Marcel Klaassen


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Effects of influenza A virus infection on migrating mallard ducks 2008 Neus Latorre‐Margalef
Gunnar Gunnarsson
Vincent J. Munster
Ron A. M. Fouchier
Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus
Johan Elmberg
Björn Olsén
Anders Wallensten
Paul D. Haemig
Thord Fransson
+ Superspreading and the effect of individual variation on disease emergence 2005 James O. Lloyd‐Smith
Sebastian J. Schreiber
Peter Ekkehard Kopp
Wayne M. Getz
+ PDF Chat Environmental transmission of low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses and its implications for pathogen invasion 2009 Pejman Rohani
Romulus Breban
David E. Stallknecht
John M. Drake
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the Basic Reproduction Number for Infectious Diseases from Age-Stratified Serological Survey Data 2001 Paddy Farrington
Mona Kanaan
N Gay
+ Proportionate mixing models for age-dependent infection transmission 1985 Klaus Dietz
D. Schenzle
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ How a virus travels the world 2015 Josanne H. Verhagen
Sander Herfst
Ron A. M. Fouchier
+ The Basic Reproduction Number and the Vaccination Coverage Required to Eliminate Rubella from England and Wales 2006 Nikolaos Sfikas
David Greenhalgh
Fraser Lewis
+ PDF Chat The type-reproduction number T in models for infectious disease control 2006 Hans Heesterbeek
M. G. Roberts
+ An evolutionary epidemiological mechanism, with applications to type a influenza 1987 Craig M. Pease
+ Identifying environmental risk factors for endemic cholera: a raster GIS approach 2002 Mohammad Ali
Michael Emch
Jean-Paul Donnay
Mohammad Yunus
R. Bradley Sack
+ PDF Chat Model-Based Evaluation of Highly and Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Dynamics in Wild Birds 2010 Viviane Hénaux
Michael D. Samuel
Christine M. Bunck
+ PDF Chat Model-consistent estimation of the basic reproduction number from the incidence of an emerging infection 2007 Michael C. Roberts
Hans Heesterbeek
+ DRAM: Efficient adaptive MCMC 2006 Heikki Haario
Marko Laine
Antonietta Mira
Eero Saksman
+ PDF Chat Modeling infectious disease dynamics in the complex landscape of global health 2015 Hans Heesterbeek
Roy M. Anderson
Viggo Andreasen
Shweta Bansal
Daniela De Angelis
Christopher Dye
Ken Eames
W. John Edmunds
Simon D. W. Frost
Sebastian Funk
+ Some bounds on estimates for reproductive ratios derived from the age-specific force of infection 1994 David Greenhalgh
Klaus Dietz
+ PDF Chat Age-Specific Survival and Philopatry in Three Species of European Ducks: A Long-Term Study 1996 Peter Blums
Aivars Mednis
Ilmārs Bauga
James D. Nichols
James E. Hines
+ PDF Chat Migratory Birds Reinforce Local Circulation of Avian Influenza Viruses 2014 Josanne H. Verhagen
Jacintha G. B. van Dijk
Oanh Vuong
Theo M. Bestebroer
Pascal Lexmond
Marcel Klaassen
Ron A. M. Fouchier
+ Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation 2000 Odo Diekmann
Hans Heesterbeek
+ PDF Chat A metapopulation model for highly pathogenic avian influenza: implications for compartmentalization as a control measure 2013 Sema Nickbakhsh
Louise Matthews
S. W. J. Reid
Rowland R. Kao
+ PDF Chat Mixing patterns and the spread of close-contact infectious diseases 2006 W. John Edmunds
George Kafatos
Jacco Wallinga
Joël Mossong
+ Human Ebola Outbreak Resulting from Direct Exposure to Fruit Bats in Luebo, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2007 2009 Eric M. Leroy
Alain Epelboïn
Vital Mondonge
Xavier Pourrut
Jean‐Paul Gonzalez
Jean‐Jacques Muyembé‐Tamfum
Pierre Formenty
+ Realistic Distributions of Infectious Periods in Epidemic Models: Changing Patterns of Persistence and Dynamics 2001 Alun L. Lloyd
+ PDF Chat How generation intervals shape the relationship between growth rates and reproductive numbers 2006 Jacco Wallinga
Marc Lipsitch
+ Asymptotic Equivalence of Bayes Cross Validation and Widely Applicable Information Criterion in Singular Learning Theory 2010 Sumio Watanabe
+ Solving Differential Equations in<i>R</i>: Package<b>deSolve</b> 2010 Karline Soetaert
Thomas Petzoldt
R. Woodrow Setzer
+ PDF Chat Appropriate Models for the Management of Infectious Diseases 2005 Helen J. Wearing
Pejman Rohani
Matt J. Keeling
+ Estimation of infectious disease parameters from serological survey data: the impact of regular epidemics 2004 Heather Whitaker
Paddy Farrington
+ PDF Chat Effects of Infection-Induced Migration Delays on the Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Wild Mallard Populations 2011 Stephen Galsworthy
Quirine A. ten Bosch
Bethany J. Hoye
Hans Heesterbeek
Marcel Klaassen
Don Klinkenberg
+ PDF Chat Age-related changes in the rate of disease transmission: implications for the design of vaccination programmes 1985 Roy M. Anderson
Robert M. May
+ PDF Chat The pluses and minuses of <sub>0</sub> 2007 Michael C. Roberts
+ PDF Chat The effect of seasonal birth pulses on pathogen persistence in wild mammal populations 2014 Alison J. Peel
Juliet R. C. Pulliam
Angela D. Luis
Raina K. Plowright
Thomas J. O’Shea
David T. S. Hayman
James L. N. Wood
Colleen T. Webb
Olivier Restif
+ PDF Chat The Interval between Successive Cases of an Infectious Disease 2003 P. E. M. Fine
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models 2008 Torsten Hothorn
Frank Bretz
Peter H. Westfall
+ PDF Chat Social Contacts and Mixing Patterns Relevant to the Spread of Infectious Diseases 2008 Joël Mossong
Niel Hens
Mark Jit
Philippe Beutels
Kari Auranen
Rafael Mikolajczyk
Marco Massari
Stefania Salmaso
Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba
Jacco Wallinga
+ PDF Chat Using Data on Social Contacts to Estimate Age-specific Transmission Parameters for Respiratory-spread Infectious Agents 2006 Jacco Wallinga
Peter Teunis
Mirjam Kretzschmar
+ Epidemic Models: Their Structure and Relation to Data. 1996 Denis Mollison
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation 2001 Andrew Roddam
+ PDF Chat Capturing individual‐level parameters of influenza A virus dynamics in wild ducks using multistate models 2016 Alexis Avril
Vladimir Grosbois
Neus Latorre‐Margalef
Nicolas Gaidet
Conny Tolf
Björn Olsén
Jonas Waldenström
+ PDF Chat The roles of migratory and resident birds in local avian influenza infection dynamics 2018 Simeon Lisovski
Jacintha G. B. van Dijk
Don Klinkenberg
Bart A. Nolet
Ron A. M. Fouchier
Marcel Klaassen
+ PDF Chat Seasonality and the dynamics of infectious diseases 2006 Sonia Altizer
Andrew P. Dobson
Parviez R. Hosseini
Peter J. Hudson
Mercedes Pascual
Pejman Rohani
+ Epidemic Models: Their Structure and Relation to Data 1999 MTW
Denis Mollison
+ How does transmission of infection depend on population size 1995 M.C.M. de Jong
Odo Diekmann
Hans Heesterbeek
+ A note on generation times in epidemic models 2006 Åke Svensson