Theodore G. Faticoni


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Cotorsion-free Abelian Groups Cotorsion as Modules Over Their Endomorphism Rings 2022 Manfred Dugas
Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Combinatorics: An Introduction 2013 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Well‐Ordered Sets 2012 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Inductions and Numbers 2012 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics 2012 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ The Mathematics of Infinity 2012 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Logic 2012 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ ℒ-groups 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Modules and homotopy classes 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ <i>Rtffr E</i>-projective groups 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Injective endomorphism modules 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Mayer–Vietoris sequences 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Class number of an abelian group 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Invertible fractional ideals 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Projective modules 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Diagrams of abelian groups 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Tensor functor equivalences 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Modules over Endomorphism Rings 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat DIAGRAMS OF AN ABELIAN GROUP 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat DIAGRAMS OF AN ABELIAN GROUP 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Conductor of an abelian group 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Marginal isomorphisms 2008 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ A Duality for Self-Slender Modules 2007 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Class number of an abelian group 2007 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Direct Sum Decompositions of Torsion-Free Finite Rank Groups 2007 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat The mathematics of infinity: a guide to great ideas 2007 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ The Mathematics of Infinity: A Guide to Great Ideas (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts) 2006 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Inductions and Numbers 2006 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ The Mathematics of Infinity 2006 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Index 2006 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Direct sums and refinement 1999 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat Torsion-free duality is Warfield 1997 Theodore G. Faticoni
H. Pat Goeters
C. Vinsonhaler
W. Wickless
+ Subalgebras of rational matrix algebras 1997 Ulrich Albrecht
H. Pat Goeters
Theodore G. Faticoni
W. Wickless
+ Modules Over Endomorphism Rings as Homotopy Classes 1995 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ To Professor Laszlo Fuchs on his seventieth birthday 1995 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat Torsion-free Abelian groups torsion over their endomorphism rings 1994 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat A note on coflat abelian groups 1994 Ulrich Albrecht
Theodore G. Faticoni
H. Pat Goeters
+ PDF Chat The endlich Baer splitting property 1993 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Abelian groups flat as modules over their endomorphism ring 1993 Ulrich Albrecht
Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat Categories of modules over endomorphism rings 1993 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ E-rings as localizations of orders 1991 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Examples of torsion-free groups flat as modules over their endomorphism rings 1991 Theodore G. Faticoni
Pat Goeters
+ A new proof of the baer-kaplansky theorem 1991 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Gabriel filters on the endomorphism ring of a torsion-free abelian group 1990 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat On the lattice of right ideals of the endomorphism ring of an abelian group 1988 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat Localization in finite-dimensional FPF rings 1988 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Semi-local localizations of rings and subdirect decompositions of modules 1987 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Semi-perfect FPF rings and applications 1987 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Each countable reduced torsion-free commutative ring is a pure subring of an e-ring 1987 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ FPF rings I: the noftherian case 1985 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Finitely presented modules and finitely generated quasi-projective modules 1984 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat On Quasiprojective Covers 1983 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat On quasiprojective covers 1983 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ When quasi-projective implies projective 1981 Theodore G. Faticoni
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Rings and Categories of Modules 1974 Frank W. Anderson
Kent R. Fuller
+ Infinite Abelian groups 1970 L. Fuchs
+ PDF Chat Endomorphism rings and direct sums of torsion free abelian groups 1975 Donald M. Arnold
E.L Lady
+ Homomorphisms between cartesian powers of an abelian group 1981 Martin Huber
Robert B. Warfield
+ Rings of Quotients 1975 Bo Stenström
+ PDF Chat Abelian groups,<i>A</i>, such that<i>H</i>om(<i>A,</i>−−−) preserves direct sums of copies of<i>A</i> 1975 Donald M. Arnold
Charles Murley
+ PDF Chat Baer’s lemma and Fuchs’s problem 84a 1986 Ulrich Albrecht
+ PDF Chat On the lattice of right ideals of the endomorphism ring of an abelian group 1988 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Every Countable Reduced Torsion-Free Ring is an Endomorphism Ring 1963 A. L. S. Corner
+ Algebra II Ring Theory 1976 Carl Faith
+ Rings with chain conditions 1980 A. W. Chatters
C R Hajarnavis
+ Prescribing Endomorphism Algebras, a Unified Treatment 1985 A. L. S. Corner
Göbel Rüdiger
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Homological Algebra 1979 4
+ Each countable reduced torsion-free commutative ring is a pure subring of an e-ring 1987 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat Faithful abelian groups of infinite rank 1988 Ulrich Albrecht
+ Modules with the summand intersection property 1989 Jutta Hausen
+ Direct Sum Decompositions of Torsion-Free Finite Rank Groups 2007 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ On Quasi-Decompositions of Torsion Free Abelian Groups 1962 James D. Reid
+ Examples of torsion-free groups flat as modules over their endomorphism rings 1991 Theodore G. Faticoni
Pat Goeters
+ Introduction to homology theory 1968 William S. Massey
+ Almost Free Modules - Set-theoretic Methods 1990 3
+ Introduction To Commutative Algebra 2018 Michael Atiyah
+ Injective quotient rings of commutative rings 1979 Carl Faith
+ Rings and Categories of Modules 1992 Frank W. Anderson
Kent R. Fuller
+ Modules over Endomorphism Rings 2009 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Some aspects of Fuller's theorem 1979 Gorô Azumaya
+ Modules Over Endomorphism Rings as Homotopy Classes 1995 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1977 Rajendra Bhatia
Glen Bredon
Wolfgang Walter
Joseph Rotman
M. Ram Murty
Jane Gilman
Peter Walters
Martin Golubitsky
Ioannis Karatzas
Henri Cohen
+ Torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank projective as modules over their endomorphism rings 1981 Donald M. Arnold
R. S. Pierce
James D. Reid
C. Vinsonhaler
W. Wickless
+ PDF Chat Endomorphism rings and subgroups of finite rank torsion-free Abelian groups 1982 Donald M. Arnold
+ Nearly isomorphic torsion free abelian groups 1975 E.L Lady
+ Abelian groups finitely generated over their endomorphism rings 1981 J.D. Reid
+ Algebraic Number Theory 1986 Serge Lang
+ Unital rings whose additive endomorphisms commute 1977 R. A. Bowshell
Phill Schultz
+ On Locally Free Torsion-Free Rings of Finite Rank 1968 M. C. R. Butler
+ On quasi-projective modules via relative projectivity 1970 Kent R. Fuller
David A. Hill
+ Endomorphism Rings of Faithfully Flat Abelian Groups 1990 Ulrich Albrecht
+ Realizing Algebraic Number Fields 1983 R. S. Pierce
C. Vinsonhaler
+ PDF Chat Finitistic dimension and a homological generalization of semi-primary rings 1960 Hyman Bass
+ Large E-rings exist 1987 Manfred Dugas
Adolf Mader
C. Vinsonhaler
+ An Introduction to Homological Algebra 2008 Joseph Rotman
+ Semi-local localizations of rings and subdirect decompositions of modules 1987 Theodore G. Faticoni
+ PDF Chat Completely faithful modules and quasi-Frobenius algebras 1967 Shizuo Endó
+ PDF Chat Finitistic Dimension and a Homological Generalization of Semi-Primary Rings 1960 Hyman Bass
+ On the Structure of ∗-Modules 1993 Riccardo Colpi
Claudia Menini
+ PDF Chat Finite rank torsion-free abelian groups uniserial over their endomorphism rings 1985 Jutta Hausen
+ PDF Chat Torsion-free rings 1961 Ross A. Beaumont
R. S. Pieace
+ Endomorphism rings and dual modules 1990 JoséL Gómez Pardo
+ PDF Chat Quasi projectives in abelian and module categories 1972 Kulumani M. Rangaswamy
N. Vanaja
+ PDF Chat Locally<i>A</i>-projective abelian groups and generalizations 1990 Ulrich Albrecht