Mong Lung Lang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Dilogarithm identities after Bridgeman 2022 Pradthana Jaipong
Mong Lung Lang
Ser Peow Tan
Ming Hong Tee
+ Optimal independent generating system for the congruence subgroups $Γ_0(p)$ and $Γ_0(p^2)$ 2022 Nhat Minh Doan
Sang-Hyun Kim
Mong Lung Lang
Ser Peow Tan
+ Fibonacci identities and Fibonacci pairs 2021 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Dilogarithm identities after Bridgeman 2020 Pradthana Jaipong
Mong Lung Lang
Ser Peow Tan
Ming Hong Tee
+ Dilogarithm identities after Bridgeman 2020 Pradthana Jaipong
Mong Lung Lang
Ser Peow Tan
Ming Hong Tee
+ Arithmetic and geometry of the Hecke groups 2016 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Arithmetic and geometry of the Hecke groups 2015 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Identifying normal and congruence subgroups 2015 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Arithmetic and geometry of the Hecke groups 2015 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ PDF Chat The commutator subgroup and the index formula of the Hecke group <i>H</i> <sub>5</sub> 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Wohlfahrt's Theorem for the Hecke group<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>G</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>5</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Wohlfahrt's Theorem and index formula for elementary matrix groups and $SL(2, \mathcal O)$ 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Commutator subgroup of the Hecke group $G_5$ is not congruence 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Wohlfahrt's Theorem for the Hecke group G_5 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ The arithmetic and geometry of the Hecke group G_5 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ The index formula for the Hecke group H_5 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Wohlfahrt's Theorem for the Hecke group G_5 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Wohlfahrt's Theorem and index formula for elementary matrix groups and $SL(2, \mathcal O)$ 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Commutator subgroup of the Hecke group $G_5$ is not congruence 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ PDF Chat Fibonacci Numbers and Identities 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Three term recurrence and residue completeness 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Generalised Binomial coefficients and Jarden's Theorem 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Recurrence of Products of Linear Recursive Functions 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Fibonacci system and residue completeness 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Galois Identities of the three term recurrence 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Recurrence for powers of recursive sequence II 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Fibonacci Numbers and Identities II 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Fibonacci numbers and Trivalent graphs 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Recurrence of Products of Linear Recursive Functions 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Fibonacci system and residue completeness 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Generalised Binomial coefficients and Jarden's Theorem 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Three term recurrence and residue completeness 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Fibonacci Numbers and Identities 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Ranks of the Sylow 2-subgroups of the classical groups 2008 Mong Lung Lang
+ Ranks of the Sylow 2-subgroups of the classical Simple groups 2008 Mong Lung Lang
+ PDF Chat A simple proof of the Markoff conjecture for prime powers 2007 Mong Lung Lang
Ser Peow Tan
+ PDF Chat The structure of the normalisers of the congruence subgroups of the Hecke group<i>G</i><sub>5</sub> 2006 Mong Lung Lang
+ The structure of the normalisers of the congruence subgroups of the Hecke group $G_5$ 2006 Mong Lung Lang
+ PDF Chat Extending π-systems to bases of root systems 2005 Helmer Aslaksen
Mong Lung Lang
+ Indecomposable Sylow 2-Subgroups of Simple Groups 2005 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ On Thompson's finiteness theorem 2004 Mong Lung Lang
+ Extending $\pi$-systems to bases of root systems 2004 Helmer Aslaksen
Mong Lung Lang
+ On Rademacher's conjecture: congruence subgroups of genus zero of the modular group 2004 Kok Seng Chua
Mong Lung Lang
Yifan Yang
+ PDF Chat Congruence Subgroups Associated to the Monster 2004 Kok Seng Chua
Mong Lung Lang
+ Extending $π$-systems to bases of root systems 2004 Helmer Aslaksen
Mong Lung Lang
+ Groups commensurable with the modular group 2003 Mong Lung Lang
+ Sylow 2-Subgroups of Finite Simple Groups 2003 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ Normalisers of Subgroups of the Modular Group 2002 Mong Lung Lang
+ PDF Chat Sylow 2-subgroups of simple groups 2001 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ PDF Chat Modular forms associated with the Monster module 1998 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ Ramanujan’s modular equations and Atkin-Lehner involutions 1998 Heng Huat Chan
Mong Lung Lang
+ PDF Chat The McKay-Thompson series associated with the irreducible characters of the Monster 1996 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ MODULAR FORMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MONSTER MODULE(Moonshine and Verdex Operator Algebra) 1995 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ Finite quotients of the automorphism group of a free group 1995 Mong Lung Lang
Ka Hin Leung
Yan Loi Wong
+ Modular forms associated with the Monster module 1994 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ Sequential Construction of Niemeier Lattices and Their Uniqueness 1994 K. Harada
Mong Lung Lang
Masahiko Miyamoto
+ Modular forms associated with the Monster module 1994 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ The McKay-Thompson series associated with the irreducible characters of the Monster 1994 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ PDF Chat On some sublattices of the Leech lattice 1990 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
+ Some elliptic curves arising from the Leech lattice 1989 Koichiro Harada
Mong Lung Lang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Independent generators for congruence subgroups of Hecke groups 1995 Mong-Lung Lang
Chong-Hai Lim
Ser Peow Tan
+ An Arithmetic-Geometric Method in the Study of the Subgroups of the Modular Group 1991 Ravi S. Kulkarni
+ Monstrous Moonshine 1979 John H. Conway
Simon Norton
+ An Algorithm for Determining if a Subgroup of the Modular Group is Congruence 1995 Mong-Lung Lang
Chong-Hai Lim
Ser Peow Tan
+ Understanding groups like Γ0(N) 1996 John H. Conway
+ Fibonacci Numbers and Identities II 2013 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ A class of continued fractions associated with certain properly discontinuous groups 1954 David W. Rosen
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ Subgroups of the hecke groups with small index 1993 Mong-Lung Lang
Chong-Hai Lim
Ser Peow Tan
+ Hecke operators on ?0(m) 1970 A. O. L. Atkin
Joseph Lehner
+ PDF Chat An extension of F. Klein's level concept 1964 Klaus Wohlfahrt
+ A spectral proof of Rademacher's conjecture for congruence subgroups of the modular group. 1991 Peter Zograf
+ The sylow 2-subgroups of the finite classical groups 1964 Roger Carter
Paul Fong
+ PDF Chat Identifying congruence subgroups of the modular group 1996 Tim Hsu
+ Algebraic theory of the Bianchi groups 1989 Benjamin Fine
+ PDF Chat The normalizer of Γ<sub>0</sub>(<i>N</i>) in PSL(2, ℝ) 1990 Mehmet Akbaş
David Singerman
+ Twisted wreath products and sylow 2-subgroups of classical simple groups 1967 W. J. Wong
+ Principal Congruence Subgroups of the Hecke Groups 2000 Mong-Lung Lang
Chong-Hai Lim
Ser Peow Tan
+ Normalisers of Subgroups of the Modular Group 2002 Mong Lung Lang
+ Bestimmung der Kommensurabilit�tsklasse der Hilbertschen Modulgruppe 1966 H. Helling
+ Torsion-free genus zero congruence subgroups of PSL2(ℝ) 2001 Abdellah Sebbar
+ A finiteness theorem for subgroups of 𝑃𝑆𝐿(2,𝐑) which are commensurable with 𝐏𝐒𝐋(2,𝐙) 1981 J. G. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Orthospectra of geodesic laminations and dilogarithm identities on moduli space 2011 Martin Bridgeman
+ Commensurability classes and volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1981 A. Borel
+ PDF Chat A dilogarithm identity on moduli spaces of curves 2014 Feng Luo
Ser Peow Tan
+ The Signature of Γ+0(n) 2001 Mong-Lung Lang
+ Wohlfahrt's Theorem for the Hecke group G_5 2014 Cheng Lien Lang
Mong Lung Lang
+ Level and index in the modular group 1984 W Stothers
+ Hyperbolic Volume of Manifolds with Geodesic Boundary and Orthospectra 2010 Martin Bridgeman
Jeremy Kahn
+ PDF Chat Congruence Subgroups of Groups Commensurable with PSL (2, Z) of Genus 0 and 1 2004 Chris Cummins
+ �ber die Heckeschen GruppenG(?)II 1974 Armin Leutbecher
+ PDF Chat Some formulas related to dilogarithms, the zeta function and the Andrews-Gordon identities 1981 Bruce M. Richmond
G Szekeres
+ Les sous-groupes fermés de rang maximum des groupes de Lie clos 1949 Armand Borel
Jean Siebenthal
+ PDF Chat The cusp amplitudes of the congruence subgroups of the classical modular group 1982 H. Larcher
+ The theta functions of sublattices of the Leech lattice II 1987 Takeshi Kondo
Takashi Tasaka
+ PDF Chat The automorphism group of Leech lattice and elliptic modular functions 1985 Takeshi Kondo
+ PDF Chat The theta functions of sublattices of the Leech lattice 1986 Takeshi Kondo
Takashi Tasaka
+ Normalizers of the Congruence Subgroups of the Hecke Groups G4 and G6 2001 Mong-Lung Lang
+ Subgroups of the Classical Modular Group 1969 M. H. Millington
+ PDF Chat Moments of the boundary hitting function for the geodesic flow on a hyperbolic manifold 2014 Martin Bridgeman
Ser Peow Tan
+ A New Proof and an Extension of a Theorem of Millington on the Modular Group 1985 Ravi S. Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat Ramanujan’s class invariants, Kronecker’s limit formula, and modular equations 1997 Bruce C. Berndt
Heng Huat Chan
Liang-Cheng Zhang
+ Normalizers of the congruence subgroups of the Hecke group II 2000 Mong-Lung Lang
Ser Peow Tan
+ A remarkable identity for lengths of curves 1991 Greg McShane
+ The groups of order at most 2000 2001 Hans Ulrich Besche
Bettina Eick
E. A. O’Brien
+ Structural Properties of Polylogarithms 1991 L. Lewin
+ The Sensual (Quadratic) Form 2009 John H. Conway
Francis Y. C. Fung
+ Groupes et algèbres de Lie 1971 Nicolás Bourbaki
+ PDF Chat The invariants of the congruence subgroups $G_{0}(\mathcal{B})$ of the Hecke group $G_{5}$ 1994 Shih-Ping Chan
Mong-Lung Lang
Chong-Hai Lim
Ser Peow Tan
+ PDF Chat On the Unicity Conjecture for Markoff Numbers 1996 Arthur Baragar