А. В. Иванов


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On uniform strong LLN for weighted Lévy-driven linear process and its application to statistical inference 2025 А. В. Иванов
Viktor Hladun
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic normality of the LSE for chirp signal parameters 2024 А. В. Иванов
Viktor Hladun
+ On the least squares estimator asymptotic normality of the multivariate symmetric textured surface parameters 2021 А. В. Иванов
I. Savych
+ Asymptotic properties of periodogram estimators in the trigonometric model for observations on the plane 2021 А. В. Иванов
Oleksandr Lymar
+ PDF Chat Консистентнiсть оцiнки найменших квадратiв параметрiв тригонометричної моделi регресiї у присутностi лiнiйного випадкового шуму 2020 А. В. Иванов
О. В. Митрофанова
+ The asymptotic normality for the least squares estimator of parameters in a two dimensional sinusoidal model of observations 2020 А. В. Иванов
Oleksandr Lymar
+ Minimax estimators of parameters of a regression model 2020 А. В. Иванов
І. К. Мацак
+ PDF Chat On the Whittle estimator for linear random noise spectral density parameter in continuous-time nonlinear regression models 2019 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
I. V. Orlovskyi
+ PDF Chat Large deviations of regression parameter estimator in continuous-time models with sub-Gaussian noise 2018 А. В. Иванов
I. V. Orlovskyi
+ PDF Chat Consistency of Konker-Bassett estimators in linear regression model 2018 А. В. Иванов
N. Kaptur
I. Savych
+ Asymptotic Properties of the M-Estimates of Parameters in a Nonlinear Regression Model with Discrete Time and Singular Spectrum 2017 А. В. Иванов
I. V. Orlovskyi
+ Asymptotic properties of $M$-estimators of parameters of a nonlinear regression model with a random noise whose spectrum is singular 2017 А. В. Иванов
I. V. Orlovskyi
+ PDF Chat Detecting hidden periodicities for models with cyclical errors 2016 María Pilar Frías
А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
Francisco Martínez
M. D. Ruiz‐Medina
+ PDF Chat Extreme residuals in regression model. Minimax approach 2015 А. В. Иванов
І. К. Мацак
Sergiy Polots’kiy
+ Stochastic asymptotic expansion of correlogram estimator of the correlation function of random noise in nonlinear regression model 2015 А. В. Иванов
Катерина Костянтинівна Москвичова
+ Linear Time‐Delay Systems 2015 A.V. Kim
А. В. Иванов
+ Numerical Methods 2015 A.V. Kim
А. В. Иванов
+ Detecting hidden periodicities for models with cyclical errors 2015 María Pilar Frías
А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
Francisco Martínez
M. D. Ruiz‐Medina
+ Detecting hidden periodicities for models with cyclical errors 2015 María Pilar Frías
А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
Francisco Martínez
M. D. Ruiz‐Medina
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for extremal residuals in a regression model with heavy tails of observation errors 2014 А. В. Иванов
І. К. Мацак
+ PDF Chat Estimation of harmonic component in regression with cyclically dependent errors 2014 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
M. D. Ruiz‐Medina
B.M. Zhurakovsky
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for the maximal residuals in linear and nonlinear regression models 2013 А. В. Иванов
І. К. Мацак
+ Limit theorems for weighted nonlinear transformations of Gaussian stationary processes with singular spectra 2013 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
M. D. Ruiz‐Medina
Irina N. Savich
+ Estimation of harmonic component in regression with cyclically dependent errors 2013 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
M. D. Ruiz‐Medina
B.M. Zhurakovsky
+ On the asymptotic distribution of the Koenker–Bassett estimator for a parameter of the nonlinear model of regression with strongly dependent noise 2012 А. В. Иванов
I. Savych
+ Asymptotic Properties of Koenker–Bassett Estimator in Regression Model with Long-Range Dependence 2011 А. В. Иванов
Irina N. Savich
+ PDF Chat Consistency of the least squares estimator of the amplitudes and angular frequencies of a sum of harmonic oscillations in models with long-range dependence 2010 А. В. Иванов
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic normality of $L_p$-estimators in nonlinear regression models with weak dependence 2009 А. В. Иванов
I. V. Orlovskiĭ
+ Robust Estimators in Non-linear Regression Models with Long-Range Dependence 2008 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
+ Asymptotic normality of M-estimates in the classical nonlinear regression model 2008 А. В. Иванов
I. V. Orlovskyi
+ Saddlepoint Expansions in Linear Regression 2002 А. В. Иванов
Silvelyn Zwanzig
+ A Saddlepoint approximation for the residual sum of squares in heteroscedastic linear regression 2002 А. В. Иванов
Silvelyn Zwanzig
+ Asymptotic expansions in propagation of chaos for Boltzmann type equations 1999 А. В. Иванов
В. В. Некруткин
N. I. Tur
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Theory of Nonlinear Regression 1999 Arnold J. Stromberg
Mai Zhou
А. В. Иванов
+ Existence and uniqueness of energy weak solutions to boundary and obstacle problems for quasilinear elliptic-parabolic equations 1999 А. В. Иванов
José Francisco Rodrigues
+ Hyper-sparsity of the density matrix in a wavelet representation 1998 Stefan Goedecker
А. В. Иванов
+ Geometric Properties of Asymptotic Expansions 1997 А. В. Иванов
+ Asymptotic Expansions Related to the Least Squares Estimator 1997 А. В. Иванов
+ Saddlepoint approximation in nonlinear regression 1996 А. В. Иванов
Silvelyn Zwanzig
+ Asymptotic expansions associated with the jackknife functional. II 1995 T. A. Bardadym
А. В. Иванов
+ Asymptotic expansions associated with the jackknife functional. I 1995 T. A. Bardadym
А. В. Иванов
+ Decomposable statistics in inverse urn problems 1995 G. I. Ivchenko
А. В. Иванов
+ Asymptotic expansions associated with the variance estimator of the normal observation error in nonlinear regression 1992 Yu. D. Grigor'ev
А. В. Иванов
+ Asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the dispersion of the observation error in a nonlinear regression model 1991 L. S. Ivanitskaya
А. В. Иванов
+ Elements of the Theory of Random Fields 1989 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
+ Limit Theorems for Functionals of Gaussian Fields 1989 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
+ Normal approximation of the distribution of the optimum point in the data processing problem by the method of least moduli 1986 A. V. Borshchevskii
А. В. Иванов
+ Consistency and asymptotic normality of least absolute value estimates 1985 А. В. Иванов
+ An asymptotic expansion of the least squares estimator of a nonlinear regression vector parameter. 1982 А. В. Иванов
Silvelyn Zwanzig
+ An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the least squares estimator of a vector parameter in nonlinear regression 1981 А. В. Иванов
Silvelyn Zwanzig
+ Properties of nonlinear regression estimators 1980 А. В. Иванов
O. M. Kozlov
+ Convergence of distributions of functionals of measurable random fields 1980 А. В. Иванов
+ An Asymptotic Expansion for the Distribution of the Least Squares Estimator of the Non-Linear Regression Parameter 1977 А. В. Иванов
+ The Berry-Esseen inequality for the distribution of the least square estimate 1976 А. В. Иванов
+ Validity of least-squares estimate in two nonparametric regression models 1976 А. В. Иванов
+ Calculating estimates of a parameter which nonlinearly enters a regression function 1975 А. В. Иванов
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Theory of Nonlinear Regression 1999 Arnold J. Stromberg
Mai Zhou
А. В. Иванов
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Random Processes. 1979 W. D. Ray
И. А. Ибрагимов
Yu. A. Rozanov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Properties of Non-Linear Least Squares Estimators 1969 Robert I. Jennrich
+ On the measurability and consistency of minimum contrast estimates 1969 J. Pfanzagl
+ Normal Approximation and Asymptotic Expansions 1977 Marius Iosifescu
R. N. Bhattacharya
R. Ranga Rao
+ Statistical Analysis of Stationary Time Series. 1958 G. M. Jenkins
Ulf Grenander
Meg A. Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat Estimation of harmonic component in regression with cyclically dependent errors 2014 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
M. D. Ruiz‐Medina
B.M. Zhurakovsky
+ PDF Chat Consistency of the least squares estimator of the amplitudes and angular frequencies of a sum of harmonic oscillations in models with long-range dependence 2010 А. В. Иванов
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ Regression Quantiles and Related Processes Under Long Range Dependent Errors 1994 Hira L. Koul
K. Mukherjee
+ Convergence of Probability Measures 1969 J. F. C. Kingmán
P. Billingsley
+ Asymptotics of M-estimators in non-linear regression with long-range dependent errors 1996 Hira L. Koul
+ M-estimators in linear models with long range dependent errors 1992 Hira L. Koul
Richard T. Baillie
Донатас Сургайлис
+ Limit theorems for weighted nonlinear transformations of Gaussian stationary processes with singular spectra 2013 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
M. D. Ruiz‐Medina
Irina N. Savich
+ The Asymptotic Theory of Extreme Order Statistics 1990 John E. Angus
János Galambos
+ The asymptotic theory of linear time-series models 1973 E. J. Hannan
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic expansion of M-estimators with long-memory errors 1997 Hira L. Koul
Донатас Сургайлис
+ Sur La Distribution Limite Du Terme Maximum D'Une Serie Aleatoire 1943 B Gnedenko
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for the maximal residuals in linear and nonlinear regression models 2013 А. В. Иванов
І. К. Мацак
+ Robust Statistics 1981 Peter J. Huber
+ Estimation of Hidden Frequencies for 2D Stationary Processes 2001 Hao Zhang
V. Mandrekar
+ The behavior of maximum likelihood estimates under nonstandard conditions 1967 Peter J. Huber
+ PDF Chat Time series regression with long-range dependence 1997 Peter M. Robinson
Francisco J. Hidalgo
+ Robust Estimators in Non-linear Regression Models with Long-Range Dependence 2008 А. В. Иванов
Nikolai Leonenko
+ Estimation of the dependence parameter in linear regression with long-range-dependent errors 1997 Liudas Giraitis
Hira L. Koul
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorems for sequences of multiple stochastic integrals 2005 David Nualart
Giovanni Peccati
+ PDF Chat A Central Limit Theorem for the Renormalized Self-Intersection Local Time of a Stationary Vector Gaussian Process 1992 Simeon M. Berman
+ PDF Chat A strongly consistent information criterion for linear model selection based on M-estimation 1999 Yuehua Wu
Mei-Mei Zen
+ Asymptotic normality of M-estimates in the classical nonlinear regression model 2008 А. В. Иванов
I. V. Orlovskyi
+ PDF Chat Limit Theorems for Nonlinear Functionals of a Stationary Gaussian Sequence of Vectors 1994 Miguel A. Arcones
+ PDF Chat On a Szegö type limit theorem, the Hölder-Young-Brascamp-Lieb inequality, and the asymptotic theory of integrals and quadratic forms of stationary fields 2008 Florin Avram
Nikolai Leonenko
Lyudmyla Sakhno
+ Robust Statistics: The Approach Based on Influence Functions 1987 David Ruppert
Frank R. Hampel
Elvezio Ronchetti
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Werner A. Stahel
+ PDF Chat Large-sample inference for nonparametric regression with dependent errors 1997 Peter M. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Robust Regression: Asymptotics, Conjectures and Monte Carlo 1973 Peter J. Huber
+ PDF Chat Weak convergence of weighted additive functionals of long-range dependent fields 2019 Tareq Alodat
Andriy Olenko
+ PDF Chat On rate of convergence in non-central limit theorems 2019 Vo Anh
Nikolai Leonenko
Andriy Olenko
Volodymyr Vaskovych
+ Regression for randomly sampled spatial series: the trigonometric case 1986 David R. Brillinger
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for Fourier transforms of functionals of Gaussian sequences 1981 M. Rosenblatt
+ Gaussian Limits for Vector-valued Multiple Stochastic Integrals 2004 Giovanni Peccati
Ciprian A. Tudor
+ PDF Chat Determination of Discrete Spectrum in a Random Field 2003 Debasis Kundu
Swagata Nandi
+ The estimation of frequency 1973 E. J. Hannan
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for functionals of moving averages 1997 Hwai-Chung Ho
Tailen Hsing
+ Asymptotic properties of the least squares estimates of 2-D exponential signals 1996 Debasis Kundu
Amit Mitra
+ Wiener Chaos: Moments, Cumulants and Diagrams 2011 Giovanni Peccati
Murad S. Taqqu
+ Nonlinear least-squares estimation 2005 David Pollard
Peter Radchenko
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic normality of p-norm estimators in multiple regression 1984 Arjen E. Ronner
+ Asymptotics of M-estimators in non-linear regression with long memory designs 2003 Hira L. Koul
Richard T. Baillie
+ PDF Chat Tauberian and Abelian Theorems for Long-range Dependent Random Fields 2012 Nikolai Leonenko
Andriy Olenko