Marvin Plümer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On torsional rigidity and ground-state energy of compact quantum graphs 2022 Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
+ Boundary Conditions Matter: On The Spectrum Of Infinite Quantum Graphs 2022 Marco Düfel
James B. Kennedy
Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
Matthias Täufer
+ PDF Chat Upper eigenvalue bounds for the Kirchhoff Laplacian on embedded metric graphs 2021 Marvin Plümer
+ On torsional rigidity and spectral gap of compact quantum graphs. 2021 Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
+ PDF Chat On fully supported eigenfunctions of quantum graphs 2021 Marvin Plümer
Matthias Täufer
+ PDF Chat On Pleijel’s Nodal Domain Theorem for Quantum Graphs 2021 Matthias Hofmann
James B. Kennedy
Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
+ On fully supported eigenfunctions of quantum graphs 2021 Marvin Plümer
Matthias Täufer
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics and Estimates for Spectral Minimal Partitions of Metric Graphs 2021 Matthias Hofmann
James B. Kennedy
Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
+ On torsional rigidity and ground-state energy of compact quantum graphs 2021 Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
+ On Pleijel's nodal domain theorem for quantum graphs 2020 Matthias Hofmann
James B. Kennedy
Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
+ Asymptotics and estimates for spectral minimal partitions of metric graphs 2020 Matthias Hofmann
James B. Kennedy
Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
+ Upper Eigenvalue Bounds for the Kirchhoff Laplacian on Embbeded Metric Graphs 2020 Marvin Plümer
+ PDF Chat Lower estimates on eigenvalues of quantum graphs 2020 Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
+ Asymptotics and estimates for spectral minimal partitions of metric graphs 2020 Matthias Hofmann
James B. Kennedy
Delio Mugnolo
Marvin Plümer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Extremal properties of eigenvalues for a metric graph 2005 Leonid Friedlander
+ PDF Chat On the Spectral Gap of a Quantum Graph 2016 James B. Kennedy
Pavel Kurasov
Gabriela Malenová
Delio Mugnolo
+ Edge connectivity and the spectral gap of combinatorial and quantum graphs 2017 Gregory Berkolaiko
James B. Kennedy
Pavel Kurasov
Delio Mugnolo
+ Semigroup Methods for Evolution Equations on Networks 2014 Delio Mugnolo
+ Surgery principles for the spectral analysis of quantum graphs 2019 Gregory Berkolaiko
James B. Kennedy
Pavel Kurasov
Delio Mugnolo
+ PDF Chat Quantum Graphs which Optimize the Spectral Gap 2017 Ram Band
Guillaume Lévy
+ Spectre des réseaux topologiques finis 1987 Serge Nicaise
+ PDF Chat A transfer principle and applications to eigenvalue estimates for graphs 2018 Omid Amini
David Cohen‐Steiner
+ Simplicity of eigenvalues and non-vanishing of eigenfunctions of a quantum graph 2016 Gregory Berkolaiko
Wen Liu
+ What is actually a metric graph 2019 Delio Mugnolo
+ PDF Chat The Trace Formula for Quantum Graphs with General Self Adjoint Boundary Conditions 2009 Jens Bolte
Sebastian Egger
+ PDF Chat The nodal count {0,1,2,3,…} implies the graph is a tree 2013 Ram Band
+ PDF Chat Nodal Statistics on Quantum Graphs 2018 Lior Alon
Ram Band
Gregory Berkolaiko
+ PDF Chat The first eigenvalue of the $$p-$$ p - Laplacian on quantum graphs 2016 Leandro M. Del Pezzo
Julio D. Rossi
+ PDF Chat On the ground state for quantum graphs 2019 Pavel Kurasov
+ Gaussian estimates for a heat equation on a network 2007 Delio Mugnolo
+ PDF Chat Semi-Classical Measures on Quantum Graphs and the Gauß Map of the Determinant Manifold 2014 Yves Colin de Verdìère
+ PDF Chat The Number of Nodal Domains on Quantum Graphs as a Stability Index of Graph Partitions 2011 Ram Band
Gregory Berkolaiko
Hillel Raz
Uzy Smilansky
+ PDF Chat Cheeger inequalities for unbounded graph Laplacians 2015 Frank Bauer
Matthias Keller
Radosław K. Wojciechowski
+ Topological Poincaré type inequalities and lower bounds on the infimum of the spectrum for graphs 2018 Daniel Lenz
Marcel Schmidt
Peter Stollmann
+ A characteristic equation associated to an eigenvalue problem on c2-networks 1985 Joachim von Below
+ PDF Chat Spectral estimates for infinite quantum graphs 2018 Aleksey Kostenko
Noema Nicolussi
+ PDF Chat Spectral Theory of Infinite Quantum Graphs 2018 Pavel Exner
Aleksey Kostenko
M. M. Malamud
Hagen Neidhardt
+ Periodic Orbit Theory and Spectral Statistics for Quantum Graphs 1999 Tsampikos Kottos
Uzy Smilansky
+ PDF Chat Metric Uniformization and Spectral Bounds for Graphs 2011 Jonathan A. Kelner
James R. Lee
Gregory N. Price
Shang‐Hua Teng
+ PDF Chat On Pólya’s Inequality for Torsional Rigidity and First Dirichlet Eigenvalue 2016 M. van den Berg
Vincenzo Ferone
Carlo Nitsch
Cristina Trombetti
+ Localization and landscape functions on quantum graphs 2019 Evans M. Harrell
Anna Maltsev
+ PDF Chat On torsional rigidity and principal frequencies: an invitation to the Kohler−Jobin rearrangement technique 2014 Lorenzo Brasco
+ Estimates for the Torsion Function and Sobolev Constants 2011 M. van den Berg
+ Oscillation properties of the spectrum of a boundary value problem on a graph 1996 Yu. V. Pokornyi
V. L. Pryadiev
A. Al'-Obeid
+ 10 Nodal and spectral minimal partitions – The state of the art in 2016 – 2017 Virginie Bonnaillie‐Noël
Bernard Helffer
+ Eigenvalue estimates for the Laplacian on a metric tree 2016 Jonathan Rohleder
+ PDF Chat Courant’s nodal domain theorem for positivity preserving forms 2019 Matthias Keller
Michael Schwarz
+ Resonance Problems for the p-Laplacian 1999 Pavel Drábek
Stephen B. Robinson
+ Infinite quantum graphs 2017 Aleksey Kostenko
M. M. Malamud
Hagen Neidhardt
Pavel Exner
+ PDF Chat Neumann Domains on Graphs and Manifolds 2020 Lior Alon
Ram Band
Michael Bersudsky
Sebastian Egger
+ Variational and non-variational eigenvalues of the p-Laplacian 2007 Paul Binding
Bryan P. Rynne
+ Conformal upper bounds for the eigenvalues of the Laplacian and Steklov problem 2011 Asma Hassannezhad
+ PDF Chat The Cheeger constant of a quantum graph 2016 James B. Kennedy
Delio Mugnolo
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues, Embeddings and Generalised Trigonometric Functions 2011 Ján Lang
D. E. Edmunds
+ On the Sharpness of Spectral Estimates for Graph Laplacians 2018 Pavel Kurasov
Andrea Serio
+ PDF Chat On Pleijel's Nodal Domain Theorem 2013 Jean Bourgain
+ Nonlinear Markov semigroups, nonlinear Dirichlet forms and applications to minimal surfaces 2003 Fabio Cipriani
Gabriele Grillo
+ Maximizing mean exit-time of the Brownian motion on Riemannian manifolds 2014 Lucio Cadeddu
Sylvestre Gallot
Andrea Loi
+ PDF Chat Nodal counting on quantum graphs 2004 Sven Gnutzmann∥
Uzy Smilansky
Joachim Weber
+ PDF Chat The normalized Laplacian spectrum of subdivisions of a graph 2016 Pinchen Xie
Zhongzhi Zhang
Francesc Comellas
+ On the Generalization of the Courant Nodal Domain Theorem 2002 Pavel Drábek
Stephen B. Robinson
+ Schrödinger operators on graphs and geometry I: Essentially bounded potentials 2007 Pavel Kurasov
+ Eigenvalues of the laplacian of compact Riemann surfaces and minimal submanifolds 1980 Paul Yang
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Upper bounds for eigenvalues of conformal metrics 1993 Nicholas J. Korevaar