Tetsuya Takahashi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Quantifying urban streetscapes with deep learning: focus on aesthetic evaluation 2021 Yusuke Kumakoshi
Shigeaki Onoda
Tetsuya Takahashi
Yuji Yoshimura
+ Construction of Pairing-Friendly Hyperelliptic Curves Based on the Closed Formulae of the Order of the Jacobian Group 2010 Aya Comuta
Mitsuru Kawazoe
Tetsuya Takahashi
+ Pairing-Friendly Hyperelliptic Curves with Ordinary Jacobians of Type y 2 = x 5 + ax 2008 Mitsuru Kawazoe
Tetsuya Takahashi
+ On some constants in the supercuspidal characters of 𝐺𝐿_{𝑙}, 𝑙 a prime ≠𝑝 2004 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ Formulae of the order of Jacobians for certain hyperelliptic curves 2004 Mitsuhiro Haneda
Tetsuya Takahashi
+ Epsilon factor for GL_l \times GL_{l'}; l\neq l' primes 2004 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ Counting Points for Hyperelliptic Curves of Type y 2=x 5+ax over Finite Prime Fields 2004 Eisaku Furukawa
Mitsuru Kawazoe
Tetsuya Takahashi
+ Suitable Curves for Genus-4 HCC over Prime Fields: Point Counting Formulae for Hyperelliptic Curves of type y 2 =x 2k+1 +ax. 2004 Mitsuhiro Haneda
Mitsuru Kawazoe
Tetsuya Takahashi
+ Formulas for tamely ramified supercuspidal characters of 𝐺𝐿₃ 2002 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ CHARACTER FORMULA FOR THE SUPERCUSPIDAL REPRESENTATIONS OF GL$_l$ (Automorphic forms, automorphic representations and automorphic $L$-functions over algebraic groups) 2000 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Character formula for representations of local quaternion algebras (Wildly ramified case) 1996 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ PDF Chat On the irreducible very cuspidal representations II 1996 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Characters of cuspidal unramified series for central simple algebras of prime degree 1992 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ PDF Chat On the irreducible very cuspidal representations 1989 Tetsuya Takahashi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Supersingular Abelian Varieties in Cryptology 2002 Karl Rubin
Alice Silverberg
+ Counting Points for Hyperelliptic Curves of Type y 2=x 5+ax over Finite Prime Fields 2004 Eisaku Furukawa
Mitsuru Kawazoe
Tetsuya Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Zeta Functions of Simple Algebras 1972 Roger Godement
Hervé Jacquet
+ PDF Chat Local tame lifting for GL(N) I: Simple characters 1996 Colin J. Bushnell
Guy Henniart
+ PDF Chat Counting Points on Hyperelliptic Curves over Finite Fields 2000 Pierrick Gaudry
Robert Harley
+ PDF Chat Binomial coefficients and Jacobi sums 1984 Richard H. Hudson
Kenneth S. Williams
+ PDF Chat Speeding up the Discrete Log Computation on Curves with Automorphisms 1999 Iwan Duursma
Pierrick Gaudry
François Morain
+ PDF Chat Représentations cuspidales du groupe linéaire 1984 Henri Carayol
+ PDF Chat Character formula for representations of local quaternion algebras (Wildly ramified case) 1996 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Abelian Varieties with Prescribed Embedding Degree 2008 David Mandell Freeman
Peter Stevenhagen
Marco Streng
+ PDF Chat Gauss Sums and p-adic Division Algebras 1983 Colin J. Bushnell
A. Fröhlich
+ A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory 1993 Henri Cohen
+ Improving Group Law Algorithms for Jacobians of Hyperelliptic Curves 2000 Koh-ichi Nagao
+ Gauss and Jacobi sums 1998 Bruce C. Berndt
Kenneth S. Williams
Ronald J. Evans
+ PDF Chat Characters of cuspidal unramified series for central simple algebras of prime degree 1992 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ PDF Chat On the irreducible very cuspidal representations 1989 Tetsuya Takahashi
+ Representations of GL(n) and division algebras over a p-adic field 1983 Jonathan David Rogawski
+ PDF Chat Zeta Function and Cryptographic Exponent of Supersingular Curves of Genus 2 2007 Gabriel Cardona
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat A Generalized Brezing-Weng Algorithm for Constructing Pairing-Friendly Ordinary Abelian Varieties 2008 David Freeman
+ Representations of tamely ramified p-adic division and matrix algebras 1991 Harry Reimann
+ PDF Chat Tamely ramified supercuspidal representations of<i>Gl</i><sub><i>n</i></sub> 1977 Roger Howe
+ Local Constants and the Tame Langlands Correspondence 1986 Allen Moy
+ PDF Chat Computing in the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve 1987 David G. Cantor
+ PDF Chat Ordinary abelian varieties having small embedding degree 2007 Steven D. Galbraith⋆
James McKee
P. C. Valença
+ PDF Chat Computing characters of tamely ramified<i>p</i>-adic division algebras 1977 Lawrence Corwin
Roger Howe
+ PDF Chat Kirillov theory for compact<i>p</i>-adic groups 1977 Roger Howe
+ Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing 2003 Dan Boneh
Matthew Franklin
+ Representations of Quaternion Algebras Over Local Fields and Trace Formulas of Hecke Operators 1993 Hiroaki Hijikata
Hiroshi Saitō
M. Yamauchi
+ A Remark Concerning m-Divisibility and the Discrete Logarithm in the Divisor Class Group of Curves 1994 Gerhard Frey
Hans-Georg Rück
+ Constructing Pairing-Friendly Genus 2 Curves with Ordinary Jacobians 2007 David Freeman
+ Supercuspidal character formulas for GLℓ 1995 Lawrence Corwin
Allen Moy
Paul Sally
+ Character Formulas for Supercuspidal Representations of GL ℓ , ℓ a Prime 1987 Philip Kutzko
+ Correspondance de Jacquet-Langlands explicite I: le cas modéré de degré premier 1993 Guy Henniart
+ Supercuspidal character formulas for 𝐺𝐿_{𝑙} 1995 Lawrence Corwin
Allen Moy
Paul Sally
+ Simple Algebras, Base Change, and the Advanced Theory of the Trace Formula. (AM-120), Volume 120 2016 James Arthur
Laurent Clozel
+ Correspondance entre GLn et ses formes intérieures en caractéristique positive 1999 Alexandru Ioan Badulescu
+ Efficient arithmetic on genus 2 hyperelliptic curves over finite fields via explicit formulae 2002 Tanja Lange
+ Hierarchical Multi-Scale Attention for Semantic Segmentation 2020 Andrew Tao
Karan Sapra
Bryan Catanzaro
+ Pairing-Friendly Hyperelliptic Curves with Ordinary Jacobians of Type y 2 = x 5 + ax 2008 Mitsuru Kawazoe
Tetsuya Takahashi
+ Revêtements de courbes elliptiques à multiplication complexe par des courbes hyperelliptiques et sommes de caractères 1997 Franck Leprévost
François Morain
+ Caract�risation de la correspondance de Langlands locale par les facteurs? de paires 1993 Guy Henniart
+ Une preuve simple des conjectures de Langlands pour GL(n) sur un corps p-adique 2000 Guy Henniart
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviour of supercuspidal characters of<i>p</i>-adic GL<sub>3</sub>and GL<sub>4</sub>: the generic unramified case 1991 Fiona Murnaghan
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics 2020 J. H. van Lint
+ PDF Chat Treepedia 2.0: Applying Deep Learning for Large-Scale Quantification of Urban Tree Cover 2018 Bill Cai
Xiaojiang Li
Ian Seiferling
Carlo Ratti
+ Endomorphisms of abelian varieties over finite fields 1966 John Tate
+ Constructing pairing-friendly hyperelliptic curves using Weil restriction 2010 David Freeman
Takakazu Satoh
+ PDF Chat Low-latency perception in off-road dynamical low visibility environments 2022 Nelson Alves Ferreira Neto
Marco Ruiz
Marco S. Reis
Tiago Cajahyba
Davi Oliveira
Ana Cláudia Mateus Barreto
E. Furtado De Simas Filho
Wagner Luiz Alves de Oliveira
Leizer Schnitman
Roberto Luiz Souza Monteiro
+ A taxonomy of pairing-friendly elliptic curves 2006 David Mandell Freeman
Michael Scott
Edlyn Teske
+ PDF Chat On the irreducible very cuspidal representations II 1996 Tetsuya Takahashi