Carl W. Lee


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Foundations of space-time finite element methods: Polytopes, interpolation, and integration 2021 Cory V. Frontin
Gage Walters
Freddie Witherden
Carl W. Lee
David Williams
David Darmofal
+ Foundations of space-time finite element methods: polytopes, interpolation, and integration 2020 Cory V. Frontin
Gage Walters
Freddie Witherden
Carl W. Lee
David Williams
David Darmofal
+ Foundations of space-time finite element methods: polytopes, interpolation, and integration 2020 Cory V. Frontin
Gage Walters
Freddie Witherden
Carl W. Lee
David M. G. Williams
David Darmofal
+ On Triangulations of the 3-Ball and the Solid Torus 2018 GĂŠza Bohus
William Jockusch
Carl W. Lee
Nagabhushana Prabhu
+ Predicting Student Achievement Using Measures of Teachers' Knowledge for Teaching Geometry 2017 Margaret J. Mohr‐Schroeder
Robert N. Ronau
Susan A. Peters
Carl W. Lee
William S. Bush
+ Recovering Lexicographic Triangulations 2017 Carl W. Lee
Wendy Weber
+ Mathematical Connections and Their Relationship to Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching Geometry 2013 Jennifer A. Eli
Margaret J. Mohr‐Schroeder
Carl W. Lee
+ On the numbers of faces of low-dimensional regular triangulations and shellable balls 2011 Carl W. Lee
Laura Schmidt
+ Exploring mathematical connections of prospective middle-grades teachers through card-sorting tasks 2011 Jennifer A. Eli
Margaret J. Mohr‐Schroeder
Carl W. Lee
+ A generalized sewing construction for polytopes 2010 Carl W. Lee
Matthew M. Menzel
+ Sweeping the cd-Index and the Toric h-Vector 2010 Carl W. Lee
+ On a triangulation of the 3-ball and the solid torus 1998 Ge ́za Bohus
William Jockusch
Carl W. Lee
Nagabhushana Prabhu
+ Generalized Stress and Motions 1994 Carl W. Lee
+ Combinatorial Aspects of Convex Polytopes 1993 Margaret M. Bayer
Carl W. Lee
+ The Banach-Tarski Paradox: How to Disassemble a Ball the Size of a Pea and Reassemble it into a Ball the Size of the Sun Based on notes taken at a talk at Yale in the early 1970's (I do not remember who gave the lecture) 1992 Carl W. Lee
+ Some recent results on convex polytopes 1990 Carl W. Lee
+ The Associahedron and Triangulations of the n-gon 1989 Carl W. Lee
+ <i>An Introduction to Convex Polytopes.</i> By Arne Brøndsted 1986 Carl W. Lee
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Convex Polytopes. 1986 Carl W. Lee
Arne Brøndsted
+ PDF Chat On the cone of nonnegative circuits 1986 Alan J. Hoffman
Carl W. Lee
+ Two combinatorial properties of a class of simplicial polytopes 1984 Carl W. Lee
+ Bounding the Numbers of Faces of Polytope Pairs and Simple Polyhedra 1984 Carl W. Lee
+ On k-stacked polytopes 1984 Peter Kleinschmidt
Carl W. Lee
+ The Numbers of Faces of Polytope Pairs and Unbounded Polyhedra 1981 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ A proof of the sufficiency of McMullen's conditions for f-vectors of simplicial convex polytopes 1981 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ PDF Chat Sufficiency of McMullen’s conditions for 𝑓-vectors of simplicial polytopes 1980 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The number of faces of a simplicial convex polytope 1980 Richard P. Stanley
+ A proof of the sufficiency of McMullen's conditions for f-vectors of simplicial convex polytopes 1981 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ Convex polytopes and the upper bound conjecture 1971 Peter McMullen
G. C. Shephard
J. E. Reeve
Alan Ball
+ A generalized lower‐bound conjecture for simplicial polytopes 1971 Peter McMullen
David W. Walkup
+ Cohen-Macaulay Complexes 1977 Richard P. Stanley
+ The maximum numbers of faces of a convex polytope 1970 Peter McMullen
+ The Numbers of Faces of Polytope Pairs and Unbounded Polyhedra 1981 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ The Upper Bound Conjecture and Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1975 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat Polytope pairs and their relationship to linear programming 1974 Victor Klee
+ Hilbert functions of graded algebras 1978 Richard P. Stanley
+ Counting the faces of simplicial convex polytopes 1981 Carl William Lee
+ PDF Chat A proof of the lower bound conjecture for convex polytopes 1973 David Barnette
+ The minimum number of vertices of a simple polytope 1971 David Barnette
+ Lectures on Polytopes 1994 GĂźnter M. Ziegler
+ A simple way to tell a simple polytope from its graph 1988 Gil Kalai
+ On the upper-bound conjecture for convex polytopes 1971 Peter McMullen
+ PDF Chat Sufficiency of McMullen’s conditions for 𝑓-vectors of simplicial polytopes 1980 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ An Introduction to Convex Polytopes 1983 Arne Brøndsted
+ Sch�lbare Cohen-Macauley-Komplexe und ihre Parametrisierung 1979 B. Kind
Peter Kleinschmidt
+ Content Knowledge for Teaching 2008 Deborah Loewenberg Ball
Mark Hoover
Geoffrey Phelps
+ Rigidity and the lower bound theorem 1 1987 Gil Kalai
+ Neighborly polytopes 1982 Ido Shemer
+ PDF Chat The unimodality conjecture for convex polytopes 1981 Anders BjĂśrner
+ PDF Chat The Measurement of Observer Agreement for Categorical Data 1977 J. Richard Landis
Gary G. Koch
+ The extended f-vectors of 4-polytopes 1987 Margaret M. Bayer
+ Linear Programming and Extensions 1963 George B. Dantzig
+ Decompositions of Simplicial Complexes Related to Diameters of Convex Polyhedra 1980 J. Scott Provan
Louis J. Billera
+ PDF Chat The Nitsche XFEM-DG Space-Time Method and its Implementation in Three Space Dimensions 2015 Christoph Lehrenfeld
+ Rigidity and the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality 1992 P. Filliman
+ Lectures on 0/1-Polytopes 2000 GĂźnter M. Ziegler
+ Space–time finite element techniques for computation of fluid–structure interactions 2005 Tayfun E. Tezduyar
Sunil Sathe
Ryan Keedy
Keith Stein
+ PDF Chat Numerical integration over simplexes 1956 Preston C. Hammer
Arthur H. Stroud
+ Characterization off-vectors of families of convex sets inR d Part I: Necessity of Eckhoff’s conditions 1984 Gil Kalai
+ A comparison of primal and dual methods of linear programming 1966 Victor Klee
+ Spheres with few vertices 1972 P. Mani
+ Space–Time Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method with Dynamic Grid Motion for Inviscid Compressible Flows 2002 J.J.W. van der Vegt
H. van der Ven
+ The numbers of faces of simplicial polytopes 1971 Peter McMullen
+ Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals 1973 W. G.
A. H. Stroud
+ PDF Chat An unshellable triangulation of a tetrahedron 1958 Mary Ellen Rudin
+ Two-Variable Analogues of the Classical Orthogonal Polynomials 1975 Tom H. Koornwinder
+ Consistent Structures of Invariant Quadrature Rules for the n-Simplex 1995 J. I. Maeztu
Eduardo SĂĄinz de la Maza
+ PDF Chat Generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations for polytopes, spheres and Eulerian partially ordered sets 1985 Margaret M. Bayer
Louis J. Billera
+ PDF Chat Many triangulated spheres 1988 Gil Kalai
+ Cohen-Macaulay quotients of polynomial rings 1976 Gerald Allen Reisner
+ PDF Chat �ber die Starrheit konvexer Polyeder 1916 Max Dehn
+ Extremal Properties of 0/1-Polytopes of Dimension 5 2000 Oswin Aichholzer
+ PDF Chat A new index for polytopes 1991 Margaret M. Bayer
Andrew Klapper
+ Shellings of simplicial balls and P.L. manifolds with boundary 1990 Udo Pachner
+ On 0/1-polytopes with nonobtuse triangulations 2015 Apo Cihangir
+ PDF Chat What is known about unit cubes 2005 Chuanming Zong