maarten Golterman
Ethan T. Neil
Yigal Shamir
+ PDF Chat Sigma-assisted low scale composite Goldstone–Higgs 2020 Diogo Buarque Franzosi
Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Aldo Deandrea
+ PDF Chat Near-conformal dynamics in a chirally broken system 2021 Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
K. K. Cushman
George Fleming
Andrew Gasbarro
Anna Hasenfratz
Xiao-Yong Jin
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
C. Rebbi
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative β function of eight-flavor SU(3) gauge theory 2015 Anna Hasenfratz
David Schaich
Aarti Veernala
+ Lattice QCD with Eight Degenerate Quark Flavors 2008 Xiao-Yong Jin
Robert D. Mawhinney
+ PDF Chat QCD and the chiral critical point 1994 Sean Gavin
Andreas Gocksch
Robert D. Pisarski
+ PDF Chat The physics of eight flavours 2008 Albert Deuzeman
Maria Paola Lombardo
Elisabetta Pallante
+ PDF Chat Lattice calculation of composite dark matter form factors 2013 Thomas Appelquist
Richard C. Brower
Michael I. Buchoff
M. Cheng
Saul D. Cohen
George Fleming
Joe Kiskis
Meifeng Lin
Ethan T. Neil
James C. Osborn
+ PDF Chat HMC algorithm with multiple time scale integration and mass preconditioning 2005 Carsten Urbach
K. Jansen
A. Shindler
Urs Wenger
+ PDF Chat Large-mass regime of the dilaton-pion low-energy effective theory 2018 Maarten Golterman
Yigal Shamir
+ PDF Chat Testing and tuning symplectic integrators for the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm in lattice QCD 2006 Tetsuya Takaishi
Philippe de Forcrand
+ PDF Chat Lattice Study of the Conformal Window in QCD-like Theories 2008 Thomas Appelquist
George Fleming
Ethan T. Neil
+ PDF Chat Dilaton potential and lattice data 2020 Thomas Appelquist
James Ingoldby
Maurizio Piai
+ PDF Chat Lattice tests of beyond standard model dynamics 2016 Thomas DeGrand
+ PDF Chat Hyperscaling relations in mass-deformed conformal gauge theories 2010 Luigi Del Debbio
Roman Zwicky
+ PDF Chat The chiral critical line of<i>N</i><sub><i>f</i></sub>= 2+1 QCD at zero and non-zero baryon density 2007 Philippe de Forcrand
Owe Philipsen
+ The chiral critical point in 3-flavour QCD 2001 F. Karsch
E. Laermann
Christian Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Scheme-independent series expansions at an infrared zero of the beta function in asymptotically free gauge theories 2016 Thomas A. Ryttov
Robert Shrock
+ Large scale separation and hadronic resonances from a new strongly interacting sector 2017 Anna Hasenfratz
C. Rebbi
Oliver Witzel
+ PDF Chat Dilaton Chiral Perturbation Theory: Determining the Mass and Decay Constant of the Technidilaton on the Lattice 2014 Shinya Matsuzaki
Koichi Yamawaki
+ PDF Chat Infrared regime of SU(2) with one adjoint Dirac flavor 2015 Andreas Athenodorou
Ed Bennett
Georg Bergner
Biagio Lucini
+ PDF Chat Lattice study of conformal behavior in SU(3) Yang-Mills theories 2009 Thomas Appelquist
George Fleming
Ethan T. Neil
+ PDF Chat Finite size scaling of conformal theories in the presence of a near-marginal operator 2014 Anqi Cheng
Anna Hasenfratz
Yuzhi Liu
Gregory Petropoulos
David Schaich
+ PDF Chat Higher-order scheme-independent series expansions of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>IR</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>β</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:… 2017 Thomas A. Ryttov
Robert Shrock