P. E. Kornilovitch


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Real-space <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:math> -wave superconductivity from weak attraction 2025 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Real-space d-wave superconductivity from weak attraction 2024 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ Ubiquitous light real-space pairing from long-range hopping and interactions 2024 Ganiyu D. Adebanjo
J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Two-particle bound states on a lattice 2023 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Stable pair liquid phase in fermionic systems 2023 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ Two-particle bound states on a lattice 2023 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Two-Particle Bound States on a Lattice 2023 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Temperature dependence of inertial pumping in microchannels 2022 P. E. Kornilovitch
Tyler Cochell
Alexander N. Govyadinov
+ Superlight pairs in face-centred-cubic extended Hubbard models with strong Coulomb repulsion 2022 Ganiyu D. Adebanjo
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. P. Hague
+ Stable pair liquid phase in fermionic systems 2022 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ Ubiquity of light small pairs in Hubbard models with long range hoppings and interactions 2022 Ganiyu D. Adebanjo
J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Fermion pairing in body-centered-cubic quantum simulators of extended Hubbard models 2021 Ganiyu D. Adebanjo
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. P. Hague
+ Superlight small pairs in face-centered-cubic extended Hubbard models 2021 Ganiyu D. Adebanjo
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. P. Hague
+ Fermion pair formation and condensation in extended Hubbard models in body-centered-cubic optical lattices 2021 Ganiyu D. Adebanjo
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. P. Hague
+ PDF Chat Cold-atom quantum simulator to explore pairing, condensation, and pseudogaps in extended Hubbard-Holstein models 2020 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
C. MacCormick
+ PDF Chat Trion formation and unconventional superconductivity in a three-dimensional model with short-range attraction 2020 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Microfluidic switchboards with integrated inertial pumps 2018 Brandon Hayes
Alexander N. Govyadinov
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Periodically driven small polarons 2017 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ Path to Low Cost Microfluidics 2016 Alexander N. Govyadinov
Erik Torniainen
P. E. Kornilovitch
David P. Markel
+ PDF Chat Periodically driven adiabatic bipolarons 2016 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Single-pulse dynamics and flow rates of inertial micropumps 2016 Alexander N. Govyadinov
P. E. Kornilovitch
David P. Markel
Erik Torniainen
+ Path to Low Cost Microfluidics 2016 Alexander N. Govyadinov
Erik Torniainen
P. E. Kornilovitch
David C. Markel
+ PDF Chat Optimal interlayer hopping and high temperature Bose–Einstein condensation of local pairs in quasi 2D superconductors 2015 P. E. Kornilovitch
J. P. Hague
+ PDF Chat Path to Low Cost Microfluidics 2015 Alexander N. Govyadinov
Erik Torniainen
P. E. Kornilovitch
David P. Markel
+ Ferromagnetism and stability of three-fermion clusters in two-dimensional lattices 2014 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Ferromagnetism and Borromean Binding in Three-Fermion Clusters 2014 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Cold Rydberg Atoms for Quantum Simulation of Exotic Condensed Matter Interactions 2013 J. P. Hague
S. Downes
C. MacCormick
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Stability of three-fermion clusters with finite range of attraction 2013 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional model of inertial pumping 2013 P. E. Kornilovitch
Alexander N. Govyadinov
David P. Markel
Erik Torniainen
+ Self-limiting excitation of MEMS devices with surface electrodes 2013 P. E. Kornilovitch
R.G. Walmsley
+ PDF Chat Van der Waals interaction in uniaxial anisotropic media 2012 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Bubble-driven inertial micropump 2012 Erik Torniainen
Alexander N. Govyadinov
David P. Markel
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Mobile small bipolarons on a three-dimensional cubic lattice 2012 A. R. Davenport
J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ Three-Dimensional Lattice Bipolaron 2012 A. R. Davenport
J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Transient electrophoretic current in a nonpolar solvent 2011 P. E. Kornilovitch
Yoocharn Jeon
+ PDF Chat Light and stable triplet bipolarons on square and triangular lattices 2010 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Bipolarons from long-range interactions: Singlet and triplet pairs in the screened Hubbard-Fröhlich model on the chain 2009 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ Singlet and triplet bipolarons on the triangular lattice 2009 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. H. Samson
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Trapping of lattice polarons by impurities 2008 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Singlet and triplet bipolarons on the triangular lattice 2008 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. H. Samson
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Superlight small bipolarons 2007 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. H. Samson
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Unconventional pairing in bipolaronic theories 2007 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
A. S. Alexandrov
J. H. Samson
+ PDF Chat Superlight Small Bipolarons in the Presence of a Strong Coulomb Repulsion 2007 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. H. Samson
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Path Integrals in the Physics of Lattice Polarons 2007 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ The "crab" bipolaron as a possible route to room temperature superconductivity 2006 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. H. Samson
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Polaron action for multimode dispersive phonon systems 2006 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Effects of lattice geometry and interaction range on polaron dynamics 2006 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
A. S. Alexandrov
J. H. Samson
+ PDF Chat Anomalous tunneling of bound pairs in crystal lattices 2005 Vladimir Bulatov
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Effect of electron-phonon interaction range on lattice polaron dynamics: A continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo study 2005 Paul Spencer
J. H. Samson
P. E. Kornilovitch
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Isotope effect on the electron band structure of doped insulators 2004 P. E. Kornilovitch
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Enhanced stability of bound pairs at nonzero lattice momenta 2004 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ On Feynman's calculation of the Froehlich polaron mass 2004 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Effects of gating and contact geometry on current through conjugated molecules covalently bonded to electrodes 2003 A. M. Bratkovsky
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Bistable molecular conductors with a field-switchable dipole group 2002 P. E. Kornilovitch
A. M. Bratkovsky
R. Stanley Williams
+ PDF Chat Current rectification by molecules with asymmetric tunneling barriers 2002 P. E. Kornilovitch
A. M. Bratkovsky
R. Stanley Williams
+ PDF Chat Photoemission spectroscopy and sum rules in dilute electron-phonon systems 2002 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat High-temperature superconductivity and charge segregation in a model with strong long-range electron–phonon and Coulomb interactions 2002 A. S. Alexandrov
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat The Fröhlich-Coulomb model of high-temperature superconductivity and charge segregation in the cuprates 2002 A. S. Alexandrov
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Orientational dependence of current through molecular films 2001 P. E. Kornilovitch
A. M. Bratkovsky
+ Three-body scattering problem and two-electron tunneling in molecular wires 2001 A. S. Alexandrov
A. M. Bratkovsky
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ Real-time correlation functions from imaginary-time evolution 2000 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Band Structure of the Jahn-Teller Polaron from Quantum Monte Carlo 2000 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ Real-time correlation functions from imaginary-time evolution 2000 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Ground-state dispersion and density of states from path-integral Monte Carlo: Application to the lattice polaron 1999 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Giant enhancement of anisotropy by electron-phonon interaction 1999 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Mobile Small Polaron 1999 A. S. Alexandrov
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat The pseudogap and photoemission spectra in the attractive Hubbard model 1999 P. E. Kornilovitch
Bumsoo Kyung
+ PDF Chat Continuous-Time Quantum Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Lattice Polaron 1998 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Density-Induced Breaking of Pairs in the Attractive Hubbard Model 1998 Bumsoo Kyung
E.G. Klepfish
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of Sr2LaFe3O9 1997 Hamid Kachkachi
P. E. Kornilovitch
Yann Meurdesoif
Jean‐Claude Grenier
F. Zhou
+ PDF Chat Frequency-dependent spin susceptibility in the two-dimensional Hubbard model 1997 C. E. Creffield
P. E. Kornilovitch
E.G. Klepfish
E. R. Pike
Sarben Sarkar
+ PDF Chat Polaron effective mass from Monte Carlo simulations 1997 P. E. Kornilovitch
E. R. Pike
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Continuous-Time Quantum Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Lattice Polaron 1998 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Mobile Small Polaron 1999 A. S. Alexandrov
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Enhanced stability of bound pairs at nonzero lattice momenta 2004 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Superlight Small Bipolarons in the Presence of a Strong Coulomb Repulsion 2007 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. H. Samson
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Superlight small bipolarons 2007 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. H. Samson
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Polarons and bipolarons in strongly interacting electron-phonon systems 1996 Gerhard Wellein
Heinrich Röder
Holger Fehske
+ PDF Chat Bipolarons in the extended Holstein Hubbard model 2001 J. Bonča
S. A. Trugman
+ PDF Chat Ground-state dispersion and density of states from path-integral Monte Carlo: Application to the lattice polaron 1999 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein bipolaron 2004 Alexandru Macridin
G. A. Sawatzky
Mark Jarrell
+ PDF Chat Evidence for ubiquitous strong electron–phonon coupling in high-temperature superconductors 2001 Alessandra Lanzara
P. V. Bogdanov
X. J. Zhou
S. A. Kellar
D. L. Feng
E. D. Lu
T. Yoshida
Hiroshi Eisaki
A. Fujimori
K. Kishio
+ PDF Chat Ferromagnetism and Borromean Binding in Three-Fermion Clusters 2014 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Polaron Problem by Diagrammatic Quantum Monte Carlo 1998 Nikolay Prokof’ev
Boris Svistunov
+ PDF Chat Many-body physics with ultracold gases 2008 Immanuel Bloch
Jean Dalibard
W. Zwerger
+ PDF Chat A common thread: The pairing interaction for unconventional superconductors 2012 D. J. Scalapino
+ PDF Chat Parameter-free expression for superconducting<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>in cuprates 1999 A. S. Alexandrov
V. V. Kabanov
+ PDF Chat Giant enhancement of anisotropy by electron-phonon interaction 1999 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Lattice polaron formation: Effects of nonscreened electron-phonon interaction 2000 Holger Fehske
J. Loos
Gerhard Wellein
+ PDF Chat Density-matrix renormalization-group study of the polaron problem in the Holstein model 1998 Eric Jeckelmann
Steven R. White
+ PDF Chat Strong-Coupling Theory of High-Temperature Superconductivity 2013 A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Singlet and triplet bipolarons on the triangular lattice 2008 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
J. H. Samson
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Effects of lattice geometry and interaction range on polaron dynamics 2006 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
A. S. Alexandrov
J. H. Samson
+ PDF Chat Bubble-driven inertial micropump 2012 Erik Torniainen
Alexander N. Govyadinov
David P. Markel
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Optimal interlayer hopping and high temperature Bose–Einstein condensation of local pairs in quasi 2D superconductors 2015 P. E. Kornilovitch
J. P. Hague
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:math>-wave superconductivity from electron-phonon interactions 2006 J. P. Hague
+ PDF Chat Light and stable triplet bipolarons on square and triangular lattices 2010 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Effect of electron-phonon interaction range on lattice polaron dynamics: A continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo study 2005 Paul Spencer
J. H. Samson
P. E. Kornilovitch
A. S. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Interacting-Holstein and extended-Holstein bipolarons 2014 Monodeep Chakraborty
Masaki Tezuka
B. I. Min
+ Anomalously strong near-neighbor attraction in doped 1D cuprate chains 2021 Zhuoyu Chen
Yao Wang
Slavko Rebec
Tao Jia
Makoto Hashimoto
Dong-Hui Lu
Brian Moritz
R. G. Moore
Thomas Devereaux
Zhi‐Xun Shen
+ PDF Chat Stable pair liquid phase in fermionic systems 2023 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Metal-insulator transition in the one-dimensional Holstein model at half filling 1999 Eric Jeckelmann
Chunli Zhang
Steven R. White
+ PDF Chat Long-Range Incommensurate Charge Fluctuations in (Y,Nd)Ba <sub>2</sub> Cu <sub>3</sub> O <sub>6+</sub> <i> <sub>x</sub> </i> 2012 G. Ghiringhelli
M. Le Tacon
M. Minola
S. Blanco-Canosa
C. Mazzoli
N. B. Brookes
G. M. De Luca
Alex Frañó
D. G. Hawthorn
Feizhou He
+ PDF Chat Holstein polaron 1999 J. Bonča
S. A. Trugman
I. Batistić
+ PDF Chat Density-Induced Breaking of Pairs in the Attractive Hubbard Model 1998 Bumsoo Kyung
E.G. Klepfish
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Trion formation and unconventional superconductivity in a three-dimensional model with short-range attraction 2020 P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Bilayers of Rydberg Atoms as a Quantum Simulator for Unconventional Superconductors 2012 J. P. Hague
C. MacCormick
+ PDF Chat Quantum gas microscopy of an attractive Fermi–Hubbard system 2017 Debayan Mitra
Peter Brown
Elmer Guardado-Sanchez
Stanimir Kondov
Trithep Devakul
David A. Huse
Peter Schauß
Waseem Bakr
+ PDF Chat Bipolarons from long-range interactions: Singlet and triplet pairs in the screened Hubbard-Fröhlich model on the chain 2009 J. P. Hague
P. E. Kornilovitch
+ PDF Chat Quantum Monte Carlo and variational approaches to the Holstein model 2004 Martin Hohenadler
Hans Gerd Evertz
Wolfgang von der Linden
+ PDF Chat A Mott insulator of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice 2008 Robert Jördens
Niels Strohmaier
Kenneth Günter
Henning Moritz
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of the Oxygen Isotope Effect on the In-Plane Magnetic Field Penetration Depth in Optimally Doped<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Y</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">B</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">a</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">C</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">u</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:… 2004 R. Khasanov
D. G. Eshchenko
H. Luetkens
E. Morenzoni
T. Prokscha
A. Suter
N. Garifianov
M. Mali
J. Roos
K. Conder
+ PDF Chat General Green’s-function formalism for transport calculations with<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>spd</mml:mi></mml:math>Hamiltonians and giant magnetoresistance in Co- and Ni-based magnetic multilayers 1999 Stefano Sanvito
Colin J. Lambert
J. H. Jefferson
A. M. Bratkovsky
+ PDF Chat Evidence for a preformed Cooper pair model in the pseudogap spectra of a Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2As2)5 single crystal with a nodal superconducting gap 2019 Y. I. Seo
Woojae Choi
Shin‐ichi Kimura
Yong Seung Kwon
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional model of inertial pumping 2013 P. E. Kornilovitch
Alexander N. Govyadinov
David P. Markel
Erik Torniainen
+ PDF Chat Direct observation of competition between superconductivity and charge density wave order in YBa2Cu3O6.67 2012 J. Chang
E. Blackburn
A. T. Holmes
N. B. Christensen
J. Larsen
J. Mesot
Ruixing Liang
D. A. Bonn
W. N. Hardy
A. Watenphul
+ PDF Chat Polaron band formation in the Holstein model 1997 Gerhard Wellein
Holger Fehske
+ PDF Chat Finite wave vector Jahn-Teller pairing and superconductivity in the cuprates 2001 D. Mihailović
V. V. Kabanov
+ PDF Chat An unusual isotope effect in a high-transition-temperature superconductor 2004 G.-H. Gweon
T. Sasagawa
Shuyun Zhou
J. Graf
H. Takagi
D.-H. Lee
Alessandra Lanzara
+ PDF Chat Correlated electrons in high-temperature superconductors 1994 Elbio Dagotto
+ PDF Chat Orientational dependence of current through molecular films 2001 P. E. Kornilovitch
A. M. Bratkovsky
+ PDF Chat Two-Orbital Model Explains the Higher Transition Temperature of the Single-Layer Hg-Cuprate Superconductor Compared to That of the La-Cuprate Superconductor 2010 Hirofumi Sakakibara
Hidetomo Usui
Kazuhiko Kuroki
Ryotaro Arita
Hideo Aoki