Michael Nakamaye


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Erratum to the paper: Asymptotic Invariants of Base Loci 2023 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţǎ
Michael Nakamaye
Mihnea Popa
+ The Number Line: Unifying the Evolving Defi nition of Number in K–12 Mathematics 2019 Brigitte Lahme
Kristin Umland
Cam McLeman
Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Connecting interpolation and multiplicity estimates in commutative algebraic groups 2015 Stéphane Fischler
Michael Nakamaye
+ Roth’s theorem: an introduction to diophantine approximation 2015 Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Seshadri constants and interpolation on commutative algebraic groups 2014 Stéphane Fischler
Michael Nakamaye
+ Multiplicity estimates and degeneration 2013 Stéphane Fischler
Michael Nakamaye
+ Seshadri constants on smooth threefolds 2013 Paolo Cascini
Michael Nakamaye
+ Zero-estimates, intersection theory, and a theorem of Demailly 2012 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Michael Nakamaye
+ Connecting Interpolation and Multiplicity Estimates in Commutative Algebraic Groups 2012 Stéphane Fischler
Michael Nakamaye
+ Multiplicity estimates, interpolation, and transcendence theory 2011 Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat On Sasaki-Einstein manifolds in dimension five 2009 Charles P. Boyer
Michael Nakamaye
+ Restricted volumes and base loci of linear series 2009 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţǎ
Michael Nakamaye
Mihnea Popa
+ Lemmes de multiplicités et constante de Seshadri 2007 Michael Nakamaye
Nicolas Ratazzi
+ Multiplicity estimates on commutative algebraic groups 2007 Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic invariants of base loci 2006 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţă
Michael Nakamaye
Mihnea Popa
+ Restricted volumes and base loci of linear series 2006 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţă
Michael Nakamaye
Mihnea Popa
+ Lemmes de multiplicites et constante de Seshadri 2006 Michael Nakamaye
Nicolas Ratazzi
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Invariants of Line Bundles 2005 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţă
Michael Nakamaye
Mihnea Popa
+ Asymptotic invariants of line bundles 2005 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţă
Michael Nakamaye
Mihnea Popa
+ Seshadri constants at very general points 2004 Michael Nakamaye
+ Seshadri constants at very general points 2004 Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of Sasakian-Einstein 5-manifolds 2003 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Sasakian geometry, homotopy spheres and positive Ricci curvature 2003 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Seshadri constants and the geometry of surfaces 2003 Michael Nakamaye
+ Einstein Metrics on Rational Homology Spheres 2003 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ Seshadri Constants and the geometry of surfaces 2003 Michael Nakamaye
+ Asymptotic invariants of base loci 2003 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţǎ
Michael Nakamaye
Mihnea Popa
+ None 2003 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ Base loci of linear series are numerically determined 2002 Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Sasakian-Einstein structures on $9\#(S^2\times S^3)$ 2002 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Einstein metrics on rational homology 7-spheres 2002 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ Sasakian Geometry, Homotopy Spheres and Positive Ricci Curvature 2002 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ Base loci of linear series are numerically determined 2002 Michael Nakamaye
+ Sasakian-Einstein Structures on $9#(S^2\times S^3)$ 2001 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ On Positive Sasakian Geometry 2001 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ Stable base loci of linear series 2000 Michael Nakamaye
+ Zero Estimates on Abelian Varieties 2000 Michael Nakamaye
+ On the Geometry of Sasakian-Einstein 5-Manifolds 2000 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Diophantine approximation on algebraic varieties 1999 Michael Nakamaye
+ Dyson's lemma with moving parts 1998 Michael Nakamaye
+ Seshadri constants on abelian varieties 1996 Michael Nakamaye
+ Dyson's lemma and a theorem of Esnault and Viehweg 1995 Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity estimates and the product theorem 1995 Michael Nakamaye
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Local positivity of ample line bundles 1995 Lawrence Ein
Oliver Küchle
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Isolated singularities defined by weighted homogeneous polynomials 1970 John Milnor
Peter Orlik
+ Stable base loci of linear series 2000 Michael Nakamaye
+ Weighted projective varieties 1982 Igor V. Dolgachev
+ PDF Chat A subadditivity property of multiplier ideals. 2000 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties 1998 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ PDF Chat New Einstein Metrics in Dimension Five 2001 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
+ Zero-estimates, intersection theory, and a theorem of Demailly 2012 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Michael Nakamaye
Krzysztof Galicki
+ Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I 2004 Robert Lazarsfeld
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Minimal Model Problem 2018 Yūjirō Kawamata
Katsumi Matsuda
Kenji Matsuki
+ PDF Chat Lemmes de zéros dans les groupes algébriques commutatifs 1986 Patrice Philippon
+ PDF Chat Divisorial Zariski decompositions on compact complex manifolds 2004 Sébastien Boucksom
+ Base loci of linear series are numerically determined 2002 Michael Nakamaye
+ Algebraicity of the ample cone of projective varieties. 1990 F. Campana
Th. Peternell
+ Dyson's Lemma for polynomials in several variables (and the Theorem of roth) 1984 H�l�ne Esnault
Eckart Viehweg
+ Kähler-Einstein metrics on log del Pezzo surfaces in weighted projective 3-spaces 2001 Jennifer M. Johnson
Janós Kollár
+ Singular points of complex hypersurfaces 1968 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of Sasakian-Einstein 5-manifolds 2003 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ On the Structure of 5-Manifolds 1962 Stephen T. Smale
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity estimates and the product theorem 1995 Michael Nakamaye
+ Diophantine Approximation on Abelian Varieties 1991 Герд Фалтингс
+ The pseudo-effective cone of a compact Kähler manifold and varieties of negative Kodaira dimension 2012 Sébastien Boucksom
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Mihai Păun
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for V-manifolds. 1957 Ichirō Satake
+ PDF Chat Seshadri constants on algebraic surfaces 1999 Thomas Bauer
+ PDF Chat Parallel and Killing Spinors on Spin c Manifolds 1997 Andrei Moroianu
+ PDF Chat Semi-continuity of complex singularity exponents and Kähler–Einstein metrics on Fano orbifolds 2001 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Janós Kollár
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Einstein Kähler Metrics Modulo Connected Group Actions 2018 Shigetoshi Bando
Toshiki Mabuchi
+ Seshadri constants at very general points 2004 Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic invariants of base loci 2006 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţă
Michael Nakamaye
Mihnea Popa
+ PDF Chat A numerical criterion for very ample line bundles 1993 Jean-Pierre Demailly
+ PDF Chat Zero estimates on group varieties II 1985 David Masser
G. W�stholz
+ Zero estimates on group varieties I 1981 David Masser
G. W�stholz
+ PDF Chat ON THE VOLUME OF A LINE BUNDLE 2002 Sébastien Boucksom
+ Intersection Theory 1984 William Fulton
+ Chern classes and Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem for coherent sheaves on complex-projective orbifolds with isolated singularities 1996 Raimnund Blache
+ Zariski decomposition of divisors on algebraic varieties 1986 Steven Dale Cutkosky
+ Multiplicity estimates on commutative algebraic groups 2007 Michael Nakamaye
+ Diophantine approximations on projective spaces 1994 Герд Фалтингс
G. W�stholz
+ Singular hermitian metrics on positive line bundles 1992 Jean-Pierre Damailly
+ Seshadri constants on abelian varieties 1996 Michael Nakamaye
+ Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties 1996 Janós Kollár
+ Multiplicity Estimates on Group Varieties 1989 Gisbert Wüstholz
+ Dyson's lemma for products of two curves of arbitrary genus 1989 Paul Vojta
+ Linear systems with removable base loci 2000 Lawrence Ein
+ PDF Chat The Cone of Curves of Algebraic Varieties 1984 Yūjirō Kawamata
+ On Positive Sasakian Geometry 2001 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Sasakian-Einstein structures on $9\#(S^2\times S^3)$ 2002 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Fano Hypersurfaces in Weighted Projective 4-Spaces 2001 jennifer M. johnson
Janós Kollár
+ Siegel's Theorem in the Compact Case 1991 Paul Vojta